[00:06:22] *** Joins: Doge (47c8a6f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:08:08] Getting this error during the initial "sudo pytho....." TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'long' and 'str'. Wat do? [00:19:41] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:21:46] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [01:06:03] derp [01:20:17] <_MAX_> Doge: got the same ypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'long' and 'str'. on the CRC32 function. Guess its broken. [02:07:26] Doge, _MAX_: use the right libipoddfu version for your python version [02:08:37] Cant get the right version, the requested url for the python 2.x version is unavailable [02:08:54] use my mirror at http://theseven.bounceme.net/~theseven/fmi/ [02:09:42] or wait... the old one isn't in that tree [02:10:55] try changing the offending line to this (should work with both python 2 and 3): [02:10:55] crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ struct.unpack("B", data[i:i+1])) & 0xff]; [02:11:28] user890104: what's the plan and status for bringing our infrastructure back online? [02:15:03] tried it, and now I get this TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'long' and 'tuple' [02:15:26] right, my fault [02:15:36] crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crc ^ struct.unpack("B", data[i:i+1])[0]) & 0xff]; [02:15:39] that should work better [02:19:02] thanks UMS Boot is showing on the ipod now, however I attempting to use the sduo fdisk and its rather confusing, im a bit of nub to this [02:19:08] sudo* [02:20:09] you don't need to use fdisk [02:20:24] just mount it, copy the ubi file, then unmount and eject it [02:20:38] the umsboot drive already contains a fat16 filesystem [02:23:54] ok, i tried the mkdir and its denying me permissions [02:25:01] if you mounted it as root, you'll have to copy the files as root [02:25:26] typically an automounter will just make the drive available for you in your desktop environment's file manager application [02:30:16] alright awesome, booting atm [02:31:10] stuck at "booting ubi file"? [02:31:13] not that again... [02:32:55] if so, did umsboot show instructions on the ipod's screen? or are you currrently seeing an apple logo screen with a black bar on the left and the "booting ubi file" text somewhere near the center of the screen? [02:33:33] the former [02:33:59] that's good at least [02:34:26] but the installer doesn't come up? [02:34:47] (you aren't even supposed to see that "booting ubi file" message, that should only be visible for a split second) [02:35:04] no, its a white box that says "Please copy a UBI..." [02:35:26] bootom says "Booting..." [02:35:40] oh, the old umsboot [02:35:53] anyway, same situation [02:36:06] did you properly unmount the drive before unplugging/ejecting it? [02:36:12] where did you get the ubi file from? [02:36:29] that behavior suggests that the ubi file was corrupted somehow [02:36:47] the file came from here http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 [02:37:16] and I followed the guids directions, mount, save UBI to UMSboot, and then eject [02:37:22] guides* [02:37:41] try explicitly unmounting before ejecting [02:38:26] ok, wat do about the current things on the ipod screen? just hold menu+select? [02:39:19] yes [02:39:31] roger [02:44:57] it seems to be working now [02:45:53] yep made it to the boot menu [02:50:14] just extracted the rockbox installer and its not showing up in the ipod, is that normal [03:07:11] *** Quits: Doge (47c8a6f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:11:32] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:11:46] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:43:31] *** Quits: _MAX_ (~max@46-127-204-58.dynamic.hispeed.ch) (Quit: _MAX_) [09:47:46] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:32:24] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [10:34:27] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [17:37:22] *** Joins: kobra_ (5b92f7f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:45:29] *** Quits: kobra_ (5b92f7f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:04:43] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [21:08:55] *** Joins: kobra_ (5b92f7f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:09:08] Hi there [21:10:57] after removing emcore from my ipad and restoring with itunes my ipod is not recognized under windows [21:12:21] the only way to have acess to the ipod is from linux ( and windows as VM runnning on linux host) [21:13:17] any ideas what can be wrong ? I checked 2 different cables and I got the