[00:12:54] *** Joins: Flo_ (58ba80a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:13:06] Hello! [00:15:10] Hello [00:21:54] I have trouble installing rockbox on my thin classic ipod 160GB [00:22:02] Would you be able to help me quickgiant? [00:23:07] I have followed the wiki, installed the latest itunes, killed the required processes, launched the bootstrap to access the 64MB volume, copied the latest ubi file, ejected the drive...and the screen gets stuck on "booting ubi file" but nothing happens [00:23:31] i have tried a few different builds, done it on different computers [00:23:52] nothing works. and if I do a reboot it starts again with the apple official os... [00:24:00] any idea? [00:25:26] the model of my ipod is A1238 i.e. 7G [00:28:21] quickgiant: your error message suggests that the .ubi file could be corrupted (broken download?) [00:28:43] Flo_: your problem seems to be a similar one [00:29:35] https://mega.co.nz/#!QtZn3R7Q!adV4yHPfNl-UbE_9ozLhCFhCSmdntuUo51KYhp5qzQE [00:29:43] can you both use this file instead? [00:29:44] yeah i think our problems are the same, and i have the same model number [00:29:48] yeah i can try it [00:29:48] *** Quits: Flo_ (58ba80a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:30:05] the model number doesn't matter, as long as it's ipod classic (80/120/160 GB) [00:30:29] *** Joins: Flo_ (58ba80a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:30:36] Sorry I got kicked out [00:30:54] okay this file is larger than the one i downloaded from the site, lets see if it helps [00:31:05] Flo_: https://mega.co.nz/#!QtZn3R7Q!adV4yHPfNl-UbE_9ozLhCFhCSmdntuUo51KYhp5qzQE - try using this .ubi file instead [00:31:14] ok thanks [00:31:34] i will try now [00:31:38] what is this file? [00:31:50] it's a more recent version [00:31:59] i'm using it on my ipod classic and it works fine [00:32:40] ok do you have a 7G? [00:33:15] mine still says booting ubi file. how long is it supposed to take? [00:33:42] same for me stuck again [00:33:55] my classic is a 120GB one (so classic 2G), and i'm one of the project developers [00:34:11] mine is a 160gb, like flo's [00:34:13] and it's weird there is a black band on the left and a lot of coloured dots on the screen [00:34:20] let me find an alternative loader for this [00:34:24] it could be the problem [00:34:28] thanks [00:34:54] do you have the black band over the apple logo background too? [00:36:11] what black band? can you take a picture? [00:36:19] yeah, gimme a second [00:36:20] sounds like a problem [00:38:08] yes i'm uploading a picture on a site right ow [00:38:09] now [00:39:23] http://imgur.com/TUNex0L [00:39:28] this is where it hangs for me [00:40:08] http://fge30.free.fr/flo [00:40:24] this is what I have [00:40:50] haha quickgiant it looks like we have the same issue [00:41:01] yup, thats what i figured [00:41:19] is your model A1238 at the back of the ipod? [00:41:28] mmhmm, except i dont have those funky colored dots. [00:41:56] that's right [00:42:39] uhm... [00:43:34] what does it show before unplugging the ipod? [00:43:35] :) I think it is beyond our skills anyway :) [00:43:59] before unplugging the ipod? what do you mean exactly? [00:44:15] you upload the .ubi file, and then you select Eject, right? [00:44:20] this is all it shows, both before and after unplugging [00:44:23] yes indeed [00:44:27] let me try again [00:44:56] so it shows the apple logo and the black band as soon as UMSboot shows its success message? [00:45:30] exactly it does show the black band and the coloured dots as soon as umsboot is started [00:45:39] what version of umsboot does it show at the beginning? [00:45:43] 0.1 or 0.2? [00:45:48] then after uploading and ejecting i get the 3 lines and it freezes [00:46:00] it doesnt show anything [00:46:49] it never shows any version number at the beginning [00:47:07] however it is a fresh download from this address: http://files.freemyipod.org/targets/iPod%20classic/bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [00:47:27] same for you quickgiant? [00:47:30] ok, so you're using the itunes method [00:47:34] i get a flash of text thats impossible to read, and then it disappears immediately and the logo with the black bar shows up [00:47:40] let me try it here [00:47:48] ok thanks [00:48:09] when i was using the no itunes version, i didnt have the apple logo or the black bar, though [00:48:19] i could do that again and see if theres a version number [00:48:24] ah, so here's the difference [00:48:45] i think that the "itunes way" (which is easier) behaves strange sometimes [00:49:17] ok so do you recommend using the other way and give you the symptoms? [00:50:14] i'd like to check both ways on my ipod first, there's probably some mismatch of umsboot versions [00:50:45] and