[06:36:12] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:37:37] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:06:20] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@ (Remote host closed the connection) [08:43:12] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:44:07] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [12:49:08] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [18:09:44] *** Joins: Ecaz (~ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) [18:10:47] Hello friends! Thank you for EmCore, and for freeing my iPod! [18:12:04] With that said, I have a question: I just EmCore'd my iPod Classic 6g and installed Rockbox successfully. However, I am unable to remount my iPod via OS X (10.7.5 LION) - I found a 2011 forum post about this, so my question is: Is this still a known issue, and is there a fix for this? [18:12:41] dmesg output reports "device not responding" ... I can give you an exact output if desired [18:13:21] can you mount it properly on non-macs? [18:13:25] I am able to successfully mount it via Linux (live boot USB) but currently only have access to OS X as a regular operating system [18:13:26] Yes sir [18:13:52] Technically I used a mac, but it was via USB live boot for Linux Mint [18:14:11] we know of an issue that OSX doesn't like the way that the ipod is formatted now [18:14:22] but "device not responding" is a very weird error message for that [18:14:31] let me be more specific, one moment please [18:15:27] try to format your ipod's HDD from OSX, but as FAT32 (not HFS+), that's what usually fixes this [18:15:30] First dmesg output: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 100000000E3A01A01E3A01A01 0x5ac 0x1261 0x100 [18:15:46] Format FAT32, then rerun emcore and rockbox? [18:16:03] no, just reformat and copy over the files again [18:16:07] okay [18:16:13] incoming Wall of text: [18:16:17] USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 100000000E3A01A01E3A01A01 0x5ac 0x1261 0x100 [18:16:18] USBF: 853.994 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008da9000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 3, EP: 0) [18:16:18] USBF: 859.997 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008da9000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 3, EP: 1) [18:16:19] USBF: 871. 1 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008da9000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 3, EP: 1) [18:16:21] USBF: 877. 2 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008da9000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 3, EP: 0) [18:16:23] USBF: 883. 4 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008da9000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 0, EP: 0) [18:16:25] USBF: 889. 7 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008da9000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x24, timing out! (Addr: 0, EP: 0) [18:16:43] hm, looks like the ipod would have locked up [18:16:58] Agreed, so lets disconnect it, and see if I can exit the Rockbox USB icon [18:17:15] I'd guess not [18:17:21] Agreed. Frozen [18:17:31] ok, so we have another bug here... [18:18:05] rockbox does have some known USB trouble recently, which for some reason is mostly ignored by linux while annoying windows users ;) [18:18:18] try booting the ipod into the rockbox fallback image [18:18:27] (it can be accessed from emcore's tools menu) [18:18:47] then check if that locks up as well (it uses an older rockbox version, with known-good USB) [18:18:52] Looks like... Now, and I'm not trying to be cynical at all... I am explaining the exact scenario from this forum post, ~ 2011: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=28562.0 [18:19:12] hmm [18:19:17] can you tell me how to use fallback? [18:19:33] I'm at the Emcore menu [18:19:42] scroll all the way to the right [18:19:53] click the tools icon [18:20:07] then select "run rockbox fallback image" (or something like that) from the list that appears [18:20:16] got it [18:20:27] Plugging in via USB [18:20:46] Wow, that worked! [18:20:52] USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 100000000E3A01A01E3A01A01 0x5ac 0x1261 0x100 is here, and no errors [18:20:57] and IpodClassic is in the Finder [18:21:16] * Ecaz bows to TheSeven [18:22:21] ...and