[02:10:12] *** Joins: MulX (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) [02:10:29] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [02:10:36] *** MulX is now known as APLU [05:20:30] *** Joins: fyyyy (6fc5943d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:24:48] *** Quits: fyyyy (6fc5943d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:43:57] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [06:49:47] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [11:12:42] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (Quit: !sucide) [11:33:47] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) [12:02:06] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [14:27:54] *** Joins: LordUter (d56d5f14@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:29:32] Hi, I would like to ask a question about iPod classic 7 gen [14:32:13] hello, go ahead and ask it [14:33:58] *** Quits: LordUter (d56d5f14@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [15:49:36] *** Joins: john_____ (b28cfd87@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:50:23] hello, I have replaced logic board on my 6.5 classic and have troubles with umsboot [15:54:03] it freezes on booting ubi files [15:55:12] john_____: most likely not related to the swapped board [15:55:24] fairly likely win8 trouble? [15:55:46] yep [15:55:56] but I already did it with old board [15:56:25] but on win8 64 and now I have 8.1 64 [15:57:20] also when I run bootstrap*.exe I have got some sort of error message [15:58:16] DeviceIoControl: Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning. [16:02:08] this one is expected, and confirms that umsboot worked [16:04:22] I'm trying on my notebook with win 8 64 [16:08:17] and after reboot I have never seen Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver [16:08:21] is it bad> [16:09:03] after you run bootstrap, there should be no DFU device, but a Mass storage device [16:09:16] and it should appear as a new disk drive in Computer [16:09:41] no, before bootstrap but after menu and select buttons trick [16:10:02] if you do it right, there should be a DFU device [16:10:46] I did it same way as guide [16:11:08] I didn't see dfu device and run straight bootstrap [16:11:19] if you're having trouble entering DFU, watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_bIDtBohnE [16:11:31] if there's no DFU device, bootstrap won't work [16:11:51] but bootstrap works so I'm in DFU without visual DFU device [16:12:44] well, it should be there, in one of the categories [16:13:24] also DFU device isn't in device manager [16:14:17] I have noticed DFU at another computer [16:16:25] and now it tells me "ni ipod classic in DFU mode found" [16:16:37] but I'm looking right on DFU device [16:16:52] mb I should try at computer with ubuntu 13.11 [16:18:49] using linux makes the install process less painful, so we recommend it [16:18:58] wait I see [16:19:12] driver wasn't installed [16:19:26] the third party INF does not contain digital signature [16:20:24] you need to reboot with driver signature check disabled [16:21:15] already doing that [16:27:57] driver was installed but now I cant open the volume [16:28:13] though ipod showing umsboot screen [16:28:26] and bootstrap worked well [16:28:54] restarting [16:34:18] which bootstrap are you using? itunes or non-itunes? [16:42:13] itunes with installed itunes and usual with drivers [16:42:33] don't worry I'm doing that right [16:42:41] it's only windows problem [16:43:03] The pc have rebooted [16:47:39] finally [16:47:52] win8+custom driver worked [16:48:10] not smoothly though [16:56:35] I see now rockbox using installer [16:56:46] can I use old cfg? [16:58:14] or simply rewrite rockbox directory with mine? [16:59:52] the version is same [17:00:14] get the most recent using rockbox utility [17:00:20] as described in the guide [17:01:32] ok I manage myself [17:01:36] thanks for help [17:07:24] *** Quits: john_____ (b28cfd87@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:45:01] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (Quit: !sucide) [21:51:32] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10)