[04:27:33] *** Quits: steffengy (~quassel@p57B49BBF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Disconnected by services) [04:27:33] *** Joins: steffengy1 (~quassel@p57B493D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [04:28:06] *** Joins: Jay_ (3248ff5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [04:44:32] Hello [04:44:44] Im not sure what to do here: [04:44:44] Your iPod should now turn on and display "UMSboot." If you run 'sudo fdisk -l' a 64 MB drive will appear without partitions, for example /dev/sdb. Next create a mount point e.g. 'mkdir -p /media/disk' and mount the disk without specifying a file type, e.g. 'sudo mount /dev/sdX /media/disk' where X is the drive letter from the previous step. It's a known issue that Linux might take a long (over 10 min) time to recognize and mo [04:44:54] I have UMSboot on my ipod [04:45:49] <[Saint]> Its not clear at all what you're asking. In fact, you're not asking anything. You made a quote, and a statement. [04:46:33] <[Saint]> Phrase that as a question and maybe someone can assist you. [04:48:21] Can someone tell me what to do in the step posted above? Creating a mount point on my ipod. [04:48:25] I've never done it before [04:48:31] and I have UMSboot ready [04:48:48] <[Saint]> The instructions tell you exactly what to do. [04:49:09] * [Saint] notes that you're the guy that decided to completely make shit up and wondered why it didn't work [04:51:06] <[Saint]> Its impossible to say what state your host is in since you decided to go off on some tangent and try doing things that no one asked you to do and the instructions didn't mention at all. [04:51:44] <[Saint]> I know what sounds agressive, but it sucks when we have clear documentation and people still make shit up and wonder why it doesn't work. [04:59:37] what do you mean make shit up? [04:59:39] lol [05:00:06] Can you help me or not? [05:00:09] <[Saint]> I read the logs of your excapades yesterday. [05:00:17] lol and? [05:00:26] what was wrong with them? [05:00:33] I have no clue what I'm doing [05:00:41] <[Saint]> Your futzing around with symlinking pyusb and python? [05:00:44] I realize I fucked up yesterday with getting my ipod into DFU mode [05:00:46] <[Saint]> And, yes, it shows. [05:00:57] yeah and then I had to reinstall linux mint because I have no idea how to fix that [05:01:00] so here I am now lol! [05:01:10] trying to get flac on my ipod using linux mint [05:01:30] I thought symlinking would make pyusb the one that is "installed" [05:01:44] I wasn't sure what those directions meant as I had mis installed libusb [05:01:52] and didnt have my ipod in DFU [05:01:56] so I finally got it into DFU [05:02:06] <[Saint]> No. What you /wanted/ to do was just prepend the python version to the command. [05:02:12] and then I restarted my computer after trying to install python [05:02:21] <[Saint]> ie. instead of doing "sudo python blah" you do sudo python2 blah" [05:02:27] <[Saint]> that simple. [05:02:49] sudo pyusb ? [05:02:52] well anyway [05:03:02] I just want flac on my ipod [05:03:04] its so sad [05:03:09] It was so rainy yesterday [05:03:14] <[Saint]> No. Not pyusb. [05:03:18] and fucked up such simple steps [05:03:20] plz plz plzzzzz [05:03:36] <[Saint]> Any instance of "python" needs to be replaced with the specific python version you want to use. [05:03:44] <[Saint]> ie. s/python/python2/ [05:04:00] <[Saint]> Otherwise the system will always use the default. [05:04:05] <[Saint]> And you don't want that, [05:06:09] I knew I should have used another user name lol [05:06:33] <[Saint]> Your IP would still give you away. ;) [05:06:49] so what does sudo fdisk -l do [05:06:54] DAMNIT [05:07:23] <[Saint]> fdisk -l just lists all mountpoints. [05:07:35] <[Saint]> it needs sudo because otherwise it couldn't access the mountpoint(s). [05:07:51] oops [05:07:53] uhhh [05:07:55] okay sweet [05:08:26] what if it doesnt list your ipod? [05:09:01] <[Saint]> Then something went