[00:00:06] <[Saint]> Making it look like generic USB storage works, though. [00:00:41] It took me a while to install the WINUSB driver, too... [00:00:54] Had to restart in this special mode on 8.1 where unsigned drivers could be installed. [00:01:07] TheSeven: do you remember which version of VS you were using to create the app? [00:01:10] hm, then you're using an old one [00:01:19] latest zadig should have a signed driver [00:01:34] Well, I used the freemyipod.org Wiki help. [00:01:39] Is that not the proper place? [00:01:58] yes, it works, but there's an easier method [00:02:00] user890104: hm, I think I built it with 2010, but I originally created it with something older [00:02:49] I also thought that this wiki page used a somewhat recent (1.2.6?) libusb driver [00:03:14] on top of that, winusb will never ever require disabling KMCS [00:03:20] that driver is from microsoft after all [00:03:35] It said it's not digitally signed. [00:03:51] The only way it would install was for me to reboot in that different way. [00:03:59] TheSeven: i only have VC++, i guess i need to install VC# [00:04:08] or use VS2012 [00:04:28] This is going to make for an amazing story... [00:04:42] Here I am, 00:04 AM on a Monday... With an iPod Classic worth $100... [00:04:43] vc# express or vs >=2010 should work [00:05:08] With people helping me change its software. [00:05:26] Have I thanked you guys, yet? :) [00:05:49] V_: while we're wondering how to update that installer... would you like to try the python approach in the meantime? [00:06:07] Whatever helps you people is OK with me! :) [00:06:07] TheSeven: he can install apple's drivers without itunes [00:06:20] or that... [00:06:29] that would be a lot easier [00:06:53] V_: go to www.apple.com/itunes/ [00:07:03] download the installer, but do not run it [00:07:42] OK, no problem! [00:07:50] 40 seconds left and it's downloaded. :) [00:08:23] do you have an archiver, like winrar or 7zip? [00:08:26] Done. [00:08:29] Yep, 7zip. [00:08:52] great, open it and browse to the file [00:09:27] then right-click it, and select open inside (ctrl+pg down) [00:09:56] then click on AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi, and select Copy from the toolbar [00:10:11] put it on the desktop for example, then run it from the desktop [00:10:23] Hah, amazing! [00:10:25] let it install, select Ignore when it complains about some apple service [00:10:26] Nice, done. :) [00:10:47] when the install is done, put your ipod in dfu again [00:11:07] download this file [00:11:08] http://files.freemyipod.org/targets/iPod%20classic/bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe [00:11:10] and run it [00:11:23] and you're done with umsboot :) [00:11:36] this version should work fine with the same .ubi you have [00:12:31] after you complete the installation, you can go to Programs and features, and remove apple's drivers (order the apps by Date installed so you can find it easily) [00:12:40] Hmm, it's showing UMSBoot v0.2.1 on the iPod, but it hasn't mounted any partition. [00:12:50] wait a bit [00:12:50] Should I just retry the process? [00:12:55] Oh, OK, waiting. :) [00:12:58] well, it won't hurt [00:13:20] but it connects in about 2-3 seconds on the win 8 / 8.1 machines i've tested it on [00:14:04] Hah, now it mounted. [00:14:05] :) [00:14:12] One second, I will keep you updated with how it goes. [00:14:58] it should go fine from now [00:15:08] Formatting the drive, it is. [00:15:14] Now flashing... [00:15:24] And BAM, Boot Menu. [00:15:25] :) [00:15:29] congrats [00:15:59] No, mate, congrats for you for being amazingly helpful! [00:16:35] What can I say... It's been an awesome conversation. [00:16:40] Any way I can help you guys back? [00:17:33] well, you already helped us [00:17:42] by reminding us to update the non-itunes bootstrapper :) [00:17:52] V_: the most helpful thing you could probably do is help documenting this on the wiki ;) [00:18:41] TheSeven: we can extend the options, so they become: 1. install itunes 2. install only itunes' driver 3. install custom driver [00:19:01] I think we can remove "install itunes" altogether [00:19:08] that doesn't have any advantage [00:19:19] only installs a bunch of additional crap that you have to kill for this to work [00:19:54] the people who want to use the itunes route, and actually use itunes, will typically