by the way, this is how umsboot should look like on an ipod classic: http://i.imgur.com/syXDnDG.jpg [00:51:15] that is not what i saw originally, i had a light gray box in the middle of my screen [00:51:15] and after these lines, the messages you [00:51:25] you're* seeing should appear [00:52:00] they should just flash for a second, then you'll see the installer [00:55:25] okay, my UMSboot is v0.0.1 [00:55:30] that seems bad [00:55:32] seems like apple produces some updated version of the ipod classic, that uses slightly different hardware from what we've made our software for [00:55:48] it doesn't seem bad, it looks like an old one [00:55:56] where did you find it? [00:56:04] on the site, using the instructions [00:56:48] from this page: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [00:56:49] you used the method that asks you to install a custom device driver? [00:56:59] yes [00:57:46] *** Joins: Flo____ (58ba80a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:57:55] sorry again [00:58:06] I am using my phone as an AP which is not ideal [00:59:48] *** Quits: Flo_ (58ba80a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [01:01:02] there's another method which you can try [01:01:10] okay [01:01:14] okay! [01:01:28] it's a bit more complicated and you need to use the command line [01:01:39] but i can give you exact instructions what to type in [01:01:45] no problem [01:02:03] that's fine [01:02:10] so should we start the cmd in admin mode and put the ipod in DFU as a start? [01:02:32] i think you don't even need admin mode [01:02:41] just put the ipod in DFU [01:02:43] ok [01:02:48] ok [01:03:23] then download Zadig, it's a driver installation tool [01:03:25] http://zadig.akeo.ie/ [01:04:02] ok thats done [01:04:07] same [01:04:56] run it, and select Options - List all devices [01:05:12] then select the ipod in dfu mode from the dropdown list [01:05:19] ok [01:05:24] yup [01:05:47] just below the dropdown list, there's a box saying WinUSB, change it to libusb-win32 using the arrows on the side [01:06:00] ok [01:06:06] ok [01:06:19] and click the big button that says either install driver or reinstall driver [01:06:46] ok [01:06:48] ok driver was installed successfully [01:07:37] great, now you need to download some files [01:07:45] i'll prepare them in an archive [01:08:04] does any of you have Python installed? [01:08:38] no i'm afraid [01:08:41] no [01:08:45] ok then [01:08:46] but i guess we can install it if required [01:09:22] yes, or just download a portable version [01:09:33] http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/Python3.zip [01:09:50] it's about 19 MB [01:09:59] ok thats donwloaded [01:10:10] unzip it for example on the desktop [01:10:32] ok [01:10:44] ok [01:12:01] get this file: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipoddfu.zip [01:12:09] and unzip it on the desktop again [01:12:38] ok [01:12:42] ok [01:13:29] http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/installer-ipodclassic-r897.ubi [01:13:36] that's the last file that you need [01:13:39] ok [01:13:43] ok [01:13:50] now, the actual procedure [01:14:23] i assume that you unzipped both archives on the desktop, and have the .ubi also there [01:14:29] okay [01:14:33] ok [01:14:44] shift+right click on the desktop, and select Open command window here [01:15:15] ok [01:15:34] ok [01:16:22] then copy/paste the following: [01:17:45] Python3\python.exe ipoddfu.py installer-ipodclassic-r897.ubi [01:18:25] it seems to be uploading [01:18:29] same [01:18:46] how long is the process supposed to take? [01:18:57] tell me when it's done [01:19:03] a couple of seconds [01:19:08] like 10 [01:19:11] no it's stuck [01:19:17] same here [01:20:00] ok let me find another file that should work [01:20:33] ok thanks [01:21:32] we made a recent fix to the DFU tool, it could have caused the issue [01:22:41] http://fge30.free.fr/flo/Untitled.png [01:25:59] it doesn't work even for me, which is strange [01:27:01] you get stuck as well when using the python script? [01:28:25] yes [01:28:49] ah, i seem to mixed up the files [01:28:58] this is the correct one: http://files.freemyipod.org/targets/iPod%20classic/bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu [01:29:05] so download it to the desktop [01:29:11] then redo the command, using this file [01:29:15] ok thanks [01:29:16] so it reads [01:29:31] Python3\python.exe ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu [01:29:37] sorry about that [01:29:59] i'm jailbreaking an ipod touch at the same time :) [01:30:25] cool, now i have the UMSboot drive in windows, but i still have the black bar and the apple logo on the ipod [01:30:31] same [01:30:46] but i get less coloured dots (!) [01:31:41] ok, upload installer-ipodclassic-r897.ubi