wrong. [05:09:18] <[Saint]> pastebin the output of dmesg for me. [05:12:02] okay thanks Saint [05:12:06] just had to excuse myself for a second [05:12:15] so I actually have to put my ipod back into DFU [05:12:17] so one sec [05:14:03] http://pastebin.com/Ph4LgWNM [05:17:16] omg im so sorry [05:17:17] http://pastebin.com/UqEQXcV4 [05:17:20] my mom was talking to me [05:17:23] this is awful [05:17:50] <[Saint]> Well...there is is. [05:18:08] <[Saint]> /dev/sdc is the iPod [05:18:12] yeah okay [05:18:14] sweet [05:18:42] so now just [05:18:46] sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/disk [05:18:47] ? [05:19:00] or do I have to : [05:19:00] mkdir -p /media/disk [05:19:06] not sure what that command does [05:19:49] <[Saint]> mkdir is "make a directory", the -p flag says "create all aspects of the path if it doesn't exist" [05:20:07] <[Saint]> and yes, the path needs to exist before attempting to mount to it. [05:20:35] <[Saint]> I haven't used mint in fucking ages but I would be really surprised if it wasn't automounting. [05:22:13] oh geez [05:22:18] so what happens if it auto mounts [05:22:22] different path? [05:23:35] <[Saint]> If it is auto mounting it should be readily accessible via any file explorer, just the same as the system disk is. [05:23:49] ah yeah thanks [05:23:51] it wasnt there earlier [05:24:01] do you like mint :p [05:24:07] I may install something else [05:24:09] <[Saint]> Not in the slightest. [05:24:17] since my latest install fucked up [05:24:22] fair enough [05:24:25] I dont blame you [05:25:32] okay so trying to open the .ubi file [05:25:39] I just dragged it from /Desktop/Ipod [05:25:42] and that doesnt work so [05:26:16] <[Saint]> Define "doesn't work" [05:26:24] <[Saint]> You don't need to open the file at all. [05:26:36] right okay [05:26:45] so if im in the directory where the .ubi file is located [05:26:52] what do I do to move it onto sdc [05:26:55] in terminal [05:27:11] oh when I said it doesnt work I meant [05:27:35] This: was the error when trying to move the .ubi file to disk [05:27:36] Error opening file '/media/disk/installer-ipodclassic-r859-20120102.ubi': Permission denied [05:27:37] <[Saint]> the command "mount" will give you the exact path the volume is mounted to [05:28:30] <[Saint]> aha, permissions error, easily solved. "sudo cp /path/to/.ubi /path/to/ipod/mountpoint" [05:28:52] <[Saint]> (obviously those aren't real paths, only you know the exact paths currently) [05:31:20] so sorry, the path to ipod mount point [05:31:40] is something like/usr/media/disk? [05:31:59] <[Saint]> the command "mount" will give you the exact path the volume is mounted to [05:32:53] <[Saint]> you should see something like "/dev/sdc on /path/to/mount/point" [05:35:59] http://pastebin.com/CpYwjTJW [05:36:38] <[Saint]> yes [05:37:26] okay great [05:37:27] thanks [05:37:32] so its on there [05:37:34] wow [05:37:35] you rock [05:37:37] one sec brb [05:37:47] <[Saint]> And after that, "eject /media/disk" [05:37:52] <[Saint]> That part is important. [05:41:58] oh great [05:42:02] yeah I was having errors [05:42:08] I tryed sudo unmount [05:42:20] girl dont call me when im messing wit the pod [05:43:09] thanks so much Saint [05:43:18] <[Saint]> Not a problem. [05:51:29] okay this is going to be a stupid question [05:51:37] but what program do I use to add files now [05:51:55] and why wouldnt the utility let me install "Rockbox utility on player" [05:51:58] so I dont have to update [05:52:35] <[Saint]> You don't use any program to get media on the device. [05:52:38] <[Saint]> drag and drop. [05:52:42] omgggg [05:54:09] i think I love you [05:54:13] and Im sorry about yerterday [05:55:06] Thanks again Saint [05:55:07] ttyl [05:55:12] *** Quits: Jay_ (3248ff5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [06:36:44] *** Quits: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [06:38:09] *** Joins: TheSeven (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) [09:50:08] *** Joins: