[01:45:12] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:47:16] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [04:12:38] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [04:15:34] *** Quits: khmann (~khmann@adsl-74-250-173-34.ard.bellsouth.net) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:15:41] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:15:57] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [04:16:10] *** [Saint] is now known as [Saint__] [04:19:07] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (*.net *.split) [04:28:35] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [04:44:01] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [04:45:26] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [04:45:30] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [04:49:59] *** Quits: [Saint__] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (*.net *.split) [06:14:58] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:15:20] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:15:34] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:17:03] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [07:01:28] *** Joins: random (435661fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:01:33] I need help [07:01:50] How do I install Rockbox? [07:02:16] and how long should it take for the UBI to boot? [07:02:22] <[Saint]> The wiki page I assume you found this channel from describes it perfectly clearly. [07:02:52] I know how to install rockbox but how long does it take to boot the UBI? [07:03:34] I'm using an iPod Classic, 7th Generation, 160 GB [07:03:35] <[Saint]> Approximately 2 seconds [07:03:56] damnit, my thing has been BOOTING UBI FILE for more than that [07:04:07] <[Saint]> I figured. [07:04:07] WAY more than that (now running 5 minutes) [07:04:17] <[Saint]> Reboot it. Its not happening. [07:04:28] OK [07:04:40] Rebooted [07:04:51] Apple Logo and I'm back on the iPod iOS [07:05:04] or firmware, [07:05:11] you know what I meant [07:05:12] <[Saint]> You're not using USB3 and/or Windows <&, are you? [07:05:18] <[Saint]> * <7 [07:05:25] I'm on W8, sadly [07:05:43] <[Saint]> YEah, that's almost certainly not going to happen. [07:05:51] <[Saint]> We don't know why. [07:05:55] Sooooooo I have to do it from W7? [07:05:59] or is it XP? [07:06:12] I mean Vista, not XP lol [07:06:14] <[Saint]> But, FWIW, its also incredidly unlikely it would succeed on any Windows variant. [07:06:38] So it can only be done on Linux or Mac? [07:07:02] <[Saint]> The install procedures for Windows, combined with the various bugs Windows has in its variants, makes for a myriad of possible sombinations for it to fuck up. [07:07:20] <[Saint]> The best bet is with a debian-esque distribution. [07:07:21] ah [07:07:29] well shit.... [07:08:04] <[Saint]> I think sadly only one active developer uses Windows regularly, and everything "Just Works" on his system. [07:08:36] lucky~ [07:08:41] <[Saint]> You can boot Debian/Ubuntu/Etc. quite trivially from generic USB storage, or a LiveCD. [07:09:01] <[Saint]> Well, its not terribly lucky, really. As it makes it practically impossible to debug. :-S [07:09:11] right [07:09:25] If all else fails, I'll just use the iPod as-is [07:09:35] but I may wanna look into debian [07:10:03] really big thank-you for clearing this up [07:10:14] <[Saint]> Just a quick check, you could also try ejecting the drive manually. [07:10:30] <[Saint]> But not with the "Safely remove hardware" thing on the task bar. [07:11:26] <[Saint]> In all honest, I would expect that to also fail (based on past experience), but it is worth trying. Eject from the device manager instead. [07:11:57] Device Manager at the bottom-right? [07:12:20] Methinks I should do the bootstrap with Compatibility Mode [07:12:55] <[Saint]> There's two different ways I know of where it fucks up handing off to the system after uploading the UBI image. [07:12:57] It says "Error 31, A Device attached to the system is not functioning" [07:13:08] that's one of them, I'm sure [07:13:12] right? [07:13:14] <[Saint]> I think one of them the cause is known. [07:13:24] <[Saint]> That's