it actually mounts that? [18:22:37] yes sir [18:22:40] I see the files [18:22:40] WTF. [18:22:48] now, I can't seem to see it in iTunes [18:22:50] I've NEVER seen OSX mount an emcore-formatted ipod. [18:22:52] but that may be something different [18:22:58] seems like apple actually fixed something ;) [18:23:03] * Ecaz gasps [18:23:15] * Ecaz thinks it was Job's parting gift [18:24:27] so... someone really needs to figure out where this USB trouble on builds newer than January 2012 is coming from [18:24:39] TheSeven: macs do mount emcore-formatted ipods, as seen here: http://www.anythingbutipod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73692 [18:25:09] * TheSeven hasn't dealt with mac users for a while [18:25:21] Website not loading [18:25:30] just super slow [18:25:39] I remember them refusing to mount everything superfloppy-formatted a while ago [18:25:50] well, this is probably fixed [18:25:59] but the usb ids were causing problems [18:26:21] ...another thing that emCORE disk mode will fix ;) [18:26:29] so i made a custom usb vid/pid build for this guy, and he uploaded it to the forums [18:26:50] That's waht the 2011 forum told me to do, but that's over my head [18:27:09] at least, it wasn't readily obvious [18:27:14] * Ecaz is shamed [18:27:34] TheSeven: emCORE disk mode will be officially available in a couple of minutes :) [18:28:03] i just need to put all these changes in the bootmenu theme, too [18:28:25] you aren't going to release that yet, are you? [18:28:31] So, should I just wait a couple of minutes and start over? [18:28:43] (as in packaging a new full release) [18:28:45] i'll just upload a testing build somewhere [18:29:23] i made it as easy to use as possible [18:29:53] yeah, we should just polish a bunch of things before calling it complete ;) [18:30:03] such as performance improvements and most notably error handling [18:30:24] Ecaz: since you have all your ipod's hard disk data backed up before the installation, you can be the first one to test this [18:30:25] I still think you guys are awesome [18:30:40] Sold! [18:30:55] the worst thing it can do is trash the filesystem of the ipod, and can be recovered by reformatting [18:31:01] i.e. reporting I/O errors properly as SCSI sense codes [18:31:16] oh, and if you're up for another project: integrate SMART support ;) [18:31:34] (you just need to implement a few ATA passthrough SCSI commands, smartmontools will do the rest) [18:31:56] (that will need kernel API extensions though) [18:32:21] will this still take ~10 minutes to recognize the 64mb partition with fdisk -l and mounting /dev/sdb? [18:32:39] I don't mind, obviously, but I just figured I would ask [18:32:40] did it do that for you? [18:32:49] that should have been fixed months ago [18:32:55] well, here's what happened [18:33:15] It didn't see the partition, which was understood. So I ran fdisk -l [18:33:26] that took ~5 minutes to return the entry for sdb [18:33:32] which umsboot version did you use? [18:33:41] um [18:33:45] 859? [18:33:47] let me see [18:34:03] black text on white "window" screen in the center, or white text on black full-screen? [18:34:25] black text on white window IIRC [18:34:35] ok, that's the old (and buggy) one [18:34:41] so that explains the problems [18:34:58] * TheSeven wonders where we still host that [18:35:03] so, when I ran 'mount /dev/sdb /media/disk' it just sat there.... the console NEVER returned a prompt. I let it run overnight. Now, it DID mount the volume, but the command timed out [18:35:07] ah okay [18:35:16] but... I thought I downloaded the new one :-( [18:35:31] yeah, that's why I'm wondering where you even found that old thing [18:35:38] let me see [18:36:26] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases [18:36:30] from [18:36:37] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFULinux [18:37:33] installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi [18:38:52] ah... [18:38:53] http://files.freemyipod.org/releases/20120102/bootstrap-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.dfu [18:39:01] that one is probably the culprit [18:39:27] the linux way is the only one that gets umsboot from the release, not the installation tools [18:39:49] hm ok, will solve itself when we do a new release [18:40:20] and given that