[00:38:58] *** Joins: rgame (6008a6da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [00:40:12] Trying to remove emcore from ipod classic. No matter how long I hold down Select and Menu i NEVER see apple logo :-( Any ideas on how to proceed? [00:41:05] do exactly what the instructions say [00:41:21] they don't say anything about an apple logo, they say something about a black screen and 12 seconds [00:45:57] OK - says I should see USB DFU Device connect to PC - this does not seem to happen [00:46:33] does the PC show any sign of something connecting? such as the device connected sound? [00:46:44] do you have itunes running? [00:47:07] no - itunes is not running [00:47:40] then start it and check if it recognizes the ipod [00:49:12] user890104: maybe we should rework the instructions, so that they tell the user to start itunes before entering DFU. while that technically isn't necessary, it might avoid some confusion for users who are looking for the device in the wrong place, such as windows explorer [00:50:12] Where should I see DFU? [00:50:28] in the device manager, probably in the "usb controllers" section [00:50:49] thats where I am looking :-) [00:51:04] user890104: also, in the nano2g uninstall instructions, "If you removed the firmware partition during the installation, you'll be prompted to restore with iTunes after uninstalling emCORE." is complete nonsense. restoring is a prerequisite to uninstalling, and it will just boot up normally after a completed uninstallation [00:51:13] rgame: so itunes doesn't see it? [00:51:31] the ipod's screen is just black? [00:52:01] does the PC show *any* reaction if you disconnect and reconnect the ipod? such as a notification sound, the device manager refreshing, itunes doing something, ... [00:52:15] itunes does not see it and nor does the PC [00:52:19] nope [00:52:27] just having another go [00:52:40] make sure the hold switch is unlocked, and press any button on the ipod [00:52:47] if it's in DFU mode, it should *not* react to that [00:52:55] if it starts up emcore, it wasn't in DFU more [00:55:31] hold is off and it does not react to button presses [00:55:41] but neither is it seen by PC [00:58:27] now I plugged the ipod with black screen into a different USB port and PC binged at me and installed Apple Mobile Device USB driver [00:59:52] but itunes still doesn't see it? [01:00:21] correct [01:01:19] that's very odd, and sounds more like a PC-side problem than an ipod-side one [01:01:49] did you by any chance stop the apple mobile device service? [01:01:58] you have to do that during installation, but not during uninstallation [01:02:35] ok - i stopped itunes then unplugged ipod and plugged it back in and i get:- "The iPod software update server could not be contacted" [01:03:01] ok, so it's at least seeing something now [01:03:05] which itunes version is that? [01:03:34] there are reports that itunes >9.2.1 has problems with old ipods, although the most recent itunes version seemed to work just fine when I tested it [01:03:42] - from one of the many intrauctions i have read :-) [01:03:56] ok - ill upgrade and try again [01:11:36] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:12:12] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [01:13:09] sorry, lost my internet connection [01:14:35] did you say anything after ok - ill upgrade and try again? [01:16:12] no i did not - but the latest itunes appears to be running the ipod restore!! [01:17:36] which exact ipod model is that? [01:17:59] I think it could be possible that the problem with newer itunes versions only affects the very old ipod classics [01:18:13] i.e. 80GB and 160GB thich model, possibly 120GB as well [01:18:24] thick* [01:18:25] 160Gb [01:18:37] 160GB thin might be unaffected as it's the newest generation [01:19:03] this is a few years old - i think when it started restore it said it was 2009 model [01:19:19] it has worked!! [01:19:33] many thanks for your help [01:20:29] from this I would say always use USB 2.0 port and use latest itunes version. [02:09:45] *** Quits: rgame (6008a6da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [03:43:37] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [03:44:30] *** Parts: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) () [03:46:24] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [03:47:35] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Quit: Quit.) [03:59:13] *** Joins: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [06:36:28] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p57B48DC7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:39:27] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B4994E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [06:53:25] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:55:19] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [12:54:49] *** Quits: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) (*.net *.split) [12:54:56] *** Joins: jan_bee (~some@vpn.janbeerden.be) [21:50:20] *** Joins: jpothi (cdbd95c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:51:54] hi I have an IPOD classic 80 GB and I am not able to get my ipod to go into DFU mode. I have followed every step carefully. The screen goes blank and there is a final vibration, then I let go of the menu and selct button. The Apple logo comes on and it boots normally. How do I get it to go into DFU mode? thanks [22:02:18] jpothi: if that happens, it either isn't connected to a PC or you're getting the timing wrong [22:02:38] press and hold menu+select for 12 seconds while it's connected to USB, and it will just have a black screen afterwards, no apple logo [23:21:25] it is connected to the computer, it even shows on itunes. Ofcourse I close itunes, also kill the two process that is mentioned in the guide. when do I let go of the two buttons? or do I just count to 12 secs and let go? [23:22:41] just count 12 seconds [23:22:58] (actually it needs to be between 10 and 15) [23:24:16] after 5 seconds the ipod will start to reboot (apple logo), after 10 seconds the screen should go just black, then you have to let go of the buttons. if you continue holding them for another 5 seconds, the apple logo will come up again, and it will start up normally [23:49:16] I tried this several times. But it does not work for me. There is a clear apple log at 5 secs and then there is a vibration and the screen is totally blank in the next 5 secs or so. I let go and the apple logo appears instantly and it boots normally. [23:51:39] this suggests that you're holding the buttons too long