[03:17:40] *** Joins: random007 (62d21e58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [03:20:33] Greetings! I just purchased a 7th gen 160g ipod and have unsuccessfully trying to install rockbox. I get stuck at the emcore installer press menu and play buttons step. Nothing happens whe I do that. [03:27:44] I have a windows 7 computer. [04:26:41] <[Saint]> random007: the installation instructions on the emCORE/Classic wiki has a video description linked. [04:27:26] <[Saint]> If you can't get the device into DFU mode (unless the hardware is damaged, it will ALWAYS enter DFU mode when done correctly) no one can help you. [04:27:33] <[Saint]> We can't automate this step. [04:27:44] <[Saint]> Its something you need to figure out yourself. [04:28:43] <[Saint]> As long as you hold MENU+SELECT for between 12 and 15 seconds, when connected via USB, the hardware can't not enter DFU mode. [04:29:20] <[Saint]> Its important to not go /over/ 15 seconds, though, as then you'll just trigger a reboot. [04:29:58] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p57B485FE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [04:29:58] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B4903D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [05:52:28] *** Joins: bricked (02526349@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [05:52:42] hello there [05:53:17] anyone roaming here? need to ask something about a possible brick of my ipod. [05:55:11] so start, when i connect it to the pc, the lcl starts do blink black and white saying loading emcore and he version of it, latest from the tutorial at freemyipod [05:55:19] cant enter dfu [05:56:39] the battery runned out of juice, so then, i restarted the ipod into the emcore menu, and in the toos, i've deleted the configs and data of rockbox. because it refused to open again, because of battery i think. [05:57:12] now the ipod is just showing a black and white blinks witth some text [05:57:34] im not complaning about anything, i now that is a experimental thing and all of that [05:58:09] just asking, if someone have something to say about this [06:07:52] i think that emcore cant load itself from the beggening, resulting in a boot loop [06:08:37] btw, i have an ipod classic 80GB from 2007 [06:41:08] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:42:25] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [08:54:09] *** Quits: random007 (62d21e58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [13:03:59] bricked: that looks like a deeply discharged battery + weak USB port [13:04:24] lock the hold switch, connect it to USB, let it sit for a few minutes to allow it to charge a bit, then unlock the hold switch again and it should start up normally [13:32:28] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [13:33:08] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [19:18:59] gonna try it sir, thank you [19:24:58] btw, is there a way to charge the ipod offline? like in the apple firmware, when you connect the ipod to ac source a battery icon appeared and such, its possible withi emcore? [19:25:13] it will charge while it's off, just slower [19:25:33] did'nt knew it [19:25:46] but it still with the reboot problem [19:26:29] always white screen saying loading emcore ... r859 and them shuts off, and white screen again and so on :S [19:26:52] yes, because you didn't lock the hold switch as I said above [19:27:15] ist just doesn't have enough power to spin up the disk [19:27:22] its locked sir [19:27:26] because you're using a weak USB port [19:27:38] and it won't power up while connecting to USB if the hold switch is locked [19:27:46] right now' its charging with a 1A ac source [19:28:14] i locked the ipod and connected to the ac source and it power up [19:29:57] I've never seen an ipod power up while connecting to USB with the hold switch locked. they just don't do that. [19:30:48] maybe mine is different, because is just bricked :S [19:31:44] last night, it sarted to spin up the disk several times, when connected to ac or usb, maybe that ruinned the drive!? :S [19:32:20] now it stopped flashing the screen. gonna wait a little more, and post news about it [19:33:12] it's alive xD [19:33:24] yes. following instructions actually helps. [19:33:45] now, i cant forget that i cant discharge the battery all the way down :) [19:34:19] btw, another question about last versions of both rockbox and emcore [19:34:35] where can i find the last emcore version for the ipod classic 6g? [19:34:42] on our web site [19:34:44] r859 is the latest? [19:34:50] latest official release, yes [19:34:58] everything else is highly experimental and untested [19:35:32] so, not to install? [19:37:23] btw, theseven [19:37:31] thank you for you help :) [20:49:32] *** Quits: bricked (02526349@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [23:04:26] *** Joins: bricked (02526349@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:04:33] hello again [23:04:41] are you there theseven? [23:05:54] just need to ask where can i download the last version of emcore for ipod classic? im using right now the r968 witht the last build of daily rockbox and it gave me panic error, when tried to connect it to my pc [23:06:03] on the emcore menu the disk mode works pretty well [23:06:47] *PANIC* [23:07:02] usb_storage_init_connection (): OOM [23:07:17] pc:08058988 [23:07:51] pc:0805A7E0 sp: 080CB018 [23:08:00] A:08058988 [23:08:08] A:08058F70 [23:08:19] a:080472CC [23:08:20] bt end [23:11:04] *** Joins: Jay (3248ff5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [23:11:44] Hello! I am very new at this but I want to put this onto my ipod Classic! Im runninging into this problem!! [23:11:45] sudo python ipoddfu.py bootstrap-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.dfu Traceback (most recent call last): File "ipoddfu.py", line 32, in dev = libipoddfu.ipoddfu() File "/home/jay/Desktop/libipoddfu.py", line 174, in __init__ raise Exception("Could not find specified DFU device (generation = %d, type = %d)" % (generation, type)) Exception: Could not find specified DFU device (generation = 0, type = 0) [23:12:03] Any help is vastly appreciated!!! [23:13:33] I just want to get FLAC on my ipod [23:13:42] I'm using Linux Mint [23:13:58] so I guess I have to get this on my ipod then install rockbox and add songs with gtkpod?! [23:15:14] with rockbox you can unnistall gtkpod [23:15:25] because rockbox mount the ipod disk as a removable device [23:15:58] oh so first I need to uninstal gtkpod before getting rid of that error? [23:16:32] i dont think so [23:16:46] first of all you installed the emcore by the .ubi file, right? [23:17:06] next you need to enter rockbox fallback image and then connect it to pc [23:17:07] sorry just on this step here: [23:17:08] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation/iPodClassic/PrepareDFULinux [23:17:21] not sure if I have installed the emcore by the .ubi file [23:17:31] Make sure that you have python 2.6 or newer, libusb and pyusb >=1.0.0a0 installed [23:17:53] Yeah I had some problems installing that but I think I got it [23:17:56] is there a way to check [23:18:15] how do I get python 2.6 I think I have libusb and pyusb [23:18:25] i think they exists, but imho im not a linux expert :S [23:18:30] lol [23:18:33] oops me either! [23:18:53] go google for the python repository [23:18:57] and it [23:19:01] add it* [23:19:43] and run the sudo apt-get update [23:19:55] okay I'm currently trying to do that! [23:20:08] I must have missed python 2.6 I assumed it would already be installed [23:20:19] some distros have them, some not [23:20:21] oh sweet [23:20:27] I think this will do it! [23:20:36] So all I need to do is follow that wiki to get FLAC on my ipod? [23:20:39] no gtkpod? [23:20:44] no [23:21:01] gtkpod is used when you have the apple firmware on it (i thnk) [23:22:01] damn still the same error [23:22:44] do you have the ipod in dfu mode? [23:23:01] because the error says that cannot locate a dfu device [23:23:10] not sure what that is! [23:23:14] so most likely not :p [23:23:20] thanks so much btw bricked [23:23:27] you seem to know more than I do about linux lol [23:23:36] how do I run it in dfu mode [23:23:47] is need to connect the ipod to computer via usb [23:23:54] then try to enter dfu mode [23:24:02] do you know how to do ir right? [23:24:55] press and hold menu+select for about 12seconds [23:25:50] oh yeah I have been doing that when entering that into terminal [23:25:54] so not sure why its not working [23:26:32] you need to put ipod in dfu mode and then execute the phyton script [23:27:31] yeah I have been trying that [23:27:35] I wonder why its not working [23:27:47] because I put it into DFU mode [23:27:49] run the script [23:27:51] and nothing [23:27:54] I wonder if it has to do with [23:28:10] this file: [23:28:11] libipoddfu.py [23:28:17] because I dont think Im using that right now [23:28:40] bootstrap-ipodclassic.dfu do you have it? [23:29:23] yeah [23:29:24] I have [23:29:34] the one from here: [23:29:35] http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Releases/r859 [23:29:47] I didn't have this before though: [23:29:47] installer-ipodclassic.ubi [23:29:51] just downloaded it [23:30:16] soo i dunno sir :S [23:30:31] try to follow the tutorial to the letter [23:30:37] need to go dinner [23:32:42] lol okay [23:32:45] thx for the help! [23:40:01] not sure why this one wont work! [23:40:02] If you have multiple python versions installed, make sure that you're using the version that pyusb is installed into [23:57:04] *** Quits: Jay (3248ff5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)