expected, actually. [07:13:33] ah [07:13:34] <[Saint]> It actually means its working as it should. [07:13:39] okay... [07:13:40] <[Saint]> It would be an error to not see that. :) [07:13:48] Ironically :3 [07:14:11] I used the latest EmCore last time [07:14:17] maybe I should dumb it down? [07:14:17] <[Saint]> Its just when we bootstrap, the driver suddenly disappears and is replaced, and Wndows freaks out a little. [07:14:25] as in [07:14:37] like, maybe I should use an older version? [07:14:43] Let's see how that works [07:14:47] <[Saint]> No. [07:15:13] <[Saint]> Believe it or not, this is the less bugged version. [07:15:22] I know it is [07:15:33] but I'm just saying, this could be worth the shot [07:17:37] <[Saint]> re: Device manager in Windows 8/8.1, I know its definitely available from the control panel rather oviously if the control panel view isn't set to large icons. [07:17:51] <[Saint]> But I haven't used Windows for about 4 years now. [07:18:17] Ejected [07:18:20] NO RESPONSE [07:18:24] (older version [07:18:26] used) [07:19:08] <[Saint]> The LCD doesn't show a weird, half and half-ish image of the Apple boot splash by any chance, does it? [07:19:15] hell no [07:19:37] it's not working is it then? [07:19:44] <[Saint]> Ok, right. So this is "the other way" of the two I know of I mentioned earlier. [07:19:51] oh [07:20:33] <[Saint]> This is the one I'm pretty sure no one has much of a clue about why it happens or what the trigger was. [07:20:34] <[Saint]> As it used to function perfectly. [07:20:46] <[Saint]> And the code on this end hasn't changed in an age. [07:20:51] Hmm [07:21:02] All I know for sure is, I want my RB back [07:21:24] I'm a noob, so please bear with me [07:21:56] I had an MP3 last year called the Sansa Fuze Plus. And, though it was listed as Unstable, it did me well for about a year [07:22:01] <[Saint]> The other other way, I believe, is caused by a specific LCD variant that isn't quite handled properly. [07:22:06] ah [07:22:11] <[Saint]> Right, its a nice player, yes. [07:22:25] That SF Plus ran slowly... [07:22:29] VERY, VERY SLOWLY [07:22:30] <[Saint]> They kinda remind me of Samsung flagship mobiles, though. [07:22:37] until I added RB [07:22:49] <[Saint]> Even though they're very nice hardware, they feel cheap and plasticy and flimsily made. [07:22:51] <[Saint]> (to me, anyway) [07:22:56] <[Saint]> Like a Happy Meal toy. [07:22:59] lol [07:23:09] well, it kind of IS a toy-- [07:23:20] 4 or 8 gigs isn't much to sneeze at to me [07:23:31] But when you throw on a 32-gig SD card... [07:23:48] <[Saint]> It would be more expensive, and harder to fabricate, but it would feel a /lot/ nicer if it had an aluminium unibody case. [07:24:05] <[Saint]> Instead of flimsy feeling plastic. [07:24:15] I agree, man :D [07:24:34] <[Saint]> Whether humans do it consciously or not, they directly associate the weight of a product with its value. [07:24:54] <[Saint]> Hence the trend of shoddy Chinese goods glueing bolts into stereos or HDDs. [07:25:17] <[Saint]> If it feels more substantial, it is "more well made". [07:25:35] SF Plus is probably the best Flimsy toy I've used though XD [07:25:35] <[Saint]> ...even if its really garbage. Heh. Humans. :) [07:26:10] I actually had to swap my iPod Classic today =_= [07:26:31] some asshole sold his iPod to the place where I bought it from, and it had a HIGH number of Allocations [07:26:46] meaning its harddrive was fucking FUBAR [07:27:05] and thus I swapped mine [07:27:19] which was the one that was sold with the fucked up harddrive [07:27:24] that same one. [07:27:31] I'm glad I replaced it. [07:27:33] <[Saint]> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD or http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows while I remeber. [07:27:38] Thanks [07:28:11] I'll either do this tomorrow or continue with the iPod as is [07:28:13] <[Saint]> Actually, s/he may or may not have been an asshole. [07:28:22] You may be right [07:28:29] <[Saint]> These disks have notoriously shitty firmware. [07:28:52] <[Saint]> They pretty much always seem to die from self destructing, rather than end-of-life. [07:29:10] well the one I newly swapped for ain't dead yet [07:29:16] <[Saint]> We've seen some really badly damaged platters come through here in the past. [07:29:58] <[Saint]> In interesting patterns, as one thing the disks seem to love to do is slam the heads against the platter at high speed. [07:30:13] ugh... [07:30:24] I feel like there should be an 8th-Gen iClassic [07:30:41] with 320 Gigs, and a BETTER internal hardware that doesn't do this shit [07:30:45] <[Saint]> Oddly, they seem to have totally dropped the Classic line. [07:30:54] <[Saint]> I have been expecting an update for a while. [07:31:10] <[Saint]> But...nope. And they still sell the fucking 7G at full price. :-S [07:31:26] you mean 6.5g? [07:31:34] <[Saint]> After...what, 4 years now? [07:31:39] There's a fuckton of nicknames for this one XD [07:31:49] 6th Gen, Second Revision [07:32:00] Generation 6.5, 7th Gen [07:32:19] as I haven't had an iPod in years, I get lost in the nicknames [07:32:52] <[Saint]> (for added fun, there's also a hardware variation with different incompatible firmware that didn't change the model number with the 7G/whateveryouwannacallit :)) [07:33:00] lol [07:33:51] <[Saint]> As far as I'm concerned, they fucked up with the 4G by calling it the Color/Photo [07:34:19] What is your opinion on the U2 iPod? [07:34:24] <[Saint]> It would be a lot easier, in my mind, if all the non-touch, non-nano, non-shuffle variants were just 'iPod" [07:34:45] YES [07:34:58] <[Saint]> The u2 variant is just a Color/Photo with an ugly front and a custom engraved rear case. [07:35:28] Yeah, I feel it's overpriced, [07:35:34] people still have it online, FULL FUCKING PRICE [07:36:33] <[Saint]> iPod 4G/Color/Photo, iPod Video 5/5.5G, iPod Classic 6/6.5/7G/whatever, ahoudl all just be iPod 4G, iPod 5G, iPod 5.5G, iPod 6G...etc. [07:37:06] <[Saint]> People call the 4G and Video "Classic" iPods now. ANd its *so* confusing. [07:37:26] U2 iPod is still at full price in some stores, which I will always believe is ridiculous. $300 for 30 gigs, FUCK THAT! The Sansa Fuse Plus I had-- which had 10 more gigabytes because of the 32gig SD Card, and me having the 8-gig, only cost $130 or so as just the MP3 player and SD Card. [07:37:30] <[Saint]> I partially blame Wikipedia. I think they had a big part in this terrible naming scheme. [07:38:00] Wiki is definitely to blame here [07:38:21] but I blame Apple [07:38:32] WHY ADD THE 'CLASSIC'? [07:38:55] Personally, when I hear the name "iPod Classic" I THINK OF THE FIRSTO NE [07:38:57] *first one [07:39:19] <[Saint]> Yeah, its weird. "We can see its the big one, its not the touchy one, or the little one, or the other really little one, we're not that stupid, thanks". [07:39:34] How about this. [07:39:40] iPod CLICKWHEEL. [07:39:45] Just call it that! [07:40:42] <[Saint]> That would count Nanos, though. [07:40:43] That's the BIG defining feature we all recognize that the Phone, the Phone without a Mic, the 1-Incher, and the little rectangle without buttons that forces you to use your voice and makes you look just as crazy as the bluetooth does. [07:40:58] the Current Nano doesn't use Clickwheel. [07:41:00] <[Saint]> (but not the new variants, so it gets more confusing) [07:41:14] I call it the 1-Incher... [07:41:19] you can obviously see why [07:41:32] <[Saint]> Must. Not. Make. Penis. Joke. [07:41:42] XD [07:42:20] WAIT [07:42:26] SHIT, wrong iPod [07:42:40] SHUFFLE is the 1-Incher [07:42:45] That was my fuckup [07:44:06] <[Saint]> If it helps any, the Nano 6G is 1.1" [07:44:35] THAT'S THE ONE I WAS TALKING ABOUT THEN~ [07:45:07] THAT'S what I was referring to as the 1-Incher. That joke goes for both THIS Nano and the current shuffe [07:45:09] *Shuffle [07:45:27] though I think the Shuffle is smaller [07:46:08] Saint' [07:46:12] do you skype? [07:46:21] * [Saint] does not [07:46:36] that's fine [07:46:52] Thank you for the help [07:46:55] I'll go to be [07:46:57] *bed [07:47:11] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:47:19] *** Quits: random (435661fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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