to the umsboot drive, eject it and hope for the best [01:32:42] r897? [01:32:47] yes [01:33:49] the latest i could find online is 859 [01:34:00] oh sorry you gave me that file [01:34:17] i just tried it, still stuck on booting ubi file [01:34:25] same [01:34:29] :) [01:35:25] well, it looks like that either the most recent versions of ipod 7g are unsupported, or we're making some mistake during the installation [01:35:43] and since i don't see a mistake (because i'm doing exactly the same on my ipod at the moment) [01:36:16] some of our developers should get a recent ipod classic, so we can debug the issue [01:36:28] ok thanks for your time [01:36:37] i don't think there's much to do about this now, sorry [01:36:41] hmm [01:37:00] fyi my ipod is 2 month old so that could be right [01:37:13] mine is pretty old, so i dont know [01:37:30] at least a few years [01:37:56] this is how the installation took place on mine: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26417574/freemyipod/installation-ipodclassic.mp4 [01:38:32] everything should happen in 10 seconds in total [01:38:50] i'm so jealous :) [01:40:23] <[Saint]> There's been no change to the Classic HW in....an age. [01:40:38] <[Saint]> Its effectively a dead line. [01:40:53] [Saint]: the photos show that there's at least change of something lcd-related [01:41:26] and our code hangs when switching between umsboot's code and the installer's code [01:41:41] it could be the bootstub [01:41:53] <[Saint]> It only seems to be Windows users hitting this. [01:42:27] just curious, what version of windows are you on, flo? im on 8.1 [01:42:31] 8?1 [01:42:33] 8.1 too [01:42:37] ah [01:42:39] hmm [01:42:40] but I tried on 7 [01:42:42] same result [01:42:42] <[Saint]> Yeah...don't. [01:42:47] i'm on windows 7 x64 [01:42:53] <[Saint]> Just don;t use Windows. At all. [01:42:56] i could try linux [01:43:14] i will try on linux tomorrow [01:43:21] Flo____: did you try the way i explained on windows 7, or the way that's described in the wiki? [01:43:35] i tried both in parallel [01:43:50] no difference [01:44:01] however I will try on linux tomorrow and let you know [01:44:04] ah, i see [01:44:05] ok [01:44:33] it's too late for me to try now (1am) [01:45:12] i could try it now, ill need a second though [01:46:53] ok i will wait if you try [01:54:35] ok guys thanks for your help, i'm off to bed. will give it another go tomorrow [01:54:47] cheers [01:56:12] *** Quits: Flo____ (58ba80a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [02:14:01] <[Saint]> Sad as it is, user890104, you basically *afre* FreemyiPod now. [02:14:05] <[Saint]> *are [02:14:42] <[Saint]> I'm a sick old man. TheSeven is working/studying full time, farthen has been AWOL for...well, ages now. [02:15:32] <[Saint]> If there's no interest from new developers, it might be time to let this quietly fade into obscurity. [02:16:04] <[Saint]> Getting it into a state where RBuTil could semi-automate the install at least on Linux would be great as a last push. [02:16:12] <[Saint]> (but that's above me) [02:17:32] <[Saint]> Rockbox itself is in a similar circumstance. [02:17:58] <[Saint]> It just has a higher devloper base. [02:18:46] <[Saint]> Smartphones won. [02:20:37] having 120GB of music in your pocket is still something that most of the smartphones can't do [02:21:08] <[Saint]> I call BS on that. [02:21:26] <[Saint]> I have constant access to 20000 tracks at all times on my phone. [02:22:01] <[Saint]> Without the hassle of needing to have ~500GB+ storage on the device. [02:22:07] <[Saint]> Streaming is the way, and the light. :) [02:22:56] well, our mobile operators can't really offer smooth streaming over their data connection [02:22:58] yeah, i think streaming's the future, but lte is gonna have to be more consistent for it to be perfect. [02:23:17] <[Saint]> LTE shouldn't even be necessary. [02:23:24] <[Saint]> My 3G is more than adequate. [02:23:49] not for high bitrate! :) [02:24:04] <[Saint]> WHat do you class as "high". [02:24:15] <[Saint]> I stream 320mp3 no problem. [02:24:21] really? [02:24:34] <[Saint]> It'll buffer 4 or 5 tracks in the time it takes one to play. [02:24:36] <[Saint]> Yep. [02:24:55] what carrier are you on, i always had issues streaming google music on verizon [02:25:02] on 3g [02:25:22] <[Saint]> I live in NZ, so I may have a slight advantage of not being stuck in the mobile stoneage. [02:25:30] ok yeah [02:25:38] lol that makes more sense [02:26:19] <[Saint]> The rest of the world is getting there, slowly. [02:26:32] <[Saint]> If it helps, its ridiculously expensive here. ;) [02:26:58] in bulgaria we have 3g and wimax. 