[00:33:29] *** Joins: puff_ (42be0bdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:33:57] Running into issues with the iPod Classic [00:35:34] when I copy the .ubi to the 64mb drive and eject, it sits with the apple logo saying "booting ubi" for quite some time. [00:39:34] sorry, I was busy [00:41:02] puff_: can you wait for a minute? we are testing a new version at the moment [00:41:12] if it works fine, it should solve your problem [00:41:35] what is the eta? [00:41:45] xCurlyQ: are you able to test the new version soon? [00:41:53] yea I've got all day [00:42:43] puff_: what operating system are you using on your computer? [00:42:52] Win 8.1 [00:43:35] are you using the itunes method, or the other one? [00:43:46] yeah I'm trying right now [00:44:18] umm? I have itunes installed and am ending the processes. is that what you mean? [00:44:48] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot puff_: ok, so start over with the installation, but use this file: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [00:45:23] ok. give me a minute [00:46:29] also, use this .ubi file: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [00:47:03] I'm trying to enter my iPod into DFU mode but when I do, "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" is not showing up [00:47:53] xCurlyQ: unplug the ipod from usb and reconnect it, then start over [00:49:41] my iPod is saying "do not disconnect" [00:50:44] xCurlyQ: you're not in DFU then [00:51:06] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_bIDtBohnE [00:51:13] I was before but that's what it is saying now [00:51:25] Curly, when I did it the DFU didn't show up as a drive. I had to go to control panel - view devices and printers to know if it was there [00:52:08] alright I'll try that when I enter DFU mode again if it does not automatically show up [00:52:09] On my note, how long should booting the ubi take? and should it not show the apple logo? [00:52:14] puff_: yes, that's expected. it also shows in Device manager [00:52:34] booting should take no more that few seconds [00:52:51] k then I'm back at square one [00:53:13] two questions; [00:53:15] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4aaLWk9WfI [00:53:43] puff_: did you use the updated .exe and the updated .ubi (not the ones from the install page, but the files which i posted links to)? [00:54:06] one I saw on the rockbox forums to try reformatting the ipod. would that help? [00:54:10] yes I am [00:54:34] and when I run bootstrap I ge the "device is not recognized" error message [00:54:57] puff_: no, it won't. the first part of the installation takes place in the RAM, it has nosting to do with the hard disk yet [00:55:36] if you see Error 31: "a device attached to the system is not functioning" or something like that, it's completely safe and expected [00:56:04] you should see a box saying that umsboot has been launched successfully [00:56:11] if everything went fine [00:56:19] oh ok. well then I am at a loss, does everyone have problems with it? yea I get the successful message [00:57:17] xCurlyQ has the same problem [00:57:35] I have a "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver" under Unspecified devices [00:57:35] it seems to happen mostly on windows 8/8.1 [00:57:57] xCurlyQ: this appears before you run the .exe [00:58:06] after you run it, it should turn into a disk drive [00:58:31] and ONLY the ubi goes in that 64mb drive correct? [00:59:05] xCurlyQ: just connect it to usb, lock the hold switch, then unlock it, then hold menu + select, count to 12, release them, and run the .exe [00:59:12] puff_: yes [00:59:49] lock then unlock the switch? [01:00:42] yes, just in case [01:01:32] that's what apple officially suggests to do before trying to reboot the ipod using menu+select [01:01:55] so right now I have the apple logo with part of the left of the screen having a black bar, and it has text saying "Loading UBI file... Rearranging files... Booting UBI file..." [01:03:03] should I cancel the AppleMobileDecive process BEFORE I put it into DFU? and it pops back up afterwards. I haven't seen a difference between ending it again and leaving it [01:03:26] Device* lol [01:05:22] puff_: you should kill it before entering dfu [01:05:40] it's still stuck on the same screen with the same text [01:05:56] yea man I have the same issue. [01:06:07] black bar on the left and everything [01:06:11] yep [01:06:38] should I just try this on my PC with Visa? [01:07:20] vista? yes, give it a try [01:07:40] linux is another option, seems to work best [01:07:42] would I use the original exe and ubi then? not the ones you linked me? [01:09:38] what should I do? [01:10:02] puff_: please use the once i gave to you [01:10:39] xCurlyQ: as you see, there's an issue with the installer, so we're trying to solve it [01:10:58] want me to stay on here and let you know how it goes? [01:11:11] puff_: yes, sure [01:12:31] if anyone of you would