[00:00:13] this will bring your ipod to factory state, with no traces of emcore/rockbox [00:00:47] ok, I don't have itunes installed, but I guess I could install it, if that's easier [00:01:31] well, you have python and dfu driver already, so the manual way might be easier in your case [00:01:57] get your ipod into DFU mode, then install a libusb-win32 driver using zadig [00:03:40] how do I get it into dfu mode again? [00:03:56] hold menu+select for 12 seconds while usb is connected [00:04:14] and download the archive i sent you in the meantime [00:05:15] also, download these two: [00:05:17] https://mega.co.nz/#!I0Ix0a6S!XKlcj2xM4mEj-FQIS-Tmq34Gg8wlQ60oEdYX60zpCR4 [00:05:17] https://mega.co.nz/#!csZHTbRI!fRSg0RP5ixr5lX5NN_Eb0Apfp4MJGoTd9UcRF38ST2Y [00:06:47] then, launch a cmd and execute the following commands (assuming you extract these archives in the same folder where your python3 folder is) [00:07:11] Python3\python.exe ipoddfu\ipoddfu.py WTF.x1223.RELEASE.dfu [00:07:39] then install a libusb driver using zadig for the new device that appeared [00:08:26] and tell me what is the product ID (vendor ID should be 05AC) [00:08:35] so i can give you the correct command [00:11:45] it should be: [00:11:55] Python3\python.exe ipoddfu\ipoddfu.py FIRMWARE.x****.RELEASE.dfu [00:12:12] where **** is your product id (1241, 1245 or 1247) [00:12:56] ok, I'm getting there, one sec [00:13:01] after this one is done, your ipod should show an apple logo after about 5-6 seconds, then after a couple seconds show a black/white Do not disconnect screen [00:13:33] the final command is: [00:13:41] ipodscsi\ipodscsi.exe X: ipod6g writefirmware -p Firmware- -r [00:13:59] where X: is the drive letter that your ipod has in Explorer [00:15:06] after running this one, the hard disk will be repartitioned the way apple expects it, then the original firmware will be written (destroying all other data on the hard disk) [00:16:06] at the end, the ipod should reboot into the original firmware (and ask you for display language, since it has no settings stored) [00:16:25] I'm confused way at the beginning, what is WTF.x1223.RELEASE.dfu? [00:16:41] this is the first stage bootloader [00:16:54] you need to send it to your ipod while it's in DFU mode [00:17:23] that's what ipoddfu.py does [00:17:41] and we really don't know why apple named the file this way :) [00:18:14] well python is giving me an error there [00:18:23] what error? [00:18:29] no such file or directory Wtf... [00:18:42] is the file in the same directory? [00:19:04] try specifying the full path to it [00:19:22] I don't see that file anywehre [00:19:29] where should I have gotten it? [00:19:37] it's in the archive i sent you as a private message [00:19:45] oh! [00:19:50] I didnt see that, sorry [00:20:17] getting it now [00:34:55] ok, the last step is completing now... [00:41:23] I guess the last step will take a while since I had a lot of music on there? [00:42:13] no, it doesn't format it, just writes a new partition table and overwrites the beginning of the hard disk with apple's firmware [00:42:34] there should be a small progress bar below the apple logo when it starts flashing [00:42:50] yes, that already happened [00:43:14] now it's "Writing firmware........................................" [00:44:11] that's the final step, and it looks like it's going well so far [00:47:45] absolutly loving rockbox so far [01:05:49] still writing firmware..... [01:06:49] nortunyu: does it still show new dots? [01:09:22] yup [01:10:27] then should be fine, it's probably just slow [01:10:50] a microsoft window popped up saying I need to format the disk if I want to use it, but that has been happening all day, so I am just ignoring that [01:12:34] well, after the firmware uploader completes, you need to format it [01:12:51] but don't do it before it's done, as the results are unknown [01:16:13] k [01:25:54] nortunyu: still not complete? [01:26:11] can you count the number of lines that are made of dots? [01:34:30] 13 lines so far [01:35:19] and I'm estimating about 100 dots per line [01:35:27] 80 [01:37:27] and the ipod screen still says "do not disconnect" with a flashing no sign [01:40:08] this is how the whole process should look like: [01:40:13] http://pastie.org/pastes/8407696/text?key=dao6jovccn8bnilbpt6dxg [01:40:39] 18 lines of dots for the final step [01:41:03] and the whole ipodscsi command completed in less than 10 seconds for me [01:41:30] (and i have a factory-restored ipod as a side effect :) ) [01:43:52] how can it be that quick for you? [01:44:25] well, i don't know. maybe it uses usb 1.1 and not 2.0 for you? [01:44:35] it has always been that quick [01:45:00] the