[00:33:28] *** Joins: jamieboy322 (d49f2f49@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:35:19] hi i have a problem with installing emcore on my 7th generation ipod classic i restored my ipod then i plug the ipod into the computer and hold menu and the middle button and it boots into bsmboot but the drive doesnt show up on the computer for me to put the file on to it [00:51:39] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:54:02] jamieboy322: which installation method? itunes installed or not? which umsboot version? [00:56:35] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@2a01:e34:ee29:12b0::10) [00:57:29] i used the free my ipod most recent version method of emcore i had it installed before but i read a different guide and thought i could use a stable version of rock box [00:57:49] and ye ive got itunes installed [01:04:09] ill be back later if u can help that would be really good [01:08:37] jamieboy322: which umsboot version? [01:08:40] 0.2.x? [01:09:07] if that doesn't connect, then I guess you've messed up something with the drivers on that system [01:09:23] in that case try copying the UBI file from another (clean) computer if possible [01:09:47] we've also seen some reports that, for whatever reason, umsboot sometimes only connects after disconnecting and reconnecting the ipod [01:09:58] this doesn't make much sense, but might be worth trying [06:11:08] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:12:17] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:49:55] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p57B492A3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [06:49:56] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B4810C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:57:46] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Remote host closed the connection) [07:00:57] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:28:05] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Quit: Quit.) [14:28:21] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:29:25] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Client Quit) [14:29:48] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [14:32:37] *** Parts: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) () [14:33:12] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [22:43:41] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p57B495E8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [22:46:33] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B4810C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [22:52:22] *** Joins: Apple_is_the_vil (adf6073f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [22:54:02] Hello ! I hope everyone is doing allright. It's my first time going your wonderful walk-through to use EmCORE to install Rockbonx on my 6th gen classic 160gb. Everything was goins well until this step: [22:54:20] "Press and hold the menu and select buttons for between 10 and 15 seconds. The iPod will show an apple logo after about 5 seconds, keep holding the buttons until it seems to turn off completely The display of your iPod should now stay black, and a new USB device called "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" should connect to your PC" [22:55:05] what exactly is happening? [22:55:25] When the screen turns blanck, the drive audibly spins off, and although there was some driver installed, is was named something like "apple mobile device" and I see no new device connecting to My computer [22:55:29] using wind 7 x64 [22:55:47] it shouldn't show up in explorer, just in the device manager [22:56:00] just try to run the bootstrapper tool and see if it complains [22:56:32] ah okay I thought i'd lauch it but I just wanted to hold and ask [22:56:45] just to make sure, under which item does it appear in the dev. man ? [22:56:59] I *think* under USB controllers, but I'm not sure [22:57:11] okay I'm looking [22:57:26] the bootstrapper will tell you if it can't find it [22:57:50] yeah if it's listed it has a generic name. okay I'm launching the bootstrapper [22:58:10] all of this is amazing by the way, thank you so much to you and your people [22:58:16] glorious liberators of apple [22:58:25] I am full of joy and gratitude [22:58:31] ^_^ [23:02:11] hum, the bootstrapper reported success. THen a driver started installing but failed after 30sec. The screen of the apple is now on, black and says "UMSboot v0.2.1 - please copy a UBI file... etc. Sooo... I suppose I'm ready to proceed to the next step? [23:04:59] although...... explorer is not showing the 64mb USMboot drive, I suppose because there was a problem installing the drivers, so no it does not seem I can proceed [23:06:37] Additional info: I had just rebooted, but I did not take the care to turn off my antivirus (as is sometimes recommended for driver installations) and I have not tried a different USB port yet. I'm holding there [23:09:05] yet more info: I see the new USB mass storage device in the device manager, it has a "!" icon and in properties it says "Device status: this device cannot start (Code 10)" [23:25:29] My feeling is that I nee to reboot my PC and/or my iPod and try again from the Apple Recovery DFU step, but I will wait for confirmation before doing anything. I'll be here until 4:45 PM [23:34:59] TheSeven: isn't there a 0.2.2 version of umsboot? [23:35:14] that fixed the usb issues [23:35:44] user890104: I think