[05:07:19] *** Joins: nekoko (440a5295@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:07:33] aww jeez. [05:08:01] let me switch browsers if i have to leave the web client open [05:08:07] *** Quits: nekoko (440a5295@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [05:09:00] *** Joins: Nekoko (440a5295@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:10:07] So anyone know why I can't grab files from files.freemyipod.org [05:10:26] I was trying to install emCORE on this classic I just got...but....no dice lol. [05:12:52] Oh wait. Nevermind. It's my browsers acting goofy. Links work in chrome. Probably ABP, Ghostery, or BitDefender acting overprotective. [05:13:02] Sorry! Keep up the good work! [05:13:07] Bye! [05:13:27] *** Quits: Nekoko (440a5295@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [06:43:17] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:43:30] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:25:06] *** Joins: Nekoko (440a5295@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:25:12] AND IM BACK. [07:25:18] Sorry to bug you guys again. [07:26:07] Right now I have UMSBoot loaded up on my iPod, and Windows kinda recognizes its there. I got the ding saying a USB Device was connected, and it's showing up as "removable media" [07:26:51] but my file explorer locks up on trying to access it, and Windows Explorer asks me to input media into the drive when i try to open up "removable device" (not media) [07:26:55] so I'm a bit at a loss. [07:27:18] Running Win 8.1 Core, currently running in the mode that disables digital driver signing. [07:27:23] Not sure what to do at this point. [19:51:08] Welp. I guess this place isnt as active as I thought? [19:53:11] it is, sometimes [19:53:55] you have encountered a bug, and i am not sure how you should fix it [19:54:01] TheSeven might have an idea [19:57:52] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [19:58:06] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [20:20:30] Figures. Thanks for the info user890104 [20:21:05] I knew I'd come across trouble considering that since the iOS devices have came out, iPod modification has pretty much gone pfffft. [20:21:25] since i wrote his nickname, he should have received a notification in his irc client [20:21:49] Yeah hopefully. He DC'd though, and im not sure if that was a time out or not. [20:21:49] and respond when he's available [20:22:10] looks like a reconnect [20:22:39] Oh. I didnt even notice that. [20:23:04] I'll ping [7] just in case. [20:23:11] Thanks regardless. [20:24:33] about your problem, i would start with resetting the ipod (menu+select) [20:24:37] and redoing the procedure [20:26:24] Yeah I tried that. [20:26:28] FUNNY THING IS. [20:26:42] The download urls stopped working on both Chrome AND Firefox. [20:26:59] Had to resort to download files using my Mobile Phone and Dropbox [20:27:09] uhm, sorry about that [20:27:18] i'm resolving the problem in the moment [20:27:30] I'm not sure why this is happening, especially since before I rebooted with Digital Driver Signing disabled, chrome was able to download some files fine [20:27:34] my hosting provider decided to change the DNS server ips [20:28:00] oh, that's server side? jeez. i was going nuts with dns flushing and router rebooting and a whole bunch of extension disabling [20:28:14] we [20:28:19] we're moving to a new server [20:28:24] Ah okay. [20:29:50] Thanks for the piece of mind lol. [21:01:55] <[Saint]> Well, fwiw, that's be "happening" for well over a year now. [21:01:57] <[Saint]> ;) [21:03:12] <[Saint]> That's one of the fun things about projects with three or four people working at peak, and one or two struggling to keep it alive despite other commitments. [21:04:45] <[Saint]> emCORE, sadly, has become less and less relevant in a world of easy access to smartphones - in no small part I'm sure due to the complicated install method and people bouncing off support because there's no one here when they come in. [21:05:27] <[Saint]> And the final push to get it end-user ready is *well* above my head, even if I had the time. [21:05:57] [Saint]: i'm planning to rewrite the installation guide, but i need a hand from the rockbox team [21:06:23] we can substitute the complicated driver installation with Zadig, and use rbutil to finish the installation [21:07:36] <[Saint]> talk to bluebrother. [21:07:47] <[Saint]> He'll help you with rbutil integration. [21:12:33] This is why I'm sad that iPod Linux died out of no where. >: [21:13:23] <[Saint]> They dies the same death. [21:13:29] nanos don't have much RAM, so linux won't run well/at all on them [21:13:30] <[Saint]> They became irrelevant. [21:13:48] only the classics may be able to run it properly [21:14:54] <[Saint]> Only it wasn't smartphones that killed IPL. [21:15:01] <[Saint]> It was almost assuredly Rockbox. [21:15:20] <[Saint]> ...and now that is slowly fading too. [21:15:41] <[Saint]> Its only because there's a fairly large team who are dedicated to a hobby that it hasn't yet. [21:15:58] * [Saint] sighs audibly