[02:11:43] *** Joins: jebus (62d9c6fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [02:11:52] hello [02:13:27] i was wondering if anyone had any experience with an ipod classic/sd card mod that wont go into DFU mode [03:49:03] *** Quits: jebus (62d9c6fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:12:04] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p5088F8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [06:12:05] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p5088FDD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [06:52:29] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [06:53:26] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [13:27:58] *** Joins: bogd (6d672e60@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [13:28:05] hello [13:28:12] can anyone help me? [13:28:42] i want to install an alternative os on my ipod classic [13:31:35] *** Quits: bogd (6d672e60@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [16:24:33] *** Joins: kabbage (6d4303fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:25:09] Hi. I just got "Error 800000005 while reading BBT" on boot [16:25:15] Anyone know what to do? [16:25:16] Thanks [16:25:25] (iPod Classic 2G) [16:26:36] (emCORE r899M) [16:27:00] kabbage: what did you do before that? [16:27:14] any signs of issues with the HDD in the past? [16:27:51] No issues [16:28:06] Worked fine, recently ran out of battery so I connected it to PC USB [16:28:32] to charge. A day or two later, I unplug it and that's that [16:29:05] and that happens reproducibly, every time you try to boot it? [16:29:12] Indeed [16:29:29] does the HDD spin up? [16:29:53] I assume this is the original Toshiba iPod HDD, not some modded one? [16:30:17] Yup, no mods [16:30:25] The HDD does spin up [16:30:33] Sounds like it does, anyway [16:31:05] Any way to get to recovery mode? [16:31:21] so you can hear the motor starting to spin, but no clicking noise or anything? [16:32:18] Loud click when it just starts up, then the motor starts to spin, tiny clicks similar to the ones my PC's HDD's makes when it starts [16:32:21] Then nothing [16:34:19] hm, the first loud click seems suspicious, never heard an ipod drive produce any clicking before the motor has fully spun up [16:34:49] anyway, try to upgrade to the latest development build, so that we get a better error message: http://theseven.homenet.org/~theseven/tmp/installer-ipodclassic.ubi [16:35:06] I think the click has to do with the reboot [16:35:14] Not the HDD. Maybe the display [16:36:14] How do I install it, though, if I can't get to UMSboot? [16:36:16] hm [16:36:28] so the emcore boot menu doesn't come up at all? [16:36:55] Nope, straight to the error [16:37:16] I would have expected the boot menu to come up after showing that error briefly [16:37:28] any other messages, such as "no usable boot options" or something? [16:37:36] nada [16:37:41] what happens if you press and hold the left and right side of the click wheel while booting? [16:39:15] Nothing [16:39:37] ok, then try upgrading through DFU mode [16:39:51] basically follow the initial installation instructions, just with the above ubi file [16:40:22] "The iPod will show an apple logo after about 5 seconds, keep holding the buttons until it seems to turn off completely The display of your iPod should now stay black, and a new USB device called "Apple Recovery (DFU) USB Driver" should connect to your PC." [16:40:26] So ignore that? [16:40:58] it will instead show the emcore boot screen [16:41:10] but otherwise the instructions are the same [16:44:10] "Could not open DFU device!" [16:44:36] Oh, wait [16:44:43] Yes! Okay, I'm in UMSboot [16:44:49] Thanks. Trying the new ubi [16:48:54] Ejected and UMSboot is still there [16:49:02] Should I just reboot using Menu+Select? [16:51:02] Just did, still shows the same version (r899M), still the same error [16:53:08] Nevermind, I'm bad at reading instructions, apparently [16:54:04] Got "FS mount error" [16:54:13] But emCORE installer is running [16:54:51] ok, try letting it install/upgrade then [16:55:07] it will probably have trouble accessing the disk as well but might produce a more accurate error code [16:56:30] Okay. How long should I wait before suspecting something is wrong? [16:56:59] what is it currently doing? [16:57:03] and something surely IS wrong [16:57:12] I'm just trying to find out what exactly... [16:57:37] "Installing..." [16:57:40] No status bar [16:58:02] hm, give it another two minutes or so [16:58:21] but the behavior looks very similar to the boot menu not appearing [16:58:42] is the HDD spinning right now, and if so, making any access / clicking noise? [16:59:21] It does spit a 800000050 error when booting [16:59:53] No access noise [17:00:08] Just a hum [17:00:10] 800000050 while reading BBT? or ATA init error? [17:00:26] FS mount error 800000050 [17:02:48] Trying to install r859 gave an "Error formatting hard drive: 80000014" [17:02:49] ok, so that's disk_mount_all() failing with error code 0x50, which means that disk_mount() failed with the same error code [17:02:59] Okay [17:03:28] that in turn means that disk_init() failed with error code 0x14 [17:04:13] which means storage_read_sectors(0, 0, 1, 0) failed with error code 0xa [17:05:30] Which means the hard drive is basically done for? [17:06:16] that's ata_rw_chunk failing with error 0x2 [17:06:40] which is a DMA data transfer timeout [17:07:21] i.e. the disk accepted the read command, indicated that it wants to transfer data, but then didn't send any within 500 milliseconds [17:08:15] so yes, it's somewhat likely that the HDD is broken for some reason [17:08:47] you can try to restore with itunes to check if that fails as well [17:09:10] (I'd expect it to flash the apple bootloader successfully, but then fail while restoring the main firmware) [17:15:29] Trying now [17:22:37] Doesn't get past the grey Apple logo [17:23:12] hm, most likely HDD failure then