[00:39:49] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/user/saint) [03:37:48] *** Joins: ipod6genuser_tom (d8a43bd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:38:01] hello [03:38:26] I have an Ipod classic 6th generation [03:39:07] emcore r856 fails with an ATA error *PANIC* 8000000c [03:40:50] I am thinking this probably just means I have a bad hard drive, any thoughts? [03:50:51] tried r708, same error [04:08:25] this guy has the same problem [04:08:30] http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NXipC0Nk1vcJ:lists.freemyipod.org/pipermail/freemyipod/2012-May/000215.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us [05:55:08] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [05:55:21] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [05:58:37] hello [05:59:45] is this channel still in use? [05:59:56] the email list is also looking defunct [06:04:42] *** Quits: ipod6genuser_tom (d8a43bd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [06:36:09] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:36:22] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:41:03] *** Joins: tom-ipod-classic (d8a43bd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:49:10] It's been such a long time I had to get a new username [08:49:50] <[Saint]> Apparently we need to make the content in the topic clearer, do we? [08:50:43] <[Saint]> No one sits here waiting on the offchance that someone might have an issue. [08:51:02] <[Saint]> If someone can help you, they will. This may mean waiting for extended periods. [08:51:04] uh, right [08:51:12] I gather that [08:51:18] hours or days though? [08:52:52] Well, I was going to leave my e-mail tom8085@hush.com [08:53:01] <[Saint]> That relies entirely on how long it takes for someone who knows the answer to become available to answer it. [08:54:18] No problem, sorry to be a hassle. Seeing no replies made me wonder if people checked this often. [08:54:27] or ever... [08:54:46] So thank you for speaking up. [08:54:52] <[Saint]> They do, yes. But, they also have outside lives and/or live in completely different timezones. [08:55:08] <[Saint]> And, frankly, this project is dying. [08:55:24] It appears that way [08:57:53] Thanks for your help [08:58:30] <[Saint]> Am I to assume that this device works as intended with the Apple firmware? [08:58:52] <[Saint]> I would've answered, had I known the issue. But...alas. [08:59:23] no it is nonfunctional [08:59:38] i get an apple icon and nothing [08:59:50] it seems to go into disk mode occasionally [08:59:52] <[Saint]> Oh, well, then yes. Its almost certainly a bad HDD. [09:00:16] <[Saint]> Disk Mode doesn't actually require the disk to be functional, funnily enough. [09:01:09] yes that explains a lot of the weird issues with mounting i've run into [09:02:55] <[Saint]> To verify that, you could try booting into diagnostic mode and seeing what the SMART info says, but I highly suspect it'll come back with bullshit and/or be unable to actually find the disk. [09:03:10] <[Saint]> reboot; menu+<< == diagmode [09:08:23] *** Quits: tom-ipod-classic (d8a43bd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [09:11:42] *** Joins: tom_ (d8a43bd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:12:08] had to plug in my laptop [09:12:28] <[Saint]> Disk Mode doesn't actually require the disk to be functional, funnily enough. [09:12:30] <[Saint]> To verify that, you could try booting into diagnostic mode and seeing what the SMART info says, but I highly suspect it'll come back with bullshit and/or be unable to actually find the disk. [09:12:31] <[Saint]> reboot; menu+<< == diagmode [09:12:53] the ipod doesn't actually respond to those inputs [09:13:05] it just seems to enter diskmode after a few minutes [09:13:12] <[Saint]> Oops, select+<< [09:13:33] ah ok will try that [09:15:10] not getting anywhere, but i know the click wheel is functional [09:15:46] <[Saint]> Then , apparently more than your HDD is toast. [09:15:55] <[Saint]> That key combination should always work. [09:17:02] <[Saint]> except for emCORE'ed Classics...but, you've not gotten that far, nor been able to. [09:21:29] replace the mobo then? [09:22:58] it's interesting; right before powering off completely it seems to start to load some part of the software because i get the command from the native operating system to repair it using itunes [09:23:48] It would be recognized by itunes on my windows machine briefly while it displayed this message and then go back to complete dysyfunction [09:24:01] *dysfunction [09:25:42] <[Saint]> That's basically just iTunes speak for "Oh noes! An iPod that's in a state I can't verify or is unknown to me! Restore!" [09:25:55] <[Saint]> The original firmware doesn't need to be functional for that to happen. [09:26:04] <[Saint]> (if it did, it would somewhat defeat the purpose) [09:27:00] right [09:28:06] but it means my little device is at least aware enough to realize that there is something wrong... well. I took it apart because something i read on some forum somewhere suggested resetting the ATA connector [09:29:18] not sure why I or the forum poster thought that would work but it didn't and i broke the screen... but that's when the message began being displayed, which is more than it was doing before [09:59:40] *** Quits: tom_ (d8a43bd7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)