have it installed already [00:20:20] ok, makes sense [00:20:27] I'm curious... What motivated you guys to actually do all this? [00:20:28] :) [00:20:37] but, for a start, a wiki page that documents (noob friendly with screenshots etc.) how to install apple mobile device support without itunes would be helpful [00:20:40] <[Saint]> iPod FW sucking a bag of shit. [00:20:44] we could then just refer to that [00:21:17] <[Saint]> The original FW serves as motivation enough. Awesome devices with shitty FW are far too common. [00:21:49] I could do a guide for 8.1, but I would have to talk more to you guys, seeing as I did wrong with the USB driver that wasn't signed. [00:22:16] you could have skipped all of that if you use that apple mobile device support thing ;) [00:22:30] that basically fakes itunes for the purposes of installation [00:22:34] <[Saint]> Or a sane OS. ;) [00:22:39] indeed [00:23:02] Heheh, yeah, 8.1 has its quirks. [00:23:08] <[Saint]> Windows seems to make everything unnecessarily awkward. [00:23:20] not 8.1. we meant windows as a whole :) [00:23:22] <[Saint]> And the hilarious thing is that most Windows users think the same about LInux. [00:23:26] V_: are you curious what caused your first try to fail? [00:23:39] I'm guessing an improper driver? [00:23:40] I guess you'll have a good laugh [00:23:48] it's the indexing service [00:23:51] Coupled with a tool that was outdated for the OS? [00:23:57] LOL. [00:24:00] Un..Expected. [00:24:05] which creates a database on the umsboot disk in a system volume information folder [00:24:17] <[Saint]> Ohhhhhhhh! Hahahaha [00:24:23] they started doing that nonsense on thumbdrives in win8 [00:24:27] <[Saint]> Heh. [00:24:33] Damn. [00:24:34] :D [00:24:42] on win7 they only did it on fixed disks, which seems to make sense [00:24:58] <[Saint]> Prompting may make some sense. [00:24:59] we've been hunting down that crap for several months before we finally figured it out [00:25:13] <[Saint]> I meant to ask what it ended up being. [00:25:25] mostly because developers typically disable that indexing service as one of the first things, and then fail to reproduce the issue ;) [00:25:30] <[Saint]> I just congratulated you guys on the success. I didn't ask what the issue was. [00:25:32] <[Saint]> Nice to know. [00:25:40] Awesome. [00:25:47] What can I say, it's been an amazing night. [00:25:55] Can I find you online only at these hours? [00:26:28] On weekdays I work night shifts, that's why I'm asking. [00:26:29] :) [00:26:39] user890104 and me are in europe, [Saint] is in NZ [00:26:55] * TheSeven is typically available in the evenings [00:27:10] V_: i'm on the same timezone as you (bulgaria, GMT+2) [00:27:44] I still want to help back. [00:27:53] :) [00:28:21] I haven't had this 'quality of service' on anything... [00:28:45] <[Saint]> It was fortuitous timing on your part. [00:28:59] <[Saint]> We're often not all here at the same time. [00:29:09] <[Saint]> Or available. [00:29:17] <[Saint]> Kinda lucky on your part. [00:29:41] <[Saint]> Most people come in, ask a question, wait like a minute, decide no one is going to help them, and leave. [00:29:48] <[Saint]> Its...frustrating. [00:30:18] * user890104 disables the indexing of his external 2TB hdd [00:30:31] Well, I work in Quality Assurance... I do game testing for EA on mobile platforms... [00:30:38] Reporting bugs has kind of gotten into my system. [00:30:38] :) [00:30:51] <[Saint]> I am constantly amazed that you still use Windows, user890104 [00:31:03] I find myself making ordered lists much easier, now. [00:31:45] [Saint]: i'm just too used to it, and too lazy to set up everything i use on a linux distro [00:32:05] <[Saint]> Quality Assurance for EA? That seems like an easy job. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Generic clone of a game you did 2 years ago. Shit. Shit. Another pathetic re-hash of another title. Shit. Shit" [00:32:07] <[Saint]> ;) [00:32:08] * TheSeven uses windows at work and linux at home [00:32:18] and i use windows at work because of the f**king stupid visual studio... [00:32:31] <[Saint]> Works fine in Wine. [00:32:42] <[Saint]> re: VS [00:32:42] VS? I seriously doubt that [00:32:58] me too [00:32:59] <[Saint]> I use it in Wine. Haven't had anything fall over on me. [00:33:22] back when I last tried wine, neither VS nor office would even start up [00:33:30] <[Saint]> Odd. [00:33:36] <[Saint]> I use both thereof. [00:33:42] we use VS2012 to compile an app that uses libjungle (webrtc), it's slow enough now, i can't imagine it compiling in wine :) [00:33:51] libjingle* [00:34:18] <[Saint]> This desktop is a bit of a monster, but, not *that* much of a monster. [00:34:30] Hahahh, [Saint], you're somewhat right. [00:34:31] <[Saint]> I would find it hard to believe you guys don't have similar or better HW. [00:34:46] Dungeon Keeper is being tested here, and it turned out to be total shit. [00:34:55] <[Saint]> "Free to play" [00:35:00] <[Saint]> Yeah. Fucking. Right. [00:35:00] Exactly. [00:35:05] * TheSeven uses a 4-year-old first-generation core i7 laptop with 8GB of RAM... not really great HW these days [00:35:13] <[Saint]> TheSeven: Oh... [00:35:40] I pondered buying a lenovo T440/T540/W540 or something [00:35:48] <[Saint]> Right. I see. I would expect that to be enough, though. [00:35:53] but when I saw what they did to the keyboard layout... no way! [00:36:07] <[Saint]> Heck. I can run Battlefield 2 w/ high everything in Wine. [00:36:36] <[Saint]> It falls over with Crysis, though. [00:36:58] Why not multi-boot? :D [00:37:13] I bought this HP ProBook 4540s so I could hackintosh it... [00:37:20] Got bored of that, now I'm back on Windows. [00:37:36] And was a Linux user for about 2 years before, as I had a crappy netbook. :\ [00:37:42] * user890104 had triple-boot on his laptop at some point (win7x64, ubuntu and osx 10.6) [00:37:48] <[Saint]> For the applications I use that don't run in Wine I have a 64bit Win8 VM running fulltime. [00:37:54] <[Saint]> In "mixed-mode". [00:38:08] not enough RAM for that here [00:38:14] <[Saint]> It makes my desktop look weird. Windows start bar and a Gnome/Unity side panel. [00:38:26] my next PC/laptop will have 32GB RAM MINIMUM. [00:38:26] Ubuntu user? :) [00:38:42] * TheSeven uses gnome3 [00:38:58] I liked GNOME3 the most, too. [00:39:08] KDE, I could never understand. [00:39:14] <[Saint]> TheSeven: I'm on 32GB now. [00:39:15] XFCE, fast and nice, but sometimes you want the candy. [00:39:17] So, GNOME. [00:39:35] KDE was the best thing available before gnome3 became usable [00:39:45] gnome2 or unity... no way [00:39:50] <[Saint]> Having enough RAM to splash around a 2GB tmpfs' is awesome. [00:40:01] <[Saint]> I very rarely touch the disk these days. [00:40:15] Unity is sort of nice, but once you see the real Unity (AKA OS X), you kind of go 'meh.' [00:40:21] TheSeven: how do you generate the payload as a C array of bytes? WinHex? [00:40:29] probably [00:40:37] <[Saint]> My VM images run fast as hell as they live in RAM and get written out of shutdown/reboot. [00:40:53] <[Saint]> Kinda dangerous for loss of power, but, that's what the UPS is for. [00:42:12] <[Saint]> If you have the RAM to spare, running your VMs from a tmpfs is something I highly recommend. [00:42:27] * TheSeven thinks SSD storage should be fast enough for that [00:42:38] <[Saint]> Its "fast enough", yes. [00:42:44] <[Saint]> But "faster" is also good. [00:43:22] <[Saint]> I keep the OS image tiny and in RAM and mount shared storage for the VMs off SSD. [00:48:49] Does Rockbox sometimes fail to properly mount the HDD? [00:49:05] It gave me an error about malfunctioning USB device, right now. [00:49:09] But previous 2 mounts worked. [00:50:10] "malfunctioning usb device" typically means that either the ipod has locked up for some reason, or that the cable/connection is shaky [00:50:43] V_: use the fallback image (boot menu - tools - run rockbox fallback image) for file transfers, and the regular install for listening to music [00:50:45] iPod had locked up. [00:51:09] OK, thanks, I will keep that in mind. :) [00:51:22] and feel free to add this clarification to our instructions [00:51:32] <[Saint]> For some reason Windows doesn't like Rockbox at all on the Classic. [00:51:35] i don't know if it's mentioned in the instructions or not [00:51:45] Now that it connected OK, is it alright if I transfer a few files? [00:51:47] <[Saint]> Linux, however, Just Works. [00:52:00] <[Saint]> If it mounts, yeah, go for it. [00:52:01] Or should I keep on the safe side and go with the fallback image? [00:52:08] <[Saint]> Just remember to always safely eject. [00:52:09] OK then. :) [00:52:14] That, I always do. [00:52:31] <[Saint]> Wow - you must