[01:06:56] <[Saint]> TheSeven: moving to a more appropriate place [01:07:17] <[Saint]> UMSboot is up and mounted - no onscreen instruction from the iPod. [01:07:30] <[Saint]> Just half a black screen with a corrupt emCORE in the other half. [01:08:14] <[Saint]> using "installer-ipodclassic-diskmode-beta" [01:13:32] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (*.net *.split) [01:13:32] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (*.net *.split) [01:18:46] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Quit: Quit.) [01:18:58] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [01:19:42] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [01:19:42] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [02:16:35] <[Saint]> TheSeven: you are a beautiful magical bastard [02:16:54] <[Saint]> Boot time is about ~1s longer, but, I'll take it over ugly disk noises. [02:17:46] <[Saint]> emCORE now actually spins down the disk before handing off to Rockbox. As intended, one assumes. [02:19:43] <[Saint]> The only issue I have noticed is that it takes several seconds to shut emCORE down now regardless if the disk is spinning or not. [02:20:03] <[Saint]> (also a non-issue, comparatively) [02:20:24] [Saint]: which version are you testing? diskmode-beta? [02:20:36] what revision of emCORE is this? [02:20:47] <[Saint]> This emCORE build you've given me, unlike user890104's, doesn't have the weird black screen fuckup in UMSboot either. [02:21:17] <[Saint]> user890104: 928M [02:21:44] <[Saint]> (the M is some form of CE-ATA-compatibility-ness) [02:22:11] <[Saint]> TheSeven fell off the internet in the middle of explaining exactly what. [02:22:15] r926 fixes "weird black screen fuckup in UMSboot" [02:22:21] :) [02:22:35] <[Saint]> Ah. Awesome. :) [02:23:07] <[Saint]> Its identical to the corruption one gets over top of the Apple logo during first install. [02:23:16] yes [02:23:19] <[Saint]> I should say it *was*. [02:23:26] <[Saint]> Now it doesn't exist anymore. [02:23:37] the fix is an one liner: http://websvn.freemyipod.org/comp.php?repname=freemyipod&compare[]=/@925&compare[]=/@926 [02:23:56] <[Saint]> Hah. Cute. [02:24:09] <[Saint]> The little things, huh? :) [02:24:18] i just had to copy it over from emCORE's LCD driver [02:25:06] that's the downside of having the same drivers in two different apps with different code layouts [02:25:35] * [Saint] has a suggestion for the installer [02:25:52] <[Saint]> "Don't re-install themes if path/to/theme isn't present on upgrade" [02:26:43] well, it's a reinstall-slash-repair thing - if it's missing, we should restore it [02:27:05] <[Saint]> Its not really repair, IMO. [02:27:14] <[Saint]> As all those files in the disk are irrelevant really. [02:28:01] well, it does its best to bring back the winter spirit, even if you don't like it [02:28:27] <[Saint]> The Christmas easter egg that doesn't quit. [02:28:31] <[Saint]> Ever. [02:28:36] <[Saint]> For several years. ;) [02:29:02] since we have a RTC driver, we can choose wheter or not to display the winter theme, maybe only in december [02:29:45] well, i'd disable it at all in the next release, and offer it as a separate download [02:29:50] <[Saint]> Can it be a persistant setting? [02:30:01] <[Saint]> (if its not removed entirely) [02:30:09] but it doesn't sound like a good idea, because someone can mix up app versions (similar to fastboot) [02:30:34] <[Saint]> The only thing that really bothers me is that I remove the theme, and, it puts it straight back. [02:30:48] the original theme looks for a custom theme. if this code is removed, nothing will ever try to run the custom one [02:30:49] <[Saint]> I wouldn't mind it putting the file back, but leaving my selection. [02:31:17] <[Saint]> I just find it slightly annoying having to go back in and remove it again if I don't want it. [02:31:40] we can also do some temporary makefile magic, to skip copying the winter theme to fsfiles [02:31:51] when building an installer [02:32:32] <[Saint]> Would saving the path to the user selected theme in the settings be an option? [02:34:16] we need to implement a file browser then [02:34:27] <[Saint]> Ah, yes. True. [02:34:52] i have an attempt to do that, as an emcore app [02:35:06] <[Saint]> 24MB/s write - 11MB/s read with Disk Mode, btw. [02:35:26] <[Saint]> vs. 6MB/s/2MB/s in Rockbox. [02:35:34] but it's on the hdd of an inaccessible VM, so i need to extract it somehow [02:35:34] <[Saint]> Well done, you majestic fuckers. [02:35:46] <[Saint]> Well done. [02:35:49] double buffering FTW [02:35:52] thanks to TheSeven [02:36:10] can you test OF's