[06:31:53] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [06:34:08] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:20:12] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) [07:23:47] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:01:26] *** Joins: cynergy (7caa5686@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:01:41] hi all.. could i ask for some help using this em core [08:03:22] i'm using windows 7 x64 - have followed the directions to the letter - the first time the bootstrap program couldn't find the DFU device - i repeated the directions - the 2nd time it took abt 3 seconds then said it was sucessful. the ipod screen lit up with a logo and coloured fuzz everywhere. [08:04:15] this is where the ipod sits - no other devices have showed up in device manager. I noticed in the background the boot strap program complained it couldn't find the specified file... but still displayed the message it was complete [08:04:39] i am cautious to reboot the ipod and try again or touch it until i hear from someone :) [08:52:48] *** Joins: austin (adab1fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [08:52:53] Hi all [08:52:57] Can someone help me out? [08:53:33] <[Saint]> Only if you tell us what's wrong. [08:53:55] I just loaded rockbox onto my ipod classic 7g and it wont show up on my computer unless I put it into dfu mode [08:54:45] <[Saint]> It must do. Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to install it in the first place. [08:55:05] <[Saint]> Boot the fallback image from emCORE main menu -> Tools -> Run Rockbox fallback image [08:55:05] That's what Im saying.... I installed it now I cant put music and what not on it [08:55:12] <[Saint]> see above [08:55:45] trying it now thanks [08:56:33] showing up in devices and printers under apple mobile device usb driver [08:56:45] but no "drive" to put stuff on [08:57:52] <[Saint]> Well, you can uninstall that driver, its useless now. [08:58:23] where can I find it.... I've looked all over lol in device manager wouldn't it be? [08:58:57] <[Saint]> right click on the device presented in device manager and it should offer removing the driver as an option. [08:59:09] <[Saint]> Its been about half a decade since I've used windows, though. [08:59:25] you running linux? [08:59:31] or ubuntu? [08:59:31] <[Saint]> Inded. [08:59:34] ah [08:59:57] Family isn't very computer smart so I gotta stick with windows lol [09:00:34] <[Saint]> I'm guessing you went with the Windows w/ iTunes install route? [09:00:50] alright uninstall it, now its searching for drivers for "rockbox media player" [09:01:40] well now it's showing up haha [09:01:51] <[Saint]> Glad to be of service. [09:01:54] thanks for your help [09:02:01] <[Saint]> I shall remember to add this to the wiki. [09:02:10] <[Saint]> Its a step (cleaning up) we seem to have neglected. [09:02:36] Yeah, it's not too hard to figure out but might help to put it somewhere people can find it [09:02:48] again thanks for you help, gonna go catch some z's now [09:02:53] <[Saint]> o/ [09:02:55] <[Saint]> Enjoy. [09:03:03] *** Quits: austin (adab1fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [09:28:09] I have installed emcore - have the roxbox menu on the screen but when i connect the ipod to the laptop - it searches for an emcore debugger driver.... thus i cannot continue to the next step [09:28:42] cynergy: select Rockbox from the boot menu [09:28:59] ahh [09:29:00] emCORE debugger means you're still in the boot menu [09:29:05] <[Saint]> cynergy: you must have opened the emCORE console. [09:29:07] <[Saint]> Don't. [09:29:10] apologies [09:29:18] now i have a usb logo on screen [09:29:24] [Saint]: it also shows while you're in the boot menu [09:29:35] <[Saint]> Oh? Huh. My mistake. [09:29:36] because ... emCORE *is* running :) [09:30:02] and now i have access to ipod classic storage - thankyou - i shall continue on with guide [09:30:13] yes, go on [09:30:41] <[Saint]> user890104: can you please add "remember to clean up and delete the original/edited drivers" to the Windows w/ iTunes method? [09:30:58] <[Saint]> I just discovered I can't remember my wiki login details [09:31:13] [Saint]: you don't need to [09:31:31] <[Saint]> user890104: did you see the above conversation? [09:31:31] the drive still appears as a child device of Apple mobile driver bla-bla [09:32:00] <[Saint]> User couldn't mount until the drivers were uninstalled. [09:32:18] <[Saint]> Only after the drivers were removed