slenselink__ (~STeeF@office.hostnetbv.nl) [09:50:18] *** slenselink__ is now known as STeeF [13:46:21] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:47:51] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [16:33:59] *** Joins: Gabe__ (559e8b6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [16:36:31] Hi Guys, quick question, i gonna reinstall emcore (getting my ipod replaced) and on the builds page i only see older builds and they failed to compile, as i am no coder, is a build up to revision 969 available somewhere already compiled? [16:40:25] <[Saint]> Just use the release. There's a reason why there's no newer release. [16:40:38] <[Saint]> There's no reason for it really. [16:40:46] Haha :) [16:41:16] Sure, the released one works fine, figured if i'm gonna redo it i well as might ask [16:42:17] Btw, i don't know if it's of any help but i had rockbox installed, one day it started to start and reboot on it's own. [16:42:34] Now it wont even save settings in the apple firmware anymore [16:43:47] Battery wasn't charged (i have no idea how it uncharged that fast), Not sure if my device is just faulty, or if it,s a bug. [16:44:14] <[Saint]> Well...no code is shared between either firmware. Son it must be faulty hardware. [16:44:26] <[Saint]> *So it [16:45:05] yep, what i thought. Tomorrow i can bring it to the "geniuses" [16:45:25] Oh, another small question, maybe you know [16:45:46] <[Saint]> The disks in these things are notorious for fucking themselves. [16:45:53] with one device before i had trouble, Seven then explained me that some of the harddrives of the classics have a controller bug that can cause issues [16:46:02] <[Saint]> The firmware on the disks is fundamentally broken. [16:46:03] is this something that still can happen? [16:46:20] <[Saint]> Yes. See above. [16:46:22] oh lolol. that kinda answers my question :) [16:46:38] Damn you apple. But thanks for the info [16:46:42] <[Saint]> NP. [16:47:25] One final question, is there any eta on a new release? So i don't forget to keep an eye out for it? [16:48:10] Normally i'm a happy camper as the newer rockbox builds got way better than in the beginning, so i don't check often for emcore [16:49:24] <[Saint]> There's really not much to benefit from from a new emCORE release. It does what users want from it. [16:49:33] <[Saint]> It will eventually be retired. [16:49:55] <[Saint]> In favor of a native Rockbox boot loader sans the unneeded dev shit. [16:50:26] Prevent low battery conditions from causing a reboot loop <- this was fixed and is what happended to mine, that's why i'm asking ;) [16:51:13] <[Saint]> Well...no. There's no ETA. [16:51:19] <[Saint]> There never is. [16:51:46] yeah, i read some rumors about this, i'm just used to nightlys from my phone, so i wouldn't mind a build with some bugs flattened out [16:52:30] <[Saint]> In all honesty this isn't designed for end users at all. [16:52:40] <[Saint]> So there's no regular release cycle. [16:52:59] <[Saint]> Its a dev tool that users also happen to use. [16:53:41] <[Saint]> There's an actual Rockbox boot loader based off emCORE in the works behind the scenes presently. [16:53:50] <[Saint]> (But no ETA) [16:54:14] I know, that's why i'm asking, the devs most of the time know if they gonna drop a build for the masses. I, for myself have no other choice, if i would have to use the apple crapware i would become suicidal. [16:54:55] Cool stuff. Like in the old days with a boot loader? (Don't remember what ipod version i had with the boot manager) [16:56:04] <[Saint]> emCORE is essentially a glorified bootloader. It just so happens to have a metric fucktonne of Dev tools tacked onto it too. [16:58:01] Hehe. I might working in the IT field, but i'm no dev, i only do software distributions, so that's fine for me, [16:58:27] I take it over the original software any time. [16:58:28] <[Saint]> Its just that for the purposes of Rockbox alone, its overkill. And it