[01:51:19] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [06:53:19] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:53:29] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:56:23] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [18:38:24] *** Joins: HiImTye (46439632@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:39:03] *** Quits: HiImTye (46439632@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [18:43:56] *** Joins: HiImTye (~Tye@S0106c8fb2657ec00.no.shawcable.net) [18:49:25] I'm using ipodclassic-r31516 from the EmCore release http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 page. there's a bug that causes rockbox to reboot after some time, and then I need to erase the configuration in order to boot back into rockbox [18:50:20] also, the max battery size setting seems to be 500mAh [18:51:10] <[7]> try using a newer rockbox version [18:51:16] <[7]> that old one is known for crashing from time to time [18:51:25] <[7]> (while the newer ones are known for USB problems) [18:54:15] any recommendation? [18:54:31] <[7]> use the current build [18:55:29] is that the one listed on the /iPodClassicPort page? http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [18:55:34] <[7]> http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [18:55:35] <[7]> yes [18:55:45] <[7]> that link always points to the latest [18:56:56] oki, ty [18:56:59] ok, ty [19:03:02] just out of curiousity, what are the USB issues? [19:03:30] the notice about chargers? [19:04:11] <[7]> it fails to connect properly on some PCs [19:04:26] <[7]> and typically fails to transfer files at all on windows systems [19:04:39] is it OK on Linux? [19:04:50] well, I guess Ill find out ;) [19:09:28] phew, I'm glad I can still rsync them [19:11:45] <[7]> seems to work much better on linux, yes [19:12:13] <[7]> if it wouldn't, some developers could actually be annoyed by it enough to finally fix it [19:13:17] odd, disconnected, now it locks up whenever I reconnect it [19:13:23] I'll try a different USB port [19:13:53] <[7]> you can also just boot into the fallback image to do file transfers [19:14:01] good idea [19:16:02] same problem in the fallback image [19:17:33] <[7]> that's kinda odd [19:17:51] <[7]> which hdd model is this? [19:18:06] <[7]> any signs at all of possible HDD damage? [19:18:23] A1238 [19:18:36] none before I switched to RockBox a few days ago [19:18:39] <[7]> hm [19:18:52] sorry, 160GB [19:19:02] <[7]> but not the old, thick one? [19:20:00] I'm checking their site to find out [19:26:55] this site says late 2008/7th gen, I assume that's the thin? [19:27:15] the Apple site wasn't helpful at all [19:27:25] surprise, surprise [19:28:09] <[7]> well, I guess you'd know if you had a thick one [19:28:12] <[7]> those were HUGE [19:28:44] lol ok [19:29:13] I bought it from BestBuy a couple years ago, so I assume it's the thin one [19:29:58] <[7]> unlikely to be HDD trouble then [19:30:09] maybe I should try redoing EmCore's installation, transfer files, then switch to the newer release [19:30:34] <[7]> shouldn't behave differently than just booting the fallback [19:30:37] I wish that Apple would say the mAh of their batteries [19:30:49] <[7]> don't worry about the mah setting [19:30:59] <[7]> that's only for the runtime estimation, which is totally off anyway [19:31:00] well, 500 seems incredibly low [19:31:05] ok [19:31:13] wait, the default was 400 [19:31:15] lol [19:31:33] <[7]> yes, due to the fact that this file was cloned from the ipod nano 2g and then adapted for the classic :) [19:32:03] well that makes a lot more sense to me lol [19:42:46] hm, flashing the .ubi had no affect. when I load the fallback image it does a connect/disconnect loop [19:42:58] after choosing 'reformat data partition' [19:43:12] (which was apparently all I had to do) [19:45:23] <[7]> yes, reformat data partition should basically restore the freshly installed state [19:50:45] silly EmCore, there should be a way to mount the data partition in it [19:51:00] <[7]> we're working on that :) [19:51:17] <[7]> or rather user890104 would be working on that if his windows wouldn't be bluescreening on him all the time [19:51:35] yuck [19:53:24] :) [19:53:43] I wonder, is there a way to grab the Apple image and restore that temporarily? [19:53:47] emCOREFS is almost compatible with the new emCORE debugging interface, btw [19:54:40] it is another alternative for transfering files from/to an emCORE'd iPod [19:55:35] HiImTye: you can enter DFU mode and run apple's recovery image (which is basicly disk mode), but i'm not sure if it's going to like how emCORE partitioned the HDD [19:56:01] actually, I think I remember running into an UbuntuForums post about it a while agho [19:56:03] ago [19:57:14] if the Ubuntu guys can do it, it can't be that bad aha [19:58:48] <[7]> user890104: you mean running disk mode through WTF? [19:59:15] <[7]> not sure if that works, I guess it needs an SCFG struct in RAM which isn't set up at that point yet [19:59:58] <[7]> uploading that Recovery.*.dfu file actually flashes the apple bootloader to the NOR and reboots [20:02:27] [7]: i mean: DFU -> WTF.x1223.RELEASE.dfu -> FIRMWARE.x1245.RELEASE.dfu [20:02:52] you're saying that the last step overwrites emcoreldr, right? [20:02:56] <[7]> yes [20:03:05] damn apple :) [20:03:08] <[7]> not only emcoreldr, the whole NOR [20:03:12] <[7]> it basically flashes disk mode and runs that [20:03:29] ah, i see [20:03:49] <[7]> someone should really figure out why these RTXC-based images lock up during boot if run through emcore [20:03:54] so is there any way to trick it into running plain disk mode, without those "extras"? [20:04:11] even if it's "tethered"? [20:04:37] <[7]> I'm not aware of any [20:04:51] <[7]> it seems like RTXC relies on something done by norboot [20:05:10] <[7]> well it does of course rely on an SCFG struct, but not only that [20:05:30] <[7]> for some reason it locks up while trying to access the I2C bus [20:05:39] <[7]> which could also be an IRQ-related problem [20:07:52] and what's wrong with syscfg? i thought we're changing its NOR location only on n2g? isn't it located on 0x00 both before and after emcore installation (on the classics)? [20:13:39] <[7]> user890104: it needs a parsed version of the SYSCFG in RAM, called the SCfg struct [20:13:46] <[7]> that is typically provided by norboot [20:15:17] ah, i see [20:15:41] <[7]> we're doing that on the nano2g already [20:58:41] you guys know how to pass the 'USB DFU Device' to VBox? [21:02:26] <[7]> should in theory be straightforward, just like with any other USB device [21:02:47] <[7]> but I've seen that act up with other devices before [21:03:15] wait, I dont think im in the vboxusers group [21:03:19] I think I had this problem before [21:20:19] duh, need to restart [21:20:21] brb [21:20:24] *** Quits: HiImTye (~Tye@S0106c8fb2657ec00.no.shawcable.net) (Quit: (Zzz..)0o.)