did it present Rockbox as a storage device. [09:32:50] <[Saint]> (and, they're useless to the user anyway, so may as well clean up) [09:34:08] no! they bring a shiny icon on the disk drive, that represents your exact type of ipod :P [09:34:25] http://i.imgur.com/36HT0lg.png [09:34:33] apple's drivers don't seem to get in the way [09:34:51] i guess that the previous issue could be solved by just reconnecting [09:35:12] <[Saint]> Its non-obvious from the logs, but we were talking a while via PM. [09:35:19] <[Saint]> Disconnect/reconnect didn't help. [09:35:21] (that's the rockbox fallback image btw) [09:35:55] <[Saint]> Rockbox only presented itself *after* the removal of the Apple drivers. [09:36:20] <[Saint]> I know this shouldn't necessarily be the case, but, it happened. [09:36:53] <[Saint]> Since there's no practical benefit to keeping the driver there...and it may help us with support down the track, I see no harm in instructing users to remove it. [09:37:45] IIRC, i'm actually giving such instructions in the wiki [09:38:22] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/InstalliTunesDrivers at the bottom [09:39:35] <[Saint]> Right, not particularly helpful to those using the walkthrough, though. [09:39:50] <[Saint]> http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/UMSboot (the part where they'll discover this) makes no mention of it. [09:41:17] <[Saint]> Oh. I totally misparsed that link. [09:41:21] <[Saint]> Whoops. Nevermind. [09:42:07] <[Saint]> Yes. Ok. So it says it there, but not in the "With iTunes" bit. [09:44:19] i'll add it then [11:12:23] *** Joins: opirris (6348673d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [11:13:54] Hello there, I have a question about the EmCORE installation process. I've been following the wizard on the wiki page. [11:14:03] following this guide: http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes [11:14:45] When I get to the step that shows it should install the DFU USB driver, a driver starts to install but just says it's an apple mobile device driver [11:15:24] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [11:15:58] i run the bootstrap, and the ipod goes into the UMS mode or whatever, but the 64MB disk does not show up [11:17:05] opirris: what version of umsboot are you using? it's displayed on the first line of ipod's screen [11:17:27] it showed 0.2.1 i believe [11:17:33] give me a second to get back there [11:17:48] yes, 0.2.1 [11:18:05] oh, wait. there it is now. [11:18:12] odd. [11:19:05] it's buggy sometimes [11:20:23] I'll hang out here in case i have any other questions. [11:43:11] seems to have gone smoothly....however it doesn't appear to be recognizing any music files. [11:47:35] loaded up a 2-3 GB of stuff [11:47:59] from single files, to folders within folders [12:02:52] *** Quits: opirris (6348673d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [12:31:48] *** Quits: cynergy (7caa5686@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [13:42:31] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [13:43:37] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [19:29:18] *** Quits: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [20:26:45] *** Joins: Ecaz (~Ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) [20:26:45] *** Quits: Ecaz (~Ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Changing host) [20:26:45] *** Joins: Ecaz (~Ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) [20:27:09] Hi all :-) [20:31:35] hi [20:32:15] :-) [21:14:02] *** Parts: Ecaz (~Ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) () [21:19:10] *** Joins: austin (adab1fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:23:11] I've got another question, my rockbox'd ipod will not uninstall or show up in itunes or windows 7 [21:23:28] I've held menu + select down and it just reboots rockbox 3x [21:25:54] austin: you want to uninstall rockbox? [21:26:21] yes, so I can reinstall it it's not showing up on my computer so i can put music on it [21:26:49] if you uninstall rockbox (and emcore), this will delete all data on the ipod's hard disk [21:27:04] I know... [21:27:06] then if you put music on it, it will be deleted if you install rockbox again [21:27:28] I know that, I have no music on it right now because I can put any on it [21:27:48] did you try the fallback image? [21:27:56] Tools - Rockbox fallback image [21:28:02] it should work for file managing [21:28:06] Yes, didn't change anything [21:28:09] ok