[01:18:38] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@ (Read error: Operation timed out) [01:31:13] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [02:02:14] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:13:19] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:21:49] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [02:24:17] *** [Saint] is now known as Brendan_Fraser [02:24:32] *** Brendan_Fraser is now known as [Saint] [02:30:37] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [03:25:21] *** Joins: Gregor_ (c6174763@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:26:00] hey, I think I messed up mu iPod classic pretty bad [03:27:17] I tried to install emCORE but I used Windows 8.1 [03:27:37] I read on some forums that people were successful with it [03:27:46] but everything seemed wrong [03:28:33] eventually i was able to get the UMSboot v0.2 screen [03:28:40] <[Saint]> The chances of you doing any irreparable damage to the device are infinitesimally small. [03:29:00] <[Saint]> like, not even worth mentioning kinda small. [03:29:09] Ok great! [03:29:35] Well my problem is that after transferring the .ubi file and ejecting the iPod, nothing happened [03:29:57] i cannot reset the iPod using menu+select [03:30:26] and it is no longer recognized by my computer (i tried listing all usb devices in terminal [03:31:04] <[Saint]> You should always be able to reset the device using menu+select. [03:31:14] well, i'm not [03:31:15] <[Saint]> That's controlled by hardware, we couldn;t break that if we tried. [03:31:28] try locking and unlocking the hold switch [03:31:45] that often helps with clickwheel controller lockups [03:31:52] OMG [03:31:53] thanks [03:32:09] it worked! [03:32:39] now do you suggest trying with XP/Vista/7 instead of 8.1? [03:32:50] and do I restore with iTunes first? [03:33:06] <[Saint]> I suggest avoiding Windows completely, to be honest. [03:33:07] <[Saint]> And no. [03:33:24] I see no reason why it wouldn't work with win8, although I haven't tested [03:34:07] how did you eject it? [03:34:25] did it show a "booting..." message? [03:34:33] no it didn't [03:35:00] and I ejected by left clicking [03:35:00] then you didn't eject it properly [03:35:24] ok, I think the problem is i used a VM [03:35:24] try right clicking it in explorer and choose eject there [03:35:40] the tray bar icon sometimes doesn't work right [03:35:41] so when i ejected it was probably recognized by OSX [03:35:51] that wouldn't matter [03:36:07] you can also try just ejecting it again from osx if that happens [03:36:12] ok [03:36:26] yeah you're right, that's not what happened [03:36:43] so now i just connect it again to windows? [03:36:48] yes [03:37:05] check if the ubi file is still there [03:37:15] if so, just eject it from explorer [03:37:24] if not, copy it again :) [03:37:36] <[Saint]> fwiw - ejecting from the tray icon works for me. [03:37:51] with umsboot 0.2 as well? [03:37:54] <[Saint]> I don;t personally see how/why the various methods are treated differently. [03:37:56] it didn't for me [03:38:06] <[Saint]> safely eject is safely eject... [03:38:11] * [Saint] shrugs [03:38:29] safely remove != eject media [03:38:47] they typically have similar effects on usb storage media [03:39:21] windows is trying to "install" it [03:39:22] but one sends a specific scsi command, the other one just flushes the cache and deconfigures the usb port [03:39:26] do i cancel that? [03:39:37] wait for it to complete [03:39:58] should typically take less than a minute, especially if it has seen that device before [03:40:07] kinda odd that you even see that [03:40:18] I really think VMware is messing with the process [03:40:25] if it refuses to properly connect it, just start over from scratch [03:40:47] it says "installing VMware virtual usb tablet" [03:40:57] <[Saint]> If you were using a VM anyway, its kinda a shame you're using Windows. [03:41:23] <[Saint]> There's so much room for error in the Windows installations [03:41:25] lol [03:41:52] did anyone ever figure out what osx doesn't like about umsboot btw? [03:42:05] ok i can change that [03:42:27] <[Saint]> TheSeven: Not that I'm aware of, I know it frickin' hates an emCORE'ed iPod, though. [03:42:33] <[Saint]> It has NFI what to do with it. [03:42:57] hm, it might be treating apple devices specially [03:43:01] <[Saint]> "I can see its an iPod, but...what the hell?!?" <- OSX [03:43:19] would ubuntu be fine? [03:43:25] <[Saint]> It would indeed. [03:43:35] that's what we prefer [03:43:44] ok I'll do that [03:44:01] I have the ISO somewhere [03:44:36] and my goal is to put rock box on it [03:45:04] will i be able to connect it to OSX after that or it would be better to just stay with ubuntu? [03:45:26] <[Saint]> TheSeven: I believe it is, yes. I have put together a build for a few people that supplied me with VID/PID combination of generic storage they own to get around Macs being