be the one guy ever that does. [00:52:38] * user890104 is almost ready with the non-itunes bootstrapper [00:52:39] <[Saint]> I knew one of you must exist somewhere. [00:52:41] Even at work, hah... [00:52:50] Everyone just pulls the devices out of the computers... [00:53:01] (I was on iOS devices until last week, now I'm on Android) [00:53:03] <[Saint]> I cringe so hard when people do that. [00:53:10] And I always safely removed, hah. [00:53:11] :D [00:53:22] <[Saint]> Average Jow doesn't have any idea about write caching. [00:53:26] <[Saint]> *Joe [00:53:49] <[Saint]> And that when they remove the storage volume the files they wrote out may not actually be written out yet. [00:53:54] <[Saint]> Just pretending to be. [00:54:48] <[Saint]> Back in my day (lol, elderly rant) we just used to do "sync && sync" then yank 'em. [00:55:16] Heh. :D [00:55:46] Lost too many cheap USB sticks to people who don't safely remove. [00:56:06] Namely parents, first and foremost. [00:56:15] :D [00:56:20] <[Saint]> Systems weren't fast enough in those days to start writing from another process before you had time to yank the volume out after sync and writing out the cache. [00:56:38] <[Saint]> Well, that's what I suspected, anyway. No idea how much truth there is to that. [00:57:11] By the way, has anyone here tried that CF mod for the iPod Classic? [00:57:20] V_: since you're a QA, would you like to test the updated non-itunes installer? [00:57:41] Would I have to reformat the iPod? [00:57:45] no [00:57:46] <[Saint]> V_: I have an SSD in one of mine. [00:57:48] Fuck it, you helped me, now I help you. [00:57:52] :) [00:58:26] it would just update emcore, but it your case it won't update anything (just fast forward through the "flashing..." screen) [00:58:36] in* [00:58:55] Should I remove the iTunes driver first, or it doesn' matter? [00:59:40] well, i'd remove them [01:00:29] then download Zadig: http://zadig.akeo.ie/ [01:00:30] One sec, I started a small copy process. Once it's over, I'll remove the Apple driver and test out your new tool. [01:00:42] :) [01:00:47] ok [01:01:37] that's the app, when you're ready: http://files.freemyipod.org/targets/iPod%20classic/bootstrap_ipodclassic_new.exe [01:01:54] i'm going to test it on my ipod, as soon as i find it [01:02:17] <[Saint]> I have one rattling around in my car...somewhere. [01:02:43] <[Saint]> I almost hit a cat they other day and slammed on the brakes and it flew out from under my seat and went under the clutch pedal. [01:02:55] <[Saint]> Didn't see it again after I kicked it back under the seat though. [01:03:16] <[Saint]> Its there...somewhere. [01:03:45] found it! :) [01:03:53] Removed Apple driver, downloaded Zadig. [01:04:10] put the ipod in dfu, then install the winusb driver using zadig [01:04:41] the buttons are self-explanatory [01:05:41] Hmm, to put the iPod now in DFU, what steps should I follow? [01:06:02] Same ones as before? [01:06:02] connect to usb, hold menu+select, count to 12, release [01:06:05] yes [01:06:13] Oh, sorry, I had it disconnected from the PC. [01:06:20] Sorry sorry sorry. [01:06:25] it won't work this way [01:06:53] Hah, now it works! [01:06:54] :) [01:07:11] great, thanks [01:07:19] Should I also remove the freemyipod driver? [01:07:21] i'll update the version then [01:07:25] yes, you don't need it [01:07:30] Before I do the Zadig install. [01:07:32] One sec. [01:07:32] :) [01:07:43] Oh, don't update the version, I didn't finish the test! :D [01:08:59] Removed the freemyipod driver, Zadig worked its magic. [01:09:43] The bootstrap exe doesn't detect the DFU-mode iPod. [01:09:58] Even though it's listed in the Remove USB Devices system tray icon. [01:10:14] same for me [01:10:20] * user890104 pings TheSeven [01:10:45] Everything else seems in order. [01:10:58] Device Manager properly lists the DFU-mode iPod. [01:11:21] yes, but the app doesn't properly detect it [01:11:39] user890104: hm? [01:11:41] and i can't run it in a debugger, because my visual studio computer is a remote one [01:14:33] Is it alright if I eject the iPod now? [01:14:46] yes, it should reboot then [01:15:51] Aaand... What if it doesn't? [01:15:52] :D [01:16:34] reboot it manually. menu+select for 5 seconds [01:16:52] Yay. [01:17:10] Somehow it didn't like it when I first held MENU + SELECT. [01:17:18] Now it worked and booted. [01:17:19] :) [01:18:13] By