[00:25:44] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Remote host closed the connection) [01:34:43] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [01:42:14] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:02:54] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:04:29] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:11:59] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:14:02] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) [06:23:13] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:31:03] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) [06:51:42] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:52:15] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:48:30] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:38:23] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:39:40] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:46:44] *** Joins: indisium (cf5103d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:49:37] Hi there.. I have a ipod classic.. I beleive its Gen 7 160 gig.. I tried to install Rockbox with the emcore.. I managed to get it into DFu mode.. copied over the rockbox-ipodclassic boot file and then ejected.. however I ejected it from where the clock is.. ( I now know that's wrong)..it would not boot in a new booter and I cannot get it back into DFU mode now.. it just shuts down when I try to go to DFU mode. [08:50:38] Please help... I would really like to get Rockbox installed on this thing.. [09:27:29] <[Saint]> We cant help if you cant get into DFU mode. [09:28:00] <[Saint]> That's hardware controlled, so it cant not work. [09:28:27] <[Saint]> Try to toggle hold on and off, then retry DFU mode. [10:06:02] here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_bIDtBohnE [13:21:28] *** Quits: indisium (cf5103d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:48:00] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection)