[02:53:31] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;)) [02:57:41] *** Joins: kryptonmod (470d1725@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:57:42] hello [02:58:49] so, i was wondering how do we install a build? i know there is a automatic tool, but the ipod nano 4g only has raw builds, so what do i do? [02:59:55] <[Saint]> you don't do anything, because the Nano 4 G offers absolutely nothing to an end user. [03:00:05] <[Saint]> It is absolutely 100% useless to an end user. [03:00:51] <[Saint]> We can't access the device storage at all...so, yeah. Its really only good for playing with if you intend to develop the port further. [03:01:02] <[Saint]> Which I'm guessing isn't the case. [03:01:09] I'm aware that's it's usless, but i would like to port it further [03:02:19] <[Saint]> talk to user890104 or TheSeven, because you'll need to setup the toolchain and its fairly non-trivial. [03:02:43] <[Saint]> (you'll need to be able to build for the target device for any of this to be of any use to you or anyone else) [03:03:41] <[Saint]> AFAIK, though, we're pretty much fucked for the 4G unless we can talk to the storage. [03:04:04] <[Saint]> The main problem with it is that its an obscure device that no active developer I'm aware of owns. [03:04:19] <[Saint]> It failed hilariously badly in sales. [03:06:32] there's already a build for the boot menu, and all i want to do is exploit and port further. i just want a way to install the already avalible build of the boot menu. I know some one has, as it's pictured on the main page. [03:07:46] speciffically build r899 [03:08:30] <[Saint]> right - but surely you realize that you'll need to actually be able to compile a workable binary in order to develop further? [03:08:47] yeah, exactly [03:09:23] compileing the .c and .h files correct? [03:10:26] i can do that. i just need to know the steps after that. [03:10:35] <[Saint]> additionally - there's no need for a further exploit. If we didn't have a workable exploit we wouldn't be having this conversation. [03:10:49] <[Saint]> What is needed is an accurate understanding of the hardware. [03:11:12] <[Saint]> Without datasheets, ... :-/ [03:11:29] damn apple. [03:11:37] <[Saint]> Certainly possible, but its hundreds of man hours of reverse engineering. [03:11:59] <[Saint]> (nope - really not joking) [03:13:42] we know it's possible. it's pictured on the front page. I atleast want to get to that first step. [03:13:55] (The boot menu) [03:14:33] <[Saint]> Its possible to boot emcore on it and execute arbitrary code, but, that's it. [03:14:50] And that's what I want to do. [03:17:17] <[Saint]> You'd need to talk to either TheSeven (project leader), or user890104, to get started. There's a reason why we don't expose installation instructions for this target. [03:17:42] <[Saint]> If we didn't we'd have no end of support requests from people who want Rockbox and don't understand why they can't have it. [03:20:04] OK.I understand why you wouldn't want to release it.I knew Rockbox isn't compatible any ways. should i wait till their online or should i shoot them a e-mail or what? [03:20:05] <[Saint]> You have a modern debian based host OS to work from, I take it? [03:20:36] Ubuntu 14.04, so... yeah. [03:20:39] <[Saint]> you can idle here if you prefer, it is likely the fastest way of getting in contact with TheSeven [03:20:56] ok [03:21:17] <[Saint]> Good. Just thought I'd ask. Some people don't understand why Windows just isn't a suitable development environment. [03:23:07] Ok, does a VM work? My full-on ubuntu workstation kinda crapped out a few days ago. [03:23:22] <[Saint]> A virtual machine will work, sure. [03:24:53] Ok. Stuck on Windows 8.1 for the moment. The pain... Except for out of the box Broadcom drivers.... That's nice. [03:25:45] * [Saint] doeswn't think anything about Broadcom is nice. [03:25:46] <[Saint]> :) [03:26:37] <[Saint]> Asshole company with asshole ethics that only started pretending it cared about FOSS when the raspberrypi hit 2M sales. [03:26:50] * [Saint] shakes a fist [03:27:33] Most of the time I'm like "Fuck it. Not installing Linux drivers this time. I'll just use the USB wifi dongle" [03:32:22] <[Saint]> If you have hardware that's more than ~4y old, you're almost guaranteed to have _some_ form of fuckery migrating to linux. [03:32:47] <[Saint]> be it GPU, WiFi, Bluetooth, or touchpad. [05:39:03] *** Quits: kryptonmod (470d1725@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:22:40] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:23:51] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [06:44:06] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p57B49667.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:47:14] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B49DA6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [09:18:33] * user890104 is going to make a n4g bootmenu .ubi, just to make those people happy [09:18:58] fun fact: they can't even control the bootmenu, as there's no clickwheel driver :P [09:20:52] <[Saint]> argh. [09:20:52] <[Saint]> the fucker left. [09:20:55] * [Saint] finds it hard to communicate to users that, no, you can't do ANYthing useful with this. [09:20:57] <[Saint]> I try. [09:21:00] <[Saint]> Boy do I try... [09:21:08] <[Saint]> They seem to think that its just a case of no one trying. [14:23:27] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [14:32:16] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [15:48:38] *** Joins: dan__ (5b736b32@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [15:48:44] hello guys [15:49:09] I´m searching for the newest emcore-installer (r968) but I´cant find it [15:49:58] and the latest builds, have failed at: http://builds.freemyipod.org [16:32:01] *** Quits: dan__ (5b736b32@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:19:00] *** Joins: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) [19:06:25] *** Quits: benedikt93 (~benedikt9@unaffiliated/benedikt93) (Quit: Bye ;))