stupid. [03:45:40] <[Saint]> Only one case where that didn;t work, and I expect it was PEBCAK [03:46:38] interesting [03:46:51] that shouldn't affect umsboot then [03:47:14] that uses some bogus usb id, i think it's ffff:8642 [03:47:24] <[Saint]> hmmm. [03:49:52] i get error 31 in the when running the .exe file [03:50:12] but the iPod seems to be in UMSboot mode [03:50:49] *in the window [03:52:30] ok ejecting it worked this time [03:54:32] but it froze right after [04:09:43] *** Quits: Gregor_ (c6174763@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [04:11:49] <[Saint]> Wait... .exe file? [04:11:50] <[Saint]> WHat? [04:12:06] <[Saint]> Oh - he fell off the net, great. [04:23:52] *** Joins: Gregor_ (c617476f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:24:22] hey my network crashed sorry [04:24:39] i've tried with a windows pc [04:24:47] it was different but still froze [05:43:03] *** Quits: Gregor_ (c617476f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [05:43:37] <[Saint]> TheSeven: ping? [05:49:39] <[Saint]> I really don;t remember reformatting the data partition taking this long, or making such ugly noises. [06:02:18] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:02:32] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:05:18] *** Joins: randomnoob (c617476f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:06:01] hey i'm trying to install emCORE with Ubuntu 12.04 [07:06:39] is the lipipoddfu.py file different for 2.x and 3.x Python versions? [07:06:57] because the 2.x link is broken on the wiki... [07:08:51] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:14:34] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [07:25:53] anybody? [07:26:38] I run 'sudo python ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-*.dfu and I get this error [07:27:55] unsuported operand type(s) for ^: 'int' and 'str' [07:36:43] <[Saint]> do "sudo python3 ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-*.dfu" [07:45:05] * [Saint] assumes the silence is equivalent to "Oh, geez, I was trying to use the wrong python version after all - it works now" [07:51:49] it says python3 doesn't exist as a command [07:52:03] my version of python is 2.x [07:52:43] if i try python2, i get the same error [07:52:47] <[Saint]> Oh...12.04, right, ancient..I forgot. [07:53:30] <[Saint]> Well, the options are pull in python3 (sudo apt-get install python3", or find a mirror of the python2 version of libipoddfu.py [07:54:15] and if i pull python 3 in do i have to reinstall libusb and pyusb? [07:55:31] <[Saint]> possibly pyusb, as I don;t know what it does or doesn;t do during install, but not libusb-dev, no. [07:55:52] ok i'll give it a try, thanks! [07:59:54] i get "no module named usb.core" [08:00:02] after reinstalling pyusb [08:00:48] maybe i should try starting from scratch (this is a VM) and install python 3 first? [08:01:06] <[Saint]> repeat the last command, sometimes its picky. [08:01:48] <[Saint]> also, make sure you backed out of the pyusb directory after the install [08:02:04] yeah i'm out [08:02:25] i'm in the desktop where i put the .py files [08:02:50] and i ran it about 10 times with the same error [08:03:05] <[Saint]> odd. [08:03:51] <[Saint]> AH, re-run the pyusb install [08:04:02] yeah i did that [08:04:03] <[Saint]> "sudo python3 setup.py install" [08:04:34] ah! i didn't put python3 :S [08:05:13] <[Saint]> you wouldn't normally need to, but this is a case where python2.7 is still the default. [08:05:26] success! [08:05:36] thanks a lot :D [08:05:37] <[Saint]> so you need to explicitely tell it to use python3 bindings [08:05:41] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [08:06:03] yeah like my name says, i'm a total noob [08:06:50] <[Saint]> The only other thing you'll need from me is a link to an absolutely current Rockbox binary: http://build.rockbox.org/titles/ipod6g.png [08:07:05] <[Saint]> gah...not the image, derp. [08:07:15] <[Saint]> http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [08:07:17] <[Saint]> there we go [08:07:24] ok thanks! [08:07:34] <[Saint]> Enjoy. [08:07:39] and I'm a little confused as to how to mount the ipod now [08:08:13] <[Saint]> It may take some time to mount the device the first time. [08:08:33] is it possible it did it automatically? [08:08:42] I'm seeing it as a storage device [08:09:01] named UMSboot [08:10:04] <[Saint]> Oh, yes. It should mount itself. [08:10:17] <[Saint]> It should be a 64MB volume. [08:10:27] ok great! that's exactly what it is [08:10:52] well, 67 MB [08:11:10] <[Saint]> MB/MiB difference, you're good. :) [08:11:31] yay! [08:13:39] can i eject it with the standard button? [09:55:31] *** Quits: randomnoob (c617476f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [13:02:19] <[7]> [Saint]: sounds like a dying HDD :/ [19:01:41] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [23:48:48] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93)