[00:14:07] csharp_: this sounds strange [00:14:15] can you redo the installation with a different file? [00:16:26] https://mega.co.nz/#!g0BmBbIT!Ssa-QDGHzsYwO7bRcZAoVDvOCOJQQ1fTBpfD7G8bz3c [00:19:38] ough! idiot... sorry. i was pressing select+menu instead of menu+play [00:19:42] all is good now! [00:21:59] ah, you triggered our "read the instructions" check :) [00:34:42] hi again, I'm having trouble transfering files again. I run the enter fallback image, then connect via usb, but windows can't seem to access the contents of the ipod [00:46:25] nortunyu: yes, this happens sometimes, i can recommend either using other operating system (even a virtual one, for example ubuntu in virtualbox), using the command-line python tools (emcore.py) for file transfer, or trying different rockbox versions, until you find one that works for you [00:50:19] I will try it on my mac, let's see [00:52:12] "the disk you inserted was not readable by this computer"... [00:55:41] and windows is now asking me to format the disk [00:55:53] what is the "fallback image" anyways? [00:57:34] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [00:59:46] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [01:13:55] nortunyu: it's a known-working version of rockbox [01:14:26] and we use it for file transfers, since we don't have a "disk mode" in emCORE [01:14:52] and if you delete the .rockbox dir, you can't boot rockbox anymore, unless you re-upload it [01:15:15] that's why we flash a rockbox image into the boot flash of the ipod, so you can easily recover such mistake [01:15:58] about mac, we use a partitioning scheme that macs don't seem to like [01:16:37] you can use my virtual filesystem app (emCOREFS), to mount the ipod on mac [01:28:29] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCOREFS [01:40:48] question about the ipod classic rockbox version r31516-120101 [01:41:08] how does that compare to the latest release of rockbox 3.13? [01:42:02] and is there effort going on to update the r135... to whatever is current in the rockbox world? [01:45:45] the sencond part of the build number (120101) means that it is built from the source on 1 january 2012, so it's very old [01:46:07] you can get the latest available build either by updating using rockbox utility [01:46:14] www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtility#Download [01:47:38] or my downloading this file [01:47:41] http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [01:47:50] and extracting it to the root directory of the ipod [01:48:20] keep in mind that the most recent version of rockbox that will get installed by either method, is completely untested, and contains the most recent rockbox code [01:48:55] it's possible that it won't boot at all, or in rare cases, cause some side effects [01:50:09] there is no "release" version for the classics yet, that's why these builds are the most recent versions of rockbox for ipod classic [01:55:15] got it. well, when i tried to use the rockbox utility on the classic, it just didn't work at all [01:55:32] i.e. it didn't boot and went back to the fallback image [01:55:44] i uploaded the ipod video version, i assumed that would be the closest build [01:57:17] is there a forum where people may have mentioned particular builds that seem stable on the 6g? or do you know whether the latest build is stable/unstable? [02:27:30] <[7]> csharp_: you obviously need to use the ipod classic version, not an ipod video one (which is completely different hardware, they really have barely anything in common) [02:27:59] <[7]> you can generally assume that the latest build is likely to work well, except for file transfers which seem to generally be having problems lately [02:28:57] yea, i seem to be running into those problems as speaking [02:31:26] <[7]> they typically don't affect the fallback version though [02:31:48] <[7]> so your computer must be especially picky about something [02:32:17] <[7]> (sure, it should be fixed in rockbox regardless, but nobody seems to be getting around to actually doing that) [02:32:36] <[7]> csharp_: did you have *any* trouble accessing the UMSboot drive to copy the installer file? [02:32:44] <[7]> i.e. did it take long to appear or anything? [02:32:52] <[7]> or did it behave just like a regular USB thumbdrive? [02:33:13] <[7]> that information might help us further track down where rockbox's USB problems might be coming from [02:33:30] no problem in terms of timing or copying the file, but the dos prompt that appeared said there was an error [02:33:41] <[7]> that's to be expected [02:34:07] <[7]> that error is basically "the device has disappeared from the bus (due to it booting the just uploaded code)" [02:34:34] <[7]> so completely harmless and