[01:30:19] *** Joins: Tao (d18da7b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [01:30:25] Hi [01:30:43] *** Tao is now known as Guest5676 [01:31:05] Can anyone help me out? I am trying to install rockbox on my ipod classic 7g i have folowed the instructions on freemyipod [01:31:35] i am stuck in step where i have to accept the emcore agreement, it wont let me press menu and play ot proceed with install [01:33:07] uhm, you need to press them at the same time [01:33:17] it's a bit tricky [01:33:28] i did i believe [01:33:37] menu button +play [01:33:43] yes [01:33:43] im sure i press the correct surfgace area [01:33:47] :S [01:33:50] it just wotn respoond [01:33:53] just try again [01:33:57] ok [01:34:00] does it respond to scrolling? [01:34:16] yep [01:34:17] it does [01:34:22] ok so it's not locked up [01:34:31] nope [01:34:34] just try to briefly press them at the same time [01:34:42] for a moment [01:35:41] still stuck [01:35:56] well ... [01:36:13] can you restart the installation? [01:36:25] hold menu+select to restart the ipod [01:36:33] then try again [01:36:34] gimme a sec [01:37:16] if it doesn't work, i'll send you a modified version of the installer [01:37:42] i get error 31 in bootstrap intunes.exe [01:37:59] is that a issue? im on win 7 and my antivirus are off [01:38:10] what error? device attached to the system is not functioning? [01:38:14] yep [01:38:19] but ums pops up [01:38:20] still [01:38:20] that's ok [01:38:27] it means that umsboot works :) [01:40:12] lol wierd [01:40:29] k im at the screen again [01:40:40] scrolling down now [01:40:59] menu+play [01:41:03] nothing still.. [01:41:12] im using 859.ubi [01:41:51] ok just a second [01:45:10] restart the installation, but this time use this .ubi file instead: [01:45:11] http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/freemyipod/apps/installer-ipodclassic-installkeys.ubi [01:45:35] it should allow you to proceed with just menu or just play pressed [01:45:42] don't remember which one [01:45:53] but you don't have to push them both [01:46:49] -_- [01:46:57] still no go [01:47:03] uhm ... [01:47:18] i made sure aple mobile service and itunes helper srevice killed [01:47:35] well, if you get to this part of the installation [01:47:44] it doesn't matter what's happening on the pc [01:47:51] you can even disconnect the ipod [01:48:01] the installer is fully transferred on the ipod [01:48:10] it just needs to be told to go on [01:48:45] can u make the key as forward button? [01:48:54] to iniate setup [01:49:45] let me see [01:50:51] <[Saint]> Itbused to be |<< +>>| at one stage I swear. [01:51:06] <[Saint]> *it used [01:52:12] really? [01:52:21] it hates me :( [01:53:34] [Saint]: that's for skipping the theme when booting emCORE [01:53:51] Guest5676: download the same file again, and retry using it [01:54:06] ok let me resave it [01:54:39] whats the key to accept agreement? [01:55:16] omg [01:55:18] it working [01:55:19] ! [01:55:25] thx user! [01:55:35] wow i think my menu or play button is wierd [01:55:36] :S [01:55:37] no idea [01:56:37] yes, that's probably the case [01:56:48] which button made it work? >>| ? [01:58:01] fwd [01:58:05] forward [01:58:25] wierd i swear those button work normally for the years i won it [02:00:05] try if they work in the bootmenu and in rockbox, after you install it [02:00:42] it's probably the play button, menu seems to work fine because you were able to enter dfu mode with menu+select [02:02:26] :S [02:02:28] strange [02:02:34] all ipods arent built the same? [02:02:35] lol [02:03:35] they are supposed to be the same, but who knows... :) [02:04:13] did you complete the installation? [02:05:24] test if all buttons work when you're done [02:05:49] if not, there's either a problem with the clickwheel, or a bug in our driver [02:06:30] you can try rebooting the ipod, and if it doesn't help enter dfu mode and restore it with itunes as usual [02:07:16] hey rockbox is on my ipod now [02:07:22] if the buttons don't work in apple's firmware, you probably have a broken clickwheel. if they do work, please let us know so we can try to fix it [02:07:45] i'm going to add a music file now [02:07:59] test the buttons first :) [02:08:14] oo [02:08:19] what does play do? [02:08:34] it should get you to the Playing screen [02:08:42] but you need to play some track first [02:09:23] load a song or two, then play it and try pressing every button [02:10:23] sec [02:10:55] ok so i added music [02:11:00] but i dont see it my ipod [02:11:04] i went to files [02:11:08] i see the music folder i made [02:11:11] but nothings in it [02:11:24] did you complete the installation? [02:11:45] ya [02:11:49] there's a red text in the instructions that says that the installation is not yet complete if you don't proceed [02:11:50] i used rockbox utility [02:11:53] ok then [02:11:59] then everything loaded [02:12:00] sucess [02:12:02] then ok [02:12:03] hold down play until the ipod powers down [02:12:15] then press any key to wake it up [02:12:23] and select Rockbox from the menu [02:12:35] and look for the song again [02:13:34] play is suppose power it odwn? [02:13:57] im holding it nothings happening [02:14:09] yes, if you're running rockbox and the usb cable is unplugged, holding it down is supposed to power off the ipod [02:14:53] that's not good then [02:15:03] hold menu+select until the ipod reboots [02:15:12] and select rockbox from the menu [02:16:45] if your play button doesn't work, it's a bit tricky to power off the ipod [02:17:13] one of the options is hard-resetting (menu+select), then selecting Power off from emcore's menu [02:17:14] ok [02:17:22] i did a reboot all files are here [02:17:32] i think my play button stopped working... [02:17:48] i just bought the ipod on craiglist and i tested all buttons [02:17:50] they all worked [02:17:57] at the time [02:18:06] ok then, restore it to the factory state with itunes [02:18:16] :( [02:18:25] i really want rockbox [02:18:25] ugh [02:18:28] enter dfu mode, connect to the computer [02:18:28] let me verify! [02:19:05] after you restore it, hold menu+select to reboot it, and immdediately when it reboots, move your fingers to prev+select [02:19:18] hold them down until you enter Diagnostics mode [02:19:53] press menu, then look for something clickwheen-related [02:20:00] there's an option to test the buttons [02:20:18] go there, and see if they all work [02:20:33] if they don't work there, it's a hardware issue [02:20:51] otherwise, it's a software problem and it's possible to solve it [02:21:19] i'm going to sleep now, write here the result of this test, and i'll catch up with this tomorrow [02:21:46] THANK YOU SO MUCH USER! [04:56:56] *** Quits: Guest5676 (d18da7b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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