like to help us debug the issue, i can give you instructions on how to provide us with a copy of umsboot's state before ejecting [01:13:04] yea sure [01:13:26] I'll do it but I'm going to be eating dinner in a minute [01:14:26] ok, so here are the instructions [01:14:53] 1. proceed as usual, but do not eject the ipod after copying the file [01:15:05] download and run winhex (http://www.winhex.com/winhex/hex-editor.html) [01:15:44] 3. go to Tools - Open Disk [01:16:16] 4. select the umsboot drive from Physical media [01:16:28] hm, so the fix didn't actually help? [01:17:06] TheSeven: i guess so [01:17:26] 5. go to File - Save as, then save the file, upload it and post a link to it [01:17:52] my antivirus wants to block the download [01:17:56] user890104: I just tested your DFU file just in case (not the exe though) and it seems to work [01:18:17] TheSeven: ipodclassic? [01:18:20] yes [01:18:38] I tested it with the dump that someone sent us a few weeks ago [01:18:38] i also tested it on mine, both the exe and the .dfu [01:18:44] of winhex. and is the DFU involved in my situation at all? [01:18:59] btw, we should probably bump the umsboot version number to 0.2.1 or something, to avoid confusion [01:19:20] puff_: the .dfu file is contained inside the .exe file, so you don't need it directly [01:19:40] it is only directly used by the linux installation procedure [01:20:41] gotcha [01:21:46] so you still got stuck at "booting ubi file..." even with the new one, hm... [01:22:19] user890104: on top of that the LCD driver is still messed up... didn't we fix that already? [01:22:20] yup [01:22:43] apple logo too which, as I understand, isn't supposed to be there [01:22:52] TheSeven: i don't think so, it appears to happen on the newer revisions of the classics [01:22:53] that's a known (and harmless) problem [01:23:03] and IIRC [Saint] has such device [01:23:13] one of mine might be affected as well [01:23:22] and the fix is absolutely trivial [01:23:40] I recently explained it to someone... not quite sure which device and which code it was affecting though [01:25:35] do you guys get tired of sitting here walking dumb people through this all day? [01:26:08] sometimes... but in this case we're fighting a bug in our code :) [01:26:37] user890104: look at lcd_send_data in http://websvn.freemyipod.org/filedetails.php?repname=freemyipod&path=%2Femcore%2Ftrunk%2Ftarget%2Fipodnano3g%2Flcd.c [01:27:37] the same bit shift will have to be applied to ipcl_lcd_send_data in http://websvn.freemyipod.org/filedetails.php?repname=freemyipod&path=%2Fumsboot%2Fsrc%2Fboard%2Fipodclassic%2Flcd.c [01:27:51] that should fix the "apple logo + black bar on the left" bug on some models [01:27:57] so winhex wont let me save that big of a file with the free version? [01:28:26] puff_: hm, not sure... try pressing ctrl+d to bring up the disk copy dialog [01:28:34] maybe that one works with bigger drives even in the free version [01:28:46] if not, I can recommend HxD instead of WinHex [01:29:29] is this gonna be substantial help to you guys? [01:29:49] probably, if it still doesn't work with the new bootstrapper [01:30:03] because we seemingly can't reproduce that behavior [01:30:08] alright, I'll try to figure it out [01:30:22] really? that's odd. even using the same hardware/software? [01:33:42] most of us don't use windows, and especially not windows 8 [01:33:53] however on user890104's windows 8 system it doesn't happen either [01:34:15] i'm on win7x64 [01:34:34] some research earlier today suggested that windows 8 enables the indexing service on this drive, and that this triggered a bug [01:34:36] does he have 8 or 8.1 [01:34:59] however we've fixed that bug in that new bootstrapper, and verified that the dump that we got from an affected windows 8 user works now [01:35:18] however it still doesn't seem to work for you, so we apparently haven't fully figured out what's causing it yet [01:36:28] yea.. hmm.. lol wish I could be of more help [01:40:06] *** Joins: puff2 (42be0bdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:40:31] hey this is my other PC. can you link the new files again? [01:40:55] http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [01:40:58] http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [01:41:41] they had been just updated, to fix the display bug. can someone confirm that it's fixed? [01:48:53] alright it worked on vista [01:49:08] how did the display behave? [01:49:34] but when I push the menu and play buttons it doesnt do anything, should I hold them? and it still popped up the apple logo with a black bar on the left [01:50:21] you should only need to briefly press both at once [01:50:56] sorry, I'm dumb. I was pushing the middle and play buttons xD [01:54:44] puff_: can you launch umsboot from emcore's boot menu, and check how the display behaves? [01:54:52] (it's inside the "tools" menu) [01:55:45] *** Quits: puff2 (42be0bdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [02:00:21] just thought I'd say that I'm back [02:00:53] xCurlyQ: so on your system the new bootstrapping tool didn't help either? [02:01:23] the one I tried ~1 hour ago? [02:01:33] before you left, yes [02:01:41] yeah, it didn't work [02:01:50] it's still stuck on that screen [02:05:20] hm [02:05:43] can you try the following: copy the ubi file, but don't eject the ipod [02:05:58] then use e.g. this: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/win32diskimager/Archive/Win32DiskImager-0.9.5-binary.