[03:32:53] *** Joins: m00n (~chrstfer@salmon.whatbox.ca) [03:33:09] Hello [03:33:17] Sopiooo [03:33:19] oops [03:33:25] sorry, keyboard lag. [03:35:26] Anyway, my iPod Classic (6g, 160gb, i believe) has emCore and rockbox installed (latest daily from like a week ago). The problem is, windows 7 does not want to give it a drive. Ive uninstalled the drivers, changed which physical USB port im plugging into (atm its into the mobo itself) and a few other things that have not worked. Finally, im checking the IRC. Any known solutions or workarounds? [03:50:31] I have iCloud and iTunes installed, and of course their background services love to reload themselves so that could be the issue [03:51:43] <[7]> m00n: try using the rockbox fallback image (in emcore's tools menu) for transferring files [03:52:02] alright, that i can do [03:52:13] <[7]> it won't properly work for playing music though, so reboot back into the normal one for playback [03:52:21] right [03:52:32] why is that? [03:52:49] that USB file transfer doesnt work i mean [03:53:18] in the new image [03:54:28] also, that works great, thanks! :D [03:54:34] <[7]> we would have fixed it if we knew... [03:55:04] <[7]> it was broken by some fundamental rework in rockbox at some point [03:55:23] <[7]> (the fallback image is really ancient, from before that rework) [03:55:24] Oh, ok. hmm [03:55:37] yeah, its from the first of the year 2012 [03:55:42] <[7]> it oddly only affects windows [03:55:54] <[7]> on linux it seems to work mostly fine [03:56:03] Oh really? I wish id known, i would have booted into debian haha [03:56:54] <[7]> (it also causes some occasional dmesg warnings on linux, but the kernel seems to recover from that properly unlike windows) [03:57:58] <[7]> the trigger seems to be a situation where there is traffic on multiple USB endpoints at once, probably causing some FIFO deadlock in the USB interface circuitry [03:58:43] so were i not using any USB ports, it would be fine? (IE PS2 mouse/keyboard) [03:59:00] not that my mobo has ps/2 [03:59:04] but theoreticaly [03:59:19] oh god im so bad at typing tonight. Theoretically* [04:02:31] <[7]> no, it's a collision of CONTROL vs. BULK pipes on the connection to the ipod [04:02:41] <[7]> other devices shouldn't influence it [04:03:32] <[7]> there's not much you could do to prevent that from happening [04:04:38] oh I thought you meant on the OS's end. That is very off [04:04:40] odd* [04:04:43] <[7]> this is most likely an ipod-side driver bug, which probably only surfaces in some specific timing situations, which have been introduced by some code change in the meantime [04:04:58] oh [04:05:05] alright. [04:05:55] <[7]> it's quite hard to debug, we've been hunting this for like a year now and still haven't located the real root cause, although we have an idea what might be going on [04:06:15] (as i prospective computer engineering student, i must tell you that this is why i really want to do work at low level hardware/software interface and embedded systems, because of problems like this and fixing them) [04:06:36] <[7]> if you want to help with locating the cause of the problem, boot umsboot from the tools menu [04:07:06] <[7]> and check if it shows any unusual behavior compared to a thumbdrive [04:07:32] <[7]> such as taking longer to get detected properly and become accessible [04:07:50] id love to, in my off time. This is not that, however. (AP Physics as an online course is the bane of all social and personal life) [04:08:02] <[7]> my guess is that you won't have any trouble with that, unlike with the normal rockbox build [04:08:07] So, i assume you are here often? [04:08:22] haha, ill be back, i might have a new personal project [04:08:25] <[7]> that would confirm that our driver reimplementation (for umsboot) has likely fixed it somehow [04:09:24] <[7]> i'm connected here almost 24/7, but of course not always watching [04:09:33] of course. [04:09:47] Im connected almost 24/7 as well, with the same caveat [04:09:50] <[7]> highlight me (by mentioning my nicknamen in the message) if you want me to read the backlog [04:10:08] alright [04:11:02] same goes for me, though obviously there will be less of a need to. But if something is mentioned that id find interesting or useful, dont hesitate, it wont bother me [04:13:00] <[7]> this file is the most likely culprit btw: http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=blob;f=firmware/target/arm/usb-s3c6400x.c;h=48521aa622f24bc8653e219aac2b686422296038;hb=refs/heads/master [04:13:30] <[7]> fun fact: it seems to work much better on the ipod nano 2g, which uses the same usb interface hardware and the same driver [04:27:26] Yay, dont you LOVE when that sort of thing happens? What else is different about them, hardware wise? [06:15:31] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:15:44] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:25:59] <[Saint]> Well, it *seemed* to work much better on the Nano2G. [06:26:03] <[Saint]> ...for a while. [06:26:20] <[Saint]> But, Nano2G USB has been broken for a looooooooooooooooong time. [06:27:01] <[Saint]> At least the Classic doesn't throw a panic immediately on USB detection. :) [06:27:48] <[Saint]> (It is trivial to get it to a point where it doesn't panic by increasing the available stack, but thathas no effect on the functionality of USB) [06:27:53] <[Saint]> TheSeven: ^ [07:47:46] that sounds awful. [08:01:28] <[Saint]> For the Nano2G its not so much of a big deal, as we have access to both the OF and EDM. [08:01:44] <[Saint]> On the Classic, it would be a fucking nightmare. [08:02:23] <[Saint]> (since if USB fails there, on both the fallback image and the main binary, there is nothing to fall back to) [08:03:24] <[Saint]> It is possible to add EDM to the Classic, and I believe user890104 is working on this, but it hasn't happened anywhere outside of his own personal installation(s) yet. [08:05:01] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Quit: Rebooty-booty-bootson & Co. Ltd.) [08:23:40] *** Joins: groove_ (5639bb3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:23:58] Hello Guys! I'm trying to install EmCORE to my ipod classic 6 but i see booting UBI file for almost 5 minutes. I think something goes wrong or it should take a lot of time? [10:05:52] *** Quits: groove_ (5639bb3c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [11:53:37] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [11:54:21] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:56:19] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [13:18:53] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:21:08] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/user/saint) [16:27:23] *** Joins: nivk (25925048@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:38:27] *** Joins: prsrpc (929b9d15@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. [16:39:04] hello [16:39:35] hi guys. I tried to install emCORE to my ipod classic, so i copied ubi file to umsboot disk and eject that disk from my pc, but my ipod doesn't enter emCORE boot menu, i see only "Loading UBI file... Rearranging files... Booting...". What am i doing wrong? Sorry for my english [16:39:49] exactly the same! [16:40:41] and i tried with different ubi relases [16:41:28] nivk, your ipod classic has 160gb? [16:41:41] yes [16:42:30] the we have the same problem.. windows 8? (anyway i dont think that is the problem) [16:45:10] yeah. I think we can try to run EXE file in compatibility mode [16:45:54] i tried... the same [16:46:04] i got DeviceIoControl: Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning. [16:46:22] but anyway im able to put the file in [16:46:36] then comes the problem [16:47:39] absolutely same [16:48:59] maybe using iTunes to 9.2.1? [16:49:08] i have a newer version... [16:49:53] but itunes must be closed, i don't think this is problem [16:50:14] yeah is true... [16:50:23] the ipod version? [16:50:51] i have the last one (2009 i think) [16:52:01] I've got the used one, but i think this is last one [16:53:10] yes... i also got an used one last week [16:54:25] i need to try with win 7 [16:55:22] i am installing itunes 9.2.1 (as suggested) in win xp [16:55:48] do you speak spanish? [16:59:54] no, i'm from russia [17:00:14] ok [17:01:20] have you installed it? [17:01:59] not yet... a problem with the vitual xp machine.. [17:02:03] wait [17:07:00] downloading itunes... [17:10:00] by the way... had you chekedo out head-fi post? [17:10:41] nope. give me a link please [17:11:30] http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/2715 [17:12:15] there is a little guide (the same we followed) but there are a lot of questions answers [17:12:27] and is active yet [17:17:29] thanks [17:25:24] *** Quits: prsrpc (929b9d15@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client) [17:25:25] you installed itunes to xp? [22:07:05] *** Quits: nivk (25925048@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)