expected... actually that error not appearing would be a sign of a problem, lol :) [02:34:43] "DeviceIoControl: Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning." is what it said [02:34:50] haha [02:35:01] <[7]> yes [02:35:33] <[7]> windows just doesn't know WHY it disappeared (and that we expected it to), and thus freaks out [02:36:07] <[7]> the code is actually waiting for that error condition before it indicates success to the user [02:36:42] i see. well, no other problems i can think of [02:36:52] when i plug it in now, it takes a while for the drive to show up [02:37:15] <[7]> ok, and exactly the misbehavior that you're observing now didn't happen with UMSboot, right? [02:37:18] first a note shows up there is a problem with the plugged device, it then dissapears and a drive shows up [02:37:34] <[7]> that suggests that rockbox could benefit from just ripping out its USB driver and replacing it with UMSboot's (and some glue) [02:37:59] nope. i was able to transfer ubi file without a problem [02:38:10] <[7]> (it's a fair bit of work though) [02:38:33] i'm using XP, if that makes any difference.. [02:38:43] <[7]> interesting [02:38:57] <[7]> most of our user base is using windows 7/8 or linux, a few use macs [02:39:09] <[7]> win7 seems to work mostly fine with the fallback image [02:39:21] <[7]> win8 (and possibly win7 on usb3-capable hardware) is a bit more picky [02:39:29] <[7]> linux just works, as usual ;) [02:39:51] so do you think if i loaded an older UBI version just to transfer all the files the first time, it might be more stable? [02:39:54] <[7]> (linux system logs also suggest that something might not be completely right though) [02:40:06] <[7]> no, the .ubi file version isn't relevant here [02:40:11] i see [02:40:18] <[7]> only the rockbox version is [02:40:19] so it's the rockbox build [02:40:45] yea, i'm still using the version that came with the distribution (01 01 2012) [02:40:53] i can upload the lates one and see if that helps... [02:41:04] <[7]> (this kind of stuff is actually fixed in the latest bootstrapper and (not yet released) UBI file/emCORE image, but not in the rockbox image that it includes [02:41:26] <[7]> and fixing it in rockbox is a bit of work, although it should be mostly straightforward [02:41:46] <[7]> I suspect that later rockbox versions will make matters worse, not better (for USB transfers) [02:42:09] ok [02:42:14] <[7]> they do fix a few other bugs (especially random hangs/lockups with stuttering music) and dramatically improve battery runtime though [02:42:36] <[7]> so we recommend to upgrade to the latest and just use the fallback image for transferring files for the time being (until this gets fixed properly) [02:42:50] yea.. i've transfered the first 21GB without a hitch, and now restarting the transfer for the third time [02:43:18] ok, sounds good. i'll do that [02:43:36] thanks so much for doing all the development, by the way! [02:44:38] i was eagerly waiting/hoping for a classic stabalish build for a long time!!! [02:44:49] and this is already awesome [03:10:36] [7]: so how do you suggest I proceed? none of my computers seem to be able to see the contents of my ipod now, but yesterday it was working fine [03:29:37] *** Joins: csharp__ (~quassel@99-74-170-105.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) [03:31:55] *** Quits: csharp_ (~quassel@99-74-170-105.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:56:53] *** Quits: csharp__ (~quassel@99-74-170-105.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:21:26] *** Quits: nortunyu (~mm@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:21:45] *** Joins: nortunyu (~mm@69-196-129-24.dsl.teksavvy.com) [06:24:19] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:24:32] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:35:04] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:27:57] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [09:47:44] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [14:46:09] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [14:49:49] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [16:46:45] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [17:14:25] *** Joins: liar (~liar@ [18:13:43] so, given that none of my computers can see the contents of my ipod when running the fallback image, what version of rockbox should I try next? [18:14:20] or am I better off installing a virtual box with ubuntu? (I've never done this before, so I'm a bit hesitant)) [18:18:04] and will trying a different rockbox version make me lose the music I have already trasnfered to the ipod? [18:39:03] nortunyu: you can reinstall the rockbox version, as long as you can access the ipod's hard disk [18:39:17] if you format it, you will