the way, seeing as how you're interested in PMP firmwares/software... [01:18:25] Would I be wrong in guessing you're also big on music? [01:18:32] And/or, a stretch, audiophilia? [01:19:56] <[Saint]> "Audiophiles" are a constant source of amusement. [01:19:59] <[Saint]> Little more. [01:20:45] <[Saint]> People with absolutely no idea about how sampling theory works and just assume the bigger number are better. [01:20:55] <[Saint]> And fuck me if you dare try saying otherwise. [01:21:10] *zips mouth shut* [01:21:15] But, no... [01:21:20] <[Saint]> 24bit 192kHz is well outside of the hearing spectrum? [01:21:21] well, i like listening to high quality tracks, but that's all. i don't have some fancy headphones that cost a couple of hundreds of dollars [01:21:22] I was thinking more like... A good pair of headphones. [01:21:35] <[Saint]> Doesn't matter. They have golden ears. ANd you can't prove otherwise. [01:21:41] <[Saint]> Its a hopelessly lost cause. [01:22:00] You know what made me realize all this audiophile stuff is crap? [01:22:22] I won the chance to audition at home a Burson amplifier, the Conductor SL, and a pair of Audez'e LCD-3. [01:22:32] Kept the gear for about 3 weeks... [01:22:38] <[Saint]> V_: That I can comment on. But I have taken it to a level that most people (who aren;t professionals) often won't. [01:22:40] And realized it was... The same as my Sony headphones. [01:22:52] <[Saint]> My IEMS are a full custom set of UE18 Pros. [01:23:28] Respect. :) [01:23:30] <[Saint]> I wouldn't ever go back to generic monitors. [01:23:42] <[Saint]> The expense was well worth it. [01:24:15] I'm truly glad. [01:24:21] * TheSeven wonders what [Saint] thinks about this: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hellobragi/the-dash-wireless-smart-in-ear-headphones [01:24:22] Right now my top headphone is a Sony MDR-1R. [01:24:36] Extremely comfy, good enough sound. [01:24:46] Stylish, can wear them in public. [01:24:51] Win-win. [01:25:30] <[Saint]> TheSeven: Hmmmm...well, I'll say this: [01:25:36] <[Saint]> "I wouldn't buy them" [01:25:49] <[Saint]> But, I have much, much, much better monitors...so, yeah. [01:26:08] they have some incredibly cool features though ;) [01:26:15] <[Saint]> They do. [01:26:42] <[Saint]> Fuck having to charge them, though. Or do they do passive charging? [01:26:59] yeah the low battery runtime is about the only reason why I haven't bought them [01:27:07] * [Saint] nods [01:27:23] if I could somehow externally power them during use, or if they would have 12h+ runtime, I'd immediately buy them [01:27:40] <[Saint]> I imagine losing them would be a very real issue. [01:27:48] they could be awesome for intercom purposes as well [01:27:50] <[Saint]> Nothing to keep them connected. [01:28:05] <[Saint]> Losing one would suck a giant fuck. [01:29:02] <[Saint]> TheSeven: They don't seem to give any information on the frequency response range. power consumption, driver bias, etc. [01:29:41] <[Saint]> I suspect they will be about as good as any other "Average Joe" monitor. [01:29:44] frequency response seems to be digitally linearized [01:29:49] <[Saint]> But...it would be nice to *know* that. [01:29:51] power consumption is ~4-6h battery runtime [01:29:58] driver bias... what the heck is that? [01:30:04] Dudes, I gotta go sleep now. [01:30:34] I'm extremely grateful for all the help and I thank you. [01:30:44] It's been a pleasure, and I will be back next week-end, I think. [01:30:58] Don't know just how much time I have during the week-days, between college and work. [01:31:00] <[Saint]> TheSeven: how much play the voice coil has. [01:31:08] Is that alright? [01:31:48] sure, thanks :) [01:32:13] <[Saint]> TheSeven: do wires irk you that much? [01:32:23] <[Saint]> ie. cable noise or inconvenience? [01:32:29] Have a good one, guys! [01:32:33] <[Saint]> o/ [01:32:35] And a great week! [01:32:35] :) [01:32:44] thanks, see you soon [01:32:49] :) [01:32:54] *** Quits: V_ (050c15c4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [01:35:08] TheSeven: i fixed my ipod touch 2g, do you think you can help me debug why emcore's scheduler freezes when i boot it? [01:36:16] (it had a broken digitizer ribbon cable, a bad lcd, a broken headphone jack and i broke the home button when disassembling it) [01:36:29] * [Saint] wonders what user890104 hopes to