[00:04:59] Sorry, just tried looking through some of my captures [00:05:18] and cannot find the ones that show the after the rst [00:05:36] but I am pretty sure init starts very quickly after the rst returns to 1 [00:14:53] ok got to go, speak soon. [00:14:59] *** Quits: Bambi123 (545c5f92@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:10:16] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Disconnected by services) [06:10:31] *** Joins: [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:59:48] <[Saint]> copper: regarding additional iPod models, the iPod line has been discontinued. [06:59:58] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p57B496C6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [06:59:58] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B49C21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [07:00:16] <[Saint]> They haven't announced it officially, but, its pretty obvious that they dropped that category. [07:00:32] <[Saint]> Now it seems to be just iPohone, iPod Touch, and iPod Nano [07:00:37] <[Saint]> Even the Shuffle line is dead. [08:02:33] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [08:03:37] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [09:00:12] it hasn't been discontinued [09:00:44] they're still selling it on their own store, and they updated the firmware circa 2013 [09:15:07] apple news sites have been predicting the discontinuation of the Classic for years, but it still hasn't happened [09:27:55] <[Saint]> errrr, I guess I chose the wrong wording. [09:28:45] I think they're still selling it because people are still buying it, and Apple doesn't have an alternative for it yet [09:28:48] <[Saint]> I know they're still selling it, but I believe that they have no intention of continuing the line with an updated hardware line. [09:29:19] also, the iPod Classic is the icon of Apple's spectacular comeback [09:29:27] I'm not sure they're comfortable killing it [09:29:41] <[Saint]> Its all about iPhone/Pad, iPod Touch, and to a lesser extent, iPod Nano. [09:29:57] <[Saint]> The "Classic" line seems to be stuck in a very long term limbo. [09:30:35] <[Saint]> Shuffle is pretty much a dead fish too. [09:32:24] <[Saint]> Anyway, yeah, what I meant to imply was that I don't believe we'll ever be seeing an updated line of hardware in the "Classic" iPod format. [09:35:52] I think they're not quite sure what to do with it [09:36:46] or maybe they're just waiting to release iPod Touches with larger storage before they can kill the Classic comfortably [09:36:50] with the market covered [09:37:32] isn't it pretty much the last iDevice with the old dock connector? [09:37:48] <[Saint]> Its tricky for them, because, I sincerely believe that they don't want the iPod Touch to outshine the iPhone in any way, shape, or form. [09:38:29] <[Saint]> Otherwise, people would think "Why the fuck can't I then have a 256GB iPhone?" [09:39:37] because you can't afford it, bitch! [09:39:40] :P [09:40:24] <[Saint]> People are starting to wise up to the fact that they have been getting gimped on their mobile phone storage for a while now. [09:40:41] <[Saint]> On many platforms. [09:40:57] yup [09:41:46] <[Saint]> Flagship devices that tout 64GB max, with no expandable storage option, and like 10GB of it goes to the OS and various caches and emergency images. [09:42:04] <[Saint]> Sometimes even more than that. [09:43:10] <[Saint]> Samsung's Touchwiz, and HTC's sense, are both *hilariously* bloated on modern flagship devices, but Samsung really has to be the worst possible offender with bloatware increasing the image size. [09:43:11] 64 GB phones are mostly iPhones [09:43:31] Android phones are still 8-32 GB [09:43:51] some of them with microsd card slots though [09:44:00] <[Saint]> Samsung ships an alternative to almost every Google application, its hilarious. [09:44:09] <[Saint]> And they're shit. [09:45:15] <[Saint]> They've had to cancel KitKat on quite a few of the older flagship devices because all their bloatware won't fit. [09:46:32] <[Saint]> The hardware is well capable in many cases, even in a lot of their midrange series, but they can't squeeze all their bullshit in comfortably, so they won't release it at all. [14:38:46] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [14:40:02] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [16:52:13] <[Saint]> [7]: user890104: can you make it so that the Disk Mode application sleeps the LCD after N (30?) seconds, pretty please? [16:53:07] uhm well... [16:53:35] what about locking the hold switch to turn off the lights/lcd? [16:54:44] i just need to check with [7] if it's a GPIO or i'd need to read it from the PMU over i2c [16:55:37] (i'm not sure how to implement such timeout) [16:56:29] <[Saint]> not a fan of locking the hold switch. [16:56:43] <[Saint]> eject; fastboot; bam - nuked your config.cfg [16:56:54] ah, yes [16:57:01] done that a couple of times :) [16:57:06] <[Saint]> Me too. :) [16:57:35] <[Saint]> Does you Classic also have the slightly wonky hold switch capable of booting the device up when switching hold on when the device is powered off? [16:57:43] yup [16:57:51] <[Saint]> Yeah - its...fun. [16:57:56] kinda [16:57:59] <[Saint]> Its apparently a widespread probem. [16:58:16] it's happening on random [16:58:18] <[Saint]> I thought it was a generic hardware issue, ever Classic I had for ages did it, even new ones. [16:58:27] <[Saint]> I didn't know it wasn't actually supposed to do that. [16:58:47] <[Saint]> (until some time ago) [17:17:30] <[Saint]> Wanna know something weird? [17:17:35] yes please [17:18:37] <[Saint]> On the same machine, with two different OSes (Windows 7 Professional and Ubuntu 14.04), Disk Mode throughput is affected massively. [17:18:47] faster on Ubuntu? [17:18:52] <[Saint]> In Windows, I get ~9MB/s [17:19:02] <[Saint]> in Ubuntu, I get ~22MB/s [17:19:06] <[Saint]> (for write) [17:20:11] <[Saint]> But with the OF, its fairly consistent on both OSes. [17:21:02] <[Saint]> 8 and 10MB/s respectively [17:21:27] Windows copies with smaller block sizes, maybe? [17:21:35] * [Saint] shrugs [17:21:49] that would definitely affect write speed [17:22:28] I always copy with 8 MiB block sizes [17:22:35] <[Saint]> Gah. [17:22:57] <[Saint]> Some fuckhead on XDA is insisting its possible to create 4GB+ files on FAT32 [17:23:11] how [17:23:24] <[Saint]> By being a fuckhead I guess. [17:23:44] also, now I'm going to need a 128 GB microsdxc card for my phone, to put lossyFLACs on it [17:23:47] damn it [17:23:57] <[Saint]> And, talking out your ass and getting defensive when at least a dozen people tell you you're wrong. [17:23:57] :P [17:24:46] <[Saint]> He's all like "Its totally possible man, I don't know why you can't do it, I do it all the time" [17:24:58] lol [17:25:11] <[Saint]> Riiiiiiiiiight. [17:25:18] "oh derp, my partition is actually NTSC" [17:25:20] <[Saint]> Sure you do. MmmmHmm. [17:25:22] rem [17:25:23] erm [17:25:27] NTFS [17:25:43] <[Saint]> I partition all my disks as PAl [17:25:45] why do my fingers keep typing NTSC every time I mean NTFS [17:25:54] <[Saint]> *PAL [17:52:52] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [17:53:55] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [18:47:23] <[7]> [Saint]: heh, that config nuking thing is pretty much pointless anyway if you have emcore ;) [18:47:56] <[7]> [Saint]: what's the point of turning off the backlight though? power consumption? [18:48:26] <[7]> [Saint]: how are you measuring the write speed on linux? [18:49:02] <[7]> linux typically copys with 128KB block size [18:52:52] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p5088F01A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [18:54:19] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p5088F01A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [18:54:20] *** Joins: steffengy1_ (~quassel@p57B48684.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [18:55:51] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B49C21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)