[01:33:20] hahaha [01:35:18] user890104: 0x2000-0x7fff area is unused by the apple firmware, and will probably not be wiped by apple's installer [01:35:37] it's typically all-0xff on a stock firmware device [01:35:52] hm.... that might explain part of the problem with detecting whether emcore is already installed [01:36:55] to power it down, you can either do that menu+select+hold trick (works fairly well if you figured out the timing), or just boot emcore through something and power it off through a USB command [03:58:09] *** Joins: nortunyu (~mm@69-196-129-24.dsl.teksavvy.com) [03:59:18] well, "ipod software update server could not be contacted" happens on all 3 of my computers [03:59:52] I don't think this has anything to do with my ipod, it seems to be a common itunes problem, that I haven't found a solution for yet [04:07:17] even if I run "check for updates" in itues I get an error about not being able to contact the server [06:19:52] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:20:12] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:49:20] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:12:30] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [13:59:33] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [15:50:15] anyone around? [16:15:33] yes [16:19:17] I spent half the night looking into itunes not being able to update... and I am still at a loss [16:19:34] seems like a common problem, or at least it was a few years ago... [16:20:32] I tried all the different fixes: editing hosts file, playing with lan settings, flushing dns, etc... nothing works [16:24:38] do you think it's time to give up? I certainly have no idea what to do anymore [16:24:49] other than shelling out another $300 for a new ipod [16:37:54] nortunyu: give up? no, definetely not [16:38:47] ok :) [16:39:04] your NOR flash is ok, and the hard disk is also fine [16:39:12] that's good [16:39:12] it's just itunes that doesn't want to flash it [16:39:41] i guess that you don't have the right driver loaded [16:40:08] in the ipod? [16:40:24] on the computer, so itunes can do its thing [16:40:36] btw, I can't even update itunes, regardless of ipod stuff... [16:40:54] but as you've seen in my video, it is possible to restore an ipod without itunes at all [16:41:10] can you check the timing of the first two steps? [16:41:34] the first 2 steps in your video? [16:41:42] or do the first two steps with itunes turned off [16:41:43] yes [16:41:58] then turn on itunes, and try to restore with shift+click on Resotre [16:41:58] ok [16:42:22] it's also possible that i've sent you a wrong firmware [16:42:27] i'll double check that [16:44:28] damn, i've sent you the firmware for classic 2G :) [16:44:49] I'm happy to hear that! [16:44:50] ok, go here: http://www.felixbruns.de/iPod/firmware/ [16:45:15] and download both classic 3g and classic 4g [16:45:22] then try each of them with shift+click [16:47:00] k, downloading... [16:51:39] bah, same errors with both [16:52:05] firmware file is not compatible [17:01:49] he first two steps run perfectly fine [17:01:52] no speed issues [17:15:23] your NOR flash says that the version of firmware is 2.0.5 [17:15:39] that matches classic 4g (160 gb) (38/2.0.5) [17:15:45] on the firmware website [17:16:11] can you reboot your ipod, then hold down menu+select while it boots [17:16:18] while it's connected to usb [17:16:23] mm, in itunes at the top it shows my serial number and sfotware version 2.0.4 [17:16:39] then tell me what happens [17:16:48] rVwS2.0.5 [17:17:05] this reads as: SwVr (software version) 2.0.5 [17:18:44] and #doMMB562 means Mod # MC297 [17:18:48] this just gets it to dfu mode, no? [17:18:56] no, it gets it to disk mode [17:19:00] the apple logo shows up, it "clicks", then tursn off [17:19:19] http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1363 [17:19:25] follow these instructions [17:19:46] "iPod devices with a Click Wheel" [17:20:43] once you get to disk mode, retry manual restoring with itunes, using the classic 4g firmware [17:21:09] ok, it's in disk