[00:36:29] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [00:36:43] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [01:09:25] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:11:33] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [03:04:45] *** Quits: kc4 (52987115@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [05:31:03] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:33:07] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [06:15:52] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:16:05] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:51:51] *** Joins: jabberpod (812c476b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [06:54:06] Hey, I started following the guide @ http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot. I've uploaded the installer-ipodclassic.ubi (EmCore release r859) to my ipod. However, it seems like the installer on the ipod has frozen. [06:55:36] My screen has the apple logo on a grey backdrop, with a black bar taking up ~1/5 of the screen. Overlaying this is console text... "Loading UBI file...." "Rearranging files...." "Booting UBI file..." [06:55:56] I'd normally troubleshoot this on my own, but I know nothing of iPods. [06:59:00] If for some reason my IRC client goes down, I can be reached at 49bc5c56@opayq.com [09:26:33] *** Joins: firtimerrockboxe (3ea31029@gateway/web/freenode/session) [09:26:39] hi [09:26:53] someone here? [09:27:08] i have a question and i hope someone could help me with it [09:44:02] i can seem to get my rockboxed ipod to connect to any pc. My main pc with music on it, it just makes a connection and unplugges right away and repeats that every seccond, the other pc i own doesnt seem to find any drivers. The usb icon on the ipod itself keeps on but i cant find any hardware [09:44:42] both pcs run windows 7, i tried multiple usb ports but only the 4 in the back seem to work and they have the same problem [09:46:16] im running the lastest release as of now from EmCORE. Release r853 [09:46:31] released on 2012-01-02 [09:48:31] what can i do to connect my ipod and put music on it [09:52:19] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [09:52:41] good morning STeeF :) [09:54:09] i dont know exactly how irc works, can you read questions typed beofore you joined or should i cpy paste? [09:54:14] *copy [09:58:20] firtimerrockboxe, I can not read back before I joined. [09:58:44] [08:27] i have a question and i hope someone could help me with it [08:44] i can seem to get my rockboxed ipod to connect to any pc. My main pc with music on it, it just makes a connection and unplugges right away and repeats that every seccond, the other pc i own doesnt seem to find any drivers. The usb icon on the ipod itself keeps on but i cant find any hardware [08:44] ple usb ports but only the 4 in the back seem to work and they have the same problem [08:46] im running the lastest release as of now from EmCORE. Release r853 [08:46] released on 2012-01-02 [08:48] what can i do to connect my ipod and put music on it [09:59:20] that looks weird, let me copy paste it post by post [09:59:29] [08:27] i have a question and i hope someone could help me with it [09:59:36] [08:44] i can seem to get my rockboxed ipod to connect to any pc. My main pc with music on it, it just makes a connection and unplugges right away and repeats that every seccond, the other pc i own doesnt seem to find any drivers. The usb icon on the ipod itself keeps on but i cant find any hardware [09:59:45] [08:44] both pcs run windows 7, i tried multiple usb ports but only the 4 in the back seem to work and they have the same problem [09:59:57] [08:46] im running the lastest release as of now from EmCORE. Release r853 [10:00:04] [08:46] released on 2012-01-02 [10:00:12] [08:48] what can i do to connect my ipod and put music on it [10:00:26] thanks in advance :) [10:16:03] firtimerrockboxe: shut down rockbox by holding down PLAY, then select Tools -> Run fallback image from the boot menu [10:16:11] use this version for file transfer [10:16:28] when you're done, hold down PLAY to shut it down, then select Rockbox from the main menu [10:16:29] thank you :) [10:16:35] use this version for listening to music [10:16:46] it doesn't work well for file transfers, as you can see [10:17:13] i noticed, well thanks for your help mate. :) i owe you a beer mate [10:45:18] *** Quits: firtimerrockboxe (3ea31029@gateway/web/freenode/session) (Changing host) [10:45:18] *** Joins: firtimerrockboxe (3ea31029@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:45:49] *** Quits: _MAX_ (~max@46-127-204-58.dynamic.hispeed.ch) (*.net *.split) [10:46:50] *** Joins: _MAX_ (~max@46-127-204-58.dynamic.hispeed.ch) [11:24:01] *** Quits: firtimerrockboxe (3ea31029@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [14:30:12] *** Joins: jproig (bed8330a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:30:33] Hey, I started following the guide @ http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot. I've uploaded the installer-ipodclassic.ubi (EmCore release r859) to my ipod. However, it seems like the installer on the ipod has frozen. [14:30:42] My screen has the apple logo on a grey backdrop, with a black bar taking up ~1/5 of the screen. Overlaying this is console text... "Loading UBI file...." "Rearranging files...." "Booting UBI file..." [14:30:49] I'd normally troubleshoot this on my own, but I know nothing of iPods. [14:31:05] hi everyone [14:31:22] Oh, also, this is happening on Windows 8.1. I don't have access to another OS right at the moment [14:31:28] hi jproig [14:31:36] quick question, the svn is not working, do smeone know where o find the python tools? [14:32:18] jproig: I believe there's a temporary mirror at http://theseven.bounceme.net/~theseven/fmi/ [14:32:54] awesome, thanks gevaerts [14:34:07] <[7]> jabberpod: does that text appear on a black screen with some info text above, or are there remnants of an apple boot screen on the