that fixed LCD issues [23:35:52] possibly that win8 indexer problem [23:36:01] but USB issues? were there any in 0.2.1? [23:36:14] ah, the indexing service. right [23:36:46] Apple_is_the_vil: does disconnecting and reconnecting the ipod help? [23:37:47] I'll try that [23:38:38] I have windows 7 as I said higher up (it's okay [user890104] it's a while up) and I do have the indexing service running, maybe I can turn it off temporarily [23:39:01] Apple_is_the_vil: it won't interfere on win7, and it only interferes at a later step on win8 [23:39:15] okay [23:39:18] OH BOY OH BOY [23:39:22] I see the USM boot [23:39:28] so reconnecting did in fact help? [23:39:30] in explorer [23:39:52] we had quite a few reports of similar behavior recently, but I can't really think of a possible cause for this... [23:39:53] wouldn't you know, disconnect/reconnect does the trick ("have you tried turning off and on again" classic) [23:39:58] haha [23:40:20] this apparently needs some more testing on windows [23:40:35] oh well, it will be ripped out pretty soon anyway (hopefully) [23:41:20] Meanwhile I was trying to find the DFU drivers on shady 3rd party driver sites and as always it was proving to be a nightmare of spam and malware, luckily this worked [23:41:34] okay I'm proceeding with the next step then [23:42:04] Apple_is_the_vil: apparently you misunderstood the instructions, expecting the DFU device to show up in explorer. [23:42:12] can you think of a way to improve the instructions to avoid that? [23:43:53] well... I think just a note like "for some users, DFU driver installation reported as failed by Windows at first, even though the iPod screen reported UMSboot ready. Disconnecting and reconnecting the device made the drivers install successfurry" [23:43:59] you know, something like that. [23:44:21] hm, you're mixing up even more things here [23:44:40] did you attempt to install a DFU driver for the UMSboot device? [23:44:49] DFU is only the very first step, until you run the bootstrapper [23:45:02] Oh and while we're at it, the instructions as they are (http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/DFUiTunes) assume you have iTunes installed, which is not the case if you followed method 2 initially (device drivers only). I cannot possibly have the process "iTunes helper.spam" running because I have no iTunes [23:45:08] everything after that is UMSboot, and that should behave like a regular thumbdrive (and thus not need any driver) [23:45:34] most users should see the process simply absent when asked to terminate it, and be satisfied, but still it creates a little dissonance in the mind [23:45:39] if you're using one of the first two methods ("install itunes" or "install itunes drivers"), you don't need to actually install any driver manually [23:46:00] only the last one needs manual selection and installation of a driver using device manager [23:46:32] oh sorry I missed a few lines [23:46:42] these processes are not part of itunes itself, but one of its services [23:47:04] I did not attempt to install anything manually, I'm just saying I had been *searching for the drivers before you guys told me to unplug/plug [23:47:07] so if you followed method 2, there's a chance that you see iPodService.exe or AppleMobileService.exe [23:47:33] I was just complaining how terrible the act of searching for 3rd-party driver sites always is. Really glad I did not need to go through that [23:48:24] no, you really don't need to do this. in case you need apple's drivers for some reason, just follow method 2 [23:48:39] it would do exactly that - install apple's drivers [23:49:10] thanks user890104 [23:49:17] I'M proceeding with the rest now [23:49:39] oh also, you said "if you followed method 2, there's a chance that you see iPodService.exe or AppleMobileService.exe" [23:49:43] I did not think that was possible. Don't worry I made sure that there was no service from apple running [23:49:53] Apple_is_the_vil: you basically *never* need to look at these malware "driver search" sites. if whatever you're looking for exists at all, it definitely won't be there. [23:50:46] @TheSeven: totally, such spam it's terrible [23:50:50] installing the file from step 2 and rebooting might get you some apple services [23:51:02] they just didn't get a chance to run right after installing [23:51:25] oh yeah I recall the "service failed to start" popup [23:51:36] yes, it fails for some reason [23:51:54] I though nothing of it but it's true it indicated they installed and only failed to *run [23:52:05] probably missing some required files [23:52:21] but we don't need the service anyway, just the (signed) drivers [23:52:24] Still, Apple services are very pernicious [23:53:40] okay, you guys (or guys) are the awesomest people I've talked to today, thank you so much for your availability. I have to go now, but I'll try the rest tonight. I hope I do not have to come back here, because everything will go well with the marvelous instructions available [23:54:01] thank you thank you thank you, and have a good evening [23:54:02] uhm, how far did you get? [23:54:57] " uhm, how far did you get?" not more than having the 64mb UMS device appear, since I was monitoring your replies here hehehe [23:55:03] I'M confident about the rest [23:55:08] gotta go ! ! ! [23:55:13] thanks again ! ! ! [23:55:16] *** Quits: Apple_is_the_vil (adf6073f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)