mode [17:21:11] one sec [17:21:42] same error [17:23:33] can you use ipodscsi? [17:23:49] rename the ipsw file to .zip [17:23:56] then extract it [17:25:19] I need to do the first two steps, with the WTF and FIRMWARE files? [17:25:41] well, if it's in disk mode, you don't need to [17:25:59] ok, doing it [17:26:02] but it's slow again [17:26:37] maybe a bit less slow? [17:26:45] 7 lines so far [17:28:04] 7 lines or 7 dots? [17:28:19] there are about 15 lines in totoal [17:28:21] total* [17:28:33] and your model's firmware is smaller, so there should be less [17:28:34] almost done [17:29:21] rebooting device... done [17:29:34] now I have the do not disconnect screen [17:29:45] did it reboot? [17:29:57] and is the Do not disconnect screen colorful? [17:30:19] it rebooted [17:30:23] nope, black and white [17:30:44] uhm well, i think your best bet is waiting for [7] to be available [17:31:19] you posted a link to your NOR flash earlier, so he could have a look as well [17:31:29] ok [17:31:36] i have to go now, goodbye [17:31:43] bye bye, thanks [17:31:48] <[7]> so what's the executive summary here? OF crashing during boot for no obvious reason? [17:32:13] what is OF? [17:32:19] <[7]> original firmware [17:32:51] I don't really see anything crashing anywhere [17:33:16] <[7]> the apple logo shows up, it "clicks", then tursn off [17:33:38] that's if I keep holding menu+select [17:33:43] [7]: we have an unrestorable ipod [17:34:01] itunes refuses to do so, and ipodscsi doesn't want to properly flash the fw partition [17:34:04] otherwise I get an apple logo, followed by "restore with itunes" [17:34:10] or rather, the bootloader doesn't want to boot it [17:34:42] <[7]> so writing the fw with ipodscsi works, but fails to boot afterwards? [17:34:50] yup [17:34:52] <[7]> HDD SMART is OK? [17:35:12] haven't checked that [17:35:24] <[7]> any signs of problems with emcore/rockbox? [17:35:38] I only used it for about a day [17:35:44] <[7]> how old is it? [17:35:44] it seemd fine [17:35:46] <[7]> any clicking noise from the drive? [17:35:53] less than a week old [17:36:06] not really any clicking from what I remember [17:36:17] <[7]> hm, can't really be a broken drive then... do a SMART check regardless just to rule that out [17:36:34] the reason I wanted to restore was because windows was no longer seeing the drive when I botted the fallback image [17:36:42] so I was unable to transfer any more files [17:37:09] how do I do a smart check? [17:37:11] <[7]> and you can now actually transfer files successfully in disk mode? [17:37:27] I haven't tried [17:37:50] <[7]> go to diagmode (menu+select, then left+select), choose "manual test", go to "I/O" "HDD SMART info" or something like that [17:38:42] (I can't transfer files in disk mode, windows wants me to format the drive) [17:39:35] <[7]> well, try formatting it then [17:40:19] the test looks ok... gives me a bunch of stats [17:40:35] <[7]> what are those numbers? [17:40:42] <[7]> especially remaps and pending? [17:40:45] retracts: 13 [17:40:57] realloacs: 16368 [17:41:04] <[7]> ok, scratch that [17:41:04] pending sectors: 8 [17:41:12] k [17:41:16] <[7]> that drive is completely fucked up [17:41:28] <[7]> at least 17000 bad sectors on it [17:41:52] <[7]> that both explains both the USB transfer and restoring problems [17:42:00] meaning... it's just broken? [17:42:05] <[7]> exactly that. [17:42:17] and I can't return it or fix it? [17:42:22] <[7]> one could try to work around the damage somehow, but it will never work reliably [17:42:35] <[7]> returning it seems like the best option if possible [17:43:07] will apple let me? it's still within the 2 week return period, but I've done things I'm not supposed to [17:43:17] <[7]> was that a new one? or a refurb? [17:43:25] <[7]> I can't quite believe that apple ships massively damaged drives [17:43:25] but I guess they have no way of knowing? [17:43:37] it was new as far as I know [17:43:44] I paid full price [17:43:50] <[7]> if they really wanted to they could possibly figure it out... but I don't think they'll even