[06:15:53] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:17:11] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:54:41] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p5088FA13.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [06:54:42] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B49A02.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [09:56:08] *** Joins: STeeF (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [18:33:24] *** Joins: utareet (5b98a5a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:33:58] hi, I wonder if anyone could help me with a problem in installing emcore to my 6th gen ipod classic [18:34:19] utareet: what kind of problem do you have? [18:34:44] I get to the stage where I can save the .ubi file to the TheSeven UMSboot volume [18:35:07] I do that and then eject the drive, then the ipod goes into a white screen and doesn't do anything [18:35:23] whoops, didn't mean to type TheSeven [18:35:36] autocomplete ;) [18:35:39] yeah :) [18:35:45] anyway... where exactly did you get that ubi file? [18:35:59] here http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 [18:36:00] (this behavior suggests that it might be corrupted) [18:36:18] hm [18:36:28] the screen is not completely white, it has a black border [18:36:29] can you re-download it just in case? [18:36:37] sure, wait a minute [18:38:25] re-downloaded & transferred, same result :( [18:39:31] ok, can you describe on more detail what the ipod is doing, what is on the screen, etc? [18:39:55] which umsboot version are you using? how are you ejecting it? does it show any reaction to ejecting? [18:40:30] on the screen there is a white rectangle which takes up an area of 2cm times 1cm [18:40:43] in the center [18:40:47] black on the outside [18:41:12] i'm not sure of my umsboot version, how do i find that out? [18:41:24] i'm ejecting the drive in the way described in the installation instructions [18:41:54] i don't have itunes installed, i used the driver in the winusb_driver zip-file [18:43:24] does the screen change in any way when you eject it? [18:43:24] bootstrap_ipodclassic.exe runs without a hitch, says DFU upload succesful or something [18:43:38] ipod boots in to the UMSboot screen, the version seems to be 0.0.1 r419 [18:43:44] do I understand correctly that the UMSboot drive can be accessed, but UMSboot never managed to display any text on the screen? [18:44:19] hm, that's a *really* old version [18:44:30] UMSboot drive can be accessed AND the ipod gives me the greeting "please copy a UBI file to the mass storage and safely eject and unplug it when you're done" [18:44:39] oh! well [18:44:59] that could be a factor in the issue [18:45:36] i downloaded the bootstrap_ipodclassic.exe from here: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUNoiTunes [18:45:44] * TheSeven wonders where we have newer ones for that (rarely used) installation method [18:46:37] utareet: might be easiest for now to use this method: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/InstalliTunesDrivers [18:46:39] I had a hard time doing anything with itunes installed, didn't get nearly this far [18:46:57] hm, interesting [18:47:06] people typially fail to install that winusb driver ;) [18:47:25] even though I killed all the itunes processes & services, the bootstrap still couldn't find my device [18:48:09] user890104: hm, did you ever get around to making a new windows non-itunes bootstrapper? [18:48:42] should i uninstall the winusb driver before installing the itunes driver? [18:49:46] can't hurt, but isn't strictly required [18:56:12] well, I installed the itunes driver, and now I'm once again at the point where bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe says it can't open the DFU device [18:56:38] what's the exact name of the device in the device manager? [18:57:08] apple mobile device usb driver [18:57:59] wait! now it connected! [18:58:03] on the second attempt [18:58:30] ...but the device is not showing up in my computer :D [18:59:04] ipod gives me the UMSboot v0.2.1 screen [18:59:41] but the UMSboot drive is nowhere to be found on my computer [19:02:35] i rebooted and now i got the drive to show! [19:06:10] success, i'm now installing rockbox! thanks a lot for troubleshooting :) [19:22:35] *** Quits: utareet (5b98a5a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. () [20:11:42] TheSeven: the non-itunes bootstrapper builds, but dfu upload fails [21:48:28] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@ (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:56:01] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7)