lose all the data on it [18:40:23] hmmm well I can see the disk, but not its contents... [18:40:28] if emCORE can read the hard disk, you can access it with emCOREFS on Mac/Linux, or you can try the python scripts (emcore.py ls and so on) [18:40:53] you can tell if emcore reads the disk, if you see the winter theme of the boot menu [18:40:59] with the snow [18:41:09] if you don't, then emcore also can't read the hard disk [18:42:38] oh, it's working fine by itself [18:43:03] I see the rockbox options, can enter rockbox and see all the music there [18:44:05] it's just that I can't really access the drive for file transfer through windows [18:46:04] rockbox version seems to be f580714 131009, and when in fallback mode the version is d8fd988m 120222 [18:47:41] does that make sense? [20:30:07] I've decided to try emcorefs on my mac, but I'm pretty lost [20:45:18] nortunyu: it makes sense, the fallback version is usually a very old one [20:46:08] ok, so if even that doesn't seem to work on my windows anymore, is there any sense in trying other versions of rockbox? [20:47:15] nortunyu: i would try an ancient one, like 2-3 years old [20:47:39] uhm well ... the ipod classic support isn't that old actually [20:49:52] ok, and to try an older version, do I need to format my ipod first? [20:54:07] not really, if you boot it using the python script [20:54:28] then you can use that old version (if it works) to install it permanently on the hard disk [20:55:03] in terms of "untethered" installation [20:55:37] which computer are you using now? the windows one, or the mac? [20:56:17] windows [20:56:28] my mac is too old for me to want to bother with [20:57:02] ok, connect your ipod, and select emCORE Console from the boot menu [20:57:29] then open device manager and tell me if you see any new device, in the USB branch [21:00:10] I see unknown device in the other devices branch [21:00:59] the USB controllers branch has some other normal looking intel stuff [21:02:28] double-click the unknown device [21:02:31] then go to the last tab [21:03:15] and select Hardware Ids [21:04:12] then tell me what's after VID_ and PID_ [21:04:15] I see usb/vid_0763&PID_1001&Rev_0001 [21:04:24] that's not the ipod [21:04:51] ok, let me look again [21:04:55] can you select View from device manager's menu, then select Devices by connection [21:05:34] then click on the top-level item (your computer), and press * from the numpad keyboard [21:06:33] it should expand all devices, then look for the ipod below the USB root hubs [21:08:20] I only see 2 unknown devices, the other one is FFFF and E000 [21:08:28] yes, that's it [21:08:32] ah ok [21:09:11] great, now go to http://zadig.akeo.ie/ [21:09:27] and download the appropriate version for your windows [21:09:39] k [21:10:28] then run it, select that device (check the USB ID section to make sure it's the correct one) [21:10:51] and tell me what's in the left box "Driver", to the left of the green arrow [21:11:42] in the dropdown I have 2 options: unknown device 1 and emcore debugger [21:11:48] we want the second one? [21:11:56] yes, exactly [21:12:23] ok, it has None listed [21:12:46] as driver [21:13:28] ok, select libusb-win32 in the right box, then click the button below [21:15:02] ok, done [21:15:13] now I see emcore debugger in device manager [21:15:34] great, now i'll send you some python scripts [21:16:36] do you have python 3 (installed or standalone)? [21:17:57] no, last time we used the temp version... [21:18:07] that should work too [21:18:46] *** Joins: Bapt_ (564ce287@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:20:28] *** Quits: liar (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) [21:20:57] nortunyu: get this file: https://mega.co.nz/#!QkYQXKbQ!GGWIPiiGEi1eLC93KgpQ60D6IVV61Jk-OUIJJhHQQXs [21:21:15] extract it side by side to your python3 folder [21:22:11] then go to the folder where both python3 and tools are located, shift+right-click, select Open command window here [21:22:19] and type inside the console: [21:22:31] python3\python.exe tools\emcore.py ls [21:22:42] this should list all files in the root folder of the ipod [21:22:52] if this works, i have good news for you [21:25:09] hello everyone [21:25:26] problem with import libmcore and usb.core [21:26:17] "no module names usb.core" [21:26:22] I'm having trouble copying installer-ipodclassic.ubi on the USMboot volume on a Windows 7 32bits system and with an ipod classic 7g 160GB [21:26:59] each time I try to copy the file, explorer.exe stop working [21:28:14] nortunyu: extract this archive inside the tools folder: https://mega.co.nz/#!hgA0UKDJ!c-9KwAsvKAGaF1Xx69ZpKhMzJVVRXx1t-IwwrsTJnhI [21:29:04] Bapt_: can you copy it using the command line? press Windows key + R, then type