try to. [17:44:18] ok, off to the apple store I guess! [17:44:27] <[7]> which model was that? 160GB? [17:44:35] ya [17:45:02] <[7]> that is really fishy... [17:45:47] <[7]> does diagmode list the number of power on hours somewhere? [17:45:48] I trasnfered about 100GB of music to it successfully [17:46:18] poweron hours: 20 [17:46:28] <[7]> hm, so this is indeed a completely new but badly broken drive [17:46:38] <[7]> as if there was some kind of dirt on it in some area [17:46:46] <[7]> or possibly a headcrash due to shock [17:46:58] <[7]> well, try getting it replaced by apple [17:47:11] I will [18:32:17] I am back [18:32:22] with a new ipod :p [18:38:05] so, do I risk rockbox again? [18:38:21] or was there never really much risk to begin with [18:38:56] check the numbers in diagmode first [18:40:52] retracts: 0, reallocs: 0, pending sectors: 0, poweron hours: 3, start/stops: 104 [18:41:44] that's better [18:42:16] the hard disk is really brand new and undamaged [18:42:30] yay [18:43:10] itunes says this ipod requires itunes 10.7 or later [18:43:21] you can try installing emcore using the bootstrap and installer i last sent you in the same archive as emcore.ubi [18:43:51] this is the most recent version [18:45:14] I forget what the steps were, it's all a big mess in my head now [18:47:26] the wiki instructions should be enough [18:47:57] since you have itunes, use that method [18:48:38] good idea [18:49:19] can I use itunes even though it says my ipod requires a new version? [18:49:39] <[7]> yes [18:49:44] <[7]> that's plain nonsense [18:50:01] k [18:51:54] can you wait a bit? [18:52:25] i'd like to have a look at a brand new ipod's nor flash [18:52:48] ok, but I'm in UMSboot now [18:52:49] i found some interesting stuff in mine [18:53:10] ok, just don't upload the installer [18:53:30] k [18:53:42] upload emcore.ubi instead [18:54:19] i'll be home in 2-3 mins, so i can send you the download commanda [18:54:48] or if 7 can copy them, it would speed up the process [18:55:01] ok, emcore.ubi is uploaded [19:02:15] nortunyu: and you see Waiting for USB commands? [19:02:27] no [19:02:33] I guess I need to eject the drive? [19:02:44] ah, yes [19:02:58] waiting for commands [19:03:03] ok [19:03:14] open the command prompt [19:03:50] python3\python.exe tools\emcore.py memalign 0x10 0x100000 [19:04:12] and tell me the 0x800xxxx part of the response [19:04:50] 8000c80 [19:06:02] readbootflash 0 0x8000c80 0x100000 [19:06:02] downloadfile 0x8000c80 0x100000 norflash-new.bin [19:06:02] free 0x8000c80 [19:06:17] (using the same prefix as above) [19:07:46] then zip&upload norflash-new.bin [19:07:56] i would love to see its contents [19:08:29] last time i discovered a hard disk testing tool, and something else that was used during factory testing of the ipods [19:08:50] seems like itunes wipes these remains on updating/restoring [19:09:55] https://mega.co.nz/#!rB4VyJCZ!E27a1RGIcwAsubzYPFLdhmvsXS1xikIOGaAlmXuVi0g [19:10:14] btw, the free command worked this time [19:10:55] I can install rockbox now? [19:11:17] yes, it is supposed to work, 7 mislead me with the syntax earlier [19:11:28] but i figured out at some point [19:11:36] let me see the file [19:13:30] ok, proceed with the installation [19:13:35] and thank you for the file [19:13:55] I just menu+select to get out of this? [19:14:00] actually, the fact that umsboot runs, means that apple hasn't fixed the software exploit we use to install rockbox [19:14:10] well, you can also do something else [19:14:22] since you're already running emcore [19:15:25] but don't I need installer-ipodclassic.ubi on there instead? [19:15:46] well, ok then [19:15:56] python3\python.exe tools\emcore.py reset [19:16:13] then enter DFU and load the installer this time [19:24:01] wooo it's working [19:25:18] :) [19:25:23] now it is normal for windows to take ~20 seconds to see the contents of the drive after I click on it? [19:25:55] well, yes [19:26:09] unfortunately this still isn't fixed [19:27:34] k [19:28:09] I'm so glad this works [19:28:16] thanks for all your help [19:28:36] we're glad we were helpful [19:29:18] and what's up with the battery when the drive is connected? it always looks misleadingly low [19:29:28] but when I disconnect and play music, looks normal... [19:30:30] you mean in rockbox? [19:30:36] or the one in emcore's menu [19:31:51] when rockbox is running, and the big usb connection shows up [19:31:57] the battery looks empty [19:33:49] it should be charging when usb is connected [19:34:04] and there should be an animation of the battery level that shows it [19:34:08] but i'm not sure [19:34:14] you can ask in #rockbox [19:34:23] k [19:38:23] and about your old ipod, it looks like to me that someone in the factory or the store got it dropped on the floor :) [19:39:45] how sensitive are these devices to dropping? [19:39:57] it seems like this is something that would happen quite often [19:41:06] well, there is a hard disk inside, and plates that rotate at 4200 RPM [19:41:50] there's a big chance it would get damaged somehow if it's dropped while reading/writing [19:42:00] and I'm guessing those ipod cases don't do much for protection against this? [19:43:05] not really i think [19:43:40] but if the hard disk is powered off, the head is not near the plates and it's more likely that it would survive dropping [19:43:56] i wouldn't try that of course [19:44:05] heh [19:44:37] rockbox (and probably apple's OS too) uses the large RAM space for cacheing hard disk data that's going to be read soon (read-ahead) [19:45:11] so the hdd turns on for like 2-3 seconds, and reads about 40-50 MB of data ahead [19:45:28] then it's off about 10 mins, until the buffer is empty [19:45:52] (it has 64 MB of RAM in total) [20:32:46] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [21:15:35] <[7]> nortunyu: the battery meter is a crude estimate that will be way off as long as the disk is spinningh [21:15:42] <[7]> and probably not very accurate while charging either [21:16:03] <[7]> discharging with hdd off should be somewhat accurate (although the top 20% of the scale might be way off) [21:16:29] <[Saint]> Mine says 9882m right now :) [21:16:37] I thought that might be the case... better to just ignore it [21:17:03] <[Saint]> that's at 62% battery, too. [21:17:27] <[Saint]> the estimated runtime is basically fairytales. [22:58:30] is there any reason for me to *not* always just run the fallback image? [22:59:59] yes, it won't play any songs [23:00:10] it doesn't have audio codecs, apps, nothing [23:00:28] just the rockbox core, and we use it mostly for file transfers [23:02:33] ah, I see [23:11:29] nortunyu: did your ipod's hard disk got formatted when installing emcore? [23:16:13] I think it formatted and then flashed [23:16:17] it was pretty quick [23:21:17] <[Saint]> it should be. [23:31:51] if the ipod is connected via usb, and I eject it so that I can use it, but leave it connected, is it still charging? [23:32:08] <[Saint]> yes. [23:32:38] <[Saint]> Interestingly, it will also charge when powered down completely as wel. [23:32:49] you can charge and use it at the same time, by holding down MENU while plugging usb in [23:33:33] great [23:33:41] <[Saint]> s/MENU/any key/ [23:34:56] <[Saint]> ...I really need to try and sneak a menu setting for that into Rockbox again. [23:34:56] ah, i missed that, it actually works [23:35:16] <[Saint]> That "hold N key to subvert USB" business is fucking stupid. [23:37:30] <[Saint]> well, its not that bad...but there also should be an alternative "hold any key to mount, and don't otherwise" and "do nothing at all" setting options. [23:38:48] or a "connect mass storage and don't chagre" key [23:39:13] when i use it as a portable hard disk for my smartphone via usb otg [23:41:12] why would you not want it to charge? because it steals power from the smartphone? [23:42:12] <[Saint]> exactly. [23:42:13] yes, and because if my phone sees a device requiring more than ~250 mA, it refuses to connect it [23:43:19] rockbox's USB descriptor is cleverly adjusted to report it that needs almost no power, when you turn off charging via usb