doesn't meet the "no fancy loaders" policy. [16:58:55] <[Saint]> Introducing emCORE to the masses large scale would be a support nightmare. ;) [16:59:10] <[Saint]> That's why a streamlined version is required. [16:59:47] I can imagine, even when a trained monkey should be able to follow the steps in the install guide. [17:00:44] Sure, i, myself, don't mind, but of course will be less headache if the people have a easy to use one click tool process [17:03:45] <[Saint]> I generally advise users to set the fastboot mode to Rockbox and forget emCORE even exists when I guide installations. [17:03:50] <[Saint]> Its just...easier. [17:04:02] <[Saint]> They only want to boot Rockbox anyway. [17:04:54] True, i only needed it with older rockbox versions, because with my 8.1 i was only able to access the drive with the fallback image, but that was fixed a while back [17:13:34] Anyway, thanks for the kind chat and the infos. I will keep an eye out for the streamlined version, for me interesting for the bugfixes. I will now leave and try to explain my monkeys that they can't stage a computer i never created driver packages for it and they shall stop bugging me with machines not supported by me. ;) [17:15:42] <[Saint]> :) [18:12:02] *** Quits: Gabe__ (559e8b6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [18:42:02] *** Joins: MattyC (052ced63@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [18:42:19] *** Quits: MattyC (052ced63@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Client Quit) [20:51:09] *** Joins: hubert_ (58a57f46@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [20:52:00] hey guys. I did install emCORE v0.2.3 r859 on an ipod classic and I want to get rid of it [20:52:14] <[Saint]> restore with iTunes [20:52:27] <[Saint]> DFU mode; iTunes restore; done. [20:52:35] the thing is I am pressing the hold button but the ipod never reboot or worse reboot with the rockbox screen [20:52:46] itunes does not recognise it [20:52:51] hi saint [20:53:05] can't get the dfu mode [20:53:07] <[Saint]> Why are you pressing the hold button? That's not how one gets into DFU mode. [20:53:16] how should I then? [20:53:30] <[Saint]> The same way you got into DFU mode when you installed emCORE. [20:53:49] can you be more specific? I did install it a while ago [20:53:52] <[Saint]> MENU+SELCT; 12~15s w/ USB plugged. [20:53:56] and it was a pain [20:54:05] but I can't remember hos I did it [20:54:08] <[Saint]> Our documentation describes this process. [20:54:16] ok thanks [20:54:19] will try again [20:55:07] <[Saint]> USB _must_ be plugged, and you cannot hold menu+select for any longer than 15s [20:55:14] <[Saint]> or any less than 12 [20:55:42] it keeps rebooting again and again on riockbox [20:56:44] <[Saint]> Make sure USB is plugged; engage hold; disengage hold; hold menu+select for 12~15s [20:56:46] now iget the blcak screen but no DFU peripheric appears [20:57:24] <[Saint]> No device will mount. [20:57:35] <[Saint]> You won;t see anything unless you specifically look at the device tree. [20:57:36] ok [20:57:42] now itunes recognise it [20:57:46] thanks a lot mate [20:57:57] <[Saint]> Not a problem. Its why I'm here. ;) [20:58:46] well [20:58:53] it is a bit hard to connect [20:59:01] never been on IRC before :) [20:59:10] but big thanks you [20:59:32] *** Quits: hubert_ (58a57f46@gateway/web/freenode/ip. (Quit: Page closed) [22:39:39] *** Quits: krnlyng (~liar@ (Quit: huiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) [22:39:58] *** Joins: krnlyng (~liar@ [23:56:47] [Saint]: if anyone wants trunk builds so bad, just throw http://files.freemyipod.org/~build/apps/installer-ipodclassic.ubi at them next time :) [23:57:39] and warn them to NOT use diskmode [23:58:17] unless they want to debug and fix the FS corruption issue [23:58:47] <[Saint]> No. [23:58:50] <[Saint]> Sorry. [23:58:58] <[Saint]> I can't in any good conscious do so. [23:59:13] <[Saint]> It just means more work for one of use later on.