[00:00:13] you can help us by either testing our software and reporting bugs, or write documentation in the wiki based on your own experience [00:04:56] You're already doing awesome work, but be sure I will try to contribute as much as I can, in any way possible. I cannot say it often enough: Rockbox (and EMCore along with it, as it makes Rockbox on my iPod possible) has been a huge step forward for me. Both sound quality-wise and concerning usability. You guys deserve a lot of respect. Thanks for everything you do! [00:10:19] *** Parts: RockBoxNewB (6d4b5179@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [06:38:40] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:40:00] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [10:01:12] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [13:57:00] *** Parts: Nei (~ailin@unaffiliated/nemui) () [17:56:05] *** Joins: RockBoxNewB (6d4b5179@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [17:57:10] Hi TheSeven, [Saint] and user890104, or whoever might be online right now! If you don't remember me: I'm the guy with the 160GB Ipod Classic which is now rockboxed ;-) [17:58:14] I also posted this on the RB forums, but I've got a huge problem now. I cannot play any music on my iPod anymore...because whatever I do, I keep getting a "Prefetch abort" error. I restarted it a couple of times, reset the settings... but nothing helped. [18:30:30] Okay... I've now decided to simply TRY it, and uninstalled RockBox using RB utility. It works again for now, and I hope this error won't return all to soon. I will stop playing around with themes, because the error first occurred when I was browsing themes. [18:37:15] RockBoxNewB: if this happens again, go to emcore's tools menu and select Clear rockbox config [18:37:26] it's quicker than reinstalling rockbox [18:37:35] then it should work again [18:38:31] or you can lock the hold switch as soon as you select rockbox, if it boots with the hold switch locked, it will clear the config [18:39:00] Thanks for suggesting that! i will definitely keep that in mind. What will change when I select "clear rockbox config"? Will RB be reset to default or something? [18:41:06] yes, exactly [18:41:22] custom theme, volume/backlight level and so on [18:52:26] Thanks! It sounds like it might really resolve the issue without going through the complete re-installation! [19:01:20] *** Quits: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) (Remote host closed the connection) [19:43:20] TheSeven: since I know that Lexar SDXC cards work fine, I'm going to buy one after all [19:44:19] I figure the card might be more reliable than a Super Talent SSD, which I don't know for a fact that it works, and I'll probably have an easier time getting a replacement from Lexar if the card goes belly up [19:45:30] I'd be curious to know what Lexar does differently [19:45:56] but this isn't the first time I notice that they're better than the rest [19:49:22] the ST SSD would be slightly faster over USB, but this time I'm going to a sure thing [19:49:25] for* [19:56:48] *** Quits: RockBoxNewB (6d4b5179@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [21:19:11] user890104: what RockBoxNewB reported sounds like a codec version mismatch [21:19:21] i.e. fallback image with newer codecs [21:57:29] TheSeven: i see, i was just going to answer him, but he got disconnected while i was writing the message [21:59:08] *** Joins: mattr (177a8d82@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:00:20] *** Quits: mattr (177a8d82@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit)