[02:28:15] *** Joins: Andrewski (~Andrewski@ [02:34:32] Hey, I'm trying to remove emcore / rockbox from my ipod classic 160GB, but I can't get it to recognize the device in iTunes. Whenever I hold down the menu and select button it just returns to the boot menu, and I can't get it to enter DFU mode. [02:34:57] <[7]> Andrewski: follow the instructions exactly [02:35:17] <[7]> connect the ipod to usb and press and hold menu+select for about 12 seconds, no matter what the ipod does during that time [02:35:28] <[7]> the display should be black after that [02:35:45] <[7]> and itunes should be recognizing it as an ipod in recovery mode, if it is installed correctly [02:41:35] itunes: An ipod has been detected, but it could not be identified properly. Please disconnect and reconnect the ipod, then try again. An unknown error occured (1621) [02:42:12] <[7]> did you do the emcore installation on the same pc? [02:42:32] <[7]> if so, did you kick out any apple drivers during the process? [02:43:05] <[7]> what does the device show as in the device manager after itunes reports that? [02:43:38] <[7]> which itunes version are you using? the latest ones seem to be a bit buggy [02:43:53] yeah, using the latest itunes [02:44:11] even when I press and hold select + menu it returns to boot menu [02:44:18] right now it's emcore debugger [02:44:46] <[7]> try itunes 9.2.1, everything later than that seems to be acting up more often than not [02:45:11] <[7]> you can upgrade to the latest version again after completing the recovery process [02:45:31] ok, I will give that a go [02:46:17] <[7]> you need to hold menu+select for between 10 and 15 seconds, otherwise it can't work [02:46:45] <[7]> the ipod's screen should be dark after that. if not, you got the timing wrong. [02:48:12] yeah, I may have been holding too long [02:52:09] *** Quits: Andrewski (~Andrewski@ (Write error: Broken pipe) [02:52:44] *** Joins: Andrewski (~Andrewski@ [02:56:28] ok, I'm still using the latest itunes and it's been " restoring "iPod"" for a while. does it usually take a long time? [03:06:55] *** Quits: Andrewski (~Andrewski@ () [06:05:52] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:06:06] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:17:52] *** Joins: Silence_ (6175fa3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:22:45] Does anyone know how long the EmCORE installer is suppouse to take to format / [07:24:32] 120gb classic [08:41:38] *** Quits: Silence_ (6175fa3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [09:08:09] *** Joins: Eric (6175fa3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:08:19] can anyone help me [09:08:33] *** Eric is now known as Guest22283 [09:09:18] anyone there [09:26:21] yes [09:26:28] about 10 seconds [09:26:46] there should be a progress bar on the screen, if you're using the installer [09:27:11] or the application on your computer should tell you when it's done, if using any [09:29:54] here's what you should see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4aaLWk9WfI [09:44:51] how long does the format usually take ? [09:50:27] mine has been stuck on formatting for half an hour [09:56:37] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [09:56:51] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:35:21] <[7]> Guest22283: hm, did you experience any trouble with emcore/rockbox on that device? [10:35:37] <[7]> half an hour is way too long... does the ipod make any clicking noise? [10:35:42] <[7]> could be that your HDD has problems [10:37:22] not while its formatting no but i think that my hdd is just dead can't format with any program what so ever and itunes can not restore [10:39:04] <[7]> that is sadly a fairly common problem [10:39:20] <[7]> these drives seem to be slowly dying after about 5 years [10:50:56] lame!! [10:52:21] you wouldn't happen to be the person that made that vid on youtube on restoring an ipod without itunes and using protable pyton would you ? [10:53:03] if so you think it would or i just need to replace the hdd [11:31:54] *** Quits: Guest22283 (6175fa3f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [15:40:43] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (*.net *.split) [15:46:02] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) [18:03:51] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:09:16] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [19:00:21] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (*.net *.split) [19:06:19] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)