dots appear as fast as if someone is holding down the key on a keyboard [01:46:24] I'm pretty sure I have usb 2 [01:48:51] * user890104 hasn't seen the original firmware in a long long time [01:49:05] ah, this thing has 3 games... [02:00:21] nortunyu: just leave it like this, it should reboot into the original firmware once it's done [02:26:01] Rebooting device.... done! [02:59:08] <[Saint]> Ohhhhh, heh - this is cute. [02:59:27] <[Saint]> My Classics) just plain fall over trying to update emCORE. [02:59:29] <[Saint]> Yay. [02:59:52] what the hell is going on today [03:00:11] <[Saint]> This is a /really/ fun one. :) [03:00:28] <[Saint]> Transfer .ubi, eject, device turns off. [03:00:46] <[Saint]> restart, no .ubi, nothing changed. [03:00:58] <[Saint]> Huzzah. [03:01:06] which particular ubi? and using which umsboot version? [03:02:27] <[Saint]> r859 iirc [03:02:48] any signs of the ubi starting up? [03:02:48] <[Saint]> ...whatever comes linked from the installer page. [03:02:53] i.e. emcore kernel console splash screen? [03:03:07] <[Saint]> Nope, as soon as I eject it, it just powers down. [03:03:37] <[Saint]> Everything seems kosher until that point. [03:04:02] umsboot v0.1 or 0.2? [03:04:07] does it power down even if there is no ubi file? [03:04:16] or let's say an empty file put in there or something? [03:05:10] <[Saint]> I haven't tried an arbitrary file, but with no file, it works as expected. [03:06:19] i.e. remounts? [03:08:51] <[Saint]> Glargh. It was being unreasonably picky. It decided to update now. [03:09:11] * [Saint] has no idea why this one was on 708 to begin with. [03:22:46] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:38:56] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [03:46:15] user890104, so how should I proceed now that device rebooted? [04:34:03] I guess the next step would be to re-install, but I'm afraid to turn of the ipod now... [06:19:19] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:19:33] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:57:55] nortunyu: did it restore to the original firmware successfully? it's normal that the hard disk shows as Unformatted, feel free to format it manually [09:00:02] if you want to reinstall emCORE, i can give you instructions and updated installer/bootstrapper later today (i'm in GMT+2, so in about 10 hours) [10:44:08] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:45:18] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [12:07:35] *** Joins: user890104 (Venci@unaffiliated/user890104) [14:52:30] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:31:04] Hello~ [16:39:54] hello [16:45:15] What's up user890104? [17:26:20] user890104, I'm ready to reinstall emcore whenever you are [17:26:34] but first, do I format as Exfat with 256 kb allocation size? [17:27:55] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [17:34:23] <[7]> emcore and rockbox only support fat32 [17:40:10] windows is only giving me the option to format as ntfs or exfat [17:45:48] nortunyu: that's a windows issue, use this instead: http://www.ridgecrop.demon.co.uk/index.htm?guiformat.htm [17:46:38] nortunyu: i'm still at work, and will be available in about 1-2 hrs. [17:46:56] ok, thanks, I can wait [18:42:46] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:07:36] back? [20:18:40] nortunyu: yes [20:18:59] so you have an ipod with stock firmware, formatted as fat32? [20:20:04] I didn't format it yet [20:20:31] I do a quick format? [20:20:50] using that ridgecrop software [20:24:27] yes, that should be fine [20:26:45] uhhh it failed [20:27:36] "Failed to set partition info GetLastError() = 23 cycle redundancy check" [20:29:53] uhm [20:33:15] right now the ipod is on, with the screen saying "do not disconnect" [20:33:21] is that how I should have it? [20:37:54] nortunyu: is the screen in colors, or just black/white? [20:40:25] I'd say it's black and white [20:44:03] is the apple firmware installed at all? [20:44:18] what happened after the ipodscsi command completed? [20:46:36] it said: writing firmware............ done, rebooting device.... done [20:47:49] and what happened then? [20:47:59] can you reboot the ipod using menu+select for 5 seconds [20:48:17] and tell me what you see on the screen [20:48:25] while leaving the usb connected? [20:48:41] no, disconnect it [20:48:44] k [20:49:22] I get the apple logo [20:49:28] then a screen saying to use itunes to restore [20:49:31] then it turns off [21:02:22] ah, i see [21:02:41] in this case, ipodscsi did not complete successfully [21:02:48] can you retry it on another computer? [21:05:04] ok [21:08:37] just the last ipodscsi command? not the ipodfu one before that? [21:18:34] yes [21:27:17] I'm getting errors: can't find dfu device [21:27:45] do I need to install that libusb driver the other computer? [21:28:39] dfu device? ipodscsi doesn't do DFU [21:28:59] i mean, just connect it to usb and power it on [21:29:09] while it's showing Do not disconnect, run ipodscsi [21:29:28] ipodscsi\ipodscsi.exe X: ipod6g writefirmware -p Firmware- -r [21:32:12] ok, it's going [21:32:19] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [21:32:26] dot by dot again [21:38:08] ah, that's bad [21:40:21] should I try a different firmware version? I used 1247 both times (which is what zadig told me) [21:44:25] no, the other ones are for different ipod models [21:44:44] 1241 is for classic 6G, 1245 is for 6.5G, 1247 is for 7G [21:46:40] ok, I bought this last week (in canada) so I guess that makes sense [21:49:07] yes, it's the last model of the ipod classic line [21:50:56] ok, so any ideas what to do from here? [21:54:27] actually, I have to run some errands, I'll be back in an hour [21:56:07] nortunyu: i would try itunes, version 9.2.1 [21:56:17] it should be able to successfully restore the ipod at this point [21:56:32] despite that we're doing exactly the same with ipodscsi [23:00:47] installing itunes... [23:13:01] done [23:16:24] itunes says "the ipod could not be restored because the firmware is not compatible" [23:18:21] uhm well, sounds like damaged syscfg [23:18:33] [7] might have an idea how to fix that [23:18:49] we might want to have a look at your NOR flash contents first [23:19:20] i can give you instructions how to download that area of memory, so we can examine it [23:19:34] <[7]> which itunes version? [23:19:40] <[7]> is that 9.2.1? [23:19:54] <[7]> newer ones might do that kind of nonsense [23:20:29] lemme check [23:22:20] mmmm itunes [23:22:52] I need 9.2.1 specifically? [23:24:29] yes [23:24:38] or an older one [23:25:02] k [23:25:15] http://appletoolbox.com/2010/09/how-to-downgrade-itunes-10-to-itunes-9-2-1/ [23:31:01] <[Saint]> Fuck I wish we knew /why/. [23:31:21] <[Saint]> I guess I'm going to have to find time to sit down with various iTunes versions, and a USB sniffer. [23:32:13] <[Saint]> Though, I understand user890104 has a semi-reliable linux restore method? [23:32:34] <[Saint]> (I would really love to document that, if possible) [23:33:43] [Saint]: i'm currently uploading a video on how to restore a classic, sans-iTunes, to youtube [23:34:09] now itunes is having trouble contacting the itunes update server [23:34:40] <[Saint]> user890104: excellent. [23:35:00] <[Saint]> nortunyu: that usually happens when the iTunes downgrade wasn't clean. [23:35:55] <[Saint]> If the link above was follewd verbatim, it _should_ work. [23:39:29] ok, will start over [23:40:32] uploading a 767 MB avi takes ages [23:40:58] <[Saint]> If you previously did the "with iTunes" installation method, or attempted to, you might possibly also need to roll back the DFU driver when the time comes. [23:40:58] <[Saint]> ([7] user890104 ^?) [23:41:29] <[Saint]> Oooooh, that's a long-un. [23:41:34] <[Saint]> 40m or so? [23:43:26] * [Saint] thinks this Classic may be electrically defective [23:43:32] this is my first "with itunes" attempt [23:43:45] <[Saint]> (The one he had the other day that was randomly turning off after .ubi upload) [23:43:55] <[Saint]> nortunyu: Ah, I see. [23:44:18] <[Saint]> Sometimes plugging USB also seems to abruptly turn this Classic off. [23:44:21] <[Saint]> Very odd. [23:44:36] <[Saint]> I think I'm going to need to do some surgery this afternoon. [23:44:57] <[Saint]> I'm guessing a cracked logic board, or dock adapter dolder seams failing. [23:45:04] <[Saint]> *solder [23:46:21] warning [23:46:29] :itunes was installed properly [23:46:33] why! [23:46:45] <[Saint]> Hahaha. Nice one. [23:47:54] [Saint]: it's a 3 min uncompressed avi, at a resolution of approximately how much a cmd windows takes up on the desktop [23:48:31] i suck at video recording, and i know it. it was just too late when i realized it [23:48:37] <[Saint]> that's *huge*. [23:48:42] <[Saint]> what's up with that? :-S [23:48:56] <[Saint]> IS it the audio track dominating? [23:49:36] <[Saint]> With that kind of filesize I was expecting a much longer video, but there's a chance I failed at math. [23:50:07] \me remembers why he didn't want to install itunes to begin with [23:50:14] zuh? [23:50:56] [Saint]: 20 fps, 24 bit color, 679x339, 02:59 [23:51:55] ok, is installed [23:52:04] still getting same network error [23:52:19] let's uninstall all the garbage and try again!~` [23:52:31] nortunyu: can you try something else first? [23:52:43] shift+click on the restore button [23:52:49] does it ask for .ipsw file?