[03:29:25] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [04:16:16] *** Joins: Kashyap_ (6ce4475b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:16:40] Good evening guys, I just had a quick question [04:17:54] Or a problem rather. I'm trying to get Rockbox on my iPod Classic 6g and I copied the UBI file to the ipod while it was in DFU mode [04:18:14] But the iPod screen won't move from "Booting UBI file..." [04:53:04] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:55:14] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [04:57:54] *** Quits: Kashyap_ (6ce4475b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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[14:24:38] hi, im currently "installing" the rockbox software on my ipod classic 120gb but i get stuck after kopying the installer-ipodclassic emcore .ubi file onto the UMSBoot device [14:25:06] after i eject the device i get a black screen on my ipod with a white rectangle in the middle [14:25:14] nothing more happenes [14:45:39] which method are you using [14:45:50] and can you take a picture of the screen and upload it somewhere? [14:53:06] i was using both methods, but the problem i described occurred when using the "without itunes" method [14:53:40] when im doing it with itunes it gets stuck booting [14:56:11] btw i found a guy on the head-fi forums who is exactly describing the problem i have its "Bibs 90" [14:56:16] http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening/2820 [14:56:49] his post starts with "hello everyone" ... and hes very detailed in his describtion [15:07:58] basically when im using the "with itunes" method, once i put the installer .ubi file on the ipod and safely eject, three lines of text appear on the screen under the UMSboot v0.2 info text: [15:08:07] loading UBI file... [15:08:18] rearranging files... [15:08:25] Booting UBI file... [15:08:34] nothing changes after that [15:10:44] can you try a different .ubi file? [15:11:15] https://mega.co.nz/#!QtZn3R7Q!adV4yHPfNl-UbE_9ozLhCFhCSmdntuUo51KYhp5qzQE [15:13:15] just tried your file, same thing happens though [15:15:23] i just noticed sth: when i start the "bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe, while it says Sucess UMSboot has been launched another window appears and it says "Device Control:Error 31: A connected device does not work" [15:16:06] when i click ok in the USMboot success window i still get the UMSboot device (64mb) in my explorer [15:46:52] this message is harmless, it means that the ipod has disappeared more quickly than windows figured that out [15:48:14] ok good to know but what about the other thing? any idea? [15:53:49] well, the strange thing is that the .ubi file i sent you works on my ipod [15:53:57] it's a classic 2G (120GB) [15:56:00] i think i have the 6g 120gb [15:57:42] you might get better results if you try to install it on a linux pc [15:57:57] apart from that, i can't help you much at the moment [15:58:36] ok btw heres the screen after ejecting the ipod with the "no itunes" method [15:58:45] just so you know [15:58:58] https://mega.co.nz/#!ypQlEDrB!ueTcWlmkAuYtKxsh2X_PaSSQv_36yqXxq8MxcSD3ROs [16:00:30] strange. looks like some models of the classic product line are not supported [16:00:49] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4aaLWk9WfI [16:00:54] yeah^^ well ok man thx very much for the support though! [16:00:57] this is how a successful installation looks like [16:01:13] :D [16:01:24] i wish i could see that happen on my ipod [16:02:07] i see no reason why it doesn't work [16:02:17] can you check the model number on the back? [16:02:24] it's somewhere to the right [16:02:30] at the bottom [16:02:40] A1238 [16:02:49] as far as i can see, its pretty scretched [16:04:01] mine is the same [16:04:10] just different color [16:04:25] (as you can see) [16:04:58] there's a pretty good chance that it should work for you [16:05:01] u think i should install ubuntu and try that? [16:05:12] im currently using win8.1 [16:05:27] can you reboot it (menu+select), then immediately hold down left+center until you see the diagnostics menu [16:05:59] sdram pass [16:06:15] key pass [16:06:39] wheel