then [21:28:16] open itunes, and connect the ipod to usb [21:28:31] hold down menu+select, count to 12 (seriously), then release the buttons [21:28:45] no matter what the screen of the ipod shows, just do that [21:28:50] itunes will offer to restore it [21:29:17] done... it's not offering to restore it though [21:29:49] it should reboot at 5-6 second, then at about 11 or 12 it should go dark [21:29:57] it did [21:30:02] you need to release the buttons as soon as it gets dark the second time [21:30:14] if you continue to hold them, it will reboot again and you don't want that [21:30:23] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_bIDtBohnE [21:30:26] I know, it's dark right now [21:30:53] if it's dark, it's in DFU [21:31:01] check device manager if the right driver is installed [21:31:03] so why its itunes detecting it? [21:31:18] if not, uninstall the driver then click Scan for hardware changes [21:31:26] and itunes should install its own driver [21:31:27] apple mobile device usb driver is install [21:32:05] alright its install usb dfu device [21:32:29] ok, so it's in DFU mode [21:32:40] yes but still not showing in itunes [21:32:46] you can try to close itunes then open it [21:32:56] if not, you can use an older version [21:32:59] of itunes [21:33:17] it's also possible to install the old firmware without using itunes at all [21:33:33] where can I download older version of itunes? Do they offer that on the apple site? [21:33:35] but it's a tricky process and recommended only for experienced users [21:34:01] how would I install old firmware without itunes? [21:34:05] here's a video, but it's not explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEz0cCDBqnQ [21:34:15] i can guide you through the process [21:34:27] but as you can see, it's not trivial [21:34:39] installing an older itunes version should be more painless [21:34:41] would it worth doing this or should I try to install a older version of windows [21:34:47] or maybe I could just restart my pc? [21:34:53] let me find a link to an old verson of itunes first [21:34:59] alright thanks [21:35:00] then we can try other options [21:36:25] http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Uninstallation [21:36:35] there's a link for itunes at the bottom [21:36:53] then in the blog post, there's a section about windows [21:37:46] alright ill try that [21:40:39] if you don't have any important data in the itunes library, you can skip all the steps and simply uninstall/reinstall itunes [21:40:55] yeah I have all my music and stuff on other folders [21:41:46] in the process of deleting all the itunes things [21:46:00] will I be able to sync my ipod touch after this? [22:01:50] so its detecting the ipod in itunes but its failing to contact the ipod software update server [22:07:49] ah well ... [22:07:58] seems like we'll need to go the manual way [22:08:16] lol is there a video I can watch that will help [22:08:45] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEz0cCDBqnQ this one, but as i said, i didn't explain what i'm doing in the video [22:08:57] i was just testing my screen capturing software [22:09:12] how about on the site? Doesn't it show how to manual restore an ipod [22:09:23] but i uploaded it because it could be useful to someone who knows the steps [22:09:31] no, we haven't documented this [22:09:39] i think i have something that will help you [22:09:43] just a moment [22:10:48] this is all I could find http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Uninstallation [22:11:06] yes [22:11:15] i'm looking at some irc logs [22:11:33] where i explained the whole procedure and the other guy successfully restored his ipod [22:12:39] ah gotcha [22:17:28] ok found it [22:18:22] alright [22:21:13] that's part 1: http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/logs/20131010-restore-ipod-classic-without-itunes.txt [22:21:22] the links are dead, but i can re-upload the files [22:23:46] that's part 2, but it also contains a bunch of other discussions: http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/logs/20131016-restore-ipod-classic-without-itunes.txt [22:24:37] alright so what file do I need [22:25:45] you need our usb drivers, python 3, pyusb, ipodscsi and ipoddfu.py [22:25:58] alright where can I get that [22:26:02] also a firmware image for your model, and the firmware itself [22:26:13] i'll send you download links [22:26:43] alright thanks [22:27:48] should I maybe restart my computer to see if