display? [14:35:32] There's remants. Namely the grey backgroud/apple logo that taking up most of the screen. [14:36:03] <[7]> hm... something's failing to talk to the display properly [14:37:11] <[7]> can you try to use an older bootstrapper, such as http://files.freemyipod.org/misc/bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [14:39:07] Will that safely work after this current .ubi failing? I just got this guy; I'm pretty loathe to lose him so soon. (Granted, it is partially my fault for having to hack every piece of tech I own.) [14:39:20] <[7]> you can just reboot the ipod [14:39:30] <[7]> no modifications have been made at this stage [14:39:43] Hmmm, menu+select? [14:41:21] <[7]> yes, just reboot it into DFU again [14:44:51] And just keep on going with the process, just switching the bootstrap, after the iPod makes it into umsboot? [14:58:27] And, it panicked. After "Booting....," I get "*PANIC*" "Undefined instruction at 0800 000C!" [15:04:57] *** Quits: jabberpod (812c476b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [15:05:23] *** Quits: jproig (bed8330a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [15:09:10] *** Joins: jabberpod (812c476b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:15:54] Alright, so my power went out (but that's unrelated.) I used the bootloader htat was suggested to me+the r859 .ubi file, and it panicked. The 'undefined instruction' is somewhere in garbled unicode-land. [15:22:05] Tried using files from files.freemyipod.org/targets/iPod classic/... Bootstrap and UMSboot .ubi [15:22:27] Nothing happens, just stops at "Booting UBI file..." [15:47:51] <[7]> which ubi file did you copy onto it? [15:48:00] <[7]> the latest release installer-ipodclassic.ubi? [15:55:34] Lastest release, yeah. EmCore r859. Rgiht now I have the iPod back at Apple's software, disconnected. Model No. is MC293LL if that helps any. [15:56:45] <[7]> so you say the older bootstrapper's UMSboot manages to talk to the LCD properly (i.e. you see the info text after running the bootstrapper)? [15:56:46] I also used the files at /targets/Ipod classic for a third attempt. Attempt #2 was the r859 .ubi with an older bootstrap, but the kernel panics when trying to use that one. [15:56:52] <[7]> but booting the installer through that fails as well? [15:57:46] I see the text, but it either stops @ "Booting .ubi file..." OR "*PANIC* Unexpected Instruction at 0x???????????" [15:57:51] Yep, it fails. [16:08:26] <[7]> that all points towards a corrupted UBI file... especially if both UMSboot versions don't work [16:11:54] Is the server copy corrupt? I redownloaded each flash to make sure of this. Also, maybe there's an MD5sum of an intact copy of the .ubi around somewhere? [16:12:21] *make sure that wasn't an issue since I'm on DSL. [16:42:24] <[7]> http://theseven.bounceme.net/~theseven/fmi/apps/installer-ipodclassic/build/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [16:42:36] <[7]> I just installed that on mine, and it seems to work well [16:43:00] <[7]> $ md5sum apps/installer-ipodclassic/build/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [16:43:00] <[7]> 44836f6326819abbccccce99f48d491a apps/installer-ipodclassic/build/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [16:43:14] <[7]> that's not the released version though [17:49:34] Worth a try. MD5 checks out, here we go. [17:51:16] And...it's stuck right back at "Booting UBI file...." [17:51:47] <[7]> even with the old bootstrapper? the new one might actually be working, but having trouble to access the display. [17:53:49] That's the one I used just now. I'll try the new guy, but my hopes aren't high at this point. I'm beginning it just can't be done with this particular iPod. [17:56:18] Latest bootstrap+the .ubi you linked to= same thing "booting ubi file..." [17:58:47] If it has problems talking to the LCD, do you think would semi-random button-clicking get it to a point where the LCD would start updating? Even if I can't quite see what I'm doing, it should be responsive to input despite the lack of visual output. [18:02:34] <[7]> so you didn't any panic messages with that UBI file at least? [18:03:11] <[7]> you can try to install it "blindly" [18:03:44] <[7]> wait for a few seconds after starting up the UBI file, then press the MENU and PLAY buttons, and wait for another minute or so. check for any sounds of drive activity. [18:04:02] <[7]> even if that fails, you should still be able to restore the ipod using itunes [18:08:47] No panics this time around. Just hit menu+play...let's see what happens. [18:28:59] <[7]> so... did anything happen? [18:31:50] Nada. [18:35:26] <[7]> hm. if you reboot it, what happens? [18:35:33] <[7]> does it boot back into the apple firmware? [19:45:27] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:48:35] Rebooting.... [19:49:33] annnd, we're back at the Apple fireware. [20:37:54] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:39:56] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [21:09:30] <[7]> that all doesn't make much sense [21:10:09] <[7]> how do you eject the UMSboot drive? [21:10:28] <[7]> something must be wrong with how the UBI file gets written [23:35:48] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@euve6285.server4you.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:37:09] *** Quits: jabberpod (812c476b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [23:42:04] *** Joins: Prometheus__ (4c44d0ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:42:35] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [23:44:04] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:46:15] *** Quits: Prometheus__ (4c44d0ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [23:49:26] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [23:50:57] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:52:46] *** Joins: jan_bee (~some@euve32367.server4you.net) [23:57:22] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@euve32367.server4you.net) ()