[03:57:55] *** Joins: Hanz_Zimmer (~Hanz_Zimm@c-68-41-83-221.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) [03:59:11] Hello, everyone. [04:00:23] <[Saint]> Hi. Normally I don't respond to such posts, but, people give up and think no one is here and leave when I don't...so... [04:00:27] <[Saint]> What's bugging you? [04:01:02] sorry... in the middle of typing my paragraph explanation [04:01:11] I just wanted to send a message to alert people I was here haha. [04:01:14] I've been following this guide: http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic and I got to the point where it said to copy the "installer-ipodclassic.ubi" file to the newly mounted partition. I did so, and when I booted my ipod it just hangs at: " [04:01:41] booting ubi file..." [04:01:54] I have an iPod Classic 7g 160gb [04:02:57] So I never reach the emCore boot menu. [04:04:14] <[Saint]> Presumably rebooting the device plops you back into the into the original firmware? [04:04:20] Yes, it does. [04:05:13] I think it's possible that the firmware has some corruption. I think this becuase It has a ton of "other" garbage on the data bar when I go to info or open it in iTunes. AFAIK this should be a lower level process though and that wouldn't impact this file from booting correctly, right? [04:05:25] I didn't consider restoring it prior to doing all of this. [04:05:34] <[Saint]> Odd. I have seen this with increasing frequency in the past few months, but nothing has changed in the released installer. [04:06:00] That's sad to hear. Has any solution been found? [04:06:07] <[Saint]> And, you're quite right, the state of the disk is irrelevant, as this stage is running from a RAMdisk anyway. [04:06:16] That's what I thought. [04:06:24] <[Saint]> (which is why the UMSboot volume is 64MB) [04:06:42] Yeah. I have a basic understanding of the process. I'm a junior computer science student. [04:06:55] <[Saint]> What OS is this? [04:07:00] Windows 8.1 64 [04:07:32] <[Saint]> Unfortunately, pretty much every /user/ uses Windows, whereas developers, notsumuch. [04:07:54] I have ubuntu 13.10 and Mavericks on this computer also [04:07:59] <[Saint]> If you have access to a linux virtual machine or live image, go for it. [04:08:00] I could try a different os? [04:08:09] <[Saint]> The installation is a LOT easier. [04:08:38] Cool. I haven't gone an irc client running on the ubuntu side yet because i just updated. Will you be here in around 10 minutes so I can go test it? [04:08:41] got* [04:09:03] <[Saint]> https://webchat.freenode.net/ [04:09:13] right on. brb [04:09:14] <[Saint]> ALso, yes. [04:09:23] Thanks for your help. [04:09:29] *** Quits: Hanz_Zimmer (~Hanz_Zimm@c-68-41-83-221.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) () [04:14:23] *** Joins: TJ_____ (442953dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:14:30] Back. [04:16:45] Any idea what repositories I should add to install libusb? [04:16:57] "E: Unable to locate package libusb" [04:18:08] <[Saint]> Ubuntu should already have libusb and py2.6+ [04:18:23] okay [04:19:13] <[Saint]> apt probably failed, as, there indeed is no packake "libusb" [04:19:28] <[Saint]> its "libusb-1.*-*-dev" [04:20:41] <[Saint]> the "libusb-dev" package will pull in whatever's current in the unlikely event its missing. [04:22:28] ah i didn't know that. [04:22:32] tj@TJSDESKTOP:~$ cd Desktop tj@TJSDESKTOP:~/Desktop$ ls ipoddfu.py libipoddfu.py tj@TJSDESKTOP:~/Desktop$ sudo python ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-*.dfu Traceback (most recent call last): File "ipoddfu.py", line 26, in import libipoddfu File "/home/tj/Desktop/libipoddfu.py", line 27, in import usb.core ImportError: No module named usb.core [04:22:42] man that is an eyesore to look at. pastebin.. hold on [04:23:34] http://pastebin.com/w84dEVw0 [04:23:36] I got that error [04:24:35] pyusb error maybe [04:24:41] <[Saint]> Did you A: forget to install pyusb and/or B: use the wrong libipoddfu.py file for your python version? [04:25:24] <[Saint]> "python --version" [04:25:36] 2.7.5+ [04:25:51] no i Used the right one. Let me reinstall pyusb [04:28:18] <[Saint]> its pyusb. [04:28:23] <[Saint]> too old perhaps? [04:28:39] <[Saint]> You need at least 1.0.0a0 [04:28:41] newest version available [04:29:04] 1.0.0b1 [04:30:21] Looks like it installed correctly.. [04:30:21] http://pastebin.com/AdBXWksg [04:31:00] wait... [04:31:01] i didn't cd back [04:31:05] derp derp derp [04:31:14] <[Saint]> wrong dir. [04:31:18] <[Saint]> ah, heh. :) [04:31:25] lol geez.. [04:31:53] <[Saint]> "looks fine looks fine looks fine looks fine...awwwwwwwww dammit!' [04:32:19] haha [04:33:04] cool, got to umsboot [04:33:17] <[Saint]> Huzzah. [04:33:29] I can't believe the 7g was finally hacked and I didn't even know [04:33:38] I need FLAC... [04:33:55] Last time I used Rockbox was on my iPod nano back in 9th grade haha [04:34:06] <[Saint]> There's been no push at all to make it public, by the developers at least. Much nicer, quieter that way. [04:34:35] Any particular reason for that? [04:34:53] <[Saint]> Rockbox is very much a "If you found it, and like it, great" kinda project. But its for developers primarily. [04:34:56] There was a point where I would google for it at least once every 2 weeks.. I finally just gave up and forgot about it for about a year. [04:35:02] <[Saint]> Users are secondary [04:35:02] Yeah, I understand. [04:35:25] I've only ever developed for android (aside from computer stuff) [04:36:24] <[Saint]> The main reason why I think the Classic port hasn't recieved hige attention from the public is the fact that there's no Rockbox-sanctioned installation method. [04:36:29] <[Saint]> *huge [04:36:49] yeah, this is pretty technical [04:36:56] <[Saint]> The non-trivial installation also thins the herd a little. [04:37:20] I bet. How often do you have noobs come in here tripping around with linux for help? [04:38:01] <[Saint]> There's no way to do a semi-automated install on Windows that isn't full of a bunch of ugly shit that fails in lots of cases. Its not very fun. [04:38:39] Are you a lead developer for this exploit? [04:38:49] mounting the ipod is taking forever [04:39:54] <[Saint]> No, no, I don't work on this project at all. Just known some of these guys for an age now, hang around to catch folks like yourself. [04:40:13] That's very cool. [04:42:48] It was a bitch to copy the ubi file to that partition [04:42:59] couldn't do it in file explorer to I had to do it with cp in the terminal [04:43:01] <[Saint]> Oh? [04:43:07] and i forgot where I mounted the ipod at [04:43:10] so I had to find that directory again [04:43:19] and then i didn't have permission to copy for some reason [04:43:22] so i had to sudo it [04:43:59] can't unmount it either.. how do i do that via terminal? [04:44:41] <[Saint]> umount /path/to/path/type/things [04:45:02] oh, I just didnt know the command. [04:45:44] I meant eject not unmount oops [04:45:52] which is just eject [04:46:22] <[Saint]> Are you doing this headless? [04:46:55] haha no, hungover. [04:47:03] <[Saint]> My system auto-mounts and eject is a right click away - spoilt I guess. [04:47:10] Had a few friends over last night. [04:47:25] I told you I couldn't do it from nautlilus [04:47:28] I had to do it via terminal [04:49:51] Everything works! Thanks a lot! [04:50:12] <[Saint]> Huzzah. [04:52:52] So what cool things can I do now? Like I said, I haven't touched rockbox in ages [04:53:00] The default theme looks just like I remember though [04:53:13] I' mostly excited for additional codecs [04:53:36] <[Saint]> We have opus now. [04:54:02] <[Saint]> http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SoundCodecs <-- and all these [04:54:28] cool [04:54:32] <[Saint]> If you want a manual, use the Video 5/5.5G manual: http://download.rockbox.org/daily/manual/rockbox-ipodvideo/rockbox-build.html [04:54:47] <[Saint]> (the two ports are almost feature identical) [04:56:33] nice. thanks! [04:56:42] I'm going to disconnect now. Have a great day/night [04:58:08] *** Quits: TJ_____ (442953dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [05:23:28] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [05:25:36] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [06:25:03] *** Quits: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-96.customer.t3.se) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [06:42:11] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Read error: Operation timed out) [06:43:53] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [12:12:59] *** Joins: Poodlemastah (~Poodlemas@109-124-181-96.customer.t3.se) [12:56:27] *** Joins: jono (789469ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [12:56:51] *** jono is now known as Guest31000 [12:59:15] hi, i am trying to install emcore and rockbox on my ipod classic 6g 160gb. I have followed all the intructions, and am able to load the installer to the umsboot partition but when I eject the device, i see an error flash (something like cannot read to sector someting), then I get the emcore installer window asking me if its ok to format, i say yes, and then it just seems to freeze on "formatting". i let it run overni [12:59:50] i have tried chdsk, and reformatting in windows [13:10:18] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:40:13] *** Quits: Guest31000 (789469ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [16:22:59] *** Joins: fmibot (~fmibot@v220100145842398.yourvserver.net) [16:22:59] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o fmibot [20:03:07] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [23:29:20] *** Joins: jonoh (9665a6f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:29:59] *** Parts: jonoh (9665a6f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. ()