that fixes the itunes problem? [22:28:53] I'm going to do that i'll brb [22:30:32] ok [22:33:18] *** Quits: austin (adab1fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [22:35:50] *** Joins: austin (adab1fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:35:59] alright im back [22:37:25] that didnt work.... [22:39:32] question... since I can get into usm mode can I flash a custom ubi? [22:45:55] yes [22:46:09] that might help, we have a testing version which has its own disk mode [22:46:21] could you link me to it? [22:46:25] that might fix my issues [22:47:14] keep in mind that it's still a beta software, but i had no issues uploading 30 GB of data using it [22:47:39] right now , i'd try anything lol [22:47:52] https://mega.co.nz/#!pgcTSbBa!TH2Kx3CtPQobDjBBJuchfpZEMO--nKekA4vDdYnl67E [22:52:42] alright put it in disk mode.... not showing up [22:55:10] I guess im just going to have to manually restore it :( [22:55:41] wait :o it showed up [22:56:27] can I format it using windows then restore using itunes? [22:58:07] first: yes, second: no [23:00:22] What were the files I needed to restore it? [23:05:37] https://mega.co.nz/#!s0gkDI5K!I2fYtWcZxh_lOsKaQsEQQXkb6s0da_hW1I8oYVfVD9w [23:05:50] https://mega.co.nz/#!I0Ix0a6S!XKlcj2xM4mEj-FQIS-Tmq34Gg8wlQ60oEdYX60zpCR4 [23:05:53] are these the steps? http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting [23:06:04] https://mega.co.nz/#!csZHTbRI!fRSg0RP5ixr5lX5NN_Eb0Apfp4MJGoTd9UcRF38ST2Y [23:06:15] https://mega.co.nz/#!k8x3ES6J!MNdVPljhpDsN9AA61l1sJhER47Uq71OgaJ_GcaavC4Y [23:06:25] https://mega.co.nz/#!YsoWEY5Q!cf0XywNIBoCYJimaVwXtYHeCjpUoh1jb3YDTLTNlOXw [23:06:34] no [23:06:43] that's for nano2g [23:07:11] alright all downloaded [23:07:42] please wait a minute until i finish my phone call :) [23:07:58] okay np [23:11:38] *** Joins: Ecaz (~Ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) [23:11:44] *** Quits: Ecaz (~Ecaz@pool-96-254-109-163.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) (Changing host) [23:11:44] *** Joins: Ecaz (~Ecaz@unaffiliated/ecaz) [23:12:23] So I booted into Linux on OS X via Live USB and mounted Disk mode, but when I tried to copy files to the unit I got a PANIC [23:12:45] However, when I loaded up Rockbox and mounted it, it went into USB mode and worked fine [23:13:39] not sure if thats expected with the dev diskmode you provided, but I thought it was interesting that even w/ Linux, disk mode didn’t like to be written to, even though it mounted and displayed fine [23:13:53] anyway, just wanted to put that out there in case you needed to know [23:30:46] austin: extract all archives to a folder of your choice (for example, desktop) [23:31:23] Ecaz: can you try this version of diskmode: https://mega.co.nz/#!pgcTSbBa!TH2Kx3CtPQobDjBBJuchfpZEMO--nKekA4vDdYnl67E [23:31:30] go to UMSboot, then drop the .ubi there [23:31:35] and eject the disk [23:31:39] sure will [23:32:50] done [23:33:04] hm, I think the cloud site is teasing me [23:33:07] it says 99% [23:36:19] Do i install all these? [23:36:33] no [23:37:36] open this link: http://files.freemyipod.org/~user890104/freemyipod/logs/20131010-restore-ipod-classic-without-itunes.txt [23:37:45] then look for [23:05:06] [23:37:51] and follow the instructions [23:38:09] user890104: will you DCC me the file, the cloud site doesn’t like me [23:38:28] austin: you need to put your ipod in DFU mode first [23:38:35] Ecaz: yes, sure [23:40:27] brb [23:40:41] * Ecaz sighs and says something about girls… [23:42:50] done do i need to uninstall itunes all over again? [23:43:07] back [23:43:09] austin: yes, just to make sure it doesn't get in the way [23:43:25] Ecaz: for some reason, the file doesn't download for me, too [23:43:31] whew [23:43:38] im not cursed [23:45:21] but the good ol' dcc seems to be working fine :) [23:45:43] woot [23:46:35] so, in order to run this I’ve got to reboot into Linux [23:46:47] When im done uninstalling Im going to update the dfu driver right? [23:46:55] I’ve got some errands to run, but I will give you a report tonight [23:53:03] Ecaz: what operating system are you runnung at the moment? [23:53:17] austin: yes [23:53:35] uninstall it, then install itunes and it should take care of the rest [23:57:33] me or him? [23:59:03] you [23:59:16] k so I updated the dfu driver, now reinstall itunes? [23:59:20] itunes 9 or 11? [23:59:29] did you complete the restore process? [23:59:49] no I just put the ipod in dfu mode and updated the driver [23:59:53] ah