3g is not that stable, but wimax does about 12mbps download in the large cities [02:27:22] <[Saint]> Wow. WiMax. I thought hat died. [02:27:26] <[Saint]> *that [02:27:28] same [02:29:23] <[Saint]> I'm guessing in Bulgaria they haven't officially blessed you with Google Music yet either? [02:29:35] <[Saint]> (though, its easy to fool them into giving it to you) [02:29:45] <[Saint]> You just need to be "in the US" when you sign up. [02:30:01] <[Saint]> And all that means is "have a US IP", they're not that bright. [02:30:36] <[Saint]> After signing up, it doesn't matter where in the world it is accessed from. [02:31:00] uhm yes, no google music yet [02:31:31] * [Saint] slightly fucked them over with their "20K track limit" [02:31:51] <[Saint]> I have two accounts, one of them has 20K *albums* welded together into single tracks. :) [02:31:58] lol [02:32:02] haha thats great [02:33:10] *** Joins: V___ (6294fa77@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:33:46] Does anyone have any guidance on how I can fix my rockboxed ipod classic? [02:34:08] <[Saint]> Depends on what is "broken". [02:34:55] Whenever I turn click on the rockbox icon, the rockbox program starts but then shuts off and reverts back to the main menu, the one with the snow in the background [02:36:05] <[Saint]> Mount the device, remove /.rockbox, and extract http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip to the root of the device. [02:36:26] <[Saint]> (you can backup your /.rockbox/config.cfg file to retain settings if you wish) [02:36:50] my computer isnt recognizing my ipod [02:37:10] <[Saint]> Mount the device from the fallback menu item in the emcore tools menu. [02:37:28] <[Saint]> (if it won;t mount there, we have real issues) [02:38:07] what option should I select? "Run Rocbox fallback image?" [02:39:21] <[Saint]> Correct. [02:40:48] when I click that option the rockbox program flashes on and off and the boot menu pops up [02:51:38] <[Saint]> Oh dear. [02:51:41] <[Saint]> Hmmm. [02:52:07] Yeah, I have no idea how this happened, it was working fine... [02:52:09] <[Saint]> That's rather irregular. Does the disk make any sound at all? [02:52:28] If I run UMSboot my computer recognizes the ipod [02:52:33] Yes, it makes a sound [02:53:02] <[Saint]> Ok. Hmmm. I thought perhaps we're not seeing the disk for some reason. [02:53:34] Hmm...I may just get a new hard drive for the iPod [03:00:47] if I select emCore console it says, "Dropped into emCORE console" is that of any significance? [03:03:15] <[Saint]> No, that's totally expected. That would function even if we couldn't access the disk. [03:03:59] Ok [03:05:51] <[Saint]> user890104: you have any idea what's goin' on here? [03:06:28] [Saint]: i haven't seen rockbox crashing like this so far [03:06:54] my guess is hdd issues [03:07:09] <[Saint]> user890104: even the fallback is just blipping out. [03:07:24] yes, exactly [03:07:35] <[Saint]> it does smell like the hdd fell off the map, yeah. [03:07:54] <[Saint]> I just wanted someone else to say it, in case I was missing something obvious. [03:08:15] <[Saint]> I guess he could try hddscan2? [03:09:06] i would try to mount the drive using emcore, it should print an meaningful error code [03:09:16] this?-http://hdd-scan-1.soft32.com/ [03:09:25] uhm, no [03:09:51] [Saint]: "emcore.py ls" should show us if the hdd can be mounted or not [03:09:57] Ok [03:10:14] <[Saint]> user890104: ah, good point. [03:11:00] Now I am seeing "*Panic* Data abort at 0BFCBED8! FSR: 00000005 (domain 0, fault 5) Address: D6D6CC72 [03:15:28] alright guys, thanks for giving me some advice about this, I have to get off line now [03:19:49] *** Quits: V___ (6294fa77@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:14:37] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:14:51] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:06:46] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Excess Flood) [07:07:03] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [07:07:24] *** Quits: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Excess Flood) [07:07:33] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [07:11:41] *** Joins: Simon (56955990@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:17:14] Hi I'm having trouble installing to my ipod classic 6 gen when I get to the 64 mb umshoot and copy the .ubi file and eject the ipod freezes and says loading on 3 files I'm using windows 8.1 do I need to use windows 7 all apple processes are shut down thanx [07:23:33] *** Quits: Simon (56955990@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [07:25:56] <[Saint]> What you need to do, is stay for more than 6 fucking minutes...that's what you need to do. [07:49:43] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:19:44] *** Quits: quickgiant (82d7eab4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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