[06:33:29] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p57B48E04.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:36:33] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p5088F191.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:40:15] *** Joins: Franciszke (59446ddd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:40:25] Hello! [09:40:51] Is there any fine gentleman around to assist me with my troublesome emCORE installation on Ipod classic 160gb 6.5gen? [09:42:48] *** Quits: Franciszke (59446ddd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [09:43:00] *** Joins: Franciszke (59446ddd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [09:47:17] Franciszke: which step are you havving issues with? [09:47:29] H:\ [09:47:31] UMSBOOT [09:47:34] 64MB [09:47:37] I copy the files [09:47:41] The folder is empty [09:47:49] rockbox-ipod6gb.zip [09:47:52] I unzip this to root [09:48:06] Ok, again [09:48:09] From the beggining [09:48:12] in UMSboot you are supposed to put ONLY the installer-ipodclassic.ubi file [09:48:19] you install rockbox later [09:48:23] Got it, but listen to that [09:48:36] UMSBOOT is not launching and showing up in the computer until I use the client boostrapper [09:48:40] and only then it pops up [09:48:49] yes, this is what should happen [09:48:56] and on the client bootstraper I get error 31 A device attached to the system is not functioning [09:49:00] this is ok [09:49:06] Okay, so now I put the ubi file [09:49:09] yes [09:49:21] then click Back, and right-click on H: [09:49:25] and select Eject [09:49:47] do not use Safely remove from the system tray (near the clock) [09:49:53] because it won't work [09:50:02] Aight [09:50:03] I ejected it [09:50:11] I see the emcore installer now [09:50:13] on the ipod [09:50:16] great [09:50:17] after ejecting! [09:50:22] you're halfway there [09:50:35] follow the instructions to the end [09:50:39] So now I'll j follow the instructions [09:50:43] and If I get any error I'll come here [09:51:02] or you can just atay a minute or two, until you reach the end [09:51:04] So basically I decided to use rockbox software because my Ipod would freeze my itunes to death (I7 3.5ghz 32gb ram spec) [09:51:10] it shouldn't take you more than that [09:51:36] and once in 100 tries when it wouldnt do that, it would synch, say its corrupted, reinstall [09:51:41] and the problem would still occur [09:51:41] that could indicate a hardware problem in the ipod, or bad USB connection [09:51:50] more likely hard disk issues [09:52:08] that's how these devices usually fail [09:52:12] Is there any way to check HDD [09:52:14] yes [09:52:16] like black sector scan [09:52:17] or smthn [09:52:22] did you start the installation? [09:52:33] Nah, im on it [09:52:35] brb! [09:52:38] i mean, getting past the welcome screen? [09:52:49] if you didn't, just hold menu+select [09:52:52] so the ipod reboots [09:53:11] and *immdediately* after it reboots, start holding PREV+SELECT [09:53:20] until you get to the diagnostics menu [09:53:56] Let me finish the rockbox installation first, I had a night infront of computer [09:54:01] Im in the bootmenu [09:54:02] Yey [09:54:13] you don't have diagnostics mode now :) [09:54:20] that's why i asked if you started it [09:54:59] the space is very tight, so we take out the parts of apple's firmware that we don't need [09:55:39] if you want to access diagnostics mode, you need to restore the ipod with itunes (which will wipe out emcore and erase the hard disk again) [09:56:01] then you can access it using the key combo i wrote earlier [09:56:11] then you can redo the installation of emcore [09:56:54] basicly, you can go back and forth, unless you have something important on the HDD [09:57:08] Nothing of importance [09:57:20] on the HDD, I will see if it works smoothly with emcore [09:57:34] we're preparing a new version that will be able to install/uninstall without wiping all data [09:57:50] I believe the original firmware was corrupted, and when it was reapplied with Itunes it was just partially reinstalled [09:57:54] and be able to switch between emcore, rockbox and apple's firmware from the boot menu [09:57:59] Sounds nice! [09:58:10] Okay, I've ran my rockbox for the first time [09:58:13] now in the tutorial it sais [09:58:14] Download and run Rockbox Utility [09:58:22] but Its .rockbox folder [09:58:29] in the rockbox utility, and nothing more [09:58:41] what am I supposed to do? Move it to the ipodclassic drive? [09:58:48] Or am I missing something? [09:58:53] which files did you download from the Releases page? [09:59:08] the tutorial has been updated, you don't need to download rockbox.zip [09:59:11] http://www.head-fi.org/t/532426/ipod-classic-rockbox-its-happening [09:59:24] you can install it using rockbox utility [09:59:30] unless you want to use a custom build [09:59:37] #installation #4 [10:00:08] I've downloaded their rockbox build [10:00:12] for 6gen [10:00:18] and inside of it there is folder .rockbox [10:00:24] Were am I supposed to put it in? [10:00:25] .apps? [10:00:42] no, in the root folder, next to .apps [10:00:45] not inside [10:00:46] Sure [10:03:05] It seems to be working! [10:03:09] Were am I supposed to put music? [10:03:27] Making a new folder in root called "music" will do the trick? [10:03:32] yes [10:03:35] Great! [10:03:51] So basically [10:03:55] mp3 m4a4 flac [10:03:57] all supported? [10:03:57] you can have music wherever you like, just don't put in any folder that begins with a dot (.rockbox, .apps) [10:04:14] I'm very glad for your wisdom [10:04:15] basicly everything you can play on your computer should be supported [10:04:21] ^___^ [10:04:24] Thanks man [10:04:40] I apprecciate your help [10:04:48] you're welcome [10:05:20] Oh the feeling of being free [10:05:22] from Apple software [10:05:31] is a highlight of 2014 [10:05:31] for me [10:05:32] haha [10:06:05] http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/SoundCodecs [10:07:16] It couldnt be so easyt [10:07:21] I see no files [10:07:25] When I navigate [10:07:26] to folder [10:07:30] in which there were supposed to be [10:08:04] Ok [10:08:06] Works like a charm [10:08:08] after restarting [10:08:09] silly me [10:08:44] Were can I get all those skins for rockbox? :'D [10:09:02] you can download rockbox utility [10:09:09] and use it to install only themes [10:09:21] be sure to uncheck the other options [10:09:49] or you can download them manually at http://themes.rockbox.org/index.php?target=ipod6g [10:09:59] and extract them just like you did with rockbox [10:10:32] my favourite is Googley-Classic-Blue [10:10:48] i have to go, goodbye [10:12:09] if you have any rockbox-related questions, please join #rockbox and ask there [10:12:18] Thanks again! [10:12:24] Im in your eternal debt [10:12:28] See you around! [13:59:22] *** Quits: Franciszke (59446ddd@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [17:45:43] *** Quits: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [17:48:24] *** Joins: Elfish (amba@2001:1608:12:1:13:3:3:7) [19:11:22] *** Joins: jkbuha (574a4992@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [19:12:21] hi all - bit of a noob question - I'm trying to compile the latest emcore from svn (968) via build-tree.sh [19:12:58] but the compilation always fails at freemyipod/apps/diskmode/usb.c [19:13:23] usb.c:33: error: unknown field ‘number’ specified in initializer [19:13:36] does anyone know the (probably obvious) issue to this? [19:29:11] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [19:32:34] *** Quits: jkbuha (574a4992@gateway/web/freenode/ip. 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