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[13:58:11] Hello, sorry to bother your guys, I was wondering if you could help me with my ipod 6G, it is "stuck" by that I mean I'm stuck with it being in umsboot but it doesn't show up as a class hardrive, hence I can't copy the .ubi file. I tried once with iTunes killing the AppleMobileDevice.exe (iTunesHelper is always disabled) but I couldn't run the bootstrap, saying it could not open DFU device then I moved on with the second po [14:05:33] I've search through the board and followed every steps I could find to fix that but seems everything is in order (?), .NETframework 4 installed, no antivirus and had to manually install the drivers (as I said before). Thank you very much for taking your time, as long as you can help me and happy new year \o\ [14:19:42] *** Quits: Nheni (56c06386@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [14:20:08] *** Joins: Nheni (56c06386@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:44:32] *** Quits: Nheni (56c06386@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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It was not letting me transfer files in rockbox so i decided to reset it back to apple firmware. Now its in DFU mode and my computer will not recognise it. Has anyone got any advice? Thanks [23:08:20] <[7]> so there's no connection/disconnection sound at all if you plug/unplug it, and nothing in the device manager? [23:13:17] it shows up in device manager as "unknown device" [23:13:35] also a bubble appears in the tray saying USB device not recognised [23:14:01] <[7]> that sounds like a bad USB port/cable or a completely locked up ipod [23:14:10] <[7]> have you tried rebooting it and re-entering DFU while it's connected? [23:14:31] yes i have, same result. I could try another cable though [23:14:38] how to kick it out of DFU? [23:14:49] <[7]> menu+select for 5 seconds [23:15:10] <[7]> also try a different port on your computer, if trying a different cable doesn't help [23:15:40] shit it worked haha [23:15:46] thanks for your help [23:16:50] any idea why it works with USB for a little while after installing rockbox and after a while will stop from being recognised? [23:20:41] <[7]> which rockbox version? [23:21:06] <[7]> the more recent versions (as in newer than 2 years old) have some kind of trouble with USB on ipods [23:25:30] it was whatever the latest version was [23:25:36] like a month ago [23:27:52] <[7]> well, I don't think I've ever seen USB work on that version with windows computers [23:28:08] <[7]> linux is a bit less picky but was badly complaining about the device misbehaving as well [23:28:27] it worked right after i installed it, copied all my music and then it stopped say a week later [23:28:31] not recognised [23:28:49] could try using it with linux, see if it helps [23:29:34] <[7]> right after you installed it, you were likely using the pre-installed rockbox version, which is from shortly before that USB trouble sneaked in [23:30:01] ahh right, anything wrong with sticking to that version? [23:30:35] <[7]> yes, it crashes the ipod or locks up rather often [23:30:54] <[7]> so it's currently recommended to use the old one for file transfers and the latest one for audio playback [23:31:17] <[7]> you can get back to the old one by selecting "tools => run rockbox fallback image" from the emcore boot menu [23:31:36] <[7]> that should always allow you to transfer files [23:31:51] <[7]> even if you have installed a newer version on the hard drive [23:32:10] <[7]> in that case it won't be able to play audio though because of codec version mismatches [23:32:29] so still a bust? [23:32:55] <[7]> well you'd have to boot back and forth between the versions [23:33:07] <[7]> use the fallback image for file transfers, boot back into the normal one for audio playback [23:33:43] ahh yeah, that wouldnt be too much of a problem. Ill stick with that [23:33:57] <[7]> yes, that's what most windows users are doing these days [23:34:08] okay, thanks for the help [23:34:26] <[7]> ...and probably the reason why nobody has had a closer look why this isn't working in the first place [23:35:07] hahaha true enough