[06:29:40] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:29:53] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:45:53] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [18:17:56] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [18:19:50] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [18:26:06] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [18:28:23] *** Joins: Guest79200 (~liar@ [19:51:40] *** Joins: nortunyu (~mm@69-165-145-250.dsl.teksavvy.com) [19:52:47] hello, I just got a classic ipod 160gb and would like to install rockbox. Web searches lead me to believe that I can do so using freemyipod, but the website seems to be down? what can I do? [20:13:26] nortunyu: yes, it seems to be down at the moment [20:13:57] i can give you instructions, if you want [20:14:14] first, tell me what operationg system you have on your computer [20:17:34] windows 7 [20:18:02] but I am at least glad to hear that it is only down for the moment, and not permanently [20:20:09] no, the website is usually up. even the project is being worked on, but not so frequently [20:20:21] do you have itunes installed? [20:22:28] nope, will [20:22:35] will I need it? [20:23:02] I was really hoping to avoid itunes and to just be able to drag and drop my music folders [20:23:35] I want to be able to navigate my music through my own folder hierarchy, not id3 tags, etc... [20:25:02] no, you don't need it [20:25:20] one of the ways for installation is using itunes' driver for the ipod [20:25:29] the other way involves using our custom driver [20:25:49] please connect the ipod to a usb port, then hold down menu+select for exactly 12 seconds [20:26:33] ok, now I see an apple logo [20:26:39] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_bIDtBohnE [20:26:45] this is what you need to do [20:27:00] hold down menu+select, count to 12, then release them [20:27:11] regardless of what's on the screen during that time [20:29:06] ok, it seems to have turned off? [20:29:54] yes, and a new device should have appeared on your pc [20:29:58] in Device manager [20:30:46] usb dfu device? [20:30:50] yes [20:31:10] it has a yellow mark and no driver installed, right? [20:31:22] yes [20:31:39] ok, i'll send you a link to our driver [20:34:06] https://mega.co.nz/#!gkhVjQ4B!DmZbx2PP7v6YuvIPDbrceGTkpVgPz8SQme9t_SH16go [20:35:51] got it, do I run installer_x64? [20:36:23] no, select Update driver in device manager [20:36:30] ok [20:36:32] then select the bottom-most option on the next pages [20:36:45] until you see a "Have disk" button [20:36:58] press it, then point to the folder where you extracted the driver [20:37:07] and it should complete successfully [20:39:11] yes, now I see ipod classic dfu as device [20:39:43] ok, great [20:40:02] now you need to upload our installer to the ipod [20:40:07] let me find the link for it [20:40:41] ok, thanks [20:46:05] in the meantime, you can download Python 3 (this is a portable version, no installation required) [20:46:07] https://mega.co.nz/#!s0gkDI5K!I2fYtWcZxh_lOsKaQsEQQXkb6s0da_hW1I8oYVfVD9w [20:47:54] I already have python installed on my computer [20:48:10] is it version 3? [20:49:11] hmm, nope, version 2.7.3 [20:49:15] let me update that [20:49:28] you'll also need:ipoddfu: https://mega.co.nz/#!I0Ix0a6S!XKlcj2xM4mEj-FQIS-Tmq34Gg8wlQ60oEdYX60zpCR4 [20:50:21] the bootstrapper: https://mega.co.nz/#!NkZ2GLaY!LlvVhzSIOqo5Gd2QOoa6M3df5MpPgM9-UR8X7k-T5wA [20:50:34] and the actual installer: https://mega.co.nz/#!g0BmBbIT!Ssa-QDGHzsYwO7bRcZAoVDvOCOJQQ1fTBpfD7G8bz3c [20:51:19] tell me when download them all [20:51:45] apparently I can just install python 3 without uninstalling 2.7.3 ? [20:53:03] you can use the portable version i linked to [20:53:20] it requires no installation, and works side by side with other python versions [20:54:00] ok, I'll do that [20:54:49] ok, I've got everything [20:55:57] go to the folder where you unzipped python3, then shift+right-click inside the folder, and select Open command window here [20:56:27] ok, done [20:57:13] in the console window, type: python.exe [20:57:27] substituting these with the correct path names [20:58:13] the ipod's screen should show a message, saying UMSboot 0.2 ... something [21:00:05] I only see an apple logo on the right side of the screen now [21:00:26] any messages in the console window? [21:00:36] something like: [21:00:38] Connected to S5L8702 Bootrom DFU mode, USB version 1 [21:00:38] Upload: ............... done [21:00:39] upload.... done [21:01:01] does some drive show up in explorer? [21:01:28] UMSboot: H [21:02:02] ok, copy the installer UBI file to that, then right click on it and hit eject [21:03:02] ok, I have an installer screen on the ipod now [21:05:04] now just follow the instructions you get there [21:05:24] once installation is complete and you are at the boot menu, choose rockbox [21:05:58] then extract the rockbox zip file to the ipod's hdd, shut it down (long press on play), and boot it back up [21:07:12] it seems to be stuck on a white screen now...? [21:07:30] after which step? [21:07:53] flashing [21:09:33] hm... try rebooting it [21:09:51] looks like your display is acting a bit weird [21:11:05] how do I reboot it? [21:11:36] menu+select for 5+ seconds [21:13:07] ok, now I see the boot menu [21:13:55] do I select rockbox? [21:14:47] yes [21:16:17] hmm I got a couple of error msgs and then just a usb image [21:17:19] no .rockbox directy, installing incomplete [21:17:21] that's fine [21:17:26] k [21:17:27] you need to install rockbox now [21:17:36] the bootloader is installed successfully [21:17:45] you have 2 options now [21:18:04] either download the installation as a zip, and extract it to the root of ipod's filesystem [21:18:44] or use rockbox utility, which is a graphical application which automates the installation of rockbox, themes and fonts [21:20:05] I run utility on my computer while the ipod is still connected? [21:21:38] yes, then select your ipod model and device drive letter (you need to check Show disabled devices, because it's still not oficially supported by rockbox) [21:22:24] you can get rockbox utility here: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RockboxUtility#Download [21:22:37] I selected the H drive, but I'm not sure which audio device I'm supposed to choose [21:23:12] oh, ipod classic (6th gen) ? [21:23:17] yes [21:26:30] ok, it says it installed the package succesfully [21:27:31] eject and reboot the ipod? [21:30:50] yes [21:31:03] but not using menu+select [21:31:18] properly shut it down by holding play for a few seconds [21:35:27] hmm, ok now when I have it connected via usb and to browse the H: drive in windows, it loads but seems to be stuck (in windows) [21:35:57] rather, it begins to load, but gets stuck [21:57:23] ya, this just keeps happening... [22:00:35] nortunyu: go to the boot menu of emCORE -> Tools -> Run rockbox fallback image [22:00:42] use this one for file transfers [22:00:57] then eject the ipod using right-clicking, then Eject [22:01:14] then hold down Play to shut down the fallback rockbox version [22:01:29] and power it on again, then select the regular rockbox icon [22:01:40] and use this one for listening to music [22:04:13] ok, I'll try that [22:07:03] seems to work... where do I put music files? in the main directory? [22:08:39] yes, or make a Music directory [22:08:48] just don't put them in the .rockbox folder [22:08:53] it won't find them [22:09:51] nice, it's working [22:10:00] thanks a million! [22:10:28] now I can move files from any computer, right? I don't need specific software on the computer? [22:10:37] yes [22:10:41] that's the point [22:11:25] apart from being able to play a bunch of other audio formats [22:11:50] awesome [22:11:53] thanks again!