[01:06:53] *** Joins: [Saint_] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) [01:11:02] *** Quits: [Saint] (~saint@rockbox/staff/saint) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [01:12:04] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:13:18] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [02:01:09] *** [Saint_] is now known as [Saint] [06:15:32] *** Joins: steffengy (~quassel@p5088F130.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:18:40] *** Quits: steffengy1 (~quassel@p5088FA06.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:55:06] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [06:56:26] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:07:40] *** Joins: draft (~draft@83-245-226-15-nat-p.elisa-mobile.fi) [09:08:15] howdy [09:13:21] *** Quits: draft (~draft@83-245-226-15-nat-p.elisa-mobile.fi) (Quit: leaving) [09:14:10] *** Joins: draft (draft@irc.disharmony.fi) [11:18:06] *** Quits: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) (Quit: !sucide) [13:47:01] *** Joins: APLU (~mulx@eva.aplu.fr) [21:49:44] *** Joins: naDYa (d9e9cc9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [21:49:51] hi [21:50:08] *** naDYa is now known as Guest18384 [21:51:30] is it possible to revert the "reduce cpu voltage" change in the emcore-installer for ipodclassics ? [21:54:30] huh? [21:54:48] why that? I'm not sure if the current versions even reduce the voltage anymore [21:55:09] at least I haven't heard of any trouble with that for several years now [22:09:04] :) the oldest release is a few years old ;) [22:09:23] thatswhy i wondered nothing to find about that [22:10:58] and in the lastest release (http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r692) the voltage reduction is mentioned [22:11:54] im asking because my ipod 6g slim runns just about 6hours or so [22:12:26] nothing compared to the stock running times up to 20hours... [22:13:25] but to be fair I didnt tested the releases before the reduction was implemented [22:14:15] r692 isn't the latest release [22:14:46] anyway, do you really care about power consumption while the boot menu is running? [22:15:18] if you're having with battery runtime, I guess you're talking about rockbox, not emCORE [22:15:27] ok now Im feeling stupid [22:15:32] :) [22:15:53] a >3 times difference between the original firmware and rockbox is not normal at all though [22:16:12] the difference is typically below 20%, and in some situations rockbox is even outperforming the original firmware [22:16:47] are both (6 hours rockbox, 20 hours original firmware) fairly recent measurements, or could the battery be going bad? [22:17:24] what does your typical usage pattern look like? (audio codec, much seeking/skipping, LCD active time, ...) [22:20:25] the 20 hours original fw were actually taken from user measurements on the internet not from my device. the 6hours were with mp3 320kbits and a few flac files. I usually listen to an album and after that looing for another one... [22:25:34] i will just replace the battery and try again. [22:25:43] thanks for your help [22:25:45] :) [22:25:46] by [22:25:47] e [22:25:51] *** Quits: Guest18384 (d9e9cc9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed)