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[20:52:13] I have an iPod Classic running emCORE v0.2.3 r859, Rockbox 17f265d-131217 [20:52:45] Everything was fine until today when it stopped booting. It dies with "Prefetch abort at 65FD2CB4 / FSR 0x5 / (domain 0, fault 5)" [20:53:10] wintermute__: I just answered it in #rockbox (as it's a rockbox problem) [20:53:13] *** Joins: xCurlyQ (405d90d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:54:09] OK. Thanks. I wasn't sure, so I thoguht I'd cover both the options. [20:55:47] *** Quits: wintermute__ (453d94f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [20:58:43] Hi, I have an iPod Touch Classic and I was doing the EmCore installation and I got to the part that says "Download the "installer-ipodclassic.ubi" file from the emCORE Releases page", so I did and I saved that file to the "UMSboot" volume, ejected the volume and some text showed up on my iPod (I can't remember what it said) but it was just sitting there, not doing anything so I tried holding the menu and select buttons to [20:58:53] Now I just have a black screen [20:59:05] Did I brick my iPod? [21:01:00] xCurlyQ: try locking the hold switch, unlocking at again, then press and hold menu+select for about 7 seconds [21:01:08] what happens if you do that? [21:01:33] nothing... [21:02:13] hm. you never saw the installer splash screen, asking you to confirm that you really want to install emcore? [21:02:20] it was just stuck at "booting ubi file"? [21:02:28] yeah [21:02:39] are you using windows 8/8.1? [21:02:48] yes [21:02:52] 8.1 [21:03:22] did you leave the ipod connected while it was stuck there, or could it have run out of battery? [21:03:57] I left my iPod connected, and my battery was 100% before I started [21:04:10] and then it just went black after a while? [21:04:32] ah no, you rebooted it [21:04:37] hm... [21:04:37] yes [21:05:00] it did never show an apple logo after that? [21:05:10] no [21:05:29] hm, it's behaving really weird. [21:05:58] do you get a device connected/disconnected sound if you plug/unplug it? [21:06:12] yeah [21:07:36] ok, I opened up iTunes and now it's telling me I need to download the recovery software [21:08:21] I don't know why I didn't think of doing that before... [21:08:56] so it apparently suffered some corruption on the NOR flash... [21:09:11] I'm not sure how that could have happened though [21:09:27] anyway, if you still want to install emcore, you can try doing so on windows 7 or linux [21:09:42] win8 has a known problem that causes it to get stuck at exactly that point [21:09:57] ok [21:09:58] I've never seen a reboot fail after that before though [21:10:26] if you want to install emcore, you don't have to proceed with the itunes recovery procedure (but it can't hurt either) [21:10:55] your ipod was basically stuck in DFU mode, so you can just run the bootstrapping tool again and re-attempt the installation [21:11:15] ok [21:11:47] my iPod's screen looks different, not in a bad way, it says "Do not disconnect" and above it is a circle with a line through it [21:11:57] so did it work? [21:12:06] this means that itunes has restored the bootloader [21:12:49] so that's an Apple thing, not emcore or anyhthing else? [21:12:52] yes [21:12:55] ok [21:13:06] it's called "disk mode" [21:13:55] well I honestly don't have access to any other OS besides win 8.1 right now so should I not try again with 8.1? [21:14:29] it's likely to fail in the same way again [21:16:03] was I supposed to save anything else besides "installer-ipodclassic.ubi" into the UMSboot volume or not? [21:16:13] no, that's correct [21:16:31] ok [21:16:34] it's just that windows 8 apparently messes something up, and we don't yet know what exactly [21:17:14] could I use a Mac or is it just windows and linux? [21:17:30] we don't officially support that, but it might be worth a try [21:17:59] I've read reports that macs fail to mount the umsboot filesystem at all though [21:18:48] you can run the bootstrapping tool on windows, then just disconnect it and connect it to the mac, and attempt to copy the ubi file from there [21:18:58] not sure if it will work, but it might be worth a try [21:19:33] I probably won't try it [21:19:50] It's my friends Mac and I don't want to mess anything up haha [21:20:08] that's why I suggested to just try to copy the file using it [21:20:21] just like you would copy a file to a thumbdrive [21:20:48] the other steps can be done using windows [21:20:58] another option would be to use a linux live cd [21:21:04] e.g. ubuntu [21:21:39] I might try with the Mac once I can ask my friend if I can use his [21:23:00] and I don't know how to use Linux [21:24:11] oh, that's easy enough ;) [21:25:50] I should probably learn, but I'm honestly clueless about it [21:27:07] user890104: I just did some tests with one of the images provided by a win8 user [21:27:17] umsboot 0.1 reports "no ubi file found" [21:27:31] umsboot 0.2 hangs at "booting ubi file" [21:27:51] if I extract the file using winhex and just copy it to the ramdisk, umsboot 0.2 boots it successfully [21:35:29] WTF [21:35:48] we're ending up with a directory sector being where the ubi file is supposed to be [21:36:39] starting at offset 0x1000 the contents are correct though [21:39:25] xCurlyQ: it might be worth a try to delete the hidden "system volume information" folder from the drivge [21:39:28] drive* [21:41:14] where is that located? [21:42:10] TheSeven: does windows make these on removable drives? it's system restore related IIRC [21:42:28] the indexing service created a database on it ;) [21:42:42] aw... [21:42:42] yes, on a 64MB fat16 drive. very funny. [21:43:23] UMSboot is supposed to treat directories as files, and just ignore their contents, breaking them [21:43:31] shouldn't prevent it from booting though [21:44:41] so that's why i don't see the bug... i have indexing turned off [21:44:56] it's one of the first things i do after installing windows :) [21:45:30] "net stop wsearch" or "sc stop wsearch" should kill it for a while [21:51:32] umsboot should still ignore it though [21:51:56] there must be a bug inside the loop at line 167 in src/app/umsboot/main.c [21:59:23] user890104: I think I've found it [21:59:37] a directory has a clusterchain but a size of 0 [22:00:00] that throws off the initrd size calculation code by a sector, making it wrap around the end or RAM [22:00:10] and that finally trashes the installer [22:01:47] TheSeven: nice, i can test it on various devices [22:03:56] * user890104 translates the n4g lcd dithering code into C in the meantime [22:09:30] * TheSeven wishes user890104 a lot of fun... that code is really quirky [22:09:39] * TheSeven fixed umsboot in the meantime [22:09:57] can you test it? [22:11:42] it works with the ramdisk image that previously failed [22:11:59] http://paste.pm/f9d.c [22:12:19] only the first file is really relevant, the other ones were pending local fixes [22:14:03] fixed binary: http://www.datafilehost.com/d/6cf49d5a [22:14:19] user890104: can you make a bootstrapper from that, and give it to xCurlyQ for testing? [22:14:41] if it works for him, I'd suggest replacing the one on our server [22:14:48] TheSeven: yes sure, i'm applying the patch right now [22:30:08] TheSeven: which ucl app is used for compressing the rb fallback image, and what is the command line? [22:30:21] ucl2e10singleblk [22:30:33] args are just srcfile destfile IIRC [22:30:54] thanks [22:43:32] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection) [22:46:38] xCurlyQ: please download http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu and http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [22:47:06] then use them for the installation, instead of ones that you downloaded before [22:47:24] user890104: he'll need a windows bootstrapper, probably the itunes version [22:47:58] TheSeven: sorry, didn't notice that [22:53:30] ok, here it is: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [22:53:39] tested and working fine for me [23:16:13] xCurlyQ: can you please confirm if that one works properly on win8?