cmd [21:29:09] do you have an idea what could be the cause ? [21:29:12] in that window, type: [21:29:25] nop, I tried [21:29:29] ah, i see [21:29:34] what happens then? [21:29:49] I typed cd H:\ (the letter of the USMboot [21:30:08] try this: [21:30:18] and there's no response anymore in the command line [21:30:28] copy c:\\installer-ipodclassic.ubi H:\ [21:31:13] which method are you using? itunes or non-itunes? [21:32:19] non-itunes (using floola) [21:32:21] now I get: "error: no emCORE device found!" [21:32:28] I'm trying to copy it your way [21:33:47] Bapt_: so you installed our driver for the DFU device? [21:33:54] yes [21:34:11] and uploaded the bootstrap using python, right? [21:35:26] nortunyu: is the emcore debugger still in device manager? [21:35:51] if not, reconnect the ipod, if this doesn't work, hard-reset it with menu+select, then go to emCORE console again and reconnect it [21:36:03] then, rerun the python command [21:36:54] yes, it is [21:38:27] *** Joins: Duckbuster (~Duckbuste@178-117-38-182.access.telenet.be) [21:38:31] ok, I'll reset and try again [21:38:42] will I need to install that usb driver again? [21:39:11] Hello, I'm in the process of installing EmCORE on my iPod Classic (160G/thin) [21:39:27] And I was wondering how long the "Booting UBI file..." normally takes [21:41:51] @user890104 -> rebooted the ipod, reran the bootstrap, tried to copy the .ubi on the USMboot again and nothing happened again, any idea ? [21:42:18] It's safe to reboot, and try this again right? [21:44:09] Duckbuster: it should take no mo than 2-3 seconds, it is safe to reboot at this stage [21:44:27] nortunyu: no, the driver is alredy installed for this device [21:44:55] Bapt_: eject the ipod, as shown on the screenshot in the wiki [21:44:57] Tried it again, same result. Any idea's? [21:45:27] Bapt_: eject it exactly this way, not using the system tray icon or just unplugging it [21:45:52] Duckbuster: what operating system are you using on your computer? [21:46:14] Windows 8.1 [21:47:02] Should this be a problem? [21:48:45] Duckbuster: we haven't tested in on win 8.1 yet, but it should work [21:49:44] ok, well I restarted the ipod and I still see the emcore device in device manager, but the python script still gives the same error [21:49:47] @user890104 : ejected it, what should I do then ? [21:50:03] Duckbuster: can you check in device manager if the ipod is still shown as an usb device, after you eject it? [21:50:24] Bapt_: it should boot the installation now [21:50:46] i'll be back in a couple of minutes [21:50:56] nop, I still haven't found a way to copy it [21:50:57] Only my dongle [21:50:58] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9985874/ShareX/2013-10/2013-10-16_20-50-58.png [21:51:04] ok [21:51:44] Could it be because of the ipod firmware? [21:54:26] Does the first error have any effect on my ipod? Or is it just some other device it found [21:54:27] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9985874/ShareX/2013-10/2013-10-16_20-54-09.png [21:57:58] Duckbuster: this error message is expected and normal, that's windows wondering why the device has disappeared, while it loads our custom firmware [21:58:10] I see [21:58:26] So you guys have no clue on why it doesn't want to boot the ubi? [21:58:35] Should I try on a different pc? [22:02:22] user890104_: I still haven't found a way to copy the .ubi on the USMboot [22:02:24] Duckbuster: yes, that could fix the problem [22:02:50] do you have any idea how I could do that ? [22:03:15] Bapt_: you can try a different version of umsboot [22:03:32] nortunyu: what error message do you get? emcore device not found? [22:05:35] Duckbuster: you're using the itunes method, right? i can give you an alternative version of bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe that might work on win 8.1 [22:05:52] yeah I am using itunes method [22:05:57] Sure, pass that along [22:06:24] es, that's the error [22:07:19] and I tried it on my other laptop, which gives a longer error message from core.py: "no backend available" [22:08:20] nortunyu: this means it can't find libusb (i.e. no driver installed) [22:08:36] you can use zadig to install/reinstall the libusb driver [22:09:19] ok [22:12:04] Bapt_: i'll send you a different version of bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu, so you can use that instead and start over with the installation [22:13:12] ok, now I get the same error on my laptop too: "no emcore device found" [22:13:48] nortunyu: that's strange, we must be missing something [22:14:31] Bapt_ Duckbuster: i'll send you an alternate installers, once i get my development pc to work, that should be in a couple of minutes [22:14:47] trying the no itunes method atm [22:14:50] on my netbook [22:15:04] seems like that is a older usmboot version [22:15:15] (0.0.1 r419) [22:15:30] ah, that's *very* old one :) [22:15:36] where did you get it from? [22:15:42] from the page [22:16:05] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [22:16:09] "this file" [22:16:48] is it safe to continue? [22:17:01] ah, that's TheSeven's .net app i guess [22:17:52] it worked [22:17:59] it launched the installer [22:18:04] ok, great [22:18:24] seems like our new umsboot version (0.2) doesn't work so well [22:18:25] I can use a newer rockbox build right? (http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodClassicPort) [22:18:36] Seems like it [22:18:41] Duckbuster: yes, of course [22:18:43] It looks better though (on screen) [22:19:01] Thanks for the help, let's see if I can get rockbox running now [22:19:10] but keep in mind that file transfers in recent rockbox versions are broken sometimes [22:19:37] Any recommended version around? [22:19:40] and you might need to use the older rockbox file (Tools->Run rockbox fallback image) for the file transfers [22:19:51] that's in emcore's boot menu [22:20:04] tried a reboot, but still getting the no emcore device found error [22:20:19] *** Quits: Bapt_ (564ce287@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [22:20:26] well, generally you might want to install the most recent rockbox version and use it for playing music and stuff [22:20:47] and use the "fallback" one only for file transfers, since it doesn't have any codecs and won't play music [22:21:13] switch between them by holding the Play button, so rockbox shuts down, then select the desired version in the boot menu [22:21:42] so, I just drop it in the root right? [22:21:45] not in .apps [22:22:07] yes [22:22:22] .apps stores the bootmenu's settings and theme [22:22:34] you extract rockbox in the root folder [22:22:52] and put your music wherever you like, except in the .rockbox folder [22:23:51] i usually make a Music folder in the root folder, and put everything there [22:24:16] nortunyu: can you check everything again? [22:24:20] 1. the device is with hardware ids USB\VEN_FFFF&PID_E000\.... [22:24:22] 2. the device is listed as libusb-win32 device [22:24:34] 3. zadig reports that it has the required driver [22:24:43] then, in the cmd window, type: [22:24:52] python3\python.exe [22:27:41] import usb.core [22:28:06] when I run zadig now this device is not showing up [22:28:12] only my other unknown device [22:29:10] ah, I had to let it show all devices [22:29:12] ok [22:29:18] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9985874/ShareX/2013-10/iPodClassic_%28L%29_2013-10-16_21-29-16.png [22:29:20] :) [22:29:51] Duckbuster: great, enjoy using rockbox [22:29:58] Thanks [22:30:16] I was getting sick of itunes and converting my flacs to alac [22:30:31] you can get a theme for the user interface here: http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=ipodvideo [22:30:38] these should work fine on a classic [22:31:20] nortunyu: after the first two commands (if they succeed), type: [22:31:30] usb.core.find(find_all=True) [22:31:30] import tools\usb.core is giving me a character error [22:31:59] leave out the 'tools' part, type it as-is [22:32:34] that's how it should look like: [22:32:35] but then it doesnt find the module [22:32:38] >>> import usb.core [22:32:38] >>> usb.core.find(find_all=True) [22:32:38] [] [22:32:38] >>> [22:32:43] ah, i see [22:32:46] usb is a folder inside the tools folder [22:32:56] type exit, then cd to tools [22:33:02] k [22:33:03] then launch python with [22:33:08] ..\python3\python.exe [22:33:19] and rerty the import command [22:35:14] ok, that works [22:35:44] object at 0x02...something [22:36:52] can you try [22:37:04] usb.core.find(idVendor=0xffff, idProduct=0xe000) [22:39:01] ok, it finds object at somewhere else [22:39:10] similar to above [22:39:26] ok, so python sees the device [22:39:33] type exit [22:39:44] then type [22:40:02] ..\python3\python.exe emcore.py ls [22:40:10] assuming you're in the tools folder [22:41:32] no emcore device found... [22:42:23] ok, now launch python again [22:42:28] ..\python3\python.exe [22:42:31] import usb.core [22:42:38] usb.core.find(idVendor=0xffff, idProduct=0xe000) [22:42:56] if it still finds it, there's something very wrong here [22:45:28] yes, this still finds something... [22:45:37] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:45:46] well, that's exactly what emcore.py does [22:50:57] weird... [22:51:15] what, 3 people needing support at once here? wow... [22:52:10] what I don't understand is why the fallback image was allowing me to trasnfer my files perfectly yesterday, but not today [22:52:28] TheSeven: yeah, it was a busy evening :) [22:53:00] What theme are you using user890104? I am trying out Googley-Classic-Green [22:53:32] what, 3 people needing support at once here? wow...