achieve with emCORE support for iPod Touch 2G [01:36:55] [Saint]: running snake.emcoreapp using vol+/vol-/hold/home for controls :P [01:37:09] [Saint]: cables pulling cheap inears out of the ears while walking are a bit annoying, but I mostly like the features of those things, wireless is nice to have but not a must [01:37:21] * [Saint] should try compiling RaaA for jailbroken iPods [01:37:29] <[Saint]> It should, in theory, be possible. [01:37:48] i'd try it if you do [01:37:59] <[Saint]> Then add it to the Cydia repo. [01:38:00] this thing has 4.2.1 [01:38:08] + cydia of course [01:38:34] <[Saint]> You have the old bootrom variant, right? [01:38:35] it's fun that it can stream youtube to my RPi using airplay [01:38:45] <[Saint]> The one that can do an untethered jailbreak? [01:38:51] yes, that's why i fixed it [01:39:04] <[Saint]> I have the newer variant 2G. [01:39:10] <[Saint]> Still jailbroken. [01:39:25] well, it can also be jailborken, but you can't install openiBoot [01:39:34] at least officially [01:40:00] mine's model is MBxxxx, newer ones are MCxxxx [01:40:32] all of the offers i found in our local "ebay-like" site were for the new model [01:40:48] so i finally got one of them, and used its parts to repair mine [01:41:24] <[Saint]> afaik no variant of the touch 2G has "official" openiboot support [01:41:39] <[Saint]> Only 1st gen. [01:41:43] well, there are instructions on how to boot it [01:42:05] then you type "install" in the oib console, and you're done [01:42:26] <[Saint]> How does it handle Android? [01:42:29] https://github.com/user890104/openiBoot - openiBoot with emCORE support :) [01:43:02] well, it looks for a grub-like menu.lst on the nand flash, and boots whatever it finds there [01:44:36] this is probably the worst place to embed emcore, but it works well: https://github.com/user890104/openiBoot/blob/master/arch-arm/asmhelpers.sx#L453 [01:51:35] <[Saint]> IS it possible to install openiboot on the MC models? [01:51:42] <[Saint]> I haven't looked, but I guess not. [02:08:38] [Saint]: i guess not. it needs to load before apple's loader i.e. chainloaded from the bootrom [02:26:49] * user890104 is impressed by his ipt2g's DAC loudness [04:06:39] *** Joins: jan_bee_ (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) [04:09:06] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [04:09:19] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [04:13:39] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) (*.net *.split) [04:21:39] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [04:22:55] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:58:47] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:59:01] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:49:09] *** Joins: oakmen (63fea504@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:38:45] *** Quits: oakmen (63fea504@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [09:17:58] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:19:13] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [09:52:36] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:01:28] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [12:04:49] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [12:06:07] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:42:47] *** Joins: radikal (219@unaffiliated/radikal) [14:43:02] hi, anyone here? i have a doubt [14:44:28] i have an ipod nano 3G, and i like install linux on it [14:44:32] its possible? [14:49:42] no [14:50:10] ok, i'm waiting for [14:50:13] thank you [14:50:49] it probably won't happen, ever [14:51:08] these devices have so few resources [14:51:49] it should be possible in theory on the classics, they have 64 MB RAM (vs. 32 MB on some of the older ipods) [15:12:12] <[Saint]> I wonder if "linux" here == emCORE/Rockbox [15:12:42] <[Saint]> That's a usual misconception. Wouldn't surprise me. [15:12:58] <[Saint]> Either way, its still no. As no on e gives a flying fuck about the Nano 3G. [15:29:21] well, i have one sitting on my desk, but there isn't even an sdram driver for it [17:26:43] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [20:13:56] *** Quits: jan_bee_ (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) () [20:14:05] *** Joins: jan_bee (~some@ [21:16:24] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Remote host closed the connection)