emcore disk mode is finally being worked on, I guess a new one is around the corner ;) [18:40:46] * user890104 does a final test [18:41:38] I need to learn Python [18:42:41] * TheSeven is still confused why gcc-4.9 (or is it the new binutils?) mess up calling C code from ASM [18:46:26] ladies and gentleman... [18:46:29] http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/installer-ipodclassic-diskmode.ubi [18:46:37] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [18:47:08] Ecaz: go to Tools -> UMSboot, drop this file there, then Eject the ipod (using the eject button in Finder) [18:48:08] TheSeven: can you also test it? [18:49:51] Okay guys :-) [18:50:11] I need to reboot into USB Live, then copy the file and move it over [18:50:13] I'll be back! [18:52:28] *** Quits: Ecaz (~ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:57:31] user890104: disk mode panics with a call to a null pointer [18:57:55] LR address: 0xBFC2D58 [18:58:13] uhm... [18:58:41] also getting code interpreted as a pointer, causing a data abort at 0xBFC68AC [18:58:48] both of those are kernel addresses... hm. [18:59:14] *** Joins: lbobrife (60fe6da3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:59:18] Hi [18:59:20] It's Ecaz [18:59:27] would you be so kind as to post the URL again? [18:59:29] TheSeven: you might have hit the rename() bug if your OS tries to move some file around [18:59:49] lbobrife: there's a bug we just found, can you please wait a minute? [18:59:56] Sure [19:00:28] ah, the filesystem api has nothing to do with this [19:00:34] I didn't attempt to do any write traffic beyond FS-internal stuff [19:01:03] 100% reproducible, same address [19:02:10] i can send you the .elf files, because i'm not very good at debugging crashes [19:02:18] sure, go ahead [19:02:49] i'll rebuild it, just in case [19:02:58] i moved some files around [19:04:39] hm, -ffat-lto-objects does the trick for making the linker happy. interesting. [19:07:12] ok, I can build myself again :) [19:07:28] can you try this: http://files.freemyipod.org/tmp/installer-ipodclassic-diskmode.ubi [19:07:46] .elf: http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/freemyipod/debug.tar.gz [19:08:00] crash address for my build is 0x0BFC2C7C [19:08:35] uhm well ... [19:09:04] this build i just linked to is from svn head [19:10:44] okay [19:11:10] hmpf. the crash is somewhere in the ATA driver [19:11:26] so that's likely not the real cause [19:12:04] lbobrife: can you try the file? we updated it, so download it again [19:15:49] user890104: it crashes while attempting to read a chunk of 29 sectors [19:16:06] everything before that seems to be much smaller [19:16:20] will they fit in a 64k buffer? [19:16:25] if not, we have a problem :) [19:16:39] no, that's 116k [19:16:44] ah... [19:16:58] how large should i make the buffer then? [19:17:00] okay, it's flashing [19:17:07] *** lbobrife is now known as ecaz [19:17:18] *** Quits: ecaz (60fe6da3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Changing host) [19:17:18] *** Joins: ecaz (60fe6da3@unaffiliated/ecaz) [19:17:18] *** Quits: ecaz (60fe6da3@unaffiliated/ecaz) (Changing host) [19:17:18] *** Joins: ecaz (60fe6da3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:17:26] *** ecaz is now known as Ecaz [19:17:35] the buffer size isn't the problem [19:17:44] we need to chunk these large transfers [19:17:56] we need to do that for double buffering anyway [19:18:16] I'll have a go at a bit of optimization [19:18:30] Maybe it's just me, but Rockbox seems faster [19:20:40] that's to be expected at this point, and what I'm about to work on [19:21:50] Failed to mount [19:21:56] i'll have the dmesg output shortly [19:22:14] *** Joins: Ecaz_ (~ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) [19:22:23] USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 100000000E3A01A01E3A01A01 0x5ac 0x1261 0x100 [19:22:23] USBF: 147.415 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008db0000]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 0x26, timing out! (Addr: 2, EP: 0) [19:22:23] USBF: 153.416 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008db0000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 0x26, timing out! (Addr: 2, EP: 1) [19:22:25] USBF: 164.419 AppleUSBEHCI[0xffffff8008db0000]::Found a