[00:13:57] *** [Saint] is now known as Hal [00:14:13] *** Hal is now known as [Saint] [06:38:51] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:39:06] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:59:55] *** Joins: jonoh (9665a6f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:01:12] hi again, i posted here yesterday but had to leave. I am trying to install rockbox on my classic 6g but it gets stuck on the "formatting" page. Any Help? [09:08:45] <[Saint]> in theory if this stage stalls it should be possible to format it as a fat32 superfloppy manually [09:09:25] <[Saint]> Oh, hmm. Possibly not. [09:09:43] <[Saint]> I did see your post yesterday but I have no idea why this would be happening. [09:10:00] <[Saint]> Does the iPod function correctly in the original firmware, I assume so, yes? [09:11:45] yes it does. tried reformatting to fat using windows [09:13:19] when i boot the installer, i get an errror message "ATA: Error 8000000 while reading BBT" (not sure if thats the exact number) [09:13:45] but it is only there for a microsecond, then it goes to the "emcore installer" [09:14:29] <[Saint]> You would really want to talk to [7] about this. [09:14:37] <[Saint]> WHich may mean having to idle for some time. [09:15:35] ok. would it be easier to use the mailing list? or just wait here [09:16:24] <[Saint]> it would probably be easier to idle here. [09:16:31] <[Saint]> user890104 may be able to help you as well. [09:16:56] <[Saint]> They both will have been highlighted now, so its just a matter of time. [09:17:53] cool. thanks [09:39:46] jonoh: smells like bad hard disk to me [09:40:12] yeah thats what i thought. I ran chkdsk on windows, and it gave no errors [09:40:35] is there a way to modify the code to ignore the error? [09:41:01] well this error basicly means "we can't access your hard disk, there's some issue" [09:41:35] the BBT (bad block table) is the first thing our firmware attempts to read [09:42:23] so in your case, the hard disk is inaccessible, and any subsequent attempts to access it would also fail [09:42:39] your best bet is to wait for [7] [09:42:57] he might have an idea, but keep in mind that these devices are pretty fragile [09:43:21] we also had a case, where a brand-new ipod classic had a bunch of bad sectors [09:43:43] <[Saint]> doesn't the installer use a badblocks file if its present? [09:44:05] it does, but it needs to access the HDD first [09:44:21] and if that fails, you see that error [09:44:27] <[Saint]> AH, right. Derp. [09:44:58] so this doesn't mean "we can't access some sector, because it's damaged" [09:45:07] it means "we can't access the hard disk at all" [09:45:22] but anyway, wait for [7] [09:46:06] what we suggest in these cases, is to replace the ipod in an apple store (if the warranty period hasn't expired) [09:46:27] they usually check the hard disk, and replace the device if it's faulty [10:00:01] sorry, just doing something else. its a very old one, and i have already replaced the drive myself once. [10:09:53] jonoh: i see. can you reboot it (menu+select), then immediately hold center+left, until you enter diagnostics mode? [10:14:58] yep [10:15:11] should i do manual or auto? [10:20:26] manual [10:21:22] go to IO - HardDrive - HDSmartData [10:21:41] and tell me the numbers ()retracts, reallocs, etc. [10:23:37] retracts:5, reallocs: 0, pending secotrs:0, powerOn hours 892, startstops: 18484 [10:25:15] oh, that looks pretty well [10:25:41] almost like a new one [10:26:08] ok, scratch the bad hdd option, and wait for [7] [10:26:16] i did just do a deep format. would that have reset it? [10:26:22] okay. :) [10:26:27] how did you format it? [10:26:48] in windows disk manager, and unticked quick format [10:27:14] emcore formats it at a lower level (it repartitions it and erases apple's hidden firmware partition) [10:27:43] oh ok. [10:27:50] i'll keep waiting [10:27:53] another case would be failing to access the last sectors of the hdd [10:28:33] i don't know where the BBT is stored, but if it's at the end of the hard disk, there are some bugs with some hard disk firmwares [10:29:13] you're either hitting one of these, or the sector where bbt should be stored, is somehow damaged [10:29:21] so yes, please keep waiting here [10:29:57] [7] is in GMT+1 time zone, and he usually appears online at the