[05:39:45] *** Joins: Ecaz (~ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) [06:07:10] Hi guys [06:07:39] just an update... yesterday I was running OS X 1.7.5 (Lion) and you asked if Disc Mode returned an error... it didi not [06:07:46] well, today I'm running Mavericks [06:07:53] and Disk Mode is returning an error [06:08:11] *PANIC* Stack Overvlow (Disk Mode) [06:08:52] and *PANIC* frefetch abort at 00424820! [06:08:57] <[Saint]> Yay! Macs! [06:09:16] and a bunch of other stuff that is long [06:10:45] http://paste.pm/ga4.js [06:10:50] this is the dmesg output [06:12:00] Just thought you might want to know 10.7.5 dind't recognize disk mode at all, but Mavericks does [06:13:04] And with that I'm going to bed [06:27:36] *** Quits: Ecaz (~ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:34:07] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:36:06] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:51:16] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [06:52:20] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [07:49:07] *** Joins: Cory___ (6cee8b0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [07:49:15] hello [07:50:09] im trying to use EmCORE to install rockbox, but once i copy the .ubi file and safely eject nothing happens [07:58:19] *** Quits: Cory___ (6cee8b0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [11:11:28] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [11:12:28] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [18:52:29] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:56:47] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [20:25:50] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:27:20] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [22:27:47] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)