[02:05:39] *** Joins: Tomris (5e7a693e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:05:46] Hi to all [02:06:37] I got a problem [02:06:38] sudo ./ipodpatcher -a ipodnano2g-installer*.ipodx ipodpatcher 5.0 with v4.0 bootloaders (v1.0 for 2nd Gen Nano) (C) Dave Chapman 2006-2009 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. [INFO] Scanning disk devices... [INFO] Read XML info (6197 bytes) [INFO] Ipod found - 2nd Generation Nano ("macpod") - /dev/disk2 [INFO [02:07:04] Ah sorry I got a page of things that I wrote [02:08:25] But basically Im stuck in the iLoader can't find theme screen and I can connect to computer with disk mode but can restore it. [02:08:31] What I have had is a iPod Nano 2nd 8gb FAT32 winpod. First I install iLoader with a Mac OSX Lion with using terminal command: sudo ./ipodpatcher -a ipodnano2g-installer*.ipodx After that, I just try to install Rockbox but I can't because installer gives an access denied error. Then I decided to move iPod to disk mode. After opening disk mode on iLoader menu, iTunes give me an error message that; (1) iTunes has detecte [02:08:59] re this iPod before it can be used with iTunes After I restore the iPod, the menu of it and the folders in it like below: Menu of iPod Could not load iLoader theme. It was probably deleted. Please choose an option below: Uninstall iLoader Enter Disc Mode Run UMSboot Quit iLoader Power Off Folders(Now it is in MacOs File Format): |_.DS_Store | |_-.Trashes(Girilmiyor) | |_-.fseventsd | | | |_.DS_Store [02:09:28] Ah sorry I just trashed the whole channel [02:09:53] But any help is appreciated [02:10:20] <[7]> oh, those lovely mac systems... [02:10:31] <[7]> itunes just wiped iloader's files away [02:11:08] <[7]> try re-extracting the theme zip file [02:11:52] to where? [02:12:07] <[7]> probably the ipod's root directory [02:12:48] I copied the iLoader folder to root but it didn't worked [02:13:00] <[7]> hmm it should [02:13:30] <[7]> oh, you mean you've formatted it as HFS+ instead of FAT32? [02:13:36] <[7]> that can't work of course [02:13:54] oh [02:14:15] then I need a windows itunes to restore it? [02:14:21] <[7]> we don't support apple's proprietary crap [02:14:30] <[7]> no idea how to tell OSX to format a drive as fat32 [02:14:36] <[7]> google will probably know though [02:16:49] But if I format the drive with fat32 isn't there the things that works going to ereased? Idk but like flash bios or whatever? [02:17:33] <[7]> that's basically what itunes just wiped anyway [02:18:10] soo should I format it with macos or just to wait to restore the thing with a windows itunes? [02:18:34] <[7]> there's absolutely no point in restoring an iloader'ed ipod with itunes [02:18:41] <[7]> just format it as fat32 [02:18:49] ok [02:18:57] <[7]> itunes just doesn't know what that thing is and can't possibly succeed with restoring [02:19:23] by the way the things that I make -long version- http://www.reddit.com/r/NullSpaceAutonomia/comments/1mx8rd/troubleshooting_the_iloader_on_ipod_nano_2nd_with/ if anyone interested [02:19:45] <[7]> restoring is done only as part of iloader uninstallation [02:21:32] <[7]> as you already quoted in that post: [INFO] *** WARNING FOR ROCKBOX USERS [INFO] *** You must convert this ipod to FAT32 format (aka a "winpod") [INFO] *** if you want to run Rockbox. Rockbox WILL NOT work on this ipod. [INFO] *** See http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/IpodConversionToFAT32 [INFO] [02:22:20] Yes I am looking at that link right now :) [02:22:59] <[7]> if you don't run the apple firmware but just rockbox, you can just format it, without any need for special partition tables or firmware partitions or anything [02:25:29] Actually I want to be able run both apple software and rockbox [02:26:09] <[7]> well then the easiest way is indeed to restore it using itunes on windows, and then extracting the theme files again [02:26:28] <[7]> no idea if the apple firmware will work after that, because itunes might in fact have wiped that during restoring [02:26:44] <[7]> in that case, a complete uninstallation and reinstallation might help [02:26:56] <[7]> however I don't remember the details, iLoader has been deprecated since several years [02:30:45] hey it just worked after ı formatted it to fat32 and placed iLoader folder to root! [02:31:28] Now I can also access to apple software [02:31:33] thanks mate! [02:33:13] Thanks to everyone [02:37:18] After I use command; sudo newfs_msdos -F32 -v iPod /dev/disk2 iPod is formatted to FAT32 file system. And after that when I place the iLoader folder on the root, now I can access to iLoader menu and Apple Software. But When I try to connect to iTunes, it just didn't connect with that. Now I will try to uninstall iLoader with a Windows machine and after restore it on Mac and then reinstall iLoader on macpod. [02:37:47] If anyone interested I will post the further updates on the above reddit link [02:40:14] *** Quits: Tomris (5e7a693e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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