[00:22:10] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [00:22:22] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [00:47:38] it's possible, i have compressed the latest bootstrappers with UPX :) << is there any good reason to do that except for causing antivirus false positives? [00:48:01] actually I'd expect the file to grow when UPX'ed, given its tiny size [00:48:35] well it seems that it compresses pretty well [00:48:38] copper: we had issues with some SSDs in the past as well. not quite sure what exactly though [00:50:01] TheSeven: are the HDD connector pins of the classic suitable for connecting breadboard wires to them? [00:52:39] btw, SDXC shouldn't be a problem: they're basically SDHC cards, just formatted with a different filesystem because microsoft doesn't like FAT32 being used for more than 50GB for some reason [00:53:15] user890104: strongly doubt it, unless you have tof's soldering skills [00:53:25] also, it seems that the apps aren't compressed, i might have done some tests but decided not to use compression in the end [00:53:44] they are only signed with my opensource development certificate [00:55:26] ah, that's a ZIF connector [00:55:40] i thought it's something CF-like [00:56:10] RE [18:55:13] turns out it's awfully inconvenient: [00:56:30] well, a fuze plus is not an ipod... [00:56:54] I carry a 6" phone with me all day, so an ipod would be *another* device to carry around... *that* is inconvenient ;) [00:57:15] user890104: no, there are adapter boards for that [00:59:17] i have one of these lying around: http://www.geeetech.com/sd-card-reader-module-for-memory-read-and-write-p-170.html [00:59:54] so if i have the right adapter, i might attempt an SD card mod, then cheat and use rockbox's driver [01:00:45] that one is useless [01:01:00] it doesn't break out all pins of the card [01:01:51] you could at best try to run it in 1-bit mode [01:02:51] i.e. it would work at 1/4 speed max. [01:03:25] (and only with a patched driver) [01:18:10] what do you suggest for the SD side? wires soldered directly to a microSD-to-SD adapter? [06:02:33] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:02:46] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:13:35] [7]: "we had issues with some SSDs in the past as well. not quite sure what exactly though" [09:14:02] erm, now you're making me wary of buying that ZIF SSD [09:14:49] "Can you ask the developer, what build environment I need to build from the SVN? [09:14:52] Had a quick look through the source code, it is easy enough to modify the code - I can do a custom build to provide a little more info about what is going on." [09:15:07] I suggested that the adapter guy come here [09:33:58] <[Saint]> *my* ZIF SSD works fine. [09:34:20] <[Saint]> It seems there's a LOT of room for error, though. [09:43:24] that's always what happens, isn't it? [09:44:00] some guy says it works great (for him), someone else tries the same thing at great expense and bam, dosn't work :P [10:05:52] <[7]> copper: you can tell him that the relevant parts should be buildable with the TNT toolchain which he can get at https://github.com/EliasOenal/TNT# [10:06:27] <[7]> that's sufficient to build the emcore kernel and rockbox [10:06:34] <[Saint]> [7]: did you see my question in #rockbox I think it was? [10:06:50] <[7]> to build the emcore apps, he needs some other tools which are a bit more tricky to get running [10:07:04] <[7]> [Saint]: not yet, I'm still reading backlogs [10:07:05] <[Saint]> copper and I both have a weird noticeable issue that seems to point to the hardware not being set up correctly in Rockbox at boot time. [10:07:19] <[7]> that audio noise thing? [10:07:28] <[Saint]> a very noticeable increasing "hissss" that disappears after playing audio. [10:07:29] <[Saint]> Yeah. [10:07:48] <[Saint]> What would change after playback commences? [10:10:11] <[7]> hm, a quick look at the code suggests that rockbox powers down the codec chip when it isn't playing anything [10:10:11] <[Saint]> (sorry to pounce - btw - just saw you active in here) [10:10:16] <[7]> but probably not after startup [10:11:13] <[Saint]> If I understand that right that would mean the hiss should be present during playback when playback is paused though, no? [10:11:17] <[Saint]> (which is doesn't) [10:11:44] <[7]> not quite sure what's causing it, but I guess it only appears if the codec isn't getting useful data, but is powered up [10:11:52] <[7]> then question is why is it powered up at all at this point [10:12:33] <[Saint]> I never noticed it with the last Classic I used regularly, but with this one its VERY noticeable. [10:12:56] <[Saint]> I remembered copper mentioned something similar ages ago and it seems we're talking about the same thing. [10:13:04] <[Saint]> Its definitely not a quiet hiss. [10:13:39] <[Saint]> From startup it gets slowly increasingly louder until it peaks at a steady level. [10:13:56] <[Saint]> Playback magically makes it go away until next boot. [10:14:34] playback, or changing volume [10:14:49] changing volume in the sound settings by just 1dB makes it go away [10:14:58] * [Saint] looks [10:15:11] <[Saint]> Ah. Yes. Yes it does. [10:15:16] <[Saint]> Well done. [10:15:17] btw this is a #rockbox conversation [10:15:25] <[Saint]> Seems we're definitely talking of the same thing. [10:15:44] <[7]> does it come back after a while after changing volume? [10:15:51] not IME [10:16:10] but I don't "stay there" long wihtout playing something [10:16:38] <[7]> well equally long as after powerup [10:17:14] <[Saint]> I'll leave mine sitting a while and check. [10:17:33] <[7]> hm [10:17:50] <[7]> anyway, seems like rockbox is letting the codec sit in a half-initialized state for some reason [10:18:28] <[7]> http://git.rockbox.org/?p=rockbox.git;a=blob;f=firmware/drivers/audio/cs42l55.c;h=80b6fe8710eaf250430cbac8855da3dfad49faf5;hb=HEAD#l106 [10:19:08] <[7]> I can't see how changing volume (to zero) would do something else than postinit [10:23:00] <[Saint]> looking at the guts involved its kinda hard to imagine that we don't have stereo volume control and EQ. [10:23:39] <[Saint]> It would be non-trivial (for me at least), but not as non-trivial as I suspected. [10:24:07] <[Saint]> The head-fi'ers would rejoice thusly. [10:36:27] <[7]> stereo volume control is absolutely trivial, except for making a good, usable UI for it [10:36:43] <[7]> stereo EQ might possibly be a bit more complex, but not much [10:44:24] <[Saint]> The issues with stereo volume control are all UI/UX related, indeed. [10:44:30] *** Joins: axel__ (546e2c50@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [10:44:55] <[Saint]> "how do we handle volume changing when L/R differ?" etc. [10:47:18] hi, i have a problem, i recently installed emCORE with rockbox on my ipod classic 6g 80gb, but he is didn't charging when he's powered off(sorry for my english) [10:54:48] <[7]> [Saint]: if anything I'd do it with a base volume + L/R multiplication factor [10:55:24] <[7]> axel__: when it's completely powered off, it will charge, but only slowly. if you want it to charge faster, just boot rockbox and let it sit in the main menu [10:57:06] i have a "Voltage Current Detection Tool" and i see that ipod doesn't charging at all(0.00A) [10:58:10] <[7]> axel__: it will only charge if the battery is below 80-90% or so [10:58:20] <[7]> and when powered off it will only charge at 0.10A [10:58:34] <[7]> (due to USB spec compliance reasons) [10:58:45] ok, i will check it later [10:58:49] thank you [11:06:54] *** Quits: axel__ (546e2c50@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [16:57:22] [Saint]: what ssd do you have on your iPod? [22:57:41] *** Quits: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [22:57:53] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven)