[00:10:48] *** Joins: tom8085 (~tom8085@216-164-59-215.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com) [01:54:22] *** Joins: user646809 (~tom8085@170.sub-70-192-216.myvzw.com) [01:56:03] *** Quits: tom8085 (~tom8085@216-164-59-215.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [02:49:45] *** Joins: tom8085 (~tom8085@28.sub-174-236-72.myvzw.com) [02:51:17] *** Quits: user646809 (~tom8085@170.sub-70-192-216.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:54:19] *** Quits: tom8085 (~tom8085@28.sub-174-236-72.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:34:51] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:35:05] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:42:01] *** Joins: partycups (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:42:27] *** Joins: test__ (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:47:07] yo, i recently purchased an ipod, and while trying to install rockbox using multiple computers, i seem to run into the same issue. when i put it into DNF mode to try to flash on the emCORE firmware neaither machine will recogize the ipod as a usb, however while in device manager i can see an 'unknown' DNF device which is the ipod however i cannot put emcore on it through device manager even when it is visible in device [08:47:10] and win 8 [08:47:17] any imput would be appriciated [08:48:02] also i have considered that it may be just because the ipod is so new(6gen i beleive) and i have read that such things can be a known issue [08:48:13] just curious for some imput thank you [09:31:24] <[Saint]> 6gen is not "new". [09:31:31] <[Saint]> And, no, that would not cause issue. [09:32:37] <[Saint]> I'm unsure where you would've read that, but, its total bollocks. [09:43:19] do you know why it wouldn't be recognized? [09:43:40] it's an unrecognized device in device manager and it isn't showing on attatched drives [09:43:58] <[Saint]> It isn't supposed to show an an attached drive. [09:44:13] <[Saint]> No part of the instructions even indicates or suggests it should. [09:44:31] <[Saint]> As for the unrecognised issue, I rather suspect its a driver issue. [09:49:00] <[Saint]> You have been rather vague on the details, what exact installation method are you using, and on what OS? [09:56:48] *** Joins: bizcut (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:59:14] *** Quits: partycups (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [10:01:46] *** Quits: bizcut (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [10:09:02] *** Joins: testt (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:09:32] so ive gotten to the point where a mass storage device should be showing up on my computer but it isnt [10:09:52] it's showing the message on my ipod saying i should have a mass storage device aswell [10:10:39] and mass storage device is showing up under device manager [10:12:17] <[Saint]> What, exactly, is displayed in the device manager? [10:12:49] "USB Mass Storage Device" [10:13:33] it's like it needs to be mounted or something [10:14:29] when i remove the ipod from the usb port the mass storage device text leaves device manager [10:14:34] so i know that is the device [10:19:03] <[Saint]> Are you absolutely sure that none of the processes belonging to iTunes are currently running? I believe that at some point AppleMobileDeviceService was changed to MobileDeviceService, or possibly in addition to it. [10:19:27] itunes has never been installed on this computer [10:20:10] <[Saint]> Oh, right, so you're using the awkward windows/no-itunes method. [10:20:13] <[Saint]> yay. :-S [10:20:59] heh [10:21:35] <[Saint]> If its at all possible for you to do so, I highly suggest using a linux virtual machine or livecd. [10:23:27] <[Saint]> It does indeed seem severe, but Windows and iTunes and the myriad different combinations possible thereof introduce a lot of room for error which isn't present with the Linux installation method. [10:27:59] k [10:32:16] well i moved over to my arch box and i'm getting this error [10:32:19] Traceback (most recent call last): File "ipoddfu.py", line 26, in import libipoddfu ImportError: No module named libipoddfu [10:32:49] <[Saint]> can you give me the output of "python -V" please? [10:32:58] <[Saint]> (also, is libusb-dev installed?) [10:33:56] python2 -V [10:33:58] Python 2.7.5 [10:35:11] <[Saint]> Right, ok, if python3 isn't installed, install that now, you you're going to need to go back and re-run the pyusb installation sustituting "python" for "python3" in the command [10:35:40] <[Saint]> And then contine the rest of the installation substituting python with python3 in all commands. [10:38:36] i have both installed but i only have pyusb for python 2. am i going to need it for python 3? [10:39:14] <[Saint]> Yes, it just means re-running the pyusb installer script using python3 [10:40:30] <[Saint]> And then using python3 for the ipodfu bootstrap command [10:44:26] when i run "sudo python py3libipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.dfu [10:44:33] is the screen supposed to change? [10:44:44] (i changed the name of the ipodfu file) [10:45:30] <[Saint]> It should, yes. [10:46:10] <[Saint]> At this point, the iPod should be displaying an obvious UMSboot screen. [10:47:14] i'm assuming the is the screen that it was showing when i was on windows [10:47:18] it's not showing that in linux [10:47:23] though it's no longer showing an error [10:48:14] <[Saint]> Hmmmm... [10:48:20] lsusb is showing Bus 005 Device 011: ID 05ac:1223 Apple, Inc. iPod Classic/Nano 3.Gen (DFU mode) [10:48:42] <[Saint]> I was just going to ask that. Hmm, that is correct. [10:48:45] <[Saint]> Odd. [10:49:06] <[Saint]> SO no error is returned, but, it seemingly doesn't complete? [10:49:15] yes [10:49:32] <[Saint]> And on subsequent attempts also? [10:49:51] correct [10:50:27] i'll try redownloading the files [10:54:06] i redownloaded the files and power cycles the device and it still isnt working [10:55:06] <[Saint]> At this point all I can do for you is ping [7] or user890104 and hope that they can get to you soon and know what is happening. [10:55:27] <[Saint]> It may mean having to idle for some time, unfortunately. [10:57:16] is the python2 version of the script broken? [10:57:36] <[Saint]> Yes, the svn mirror is down. [10:57:41] <[Saint]> Unfortunately. [10:58:52] could the beta of pyusb broken compatibility? [10:59:06] 1.0.0-beta-1 2013-10-16 [11:00:53] <[Saint]> any of the 1.0* versions should be fine. [11:34:52] *** Quits: testt (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [11:36:46] *** Quits: test__ (4c7e4ebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [18:39:14] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection)