[00:32:27] *** Joins: combinatoric (~combinato@71-211-248-181.hlrn.qwest.net) [00:33:22] If anyone is familiar with dealing with a boot loop on an iPod running emCore through rockbox please let me know [01:40:06] *** Quits: combinatoric (~combinato@71-211-248-181.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: Leaving) [02:13:45] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [03:02:36] *** Joins: jan_bee_ (~some@euve32367.server4you.net) [03:04:08] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@euve32367.server4you.net) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:19:26] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [06:42:27] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:42:46] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:21:36] *** Joins: zkyz (~zkyz@CPE-121-222-29-6.lnse1.cha.bigpond.net.au) [08:21:43] Hey, is anybody here? [08:23:16] Basically im trying to run Rockbox through emCORE on my new Ipod Classic (i think it's a 2009 model 160gb, i bought it this week). [08:24:06] I dont seem to have any problems with installation, as i follow the steps on the website very carefully and everything runs smoothly. [08:24:21] But when i get past these steps "Wait for Rockbox to return to the main menu (may take around half a minute) [08:24:21] Shut down Rockbox by holding the play button for several seconds" [08:25:00] Once i reconnect my Ipod back to the computer, i cannot access it, there is no ways to get files onto my ipod or organise it in anyway =/ [08:33:53] <[Saint]> You'll need to access the filesystem via the Rockbox fallback image. [08:34:00] <[Saint]> Via emCORE's tools menu. [08:34:06] <[Saint]> IIRC< the instructions state this. [08:35:01] <[Saint]> Unless this is a Mac, in which case, no matter what you do its not going to mount without a custom build. [08:36:00] <[Saint]> reboot - back in 2. [08:36:22] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:38:03] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:39:00] I see, so i've booted into the fallback image now [08:39:13] and the drive has shown back on my computer (after again closing applemobiledevice.sys) [08:39:46] any media programs you'd recommend for organising files to play on rockbox (currently using winamp) [08:41:05] the main thing i'm after is FLAC songs on my ipod [08:45:45] <[Saint]> You don't need any software to manage any media on the device. [08:45:54] <[Saint]> Drag and drop. That's all. [08:47:14] <[Saint]> If you want to use some form of software, go nuts. [08:47:33] <[Saint]> But be aware that anything that thinks its trying to deal with a functional iPod is going to break. [08:47:46] <[Saint]> For all intents and purposes, this is no longer an iPod. [08:48:49] So do i need to make a new folder withing the ipod?\ [08:48:59] I cant find any "music" folder in there [08:49:35] <[Saint]> No, you don't. [08:49:38] <[Saint]> And that's why. [08:49:54] <[Saint]> Just don't put anything in ./rockbox [08:51:13] Are there any form of playlist files which will work with rockbox? [08:53:51] <[Saint]> .m3u and .m3u8 only [08:54:11] * [Saint] notes that this is not the right place for general Rockbox support [09:06:52] *** Parts: zkyz (~zkyz@CPE-121-222-29-6.lnse1.cha.bigpond.net.au) () [09:21:06] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:22:19] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:31:20] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [14:42:15] *** Joins: tbx1024 (~tbialas@fer01-1-78-234-67-117.fbx.proxad.net) [14:45:26] I'm installing emCORE on an iPod Classic 7G on Linux, and the 64MB drive at the "UMS Boot" stage won't show up. I have several strange messages in dmesg log: "[ 5424.976083] usb 2-4: reset high-speed USB device number 9 using ehci-pci". Is this normal? [14:47:06] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:49:24] also, "fdisk -l" hangs D: [15:14:40] nevermind. it finally showed up. [15:41:17] *** Joins: tbx10241 (~tbialas@fer01-1-78-234-67-117.fbx.proxad.net) [15:41:18] *** Quits: tbx1024 (~tbialas@fer01-1-78-234-67-117.fbx.proxad.