diskmode and OF? [02:36:15] <[Saint]> its like a ~400% improvement [02:36:22] since you started comparing the speeds... [02:36:38] <[Saint]> I need to restore for that - but, yes. I can. [02:36:56] <[Saint]> Not right now though. But, yes. Yes I can. [02:38:48] if you have an emcore bootstrapper (a thing that i made for my tests, which consists of bootsub+emcore instead of bootstub+umsboot), you can switch back and forth by restoring a NOR backup [02:39:06] and you'll need to use ipodscsi for repartitioning [02:39:12] (or itunes) [02:39:27] this should work in theory, unless i'm missing something [02:39:28] <[Saint]> I'd need to restore first to *get* that backup, though. So...yeah. ;) [02:39:38] <[Saint]> Seeing as I'm apparently "Mr. CE-ATA Guy" [02:40:10] <[Saint]> AFAIK neither of you guys have the CE-ATA variant. [02:40:15] actually, this is a pretty hacky way for early dual-boot support [02:40:46] bit it will need to boot emcore "tethered" [02:40:55] <[Saint]> Huh - clever. [02:40:56] * [Saint] nods [02:42:00] <[Saint]> Can the installer automagically grab diagmode from a new install and embed it in the emCORE install for future use? [02:42:02] <[Saint]> I may have asked this before. [02:42:08] <[Saint]> I know it can't be distributed. [02:43:28] the installer can read diagmode from OF's NOR images, then put it back in place (compressed, because we're alsmost out of space already) [02:43:42] then the bootmenu can be made clever enough to boot it [02:44:05] a-la-nano2g [02:44:34] <[Saint]> Thinking about the tethered dual boot - would it actually need to be tethered? Could the necessary magic not be stored on disk and a RAMdisk created to do the juggling around, and then jump into the OF? [02:45:28] once we run our bootstub/emcoreldr, OF and OF disk mode can't boot anymore [02:45:49] so we need a fresh norloader from apple to be loaded first [02:46:38] but it won't be kind enough to run our code, unless it's signed by the cupertino guys [02:47:31] we should be able to decrypt it patch it then encrypt it [02:47:44] ...or, fix our code so it doesn't break apple's [02:48:10] <[Saint]> Which would require an understanding of why it breaks. [02:48:56] yes, and we already have an idea about that [02:49:08] <[Saint]> Oh? I must've missed that. [02:49:56] IIRC there's something wrong in the state which we set to the i2c interface [03:26:10] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [03:27:08] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:41:05] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:42:14] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:01:59] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:02:58] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [10:19:14] [Saint]: ok, so the spindown itself is working fine? let me make a build without the delay then [10:19:57] http://theseven.homenet.org/~theseven/tmp/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [10:20:01] is that one fine as well? [10:21:29] [Saint]: feel free to make a summer theme ;) [10:22:55] [Saint]: the downside of that improvement is that write errors may be misattributed to wrong sector numbers or get lost completely [10:23:43] the drive does something very similar internally already though, so even with rockbox's code write errors aren't accurate, so I don't really bother if they are more inaccurate now :P [10:25:47] user890104: hm... has anyone ever tried to chainload apple's norloader from emcore? [10:26:04] I mean it would get totally confused about the flash contents, but maybe it doesn't even look at those before booting the OF? :P [10:26:33] at the very least it would be interesting to know if the i2c driver of that code locks up as well [10:37:48] hm, my disk is showing signs of head trembling in certain areas... [10:38:10] I really wonder what the root cause of all these drives failing is [10:38:32] the behavior doesn't quite align with a headcrash [10:38:42] more with servo info degrading over time or something [10:38:51] <[Saint]> Its curious that both drive variants appear to be equally quirky and failure prone. [10:39:12] mine has survived a drop on the sidewalk [10:39:19] while spinning? [10:39:28] while playing [10:39:33] so, maybe not while spinning [10:39:51] <[Saint]> Odds are heads were parked. [10:40:02] <[Saint]> Unless it was hilariously bad timing. [10:40:08] this damage could possibly be related to writing while being shaken or something, if the head steering isn't very good [10:40:57] from what it looks like, the drive has trouble *finding* the sectors, not reading them [10:41:03] <[Saint]> With