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[13:45:24] i can't see the UMSboot drive after opened the bootstrap_ipodclassic_itunes.exe, can you help me? [13:45:45] did the bootstrapper say that it successfully launched umsboot? [13:46:19] i can't remember the exact word, but i'm sure it says it aborted [13:46:38] should i do the process again? [13:47:49] ignore what it says in the command line window, just check what the message box says... [13:47:55] what's on the ipod's screen? [13:48:01] just black? then the bootstrapper didn't work [13:49:15] no, on the ipod screen it asked to put the UBI file in the mass storage device and safely eject it [13:49:30] but i can't put the UBI file because i can't see it in my computer [13:51:20] which umsboot version is that? [13:52:08] 0.2.1 [13:52:52] that's odd, it should work on all systems [13:53:33] which installation method did you use? [13:53:42] what is the device showing as in the windows device manager [13:53:52] its from this page http://freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes [13:54:56] device showing as USB mass storage device [13:55:10] but you're not seeing in explorer? [13:55:16] with yellow exclamation mark [13:55:24] yes but i can't see it in explorer [13:55:26] oh, why that? [13:55:37] which error message does it show in the device properties? [13:55:57] it just says "This Device cannot start (code 10)" [13:56:30] which driver does it use? [13:56:41] try disconnecting and reconnecting the ipdo [13:56:45] ipod* [13:57:01] oh is it ok? do i need to safely eject first? [13:57:19] not if it didn't start anyway [13:57:58] ok im disconnecting now [13:59:02] oh it worked [13:59:13] thanks a lot seven :D [14:38:41] *** Quits: FARIS (8bc0ae7c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [14:52:24] *** Joins: gelesztamas (50636f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [14:52:27] hi [14:56:29] *** Quits: gelesztamas (50636f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [15:06:32] *** Joins: gelesztamas (50636f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:06:42] i have a problem with my ipod nano 2g [15:08:06] <[Saint]> Well, this time, ask your question and don't disappear. [15:09:02] <[Saint]> As referenced by the topic: [15:09:03] <[Saint]> "DON'T leave after a few minutes because you think nobody is there!" [15:12:34] sorry [15:13:06] so my ipod shows emCORE Loader v0.2.0 r859 and i cant't do with it anything [15:13:19] i tried recovery mode [15:13:46] i tried uploading emcore installer [15:14:04] "Your iPod should launch the installer program. Follow the instructions on the screen to update your emCORE installation. " [15:14:26] but my ipod didn't launch the installer program [15:16:25] <[Saint]> TheSeven: any ideas? [15:16:56] nothing [15:17:35] "sudo python emcoreldr.py run installer-*.ubi" worked [15:18:04] but the screen shows still "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" [15:18:29] but no installing instructions [15:37:37] gelesztamas: any dots below the text? [15:37:51] no [15:38:07] can you try re-downloading the file, and redoing the procedure [15:38:18] also, what is the size of your ipod's hard disk? [15:38:27] ok, one moment [15:41:49] same [15:42:22] on the terminal everything is ok, but on the ipod "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" [15:43:49] ah, that's probably the LCD driver issue [15:44:09] what should I do? [15:44:22] wait for TheSeven to come online [15:44:29] okay [15:44:49] thanks for your help [15:44:49] also, why are you using emcore on nano 2g? to boot rockbox faster? [15:45:06] yes [15:45:27] do you have emcore.py in the same folder as emcoreldr.py? [15:45:37] <[Saint]> gelesztamas: Honestly, it isn;t worth it. [15:45:43] <[Saint]> Just Use the Rockbox bootloader. [15:46:00] <[Saint]> There's no reason for an end user to use emCORE on N2G [15:46:02] emcore.py is in the same folder [15:46:08] ok try this: [15:46:17] sudo python emcore.py getprocinfo [15:46:22] then open http://paste.pm [15:46:28] and paste the output there [15:46:32] and post a link [15:47:09] <[Saint]> The primary reason to not use emCORE on N2G is that if you do, we can't give you support for Rockbox until you verify the issue with the Rockbox bootlaoder anyway. [15:47:25] <[Saint]> Honestly, the difference in boot time is pretty much imperceptible, too. [15:47:35] <[Saint]> Its like a second. [15:47:54] http://paste.pm/he2.js [15:49:04] uhm, you have pyusb, right? [15:49:11] yes [15:49:19] it doesn't find it for some reason [15:49:22] <[Saint]> I should probably make a note on the wiki that an end user almost certainly doesn't want to, or need to, install emCORE on a Nano2G [15:50:18] <[Saint]> user890104: I'm guessing that its a fucking between python versions, as in, not specifically specifying the python version during making pyusb [15:50:27] ah, i see [15:50:30] <[Saint]> *a fuckup [15:50:37] how did emcoreldr work then :) [15:51:23] <[Saint]> emcoreldr doesn't care about the python version, does it? [15:52:20] i don't remember, haven't used it in ages [15:53:18] <[Saint]> Oh - hmmm...maybe that's not it. [15:53:48] <[Saint]> we don't seem to have version-specific *.py scripts anymore. [15:54:17] <[Saint]> gelesztamas: can you give us the result of "python -V" please? [15:54:30] 2.7.6 [15:54:46] <[Saint]> Hmmm. [15:54:52] <[Saint]> Well, I'm stumped then. [16:00:00] what now? [16:01:04] <[Saint]> Exactly the same as the last time you asked that question. [16:01:15] <[Saint]> [00:44:09] what should I do? [16:01:15] <[Saint]> [00:44:23] wait for TheSeven to come online [16:49:07] hm [16:51:16] the paste looks like you have pyusb 0.4.x instead of 1.0.x [16:51:52] gelesztamas: can you describe in more detail what exactly you did and how all this trouble started? [16:52:16] I installed rockbox and emcore [16:52:41] (nano 2g) [16:52:58] so the boot menu never really worked on your ipod, but the installer apparently did during initial installation? [16:53:11] never [16:53:45] when i turn on the ipod, its a text on the screen: "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" [16:54:05] and i can't do anything [16:54:16] does an apple logo show before that? [16:54:25] no [16:54:44] hm, how did you even manage to install it? [16:54:45] but i can start the recovery mode [16:55:06] did the installer fail to display anything as well? [16:55:18] (beyond that single line) [16:55:43] i installed it long time ago, i don't remember what did i do [16:56:19] but i tried this: http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/Troubleshooting [16:56:49] and when i upload an emcore installer, it doesn't work [16:57:32] yes, that's a known bug, I just don't get how you even managed to get into this state without a working installer [16:57:33] i ran the "python emcoreldr.py run installer-*.ubi" command, but nothing happened [16:58:37] is there any solution? [16:59:18] really nothing? no error messages? no output? no change on the ipod display? ("loader" going away) [17:00:06] "emCORE v0.2.3 r859" [17:00:23] ok, so an installer started, but it's broken [17:00:45] may i try an older build? [17:01:18] try using the one that apparently worked back when you managed to initially install it [17:01:36] I guess you don't have a boot flash backup of that device? [17:01:53] no, i don't [17:02:13] did you remove the apple firmware partition during installation? [17:04:18] basic steps: boot diskmode somehow, restore the firmware partition if required [17:04:33] then run the uninstaller app through the debug interfacd [17:04:39] interface* [17:05:25] I'm typing on my phone right now, so I can't easily guide through that in detail, but I guess user890104 might [17:05:39] in case of trouble I'm available [17:05:58] i tried r708 build [17:06:01] same problem [17:06:15] but now it shows "emCORE v0.2.2 r708" [17:06:55] and i think i removed the firmware partition [17:07:01] follow the steps that I mentioned above, emcore just won't work right on your device, it has trouble drawing graphics to the display [17:08:51] i can not go into disk mode [17:10:34] you'll need to either use the boot menu blindly, or run it through the debug interfacd [17:10:48] interface* (damn phone keyboard) [17:11:14] i have no debug interface [17:12:07] and i can't use the boot menu blindly, because it never worked for me [17:12:58] disk mode is when "do not disconnect" appears? [17:13:08] yes [17:13:20] success [17:13:35] now i have to restore the firmware partition. how? [17:13:35] now restore it using itunes [17:13:39] itunes [17:14:12] now i'm on linux, i'll be back soon [17:27:27] sorry, i have to go [17:27:38] thank you guys for your help [17:27:47] i'll try to restore the firmware partition [17:27:51] bye [17:32:07] *** Quits: gelesztamas (50636f2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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