<- yeah I wasn't expecting this either, I thought "oh boy another dead support channel..." [22:53:59] Duckbuster: i'm using the default one, since my ipod is mostly used for development, and gets restored/formatted frequently :) [22:54:25] I see [22:54:34] er.... umsboot 0.2 failed on a device where 0.1 worked? wtf. [22:55:55] TheSeven: windows 8.1 could be the reason for this [22:56:16] You could pass me another version btw [22:56:24] I could tgry to see if it works or not [22:56:51] Duckbuster: go to tools->umsboot, and see if it works [22:56:54] Well I tried the other version on a other computer, running Windows 8, it did not have iTunes. [22:57:05] All those factors [22:57:09] that's not good at all [22:57:16] upload the installer for example, it won't touch your music/files [22:57:19] means that 0.2 is still buggy [22:57:30] and we do know for sure that 0.1 is crap [22:57:50] make sure you eject it properly, by right-clicking the device in Computer, and selecting Eject [22:58:16] Duckbuster: go to tools->umsboot, and see if it works <- that launches the 0.1.0 r859 one [22:58:19] not 0.2 [22:58:23] ah, i see [22:58:33] does this one work then? [22:58:55] you installed using r4xx, right? [22:59:01] yeah [22:59:07] going to try r8xx on my 8.1 [22:59:13] ok [22:59:54] here's 0.2: https://mega.co.nz/#!08QV3bbR!biJuqTvOJEnxEyAGVTLXn3GAYr8dzePm9x490mkKZkI [22:59:55] panic, data abort at 22000304 [23:00:00] ouch [23:00:29] so yeah, that one didn't work, should I try it again? [23:00:52] when did the message appear? after ejecting? [23:00:57] yeah [23:01:00] after eject [23:01:04] also, yesterday the fallback image would show up as ipod device in windows, but today it's just a "removable drive" that I can't access [23:01:14] I can't think of anything that has changed [23:01:38] Duckbuster: try uploading the file i just posted instead of the installer [23:02:02] this should load umsboot 0.2 using umsboot 0.1 [23:02:14] hmm [23:02:18] I tried it on my netbook [23:02:23] and it booted the installer fine [23:02:31] my netbook is 32bit though, this pc is 64bit [23:02:42] But I'll try the file you posted now on my desktop [23:02:54] what about booting umsboot 0.2 (can you test on both computers please?) [23:04:54] botting umsboot 0.2 on my netbook just hangs on booting... [23:05:55] on desktop I get the same 22000304 error [23:07:18] Duckbuster: can you reinstall using this installer: https://mega.co.nz/#!g0BmBbIT!Ssa-QDGHzsYwO7bRcZAoVDvOCOJQQ1fTBpfD7G8bz3c [23:07:52] on your netbook [23:11:19] it's flashing [23:12:25] So I got it reinstalled [23:12:27] What now? [23:17:10] now try umsboot on your desktop computer [23:17:19] (I tested USMBoot from r899M) Tried to boot the file installer-ipodclassic.ubi that you posted earlier. It works on my netbook(you can see it boot text appear for a sec ) and my desktop it freezes at booting ubi file... [23:17:47] I really have no idea what would cause this [23:18:19] which ubi files did you test on the desktop, with r899M? [23:18:26] just that one [23:18:30] i'll try the other installer [23:18:56] try booting umsboot 0.2 (umsboot-ipodclassic.ubi) [23:19:08] I did that [23:19:14] That didn't work [23:20:33] the point is to get a panic message with this version (i have debug files for it, so i can check what's going on using the numbers from the error message) [23:20:36] any other ideas? I will format and start over if that's what it takes... [23:20:49] you don't need to [23:21:02] the issue is with umsboot, that's entirely in the RAM [23:21:41] Well like I said [23:22:06] booting umsboot-ipodclassic.ubi just results in it hanging on Booting UBI file..., not error messages or anything [23:24:01] maybe if you enable more verbose or something? [23:26:31] Duckbuster: yes, i can make a debug build [23:26:41] Yeah, give me that [23:26:44] hmmm device manager even sees the device as Apple Ipod Classic Usb Device, but explorer only shows removable disk [23:26:54] I can't really help you right now if it doesn't show me any information [23:44:01] Duckbuster: i can't make a debug build right now, thanks for testing so far. feel free to join tomorrow. [23:44:12] Aight no problem [23:44:18] I'll problem idle around here [23:44:23] so just hit me up with a pm [23:44:27] ok [23:44:28] *probably [23:44:57] awsheet, is that some bejeweled [23:45:12] nortunyu: if you have your music files backed up, can you uninstall emcore completely? [23:57:46] yes, I have everything backed up [23:58:09] so I can re-install, but I don't really know how to on my own [23:59:33] nortunyu: you can either restore using itunes, or restore manually using our scripts