[02:11:23] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) [02:39:51] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) [02:41:18] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:41:50] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [02:50:35] *** Joins: Teakay (b809d6ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:51:09] Hello, I'm having problems installing EmCORE on my iPod Classic 6.5(?) Gen [02:52:02] When I put the iPod into DFU mode, the driver doesn't install as instructions say it should. [02:53:47] Someone online mentioned that continuing the installation anyway worked for them, so I gave that a shot. I can get to the point of copying the .ubi file to the UMSboot volume, but I cannot eject the drive. [02:54:55] If I try to eject the drive, Windows gives me an error that the drive is in use. Using the Safely Remove Hardware option removes the UMSboot disk from my connected devices list, but nothing happens on my iPod screen, so I'm guessing that's where the problem lies. [02:55:57] If someone could help with this, I would be very grateful. I just discovered that there was a way to install Rockbox on iPod Classics today, and I'm very excited to make it work! [04:22:17] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:23:50] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [06:39:54] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:41:23] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:12:55] Update: I managed to get EmCORE and Rockbox installed finally by using a different computer. The bad news is my own computer refuses to recognize the Rockboxed iPod, but I'm guessing you guys aren't the ones to ask about that, huh? [07:14:59] <[Saint]> Teakay: no - but, we'll just tell you the same thing in #rockbox [07:15:20] <[Saint]> The instructions tell you that if Rockbox fails to mount to use the Rockbox falback image. [07:15:50] <[Saint]> If that fails to mount, you either have a Mac, or you're fucked. [07:16:18] Rockbox fallback image? [07:16:34] Could you explain a little? That's not mentioned in the instructions I was following. [07:17:44] I should mention that the computer I used to finally get everything to install recognizes the iPod, but the computer I use on a daily basis does not. [07:19:12] <[Saint]> Bah. The fallback image isn't mentioned anymore - that's fun. [07:19:26] <[Saint]> emCORE main menu -> tools -> run rockbox fallback image [07:19:43] <[Saint]> You'll need to use this from now on to mount the device. [07:20:43] <[Saint]> If it doesn't mount there, and isn't a Mac, there's absolutely nothing you can do I'm afraid. [07:20:53] Should the iPod be plugged in before or after running the fallback image from the Tools menu? [07:21:03] <[Saint]> Doesn't matter. [07:21:44] Welp, looks like WinServer2008 is just being a pain, then, because it still doesn't recognize it. Maybe I'll have better luck with Linux. [07:22:09] <[Saint]> Almost certainly. [07:22:32] <[Saint]> It might be worth noting that in some cases it can take up to ~10 minutes to mount the disk [07:23:16] That's a possibility, but my guess is that since WinServer refused to install the DFU driver automatically, it just doesn't play nice with this. [07:23:39] Using an old computer with an actual Vista installation worked fine. [07:23:43] <[Saint]> The two are unrelated. [07:24:02] <[Saint]> As far as Windows is concerned this is simply generic removable storage [07:24:16] <[Saint]> It stopped being an iPod when you emCOREified it. [07:25:16] <[Saint]> So, indeed /something/ is fucked up, but I suspect there's no correlation between its refusal to install DFU drivers and it failing to mount now. [07:25:27] <[Saint]> As its technically two completely different devices. [07:26:03] Well, for whatever reason, WinServer refuses to recognize the Rockboxed iPod while Vista has no problem with it. I'm not doubting you, that's just what I'm seeing on my end. :) [07:26:15] * [Saint] nods [07:26:23] If I have to use Linux to copy files to it, I'm fine with that. It's a minor inconvenience for Rockbox. [07:26:39] I'll start up this laptop and see how it goes. [07:27:37] <[Saint]> I haven't yet seen a case where a linux OS wouldn;t mount a Rockboxed Classic except for where either the OS or the device were faulty. [07:27:53] <[Saint]> Linux seems to be a lot more permissive in this case. [07:30:51] Linux mounts it just fine, so that's good enough for me. Maybe I can work around the problem with a VM on my Windows partition on my main computer. Thanks for the help! [07:31:12] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [07:46:26] As a (kind of pointless) update, Windows now sees the iPod as a removable disk, but it shows the disk as 0bytes. I've seen a Linux VM recommended elsewhere online to solve the problem, so I'm just going to count on using that route or using my computer with a Linux installation instead. Thanks again for the help! [07:47:25] *** Quits: Teakay (b809d6ef@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [09:22:35] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [09:23:53] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) [11:24:40] *** Joins: ipod_user (c1aaa1de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [11:25:39] hello! this channel is probably english-only, isn't it? [11:27:13] yes, but unofficially you can use german or bulgarian :) [11:27:26] yesterday i managed it to open my iPod classic 80GB and replaced the HDD with tarkan's iFlash iPod CF adapter. the emCORE installation worked like a charm, but unfortunately i got the following error while installing rockbox: [11:27:26] ATA: Error 80000000 while reading BBT (sector 0, count 1) [11:28:30] that means it can't read the first sector of the hard disk, which usually means it can't access the hard disk at all (CF in your case) [11:29:02] do you speak german? :) [11:29:29] I do, but I'm just about to leave [11:31:11] ah... okay. [11:31:54] user890104: does it expect a specific filesystem which i could prepare before installing the card into the ipod? [11:32:34] user890104: the apple-firmware recognizes the card, so i'm thinking of something emCORE-related. [11:33:34] i'm using a 128GB SDXC SanDisk-card, combined with