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fwin32diskimager%2Ffiles%2F%3Fsource%3Dnavbar&ts=1395705815&use_mirror=heanet to take a snapshot of it [02:06:21] then zip that and upload it at e.g. datafilehost.com and give me the link [02:06:38] that might help with diagnosing what actually happens [02:07:22] user890104: I have the suspicion that something went wrong while updating the bootstrapper tool, and it somehow still contains the old umsboot [02:08:01] where would I find the ubi file? [02:08:18] http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/ipodclassic/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [02:10:12] once it is rockboxed, where do I drop the music to? [02:10:44] puff_: anywhere [02:10:51] just not inside .rockbox ;) [02:10:52] oh ok cool [02:11:22] Curly man, find a friend with an older computer. works like a charm on any other OS [02:11:23] user890104: hm... the exe indeed doesn't match the dfu file [02:11:37] did for me at least lol [02:11:50] or try to stop the indexing service [02:12:12] I'm gonna try to install Linux, I have a friend who can help me with it [02:13:21] xCurlyQ: or just wait for user890104 to fix it (tomorrow) [02:13:31] it seems like something went wrong while packaging that .exe file [02:13:38] and it actually still contains the old code [02:14:18] I'm very confused on why you are having me take a snapshot of the ubi file that you provided for me [02:14:54] xCurlyQ: to figure out how your windows system is actually writing that file to the drive [02:15:01] oh ok [02:15:08] however it seems like this is actually the bug that we already fixed a few hours ago [02:15:23] just that for some reason the new .exe file still contains the old code without that fix [02:16:08] do I click read or write? write im guessing [02:22:32] read [02:22:52] xCurlyQ: I've tried to make a new bootstrapper (crosscompiled on linux) [02:22:54] http://www.datafilehost.com/d/fb322d63 [02:23:00] can you try if that works? [02:23:07] using windows? [02:23:17] (I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work at all though) [02:23:23] yes, run that on win8 [02:23:26] ok [02:23:28] all is well guys. Thank you, you've been very helpful :) [02:23:31] I just generated it on linux, which might cause problems [02:23:41] *** Quits: puff_ (42be0bdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [02:27:16] I just thought I'd mention that AppleMobileDeviceService.exe and iTunesHelper.exe don't show up in my task manager [02:29:47] It won't let me transfer the ubi file since I am taking a snapshot of it, should I wait for it to finish or should I cancel it? [02:30:19] taking that snapshot shouldn't take more than a few seconds [02:30:36] and I need the snapshot of the state *after* you copy the ubi file to it [02:30:37] then there is something wrong 'cause it's taking awhile [02:30:41] ok [02:30:44] and only if it doesn't work after ejecting ;) [02:31:11] if it just works with that new exe file, I don't need the snapshot anyway [02:31:41] ok [02:32:19] it seems like it's working, my iPod has a screen that says "emCore installer" [02:32:29] yay! :) [02:32:51] * TheSeven blames the whole trouble on user890104 messing up the exe file :P [02:33:00] lol [02:33:38] so... seems like we've squashed that win8 problem now as well (it's been annoying us for almost a year now) [02:34:25] Well I'm glad I could be a part of it :) [02:35:09] thanks for helping :) [02:35:13] and good night [02:35:18] I'm going to sleep now [02:35:37] night! [03:06:28] *** Quits: xCurlyQ (405d90d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [03:56:45] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@euve32367.server4you.net) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [03:56:52] *** Joins: jan_bee (~some@euve32367.server4you.net) [03:56:52] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:59:43] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:24:45] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:25:01] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:33:47] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:35:19] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [08:19:39] * user890104 blames himself for not reading the Makefile :) [08:20:26] i thought that ".incbin DFUIMAGE" means that i need a file named DFUIMAGE in the same folder... 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