pass [16:07:19] ah, you don't need to run the automated tests [16:07:36] hp detect test [16:07:37] just look for HDD SMART data [16:07:42] how? [16:07:51] im stuck at hp detect test ^^ [16:08:00] hp means headphones [16:08:06] plug them in and it'll pass [16:08:43] ok thx now please plug fw? [16:08:53] that's firewire [16:08:58] just reboot it [16:09:06] menu+select [16:09:23] ok [16:09:28] done [16:09:39] then enter diagnostics again [16:09:54] and release left+center as soon as the black screen turns white [16:10:04] or whatever is the color in the diagnostics menu [16:10:12] i don't remember for this model [16:10:15] ok now i can choose between manual test [16:10:17] or auto [16:10:22] i choose man right? [16:10:45] manual [16:11:00] ok i see NTF [16:11:03] Memory [16:11:05] IO [16:11:05] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:11:14] IO [16:11:36] ok [16:11:52] hdsmart data [16:12:30] what am i looking for exactly [16:12:51] well, tell me what are the values [16:12:57] retracts, reallocs and so on [16:13:04] all of them [16:13:06] retracts: 15 [16:13:10] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [16:13:11] Reallocs: 0 [16:13:23] Pending Sectors: 0 [16:13:31] PowerOn Hrs: 29 [16:13:42] Start/Stops: 3584 [16:13:48] Temp Current: 27c [16:13:53] Temp min: 7c [16:13:58] Temp max: 53c [16:14:00] thats it [16:14:14] looks pretty well, no hard disk issues [16:14:52] can you make a usb flash drive with a live installation of ubuntu (for example) and boot it on the computer? [16:14:58] you don't need to install it permanently [16:15:19] yes i was thinking of doing that [16:15:36] im downloading ubuntu atm will take 10 mins though... [16:45:57] ok im back and ubuntu is live [16:47:51] im not shure what to install though (python 2.6)? [17:00:07] and how to install any of these^^ [17:02:42] i will be gone for about 20 mins so if you come on in the meantime plz feel free to give me some advice but i will be back asaic cu [17:18:15] open a terminal window [17:18:16] and enter [17:18:25] sudo apt-get install python3 [17:20:37] im back again [17:22:00] ok installed python3 [17:23:07] i think libusb is already installed [17:24:58] verify that using: [17:25:12] sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0 [17:26:04] ok done [17:26:19] was installed [17:28:46] ive downloaded and extracted "pyusb..." [17:28:52] which version? [17:29:23] pyusb-1.0.0a2.zip [17:30:20] that [17:30:23] that's ok [17:30:37] change to the directory where you extracted it [17:30:44] in the terminal [17:30:48] and run [17:30:56] python setup.py install [17:30:57] wait... what? ^^ [17:31:15] i have it on the desktop [17:31:25] then enter [17:31:27] cd Desktop [17:31:29] in the terminal [17:31:37] so you change to that directory [17:31:49] then type [17:31:50] pwd [17:31:59] to verify that you've done it right [17:32:18] if i enter cd desktop it gives me No such file or directory [17:32:35] Desktop should be with a capital letter [17:32:44] ok [17:32:47] now it works [17:32:50] ok then [17:32:53] so then enter pwd [17:33:15] ok im on desktop now [17:33:18] yes, it should say /home/ubuntu/Desktop [17:33:22] or something like that [17:33:32] yup it does [17:33:46] ok now type [17:34:01] cd pyusb-1.0.0a2 [17:34:30] python setup.py install [17:35:53] ...it gives me the message "could not create...:permission denied" [17:36:36] do i have to enable some sort of admin rights? [17:37:01] ok try: [17:37:06] sudo python setup.py install [17:37:48] ok that worked i think [17:37:58] no error message [17:41:04] great, now follow the linux instructions [17:41:37] so i downloaded the 2 files (ipoddfu...) and the bootstrap [17:41:47] can i store them all on the desktiop? [17:42:12] or do i need to create a folder and put them all in [17:46:22] it gives me the error message " cant open file 'ipoddfu.py' no such file or directory [17:46:30] the file is on my desktop [17:56:51] ok done! :) figured it out [17:57:08] so now lets hope it works [18:00:42] ok one more thing it doesnt let me create directory /media/disk:permission denied [18:00:49] can u help me with that? [18:04:06] yes [18:04:12] prefix the command with sudo [18:04:20] so it runs as admin [18:04:27] yeah figured that out ^^ it worked but now [18:04:32] the next step [18:04:46] the 'mkdir...' command [18:05:03] how do i do that [18:05:10] just type [18:05:13] mkdir ipod [18:05:24] sudo mount /dev/sdX ipod [18:05:37] where sdX = the name of ipod device in linux [18:05:44] you can find it if you type [18:05:45] dmesg [18:05:50] and look at the messages [18:06:07] it should say something about umsboot ramdisk, mass storage device and so on [18:07:06] yes it says that at the top but where do i find the name? [18:07:21] it gives me so much there [18:08:13] maybe usb 2-1.2? [18:08:57] no, it starts with "sd" and there's one more letter [18:09:10] sdc [18:09:16] yes [18:09:18] written like this [sdc] [18:09:22] ok nice [18:09:23] exactly [18:09:24] ill try it [18:09:29] sudo mount /dev/sdc ipod [18:09:50] then go to the "ipod" folder that's somewhere on your desktop [18:09:57] and copy/paste the .ubi file there [18:10:08] at the end, type [18:10:23] sudo umount /dev/sdc [18:10:27] sudo eject /dev/sdc [18:10:39] and the installation should start right away [18:11:08] ok thx so much, ill do that [18:11:26] looks like i have to wait a while to get the device mounted though [18:11:31] no ipod folder yet [18:11:33] :) [18:12:14] it could be in the pyusb one [18:12:29] oh youre right it waas^^ [18:13:27] i cant copy the file into the ipod folder though [18:13:32] permission denied (again) [18:13:35] ah, i see [18:13:43] folder has a key logo [18:13:46] put it on the desktop [18:13:50] and then in the terminal [18:14:03] sudo cp ~/Desktop/*.ubi . [18:14:07] the .ubi file on desktop? [18:14:09] type it exactly like that [18:14:11] or the ipdo folder [18:14:26] the .ubi file got it [18:14:33] the file should be on the desktop before typing this command [18:14:39] ok it is [18:14:40] and it should be copied to the ipod folder [18:14:46] after you type the command [18:14:52] ok ill try [18:15:57] uhm how do i type the ~ ? [18:16:33] i have a german keyboard but have to use the english layout one in software? [18:19:20] ok found it [18:19:23] sry [18:20:17] did it work? [18:21:25] uhm dont think so i cant see the file in the folder [18:21:57] cp ~/Desktop/*.ubi [18:22:20] sudo cp ~/Desktop/*.ubi . [18:22:29] there's a space and a period after ubi [18:24:35] no its in the pyusb folder and also has that keylock icon [18:24:43] but not in theb ipod folder [18:25:11] ah, my bad [18:25:13] it should be [18:25:24] sudo cp ~/Desktop/*.ubi ipod/ [18:26:18] ok it worked although i didnt type the las "/" is that bad? [18:26:26] the files in there [18:26:55] it should be fine too [18:27:08] now try the umont and eject commands as i typed them above [18:27:11] ok so now i begin unmounting and then ejectinhg [18:27:13] ok [18:27:16] will do [18:28:36] it gives me "sudo: unmaount: command not found [18:29:15] it's umount [18:29:30] damn sry apparently i cant read [18:30:25] omg it f**n didi it!!!!!! [18:30:35] im in emcore installer [18:30:40] :) [18:31:07] man thanks so much! [18:31:13] you're welcome [18:31:23] now you can use Rockbox utility [18:31:25] no man really, thx for your time! [18:31:32] and install rockbox and a bunch of themes [18:31:33] im so looking forewrard to it [18:32:06] so i just click the rockbox icon and dont bother with settings or.. [18:32:13] well [18:32:19] follow the instructions to the end [18:32:36] there's a red text that says that the installation is not yet complete [18:33:00] .yes [18:33:01] you have launched rockbox, but not installed it to the hard disk of the ipod [18:33:17] which is relatively easy [18:33:31] http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/RockboxUtility#Download [18:33:35] get rockbox utility [18:33:38] point it to the ipod [18:33:44] and it should take care of the rest [18:34:30] so i extract the downloaded file [18:34:46] rockbox utility i mean [18:35:07] yes [18:35:26] i cant open it [18:35:38] did you complete the emcore installation [18:36:03] with the "Flashing..." bar [18:36:19] if so, you can complete the installation on windows [18:36:33] well i think so.. i have the ipod as a device now on linux [18:36:47] ok, so