same result [21:16:09] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@ [21:19:10] <[Saint]> kobra_: this is not a generic iOS support channel. [21:19:47] <[Saint]> If you have problems with emCORE, talk to us, if you have problems with stock Apple products, go talk to Apple - we literally couldn't care less. [21:20:03] ok, but the problemes appear when I installed emcore [21:20:27] <[Saint]> Ohhhhh...ok, I assume "ipad" was a typo then? [21:20:59] <[Saint]> If you're trying to do anything related to emCORE and an iPad, stop now. It won;t work. [21:21:47] <[Saint]> IF by chance you mean 'iPod", and it happens to be a NAno2G or Classic, then by all means, continue. [21:22:08] I ok , let me explain [21:22:31] ipod nano 2 gen [21:23:02] then I had emcore installed ( I did't it 2 years ago ) [21:23:51] everything was fine till the moment when windows was not able recognize usb device ( disk mode ) [21:24:58] two days ago "user890104" gave me some advices to update emcore to latest relase, I did it [21:25:05] problems remains [21:25:33] I removed emcore like "user890104" suggested [21:25:57] problems remains , that's why I'm here [21:26:30] <[Saint]> Well, its quite obviously a hardware problem. [21:26:43] but if you can't help me now. I understand [21:26:53] <[Saint]> IF the problem remains when its not running a shred of aftermaket code, it must be the hardware at fault. [21:26:57] but under linux work more less fine [21:27:45] with emcore and Apple os [21:28:18] <[Saint]> Yes, I understand that, and it is odd, but the fact remains that this must be a hardware problem. [21:28:24] that's why I'm suprised [21:28:40] hmm ok [21:28:40] <[Saint]> When it is not running a single piece of emCORE/freemyipod code, it *must* be a hardware issue. [21:29:10] then ipod is going to trush [21:29:17] <[Saint]> It is unlikely (but possible) that the problem exists on all the PCs you have tried this device on. SO all signs point to the device being at fault. [21:29:55] I tried with 1 mac 2 windows and 1 linux [21:30:25] <[Saint]> The odds of all those machines being broken in exactly the same way are pretty high. [21:30:29] <[Saint]> Very high. [21:30:35] only under linux works ( and windows vm running on linux host) [21:32:29] ok, thanks for your help [22:08:39] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [22:10:58] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [22:20:22] *** Joins: musty (3e3c7134@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:24:56] I am running emcore and rockbox on an iPod classic (120gb). Sometimes I can see it in windows explorer, sometimes I can't. It does not appear in WMP, Winamp or mediamokey, [22:26:26] Each time i attach I get emcore debugger driver installation attempt - which always fails. Can anyone help? [22:49:50] musty: that driver isn't needed for transferring files, so you can ignore that failed install [22:50:08] if you want to transfer files, go to the boot menu -> tools -> run rockbox fallback image [22:50:35] use this version for file transfer, then quit (holding down play, as you usually turn off the ipod) [22:50:46] then launch the regular rockbox version for listening to music [22:51:19] thanks I'll give that a try [22:53:32] hmm... running rockbox fallback image seems to have hung th ipod. Stuck on the rockbox splash screen. [22:57:31] reboot with menu+select and retry, without connecting to usb in the process [23:00:01] OK. Oddly while in the normal config, it suddenly showed up in winamp. No idea why. Winamp has never detected it before! [23:00:39] well, it works from time to time. but the fallback image is safer for transfers [23:04:24] Ran fallback while disconnected, reconnectedd and now it doesn't appear in winamp. I wonder if I have a dodgy install! [23:09:16] Seems to be a bit random. I may do a reinstall before taking up any more of your time. Thanks though. Much appreciated. [23:09:59] <[Saint]> Re-install of what? [23:10:10] rockbox [23:10:21] <[Saint]> DOn't bother, its not going to get any better. [23:10:51] <[Saint]> This is a known flaw, which is why there is a specific workwaround baked right into the firmware. [23:11:15] <[Saint]> Reinstalling Rockbox won't make it any better. [23:11:16] meaning the fallback image? [23:11:20] <[Saint]> Yes. [23:11:24] ta [23:12:02] i'll persevere. Spent yesterday trying to mount the ipod in Ubuntu. Gave up in the end. [23:12:22] <[Saint]> That is odd. It should "Just Work (TM)" in Ubuntu. [23:12:37] <[Saint]> s/Ubuntu/*nix/ [23:12:43] Couldn't see it. Couldn't mount it manually either [23:12:58] I'll try that tomorrow [23:13:10] <[Saint]> Was