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[14:09:40] hi everyone [14:11:36] Im on a 5.5G (classic) im trying to change for Rockbox via emcore but i'm stuck after copy installer-ipodclassic.ubi on the message booting ubi file... [14:12:17] someone have a tips to help me plz ? [14:16:02] <[7]> kst_: if a windows 8 PC is involved, try it on win7 or linux [14:16:41] <[7]> there have been lots of reports of that happening recently, almost always on windows 8 [14:17:17] <[7]> and as no developer seems to be using that, we haven't found out the cause yet [14:17:27] [7] i've just launch my linux ^^ [14:17:54] i'll try and report thx [7] [14:17:58] <[7]> (hm, might be helpful if one of those windows 8 users could do a block-level dump of the umsboot disk right before ejecting it) [14:18:44] i don't know what is a block-level dump [14:19:00] <[7]> basically a raw image of the drive [14:19:49] ok i'll try to get it before try on linux [14:20:15] what tool can i use to ? [14:20:31] <[7]> if you want to help, you can do that after completing the installation as well, just for your information [14:20:53] <[7]> I'd personally use winhex for that, but I'm not sure if the free version can do it [14:21:03] <[7]> if not, hxd should also work [14:23:42] a weird this is that i need to launch bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe in order to see umsboot [14:24:12] thing * [14:24:30] <[7]> why is that weird? [14:24:41] <[7]> that's exactly the purpose of that tool ;) [14:25:18] ok i didn't undestood this after read the doc [14:25:35] (sry for my english) [14:28:22] [7]: where do you want I up the dump ? [14:29:24] <[7]> http://www.datafilehost.com/ https://mega.co.nz/ or something like that [14:30:42] Upload in progress. Please Wait... ^^ [14:54:42] [7]: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/a92016eb [15:01:47] * user890104 found some leftovers from the original firmware in the ram disk [15:02:12] [7]: should we zero out the block we're using as ram disk, before creating the FS? [15:28:54] <[7]> hm, we could do that, but it shouldn't make a difference [15:29:13] <[7]> UMSboot should already be zeroing all relevant blocks (up to the FAT area) [15:32:58] well, windows is weird sometimes [15:46:21] <[7]> kst_: that image doesn't contain any traces of a .ubi file? [15:57:29] no this is an empty partition if you need dump with ubi i can do this [7] [15:57:44] <[7]> I need a dump of the state right before you eject it [15:57:56] <[7]> i.e. what umsboot sees (and fails to process) after ejecting [15:59:16] ok i'll do this after finish linux install [16:35:29] it's better that rox ^^ [16:35:52] dump is uploading [16:52:43] *** Quits: kst_ (58b34570@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:16:48] *** Joins: kst_ (58b34570@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:17:14] sry [7] ive serios connexion problem [18:17:19] serious* [18:17:35] but i finish upload http://www.datafilehost.com/d/bd2c3cd8 [18:43:05] *** Quits: shamlo (~shamlo@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:55:47] *** Joins: chatweazle (54812f6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:04:24] *** Quits: kst_ (58b34570@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [20:06:12] iPod classic 7g 160gb, winXP32, bootstrap_ipodclassic.exe told me: Could not find specified DFU device, the device is shown, but no drive letter in explorer, followed the instruction of emcore webside, needed the iPod only one times before with gtkpod under linux, no iTunes under XP, please help me to install it [20:10:39] i followed the instruction on: http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening page1 [20:42:56] use this guide instead: http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFU [20:43:23] the instructions and files may have changed in the meantime [20:58:58] ok, but i think, there ist the same link on http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening to the site - you have told me, so i mean exactly the same instruction. [21:14:59] if the bootstrap_ipodclassic.exe make the same thing under XP than libipoddfu.py under linux it is clear, because my idProduct=0x1238 [21:16:17] are you having any idea [21:28:35] i 've made it again, but sorry, the same result [21:41:10] if it is helpful. my model is mc297c [21:54:25] *** Joins: ruisenora (~ruisenora@ [22:15:41] *** Quits: ruisenora (~ruisenora@ (Remote host closed the connection) [22:47:28] the ipod will not appear as a drive, until you run the bootstrapper application [22:47:42] it will only appear in device manager [22:48:12] you need to install the correct drivers (as explained in the instructions), so the bootstrap app can do its work successfully [23:01:37] *** Joins: vladiar (~vladiar@ [23:15:16] *** Quits: vladiar (~vladiar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [23:18:08] the ipod apear as a drive f:\ , before i run bootstrapper, i ejected it in explorer and than it shows me the correct driver is in use (the other one for dfu-mode without a driveletter), than bootstrap_ipodclassic.exe told me: Could not find specified DFU device, but i think the correct driver is installed and in use. [23:19:36] of course i pressed the correct buttons on the ipod and its in dfu-mode, i wonder about this [23:21:03] i thing i've made the correct steps, could it be a reason that i used gtkpod before [23:24:53] my ipod never saw itunes [23:26:22] itunes was not installed every time before and i don't want to use it [23:27:09] anytime [23:29:58] the ipod apear as a drive everytime in XP and linux [23:30:14] if i connect usb [23:30:42] it is the original firmware [23:32:27] firmware version=2.0.5 PC [23:35:23] my linux is manjaro 64bit [23:35:38] kernel [23:36:33] 3.1.3 [23:37:32] without aur [23:38:25] sorry, at this time with aur [23:39:38] over Yaourt [23:44:19] i thought it would be easier to install rockbox in a 32bit xp on my old laptop [23:44:55] i' ve done this some years ago an my nano 4g [23:48:24] it was verry easy and i am happy about rockbox because i use ogg [23:48:45] instaed of mp3 [23:53:13] chatweazle: you will have more luck if you use linux for installing [23:53:49] there are more issues on windows so far, so use the linux method if you have a linux pc [23:58:17] ok , but i' ve to read a little bit about the steps before, thank you for yor help and tips, i'll be back - i think at monday if i need more help [23:59:41] i mean the steps on linux [23:59:54] thank you verry much