[03:13:26] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:13:52] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:47:23] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:47:39] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:51:46] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:58:57] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:32:03] *** Joins: syd (594ed643@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:32:20] hello, is there anybody out there? [10:32:47] wow, [Saint]! [11:58:10] syd: yes, if you have a question - just ask it [11:58:19] someone should answer at some point [12:13:11] ok, I want to put Rockbox on my 6th Gen iPod Classic. I tried to instal EmCORE, using http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic site, but stuck after ejecting iPOD [12:21:46] I don't know where is the point to put rockbox into the iPod. [12:24:01] what is the last step of the instructions that you completed successfully? [12:31:33] First I instaled "sucessfully" rockbox using Rockbox Utility. Then, using site which I linked few lines back i got into the last point, eject the ipod, but nothing happened. The screen stayed, [12:36:51] [Saint ] told me (on rockbox forum), that I don't follow the instruction. I need to know all the steps , hmm step by step. Do you have any sugestions? [13:01:22] if you want to use rockbox utility for installation on a classic, you need to do it *after* installing emcore successfully [13:01:38] because the hard disk is getting wiped in the emcore installation [13:10:18] ok, but then if I put the special except putting installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi on to the 64-MB-partition? [13:10:39] I mean what should I do after that? [13:19:21] you put only this file on the 64 mb partition, then eject the drive as shown on the screenshot [13:19:31] it should launch the installer on the ipod [13:23:39] it doesn't. Where should it get that installer from? Don't I have to put it first somewhere? [13:41:55] when the 64 mb drive connects, you copy the .ubi installer that you downloaded [13:41:59] then eject the drive as shown [13:42:13] it should read it, and launch it on the ipod itself [14:39:55] it doesn't :( [14:43:17] but after run bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe my 'dos' window shows http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/2aqq.jpg (translated: it says error 31, the connected device doesn't work) [14:47:10] maybe that's the problem? Also the .exe file makes my ipod showing screen, that it's the DFU-mode is on. When I eject ipod like in the instruction nothing happens. When I connect it back the .ubi file is still there. [14:47:31] I'l try that on another pc. [14:56:18] nope. This was on win7, the other one runs xp. The screen also stays the same ("UMSboot v0.2 Please copy a UBI file to the mass storage device and safety eject it when you're done. If you booted this accidentally, just press and hold menu+select to reboot". I tried putting latest installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi and also installer-ipodclassic-r708-20110424.ubi from http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases [14:58:12] maybe I should rename the .ubi file from installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi to "installer-ipodclassic.ubi" ? [14:59:21] what a hell, the ipod isn't broken! on regular apple system I can listen to the music as I used to. I just want to check the rockbox. [15:00:19] How are you ejecting? IIRC there are two ways to do that on Windows, and one of those has been known not to work for emcore [15:00:38] * gevaerts doesn't remember which ways there are and which one is right thouygh [15:03:05] I click the green icon next to the cock called something like "safety eject", then I see the baloon says that now I can dissconected the device [15:03:45] of course from then the drive letter of the 64-MB-partition is gone [15:12:43] ok, tried the 3rd win7 pc and it's all the same. [15:13:16] 1. I connect the ipod to pc (both itunes processes killed) [15:13:50] 2. Run bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [15:15:11] - the http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/2aqq.jpg apears (translated: it says error 31, the connected device doesn't work) - I can click ok or I can leave it there. Both ways the .exe file make the ipod screen shows the UMSboot v0.2 message [15:15:50] 3. I put ONLY the installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi to the 64-MB-partition [15:16:32] 4. ejecting the partition. Nothing happens. The only thing I can do is restart the ipod with menu+select [15:19:05] Why on the site there's also a bootstrap-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.dfu and rockbox-ipodclassic-r31516-20120102.zip file? Maybe I should put them somewhere? [15:19:15] Maybe it was obvies? [15:19:35] Try ejecting from right clicking the disk icon [15:20:26] HURREY! [15:20:56] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot [15:21:15] we have attached a screenshot, showing the proper way to eject the device [15:22:07] ok, and when the blue caution screen apeared shuld I wait or is it done? [15:22:27] follow the instructions on that screen [15:22:45] make sure you read and understand what it's doing before moving forward [15:23:44] it basicly warns you about erasing the ipod's hard disk [15:24:58] rotating the clickwheel to csroll down doesn't do anything [15:25:12] should I click something? :) [15:26:18] maybe the center button like 'yes, I understand' [15:26:39] ok, I get it [15:26:51] scrolled down.... [15:28:02] I've got a question - is there a way to get back to regular system? can I remove rockbox, format the drive and like restore it from itunes? [15:28:11] yes, just restore with itunes [15:28:16] while in DFU mode [15:28:17] great [15:28:26] but using apple's driver instead of ours [15:29:02] you may need to use an older itunes version (for example 9.2.1) if the most recent one doesn't work [15:31:41] tahnks. When the installation is done and I can see the almost clean ipod drive should I run the rockbox utility and instal rockbox? [15:32:08] or manualy it's better? [15:32:39] it should be fine both ways, you only need to be aware that you need to select Show disabled devices in rockbox utility [15:32:48] because ipod classic is hidden by default [15:33:25] also theme installations didn't work at some point, i don't know if it's fixed now [15:33:55] anyway, you can install ipod video themes manually on your ipod classic [15:41:52] The installation went fine. I've put some mp3 files on my ipod, they are in directories. I clicked the database. I asked me do I want to make a database. I cliked ok, but I still can't find any music files. [15:42:11] everywhere 'nothing to resume' [15:45:11] longer holding select menu made the "data abort" screen apeared [15:46:09] after restart I am able to play something [15:47:58] I guess I'll be fine. Than you very much for your help. [15:57:06] *** Parts: syd (594ed643@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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