the iFlash SD-CF Adapter Bundle from tarkan.info [11:34:16] ipod_user: we had a similar case before, but it was not resolved [11:35:19] yes, it is emCORE-related, but we haven't found the root cause [11:36:09] the filesystem can be fixed by emCORE (Tools - Reformat data partition), but your error is on a lower level. the firmware can't access any of the HDD/CF card's sectors for some reason [11:37:31] is it possible to set up rockbox on the original HDD, then adapting the SD-cards filesystem and copy the content vom the hdd to the sd-card? [11:38:13] i'm pretty desperated right now, because this stuff isn't /that/ cheap... :'D [11:49:43] ipod_user: you say that emcore can access the card but rockbox can't? that would be rather weird... [12:01:03] TheSeven: the original ipod firmware can access the card and even shows the correct size (112GB) in iTunes. the emCORE boot menu also works, but when moving along with the rockbox installation: [12:01:42] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot - Wait for Rockbox to boot (Complaints about the rockbox.ipod file being missing are normal at this point.) [12:01:56] i get this error: *PANIC* ATA: Error 80000000 while reading BBT (sector 0, count 1) [13:34:04] ipod_user: the strange thing here is that emcore uses rockbox's filesystem and storage drivers [13:34:26] not the exact version, but a known stable one [13:34:53] if someone broke it in rockbox in the meantime, you might have better luck using an older rockbox version [14:38:03] user890104 i tried all available versions from http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases yesterday, but none worked... is there anything else to try or did i do something wrong? [14:41:56] ipod_user: in case that didn't help, can you restore the ipod to factory state (using itunes' restore from DFU mode) [14:42:10] that's the same mode you used for launching the installation [14:42:55] then after it's back to factory firmware, hold menu+select until it reboots, then immediately hold prev+select until you enter a diagnostics menu [14:43:05] go to IO -> HDD SMART DATA [14:43:34] it should either display some values (reallocs, retracts), or fail with an error [14:43:50] this error message, if any, can be helpful for finding out what's the issue [14:46:34] <[Saint]> Can we not launch DIAGMODE from RoLo on Classic? [14:47:34] <[Saint]> (not relevant in this case, just curious) [14:51:48] user890104 thank you very much - i will give it a try this afternoon and report the output. :) [14:53:57] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:54:56] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:58:15] [Saint]: yes, we can (in theory), and we can also launch it from emCORE (in theory and in practice, but not yet released because it's a dirty hack involving distributing copyrighted binary code) [14:59:11] (my ipod has it as an option in emCORE -> Tools, IIRC) [15:12:20] ipod_user: well, this seems like emcore's installer was also able to access the card [15:12:29] which means that emcore itself is able to access it [15:12:40] if you change some boot menu settings, do they stick across a reboot? [15:47:49] TheSeven do you mean the settings in the last tab of the emCORE bootloader? (i don't have the iPod with me at the moment, i'll try all of your suggestions this evening and will be online again later. [16:02:05] yes [16:05:20] okay. i'm going to try this and will be back online at ~ 18:00 CEST. [17:19:27] *** Quits: ipod_user (c1aaa1de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [17:22:29] *** Quits: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:23:22] *** Joins: [Saint] (~quassel@rockbox/staff/saint) [18:42:19] *** Joins: ipod_user (3eb24718@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:48:33] user890104: i just read out the smart data: Temp: Current 32C Min 0C Max 0C [18:49:08] it seems that's all i get. [18:57:38] user890104: i loaded installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi onto the ipod, it's flashing correctly, i can save setting in the emCORE menu (snow, brightness), but when i click on the rockbox-button, there comes the rockbox-splash-screen with the warning message and after about 10-15seconds i get the same warning *PANIC* ATA: Error 80000000 while reading BBT (sector 0, count 1) [18:58:05] TheSeven [19:01:04] very weird [19:01:27] we should probably compare those two drivers then [19:02:15] that's the broken one: http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=blob;f=firmware/target/arm/s5l8702/ipod6g/storage_ata-ipod6g.c;h=395c0f49e646199a3d16bbb5f63c33be2643c1e3;hb=refs/heads/master [19:02:37] that's the working one: http://websvn.freemyipod.org/filedetails.php?repname=freemyipod&path=%2Femcore%2Ftrunk%2Ftarget%2Fipodclassic%2Fstorage_ata.c [19:03:00] TheSeven: is there any way for me to swap them to get this thingy working? [19:03:14] not easily [19:03:19] :( [19:03:35] most of the differences between those files are for adapting them to the environment that they run in [19:03:50] what we need to do now is to locate the other differences and adjust those accordingly [19:04:01] I'd start with checking the various timeouts and delays in there [19:04:39] if that doesn't reveal anything suspicious, try to follow rockbox's code path and check where exactly it fails [19:04:53] after that, look for all differences that affect this code path [19:06:58] the powerup timeout is different... [19:07:34] my gosh, that's the only attribute i understand :'D [19:58:09] only for ceata though, so probably not for your device [20:02:55] crap. [21:48:47] someone should build some "native" SD adapters for these ipods [21:48:57] i.e. without a CF adapter in between [21:49:18] the ipod can natively speak the SD protocol on those pins, there just are no mechanical adapters for it [22:10:44] TheSeven: is there any documentation for this? soldering this together probably wouln't be the big deal... [22:12:14] there also isn't software for that (yet), although that would also be doable [22:12:54] and no, there is no documentation on that, the pinout would probably have to be measured [23:04:48] *** Quits: ipod_user (3eb24718@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)