[05:42:00] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [05:43:07] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:12:59] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p57B49675.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:15:51] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B4822E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [06:29:05] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:29:49] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [07:19:12] *** [Saint] is now known as sinner [07:23:35] *** sinner is now known as [Saint] [10:14:40] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [10:33:48] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [18:55:56] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [18:57:07] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [21:14:42] *** Joins: Nate___ (62d25965@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:15:09] Hi Saint. You around? [21:24:54] *** Joins: treaux (treaux@c-98-210-89-101.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) [21:25:12] <-- Nate__ [21:25:17] *** Quits: Nate___ (62d25965@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [21:26:06] Alright, I'll put this out there. Let here from the last post here by Saint: http://forums.rockbox.org/index.php?topic=47895.0 [21:26:38] I have the same issues from that topic. EMcore and Rockbox installed successfully on an ipod classic 160gb, though can't get it to show up as a drive letter in windows 7 [21:27:14] treaux: even with the fallback image? [21:27:58] I couldn't find it. In the forum thread the guy said you sent it to him [21:28:14] did this trouble only start after extracting the rockbox.zip file? [21:29:26] Everything went fine initially installing emcore. I got the drive letter to appear by killing the apple service and launching the rockbox installer. Then installed rockbox successfully through the installer. Now it works fine on the ipod, but when I connect it to my computer, it doesn't mount as a drive [21:29:47] ok, so it showed up with the fallback image, but not with a more recent rockbox build [21:30:00] that's so weird [21:30:09] the latest Rockbox builds work so much better with Linux [21:30:11] in that case, just select "tools => run rockbox fallback image" in the emcore boot menu if you want to copy files [21:30:26] (you won't be able to play music or start plugins before you reboot back into the normal rockbox image though) [21:31:16] copper: interesting... since when? I never had trouble with it on linux, and I don't think any USB-related code was changed recently [21:31:40] since kugel's bugfixes with the theme engine [21:31:46] then again things seem to be somewhat consistently failing on windows, and we still don't know why [21:31:47] I have the classic rockbox files from your wiki as well, should I use those instead? I figured the dev version in their installer would work fine [21:31:49] it's really night and day [21:32:15] treaux: the dev version works much better for everyday use, just no for copying files [21:32:40] the one on our wiki is essentially the same as the fallback image, so I'd just use the fallback image for copying files until this gets sorted out [21:32:45] Ah gotcha. Ok, I enabled the fastboot into rockbox. How to I get back out to the emcore menu? [21:33:00] just press and hold any button during boot [21:38:42] Alright. That worked to load music. So when I go back to the main menu and launch rockbox, that should be the current version again? [21:40:46] ah yes, it appears to be the dev version again [21:41:11] Alright, well that works for now. Would be a lot easier if the dev version could show up like the fallback one does [21:41:16] Thanks for the help [21:41:28] btw, I remember trying HEAD on Windows after Saint mentionned the Windows problem [21:41:39] I managed to connect the iPod and copy files just fine, with Windows 7 [21:42:35] Excuse my ignorance, but what is HEAD? [22:03:05] treaux: the very latest Rockbox build [22:03:16] at any given time [22:03:41] i.e. this: http://build.rockbox.org/data/rockbox-ipod6g.zip [22:04:04] i.e. what the Rockbox Utility installs when you select "development build" or whatever it's labeled [22:05:08] Ah, well that should be what I have, though it's labeled as "iPod Video" on the build.rockbox.org site [22:05:17] uh, what? [22:05:20] no [22:05:35] Or maybe it's not on there at all [22:05:38] if you installed an iPod Video build on your Classic, that's really wrong [22:05:48] no, I used what the installer downloaded [22:05:51] I don't suppose it would even boot [22:05:56] the 6g version [22:06:08] I'm just looking at the dev page and it's not on there [22:06:11] the build.rockbox.org website doesn't list the Classic build at all [22:06:31] ah, well nm then [22:06:48] I had the 6g classic selected on the installer, so that should be correct right? [22:06:49] the iPod Video is a distinct iPod model [22:06:54] yes [22:07:06] ok, well good thing I used that then :P [22:07:17] I've been meaning to do this for years. Just got around to it today [22:07:45] hmmm btw, did you try connecting your iPod on a USB3 or USB2 port? [22:07:51] usb2 [22:07:55] I have a usb3 though [22:07:56] mmkay [22:08:39] I will try it again shortly after I'm done moving files. I noticed on the fallback version it still took a while for the drive to mount. Maybe I just didn't wait long enough with the latest version [22:09:03] I trust HEAD a lot more than the 2012 build [22:09:17] it's 2.5 years old [22:09:31] (that's the fallback image [22:09:33] ) [22:09:58] Ah, well I'm just using that to move files. The HEAD version should still be installed primarily, right? [22:10:12] if you used the installer, yes [22:10:33] It said 6e701d3 for it's version on the ipod [22:10:44] Which appears correct [22:11:05] yes [22:15:29] So I returned to the HEAD version of Rockbox and reconnected. Nothing has shown up so far. [22:15:52] it made the little sound when I plugged it in though and shows the USB cable on the ipod screen [22:18:18] on Windows? [22:18:24] it takes a bit of time on my laptop [22:18:25] Yep. Windows 7 [22:18:29] like 10-20 seconds, maybe [22:18:41] It's been over a minute [22:18:42] at least [22:18:53] on the fallback version it took about 20 seconds [22:28:40] Well, the important thing is it's working and it's not too tough to switch to the fall back version to move files. Thanks for the help. You guys really rock in general for doing this. My iPod classic has been pretty worthless to me lately as my flac collection has grown. Thanks!