transaction past the completion deadline on bus 0x26, timing out! (Addr: 2, EP: 1) [19:22:36] * user890104 just ran diskmode on his nano2g [19:23:34] same deal, Rockbox freezes, and has to be restarted [19:24:22] Ecaz: after flashing the new installer, did you use the Rockbox item again, or Disk Mode? [19:24:25] I can verify the diskmode loaded, as there is a USB icon (Diskmode) in the Emcore boot meny [19:24:26] this looks like Rockbox [19:24:35] Rockbox item [19:24:42] try disk mode [19:24:44] should I try Diskmode [19:24:45] okay [19:25:49] Waiting for disk to be detected [19:25:54] no new errors in dmesg [19:26:24] Seems to be doing nothing [19:27:29] can you go to Apple menu > About this Mac > More Info.... > System Report > Hardware > USB [19:28:36] and check if there's anything emCORE-related there [19:28:48] like a device with vendor id 0xFFFF [19:29:39] or you can open a terminal, and run: system_profiler SPUSBDataType [19:31:07] why did you define struct bootinfo_t in diskmode main.c [19:31:55] because it isn't defined in any shared header, only in the bootmenu's [19:32:22] what are you using that for at all? [19:32:34] starting the bootmenu when disk mode is done [19:32:38] after all it's an internal structure of the boot menu to keep track of what it's doing ;) [19:32:50] sent via PM [19:32:53] well, i just reused your code [19:32:54] :) [19:33:02] looks like you're just using it as a bunch of variables [19:33:15] you're not passing the struct itself to anyone [19:33:28] yes, i could have done it better [19:33:39] I'll clean it up [19:33:52] ok thanks [19:34:02] Ecaz: there's no sign of the ipod [19:34:31] it could mean that emCORE has crashed [19:34:35] what's on the screen? [19:36:31] um [19:36:33] sorry [19:36:34] its [19:36:43] Emsore v0.2.3 R919 [19:36:57] Welcome to Disk Mode! yadda yadda [19:37:06] anything like *PANIC*? [19:37:09] When you're done transferring... eject [19:37:11] nope [19:37:27] if I unplug it [19:37:37] "Disk mode completed successfully" [19:37:42] and returns to menu [19:38:09] it's like... it just never initializes the USB [19:38:31] generated nothing in DMESG [19:38:59] so osx doesn't like our composite interface? hmmm [19:39:16] Ecaz: can you leave the ipod connected while it's in the boot menu [19:39:25] then run the usb devices command again [19:39:46] and this time paste the output to http://paste.pm or some other pastebin site [19:40:13] so [19:40:18] go to main boot menu for Emsore [19:40:20] emcore [19:40:26] and then run which commands? [19:40:32] emCORE Console [19:40:41] so it doesn't power off automatically when idle [19:40:46] Dropped into emCORE console [19:41:03] and then which commands would you like run? [19:41:07] system_profiler SPUSBDataType [19:41:10] okay [19:42:27] http://paste.pm/g8j.js [19:44:08] TheSeven: OSX doesn't detect emcore at all [19:44:17] I've got to go get some food, but I'll be back shortly. If you need anything done later, you can email me 'houseecaz][gmail' i should be back soon [19:44:27] ok thanks [19:52:47] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [20:21:08] <[Saint]> What the fuck? [20:21:42] <[Saint]> OSX mounted an emCORE formatted iPod with its own V/PID? [20:21:53] <[Saint]> What the? [20:22:09] yes, exactly what I thought [20:23:02] me too [20:25:16] [Saint]: are you available to test the brand new app we're working on since yesterday? [20:45:45] *** Quits: Ecaz_ (~ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Remote host closed the connection) [21:11:44] *** Joins: Ecaz_ (~ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) [21:11:54] Im back :-) Any work for me to do? [21:11:57] *** Quits: Ecaz (60fe6da3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:12:03] *** Ecaz_ is now known as Ecaz [21:12:12] *** Quits: Ecaz (~ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Changing host) [21:12:12] *** Joins: Ecaz (~ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) [21:16:46] Ecaz: not yet [22:08:21] Does emCORE install via Linux w/ ARM architecture? Such as ODROID-XU ? [22:08:43] I think there is a Arm Python setup [22:08:56] I see no reason why it wouldn't [22:09:12] Yeah, that makes sense [23:06:01] *** Quits: Ecaz (~ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) (Remote host closed the connection)