just double-click the extracted file [18:36:48] and on the ipod itself i have a big usb logo on screen [18:36:52] of rockbox utility [18:37:01] yeah did that [18:37:03] it should start [18:37:13] and ask you to select a device [18:37:22] no its just laying around on the desktop [18:38:12] well, you downloaded rockbox utility for linux [18:38:17] and then extracted it [18:38:18] right? [18:38:32] yup linux 64 bit [18:38:38] extracted it to desktop [18:38:52] and what happens when you open the folder [18:39:00] and double-click on the rockbox utility file? [18:39:08] nothing [18:39:16] and if i right click it and say open [18:39:21] it does nothing aswell [18:40:00] disconnect the ipod and switch to windows [18:40:04] it should be easier :) [18:40:10] ok ill do that [18:40:24] should i select safely remove or eject? [18:40:32] yes [18:41:20] ok i connected it to my pc -> have a new device ion windows [18:41:38] downloading the utility [18:41:42] ok [18:41:55] running the .exe now [18:42:16] nice it found my ipod [18:42:49] you marked the checkbox "show disabled devices", right? [18:43:07] yes [18:43:12] but no ipod 6th gen [18:43:21] oh found it [18:43:22] sry [18:43:49] do i install themes now or later? [18:44:21] you can install them now [18:44:24] it doesn't matter [18:44:34] you can even use the utility to update rockbox [18:44:59] wow this tool is amazing [18:45:51] yes, it is [18:45:57] it saves you a lot of time [18:46:15] so i just hit install [18:46:23] yes [18:46:34] ok here we go [18:47:46] ok installation complete [18:48:12] eject the ipod using the icon in the utility [18:48:30] then wait until the usb plug goes away from the screen [18:48:34] then hold down Play [18:48:42] until it shuts down [18:48:45] and you're done [18:48:48] ok did that [18:49:08] now press any button and enjoy the new firmware [18:49:14] :D [18:49:48] your a great person I have to tell you that! ;) thx again [18:50:01] ah, no problem [18:50:24] so one last thing [18:50:48] to get music on the thing i just use it as a external device and drag&drop? [18:50:56] exactly [18:50:56] no softwar needed? [18:50:59] nice [18:51:22] but the main rockbox installation doesn't work well with file transfers [18:51:38] so go to Tools - Run fallback rockbox image [18:51:47] connect the ipod, transfer what you want [18:51:58] eject it, then turn it off (hodl down Play) [18:52:24] then when you turn it on, use the main rockbox installation (the big rockbox logo in the boot menu) [18:53:00] so i do this everytime i want to put stuff on it? [18:53:04] it's a bit uncomfortable, but apart from that, it should work fine [18:53:05] yes [18:53:14] oh its nothing [18:53:15] think if it as "player mode" and "disk mode" [18:53:23] thanks for the tip [18:53:34] so i have a.apps and a .rockbox folder [18:53:57] do i have to create another one named music or how do i do this [18:54:23] you can put your files everywhere, just not in the .rockbox folder [18:54:28] oh ok [18:54:34] having a Music folder is a good idea [18:54:43] yeah thats what i was thinking ^^ [18:54:44] and that's what most people do (including me) [18:55:38] say i copy an album with some songs into that music folder, do i include the cover art (as .,jpg)? [18:56:03] yes, you can do that, rockbox might even use it [18:56:10] nice [18:56:18] i'm not sure how it should be named [18:56:39] ok man, i really think i bothered you enough for today, i will figure these "little" things out by myself i guess [18:56:40] :D [18:56:46] so thanks again m8 [18:56:46] maybe folder.jpg or something like that [18:56:50] ill try [18:57:01] if you have any rockbox-related question [18:57:08] you can join the channel #rockbox [18:57:18] i will thx [18:57:25] there are even more friendly people there, who can answer your qustions [18:57:40] well although i highly doubt that Ill give it a try ;) [18:58:00] ok, goodbye [18:58:10] bye [18:59:00] *** Quits: TheSimpleJack (bc635aee@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:20:11] *** Joins: baudman (55b098d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:24:23] *** Quits: baudman (55b098d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)