evening/night [10:46:15] ok. i'm in gmt +10 [10:57:53] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [11:33:01] <[7]> jonoh: you said you replaced the HDD manually... with which type of HDD? [11:33:15] <[7]> and what's the exact error code? (focus on the last digits) [11:33:32] <[7]> user890104: BBT is sector 0 [11:34:02] <[7]> if that one would be broken, the device couldn't even be partitioned [11:34:28] ummm. it was a few years ago, i think it was the same as the ones that are meant to be in there. ie a toshiba (i think) 160gb [11:34:44] let me have a look [11:34:46] <[7]> thick or thin model? [11:35:06] thick. it was the first classic (6g) [11:35:15] <[7]> so that's the CE-ATA beast [11:38:52] i think it was sector 0, count 1 [11:40:11] <[7]> I mean that "error 80000XXX" code [11:40:29] <[7]> that one provides some technical info on what did actually go wrong [11:41:24] oh, its just 8 followed by all zeros [11:43:20] also, when i run the bootstrapper program to get the umsboot partition, i get an error "deviceiocontrol error", but it still works. Is this a problem [11:44:07] <[7]> that message is to be expected [11:45:00] ok. [11:45:41] yep. definately 80000000 [11:47:28] <[7]> wtf [11:47:42] <[7]> that error seems to mean that this assertion failed: (sector + count <= ata_total_sectors) [11:48:03] <[7]> given the values from your error message, this means that ata_total_sectors must be 0 [11:48:53] ok. that is wierd [11:49:55] <[7]> that in turn means that the relevant fields in the IDENTIFY response of the drive are zero [11:50:52] <[7]> ...or that code not even getting reached [11:51:12] <[7]> I just spotted a missing error check that could make it reach that point if ata_power_up failed [11:52:11] <[7]> the error code reported by it doesn't get shown anywhere :/ [11:52:46] <[7]> so it could be any one of these that's failing: mmc_init, ceata_init or ata_identify [11:54:11] <[7]> hm, this doesn't really help [11:54:24] <[7]> might be some timeout being too tight or something like that [11:54:39] <[7]> I've seen these CE-ATA drives take up to 10 seconds before responding after powerup [11:57:34] ok. so is there a way to increase this? I am looking at the source code, but i must admit my c skills are not that great [12:26:22] <[7]> walk through ata_power_on and its subroutines (always assume that ceata is true) [12:28:05] <[7]> hm, looks like this is already factored out properly [12:28:16] <[7]> http://websvn.freemyipod.org/filedetails.php?repname=freemyipod&path=%2Femcore%2Ftrunk%2Ftarget%2Fipodclassic%2Fstorage_ata.c [12:28:27] <[7]> these lines: [12:28:28] <[7]> #define CEATA_POWERUP_TIMEOUT 30000000 [12:28:28] <[7]> #define CEATA_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 1000000 [12:28:28] <[7]> #define CEATA_DAT_NONBUSY_TIMEOUT 5000000 [12:28:43] <[7]> those values seem to be plenty though [12:28:56] <[7]> (those are microseconds) [12:29:47] <[Saint]> There's definitely some issue, I think I remember telling you it never sounds like the disk is being shut down properly. [12:30:11] <[Saint]> the ce-ata disk always sounds nasty when its powered down by either emcore or Rockbox. [12:30:24] <[Saint]> but with the of its nice and quiet. [12:31:08] <[7]> [Saint]: that sounds like the sleep(1000000); in ata_power_down should be increased [12:31:29] <[7]> it really shouldn't take more than a second for that drive to park its heads, but apparently it does [12:31:32] <[Saint]> where is the equivalent in Rockbox hiding? [12:31:44] <[Saint]> I'm not set up to build emcore. [12:31:45] <[7]> or the 0xe0 command above is being ignored by the drive [12:32:31] <[7]> http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=blob;f=firmware/target/arm/s5l8702/ipod6g/storage_ata-ipod6g.c;h=395c0f49e646199a3d16bbb5f63c33be2643c1e3;hb=refs/heads/master#l680 [12:32:46] <[7]> bump that to 2*HZ or something [12:33:08] <[Saint]> thanks, I'll try in an hour or so. [12:47:22] thanks for looking into it guys. I really am out of my depth here [17:48:58] *** Joins: Chief (b85bed7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:50:41] *** Quits: Chief (b85bed7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [19:56:22] *** Joins: Major_ (b85bed7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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