it a USB3 port by any chance? [23:14:06] No - stock [23:15:23] <[Saint]> Hmmmm. Very odd. Linux is a *lot* more forgiving than Windows or Mac (which will freak out for an entirely different reason). [23:16:46] I am guessing there may be a problem with my install after all. But hey for all the extra work the Classic is so much more of a player with rockbox :-) [23:17:32] Anyway thanks Hayden [23:18:22] <[Saint]> If you do have access to a linux system, try throwing "sudo fsck.vfat -a -l -v -w /path/to/mountpoint" at it. [23:18:24] and thanks to Vencislav too! [23:19:02] thanks i will. My linux skills are a bit basic. It's a new venture for me [23:19:36] <[Saint]> That is basically "traverse the filesystem, take the wisest action for recovery, and print what you're doing while you're doing it" [23:20:33] <[Saint]> If you want to do a "dry run" first, without actually changing anything on the filesystem, drop the -a and -w flags. [23:20:42] I managed to translate some of it! :-) [23:21:03] thanks. [23:21:17] Right I'm off now, but thanks for all the help [23:21:21] also on linux you can try emCOREFS [23:21:34] it should work well [23:21:35] what does that do? [23:22:02] it mounts the ipod, using that "emcore debugger" interface you asked about [23:22:03] <[Saint]> Its just an alternative filesystem management tool, written by our man user890104 [23:22:09] it doesn't need any drivers on linux [23:22:15] ah right I'll go google it [23:22:25] it's in our wiki [23:22:33] ah ok [23:22:46] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCOREFS [23:23:13] i updated it to work with the latest emcore version [23:23:28] so you'll need to use the latest available build [23:24:09] https://mega.co.nz/#!QtZn3R7Q!adV4yHPfNl-UbE_9ozLhCFhCSmdntuUo51KYhp5qzQE [23:24:12] for example, this one [23:24:25] I only installed it yesterday so shoild be latest on ipod [23:24:41] <[Saint]> Yes. [23:24:51] well, the latest official version is older that the latest development version [23:24:59] <[Saint]> Nothing relevant to the Classic has been changed in the codebase for a while now. [23:25:12] <[Saint]> *Rockbox codebase [23:25:37] i'm referring to the latest emcore version, not rockbox [23:26:11] Ah OK- yes installed the official versiion, not dev [23:26:14] which has a new debugging protocol, implemented in the latest couple of revisions [23:26:25] and i synced emcorefs to work with it [23:26:33] <[Saint]> Ah. [23:26:56] and since the svn is down, i'll prepare an archive of the source code, for easier download [23:27:29] * [Saint] really wants to port [7]'s baremetal USB core driver to Rockbox, but its such a fucking nightmare,,,,uuuuuuugh. [23:27:38] (and find some time to bring back the svn repo and automated builds, as [7] reminded me) [23:27:53] <[Saint]> It would be *so* much easier if the Classic was the only target using that USB controller. [23:28:12] e387a74-131114 [23:28:20] <[Saint]> But, it isn't. [23:28:34] that's from 14 november, so 4 days old [23:28:39] <[Saint]> ANd the fucking odd thing is that the other targets that use this driver "Just Work (TM)" [23:28:50] you might want to update the emcore version [23:28:56] to go Tools -> run UMSboot [23:29:08] then copy the .ubi file i posted a link to [23:29:10] ok [23:29:39] *** Quits: kobra_ (5b92f7f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [23:29:43] eject, as in the initial install (or in linux: sudo eject /dev/sdX where X = your ipod's disk drive letter) [23:29:57] for example, /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc [23:30:25] the installer should continue on its own, and do all the magic in a couple of seconds [23:32:20] http://files.freemyipod.org/misc/emcorefs.tar.gz [23:32:28] <[Saint]> Does that build have your disk mode shennanigans hacked into it? [23:32:32] that's the latest emcorefs code, in case you want to give it a try [23:32:49] [Saint]: yes, but only in the winter theme [23:33:18] thanks. BTW did you know mega wont open properly in ie? [23:33:41] well, i can upload it somewhere else [23:34:08] no real problem - have Firefox. Was just for info [23:34:12] ok [23:34:53] right. Links and Linux commands saved, files downloaded. All ready for tomorrow. Signing off now. [23:35:05] 'thanks for all the fish' :-) [23:35:27] *** Parts: musty (3e3c7134@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [23:43:33] *** Quits: fmibot (~fmibot@v220100145842398.yourvserver.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:43:57] *** Joins: fmibot (~fmibot@v220100145842398.yourvserver.net) [23:43:57] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o fmibot