[06:49:10] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:49:12] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [12:07:10] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [12:21:12] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [17:41:27] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [21:44:27] *** Joins: zxcasd (4857622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:48:18] Hi all, I have a Nano 2G that decided to brick itself (using an Alpine interface in my BMW and also had, separately, a flaky USB cable, so it's possible that a short went through somewhere). Came up in Win8 as DFU device. Downloaded the libusb-win32 driver, now comes up as iPod Nano 2G Bootrom DFU but nothing recognizes it - iLoader flashes an error along the lines of "can't find disk", and since the bricking, iTunes has nev [21:48:27] oops [21:48:28] I was just exploring EmCore but my ultimate goal is to get it back to Apple firmware so it'll work in the car again. Any suggestions? [21:50:58] zxcasd: can you try if this works for you: http://freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting#DFU_Mode [21:51:12] checking;.. sorry, my googlefu has been weak today. :) [21:52:06] Aha - that's new. Okay, will try that now. [22:05:58] Getting closer. Followed the instructions using Python 2.7. Results in: "Connected to S5L8701 Bootrom DFU mode, USB version 1", followed by four "File" lines, ended by: " TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'long' and 'str'" [22:05:59] zxcasd: feel free to ask me if you run into any trouble doing that [22:06:11] Good timing :) [22:07:33] These were the "File" lines: [22:07:37] File "ipoddfu.py", line 33, in dev.uploadfile(sys.argv[1]) File "C:\temp\rec\libipoddfu.py", line 247, in uploadfile self.upload(data, exploit) File "C:\temp\rec\libipoddfu.py", line 213, in upload data = data + struct.pack("> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ data[i]) & 0xff]; [22:08:13] try using python 3 or changing that line to crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ ord(data[i])) & 0xff]; [22:08:25] ok 1s [22:10:41] Changed file. Outstanding - got the emcore loader now. Thanks so much! [22:10:55] *** Quits: zxcasd (4857622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [23:31:26] *** Joins: zxcasd (4857622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:32:37] Hi again. Sorry to be a pain; I've been enjoyably playing with this for the past hour but have hit a wall. I can reliably get into DFU and then into emcore recovery mode, but when I attempt to upload the installer (859) .ubi, it errors with: [23:32:40] Uploading installer-ipodnano2g-r859-20120102.ubi to 0x 8000000...Traceback [23:32:46] ... [23:32:49] raise USBError(errmsg, ret) [23:32:52] usb.core.USBError: [Errno None] usb_reap: timeout error [23:32:56] Exception usb.core.USBError: USBError(None, 'usb_release_interface: could not release interface 0, win error: The device does not recognize the command.\r\n') in > ignored [23:33:31] I saw a support log with an alternate line referencing 0x09000000 but that threw similar error [23:33:59] so you're saying that if you attempt to normally boot the ipod it ends up in dfu mode? [23:34:03] Correct [23:34:10] If I reset it from recovery, back to dfu [23:34:37] Then must reinstall recovery to attempt above again (the above can only be tried once) [23:34:38] and you didn't update its firmware or anything before that happened? kinda odd [23:34:43] Correct [23:34:54] Been stuck right here since I got into the recovery screen when last I left. [23:35:17] it's kinda illogical that something would corrupt the flash in that situation [23:35:28] Boggle - I'm just a dilettante. :) [23:35:41] so there might be something else that is preventing it from booting... [23:36:36] Not sure if you saw my last notes an hour ago... I was using with Alpine car interface and occasional bad usb cable, not sure if it got zapped badly somehow.. [23:37:27] This is all just fun for me now; I've already written the little beast off. It's served me well. But any ideas are certainly welcome; this seemed to be the limit of what I was able to google. [23:38:29] it's a fairly interesting story... I can't really think of a reason why it would do this [23:38:46] Well, I've been IT for 26 years... leave it to me. [23:38:51] ...to break something in a new way. [23:39:05] so you're saying that the upload of the installer times out? [23:39:44] That's the exact error above.. after running, it pauses about 3s then throws the error. Recovery mode is showing on the ipod. [23:39:50] can you pick an arbitrary file of a few kilobytes (<64KB) for some tests? [23:40:04] And again, no trouble with getting into recovery (except it doesn't stick = bounce goes DFU) [23:40:06] and check if that uploads successfully (I guess it won't) [23:40:10] Sure, 1s [23:41:21] wait a second... what exactly are you doing? [23:41:28] what's the full command you're using to upload this? [23:41:37] going back through DFU/recovery... :) Was going to ask: what's the command line I should use? [23:41:49] python emcoreldr.py run installer-*.ubi? [23:41:58] is that what you're doing? [23:42:46] can you attempt this: python download 0x24000000 0x00100000 bootflash.bin [23:43:02] that might provide some more insight on why this thing fails to boot [23:44:44] *** Joins: zxcasd_ (4857622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:45:05] Whoops, sorry, dropped for a sec. Used that command line and also, per a support log, C:\temp>python emcoreldr.py upload 0x9000000 installer-ipodnano2g-r859-20120102. ubi && emcoreldr.py execute 0x09000000 [23:45:08] both with same results. [23:45:14] Back in recovery mode now [23:45:53] *** Quits: zxcasd (4857622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [23:46:20] Is the latter correct syntax for an arbitrary file? [23:48:27] does it already fail during the upload? [23:48:53] The timeout error comes when I try to upload, yes. Haven't tried an arbitrary file yet. [23:49:18] and can you try this: python emcoreldr.py download 0x24000000 0x00100000 bootflash.bin [23:49:43] error, 1s [23:49:53] if that works, the flash contents might provide some insight into why it fails to boot in the first place [23:49:57] usb.core.USBError: [Errno None] usb_reap: timeout error Exception usb.core.USBError: USBError(None, 'usb_release_interface: could not re lease interface 0, win error: The device does not recognize the command.\r\n') i n > ignored [23:50:36] nope, looks like same failure [23:50:54] Starts with Downloading 0x100000 bytes from 0x24000000 to bootflash.bin...Traceback (most re cent call last): [23:50:58] Waits 3s, then fails [23:51:02] does the ipod hang after that command? i.e. not enumerate again after reconnecting it without rebooting? [23:51:09] Correct [23:51:14] And reboot goes to DFU [23:51:44] ok, can you try download 0x20000000 0x1000 test.bin? does that hang as well? [23:51:56] checking [23:53:41] Same behavior. Starts, pauses a couple seconds, fails with the timeout. [23:53:59] hm... [23:54:10] so it isn't that it can't access a particular address [23:54:18] but rather some general communication problem [23:54:43] which emcoreldr version are you using? [23:55:19] Grabbed the latest IIRC, one sec [23:55:35] too many windows open, searching [23:55:36] I'd like to try reproducing this behavior on my device [23:55:55] brb switching to mirc, this web client is killing me. [23:58:04] I guess you grabbed http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/emcoreldr-ipodnano2g.dfu? [23:58:15] * TheSeven wonders what that even is...