the heads parked they can withstand around 6G of shock force iirc. [10:41:12] WAY more [10:41:21] <[Saint]> Ah. OK. [10:41:56] desktop HDDs are often rated 200 to 500G [10:42:12] what [10:42:22] <[Saint]> Oh. Whoops. I see what happened there [10:42:28] <[Saint]> I meant to type 60 [10:42:35] yeah right :P [10:42:40] <[Saint]> But it seems I'm still off by a fair margin. [10:42:58] sitty geeez! [10:43:20] <[Saint]> But, yeah, 200G sounds like heaps. [10:43:29] <[Saint]> But for impact force its really not. [10:43:30] 60G is what they can typically take while operating [10:43:38] <[Saint]> Ah. [10:44:32] <[Saint]> Do these drives have free fall detection? [10:44:53] <[Saint]> I know some drives can attempt to park the heads during free fall. [10:44:54] [10:25:47] user890104: hm... has anyone ever tried to chainload apple's norloader from emcore? << IIRC no, you can be the first one to try it, if you have a decrypted norloader image at hand [10:45:38] it should be able to read syscfg fine [10:45:53] but maybe fail at the apple logo? [10:46:10] hm, we need to have a look at what the handover conditions for that one are [10:46:46] unless they made their code ship showing the logo if the file doesn't exist [10:46:49] IIRC it's running from SRAM address 0, with just about nothing initialized but the SoC itself [10:47:06] i.e. the first thing it will do is initialize the PMU (I2C!) and then the DRAM (again) [10:47:21] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:47:32] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [10:47:40] IIRC it can handle a missing logo [10:48:06] I'd think it's likely that it ends up showing the "bad battery" icon though if it doesn't like the flash file table [10:48:34] only if it can read the bad battery icon [10:50:55] that's embedded [10:51:32] ah, i see [10:51:47] I'm mostly curious if it manages to access the PMU at all though [10:52:28] <[Saint]> It sure is. I figured that out when I couldn't dump it from the OF image when I was trying to dump the OF bitnaos for the iLike thene [10:52:29] in that case we could try to break out of it after the first successful I2C transfer and then hand over to the OF, hoping that it likes that state better [10:52:41] (and then try to narrow down the root cause) [11:32:13] *** Quits: copper (~copper@unaffiliated/copper) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in) [11:32:43] *** Joins: copper_ (~copper@unaffiliated/copper) [11:32:52] *** copper_ is now known as copper [12:50:38] TheSeven: the adapter guy replied to my e-mail: https://outpost.fr/tmp/qcq.txt [13:01:55] (for future reference, his name is Tarkan) [15:16:21] just for your information: switching off the BBT function will only move the error around - it's just the first thing that attempts to access sectors [15:16:51] it's not what he thinks and in no way specific to SSDs, it's mostly intended to work around broken HDDs [15:17:32] it works transparently on top of the disk and doesn't interfere with any of the disk/SSD's internals [15:18:28] a thing that's possibly worth trying is forcing PIO mode [15:18:58] but it's highly unlikely to help if the same adapter works with one card but not another [16:03:49] TheSeven: I have time to test it, if you have time to build it :) [16:11:14] I've temporarily removed my SDXC card from eBay, just in case [16:12:17] TheSeven: apparently it's mostly this one guy with this one card that has it working [16:12:43] everyone else, including me and Tarkan with the two same cards, is having that problem [20:45:41] i'm totally confused why it would work with emcore with one card but not another, but with both cards with the OF [21:08:42] I have no clue [21:08:50] I know nothing about such things [21:09:29] though I alway get the sense that no-one is ever following specs religiously [21:10:03] (if specs are helpful at all) [21:10:32] I generally distrust consumer electronics companies [21:11:00] because their prices are almost always driven down [21:11:14] and the big juicy markups are in the enterprise market [21:11:40] I don't think it's a coincidence that my 128 GB SDXC card from Kingston is 50% cheaper than the competition [21:12:00] well, I always exagerate [21:12:02] maybe 30% [21:13:27] I doubt anyone is spending much money on testing before release [21:14:01] or on R&D [21:15:05] mmm-kay, I'm going to shut up now [22:30:02] kingston is an interesting phenomenon [22:39:48] I thought you were about to elaborate! [22:56:55] they basically resell chips from other manufacturers, yet at very competitive prices [22:57:05] not quite sure what's going on there...