[00:00:20] search manually for driver or?... [00:00:41] search manually, then select the same folder with the driver [00:00:54] and also replace libusb0.dll with the one you last downloaded [00:01:14] because it's going to overwrite the correct one otherwise [00:05:31] replace the dll, but it says driver upto date ipod 1g [00:06:36] actually says ipod classic 1G WTF [00:06:43] ah, that's better [00:06:48] next command: [00:07:19] Python3\python.exe ipoddfu\ipoddfu.py FIRMWARE.x1241.RELEASE.dfu [00:08:41] this is going to show about 8 lines of dots, and "done" in the end [00:09:04] darn the libusb0.dll didn't stick error again, let me try the overwrite again [00:09:15] then, after a couple of seconds, your ipod will show an apple logo, then "do not disconnect" [00:09:23] into system32 i mean [00:09:43] yes, overwrite it there, also in the source folder (where you extracted windriver.zip) [00:10:07] if windows suggests to format the ipod, select Cancel [00:10:39] okay done, [00:11:11] does it show "do not disconnect" on the screen? [00:11:43] all the dots showed up, just says done [00:11:52] no prompts [00:11:53] i mean on the ipod's lcd [00:12:05] ohh one second [00:12:31] no. black screen [00:12:47] well, it should show an apple logo for a couple of seconds [00:13:02] wait now it says go to apple.com/support [00:13:18] i'll wait [00:13:28] uhm, this doesn't sound good [00:13:40] * user890104 pings TheSeven [00:15:08] justahotbag: is there any new device showing up in Computer? [00:15:16] looks like its boot looping right passed the goto apple.com [00:15:20] ill check [00:15:46] if there isn't, enter dfu mode again and re-enter those two commands [00:15:59] all drivers should be set up already [00:16:37] no device showing, i'll try again [00:19:49] did same thing again [00:20:30] can you go to device manager, then select [00:20:39] all steps finished with done, it reboots and says goto apple.com/support [00:20:45] menu "View" - Devices by connection [00:21:11] then look for USB devices, that mention "ipod" or "apple" [00:21:16] i should DFU it again? [00:21:26] doesn't show otherwise [00:21:29] no, check this wile it shows apple.com/support [00:21:38] while * [00:21:47] ah, i see [00:21:50] * TheSeven pongs user890104 [00:22:27] TheSeven: any idea about the "apple.com/support" message? [00:22:28] wait now it says go to apple.com/support << that looks like disk mode? [00:22:48] does it? [00:22:50] nothing shows up there, it should if I DFU it again [00:23:05] does a drive show up in "computer"? [00:23:34] if not, can you make a photo of the ipod's screen and upload it at e.g. imgur.com? [00:23:43] not at all [00:23:47] does it show a dock connector plug and the support URL? [00:24:31] something like this? http://km.support.apple.com/library/APPLE/APPLECARE_ALLGEOS/TS1441/TS1441_1-mul.jpg [00:24:37] waiting for it to come by again [00:25:03] no not that one [00:25:04] or maybe this one? https://discussions.apple.com/___sbsstatic___/migration-images/188/18855312-1.jpg [00:25:18] yes the second one [00:25:21] urgh [00:25:35] not good [00:25:36] it's dead isn't it [00:25:51] how did it behave before the restoring attempt? [00:26:07] I need some more info about this device, as apple's firmware obviously isn't very verbose :P [00:27:32] all cause I hard rebooted after a crash and emcore couldn't recover even the backup rockbox image [00:29:08] i had everything fine 3 days ago, i suspect bad drive corrpution at the beginning of the drive somehow... [00:29:31] that possible?... [00:34:16] either that, or the heads getting smashed during an emergency retract caused by the hard reboot [00:35:04] most drives are designed to withstand about 500-1000 of those retracts before failing, but these ipod drives aren't really known for reliability... [00:36:56] guess this patient is lost..., thanks for trying guys, really appreciate it [00:38:20] off to get something flash based. this time [00:39:48] still you guys rock, thanks for your time [00:40:56] for the logs: the last command should be: [00:41:13] ipodscsi\ipodscsi.exe F: ipod6g writefirmware -p Firmware- -r [00:41:45] * user890104 haven't seen apple's firmware for a long time [00:46:15] if I can get to the emcore console... is there anything I can do from there? [00:48:05] justahotbag: yes, you can either download the contents of ipod's NOR flash (where the bootloader and SCfg is stored), or launch diagnostics mode (to check the status of your ipod's HDD) [00:49:22] i expect this "red x" screen to be caused by corrupted system configuration data (device's serial number, model number, etc...) [00:50:01] or, it could be hard disk damage [00:50:38] let us know if you get to emcore's console somehow [00:50:45] i'll stop by tomorrow then, to try the one last thing, like checkin the drive, which is probably damaged [00:51:52] using the usual method i was ablt to get to emcore, with a little boot error it seems to ignore right before the formatting screen, which is where it gets stuck [00:55:14] later guys, thanks again [00:56:15] does it boot to diagmode with the regular button combination? [00:56:34] I think that should most likely work despite the red cross screen [00:56:53] (in the semi-restored state) [00:59:14] what is regular button combonation? [01:00:38] i have no emcore option as of right now [01:01:04] no, I mean with the apple firmware flashed [01:01:28] if you run those recovery commands up to the point where you got that support URL screen, how does it behave if you reboot it? [01:01:36] does it go back to that support URL screen, or to emcore? [01:02:17] not familiar with the commands your referring to, or the diagmode... how do I do that [01:03:00] sounds like I need to reinstall itunes... [01:03:15] no [01:03:27] if you reboot the ipod now, where do you end up? [01:03:37] support URL screen or emcore boot menu? [01:06:38] in a boot loop with url screen [01:06:57] ok [01:07:17] still screwed? [01:07:18] now press and hold left+center immediately when it starts rebooting [01:07:36] it should start up diagnostics mode [01:07:52] okay one sec [01:09:53] if you manage to get into that, choose "manual" and then I/O => HDD SMART info, or something like that [01:10:52] okay got diag mode, never seen this one before [01:11:04] that's actually a stock apple thing [01:11:12] none of our code is involved with that :) [01:11:23] works on every ipod model [01:11:37] cool... manual or auto test [01:11:44] manual [01:12:06] ntf? [01:12:18] I/O => HDD SMART info, or something like that [01:12:49] hdspecs or smartdata? [01:12:54] smartdata [01:13:42] can't open device! that does it doesn't it? [01:14:09] "error diag halt" it says [01:14:14] ok, completely fried drive then [01:14:18] or possibly loose cable [01:14:26] or blown up power supply circuitry [01:15:09] geez i should toss it like a live grenade, your scaring me [01:16:03] loose cable huh, you're going to make me pop this open [01:17:43] alright guys, that was a really good effort, work beckons me, if it ever works after opening I'll let you guys know [01:18:37] banging it around can't hurt, i'll try that [01:19:56] opening it is a bit tricky, but doable [01:20:14] once you've figured out how these clips work, it gets much easier [01:20:33] they aren't in the locations where you'd intuitively expect them to be, so look closely at the ifixit guides [01:21:32] i know its tricky, but its already dead... surgury can't hurt [01:21:47] thanks TheSeven [01:22:28] I've actually managed to open mine twice without damage [01:24:46] I'm off to work for real, thanks again both of you guys [01:25:40] *** Quits: justahotbag (45cb46d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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