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:41:55] *** Parts: tbx10241 (~tbialas@fer01-1-78-234-67-117.fbx.proxad.net) () [17:07:26] *** Joins: cor (266c5714@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:08:14] *** Quits: cor (266c5714@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [17:22:21] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [17:22:58] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [18:17:40] *** Joins: Leela (69e3e356@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:32:27] *** Quits: Leela (69e3e356@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [19:14:12] *** Joins: Ipodhacker (5a026977@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:14:25] hi [19:14:44] 7 i launch ibugger.py on win 7 and work :D [19:15:44] But i don't understand how execute i upload with ibugger.py upload 0x22000000 "C:\Users\Ipodhacker\Documents\snapshot-201003100612\emcore-ipodnano4g.bin [19:16:33] but when write: execute 0x22000000 the ipod don't execute the code [19:20:03] Whats [19:29:13] that address can't even work for launching emcore [19:29:47] you need to specify the correct base address for that image [19:29:54] emcore probably doesn't care about the stack address [19:30:29] What the adresse can work on nano4g? [19:30:35] 0x08000020 [19:30:36] ? [19:31:03] probably 0x08000000 [19:31:18] at least if I remember correctly [19:31:40] upload 0x8000000 and execute 0x8000000? [19:31:43] just check the linker script to figure out the right one [19:31:51] possibly [19:31:59] ok i try [19:33:19] what need to write for stack? [19:33:36] execute 0x8000000 * [19:34:20] it shouldn't care about that [19:34:28] when i try only execute 0x800000 doesn't work [19:37:44] 0x0800000 [19:46:31] Normaly to have error when startup? [19:47:18] what kind of error? [19:47:37] http://pastebin.com/uZ8Kp8Qv [19:49:24] a bit odd, but not quite sure what it means [19:49:59] however I'm not sure why you're trying to start an ibugger core in the first place? [19:50:33] To try run option [19:50:44] that can't work at all [19:50:56] Oh ok [19:51:07] that's for ibugger payloads, not firmware/kernel images [19:51:26] just try to start it directly, or if the ibugger loader is in the way, relocate that to SRAM first [19:51:30] i think i upload emcore on 0x22000020? or continu with 0x08000000 [19:51:45] why don't you just do what I say? [19:52:16] emcore CAN'T WORK when launched from an SRAM address [19:52:18] Yes i try [19:52:35] It's impossible to launch emcore? [19:52:40] so why aren't you using the address that I told you? [19:52:52] 0x22xxxxxx is completely wrong [19:53:03] Oh the 0x08xxxxxx [19:53:18] 0x08000000, to be specific [19:53:30] or whatever address emcore was compiled for [19:53:36] but it surely won't start with 22 [19:54:22] upload in 0x08000000:OK [19:55:49] emcore don't launch just command line retun commands of ibugger.py [19:56:19] well you do need to execute it of course [19:57:58] ok but how see emcore if I do not execute the code? [19:58:08] ? [19:58:35] * TheSeven fails to understand that line [19:58:50] Ye si know have very very very [19:58:54] bad english [19:59:03] Maybe you see xd [19:59:45] I'm stupid ... i would like launch bootmenu... [19:59:50] sorry... [20:00:22] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/Main_Page [20:00:43] would like launch exactly as picture [20:01:57] how can find bootmenu-ipodnano4g.bin? [20:01:57] and what's the point of that? [20:02:36] what is that file supposed to be? [20:02:37] First just to see [20:03:00] The bootmenu no? [20:03:09] that's typically an emcoreapp file [20:03:39] Ah [20:03:57] i think don't have emcoreapp [20:04:10] then build it from our SVN [20:05:36] in order to run that you'll have to: [20:05:36] 1. set up the required tool chains [20:05:36] 2. compile the code [20:05:36] 3. figure out how to boot emcore (not sure what you're doing wrong there) [20:05:36] 4. fix at least two emcore bugs that currently prevent it from working (some unhandled DMA IRQ panic, and some USB trouble that I haven't analyzed further) [20:05:37] 5. run the emcoreapp [20:07:31] For compile the code i can use codeblock+mingw [20:07:57] no idea [20:08:09] don't need specifer compiler? [20:08:19] you'll need a working ARM ELF toolchain [20:08:25] and a somewhat recent one [20:08:37] and then some of our own tools (UCL, elf2emcoreapp, ...) [20:08:51] I usually recommend the TNT toolchain [20:26:52] *** Quits: Ipodhacker (5a026977@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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